Douluo: Start with obtaining the Flying Sword Skill

Chapter 262 Does it really exist?

Chapter 262 Does it really exist?
Luo Jianxin didn't know why, every time he finished killing someone, blood would ooze from this scar inexplicably, like a curse.

Wiping the blood from his hands.

At this time, Xue Li held the lamp and walked downstairs, seeing Luo Jianxin beside the stream, she walked in his direction.

Hearing the approaching footsteps and the scent of plum blossoms, Luo Jianxin knew who was coming without looking back.

The fragrance of plum blossoms on her body, as well as her figure, were actually very familiar to Luo Jianxin before, and she felt that she had seen them somewhere before, but he couldn't remember.

Luo Jianxin didn't look back, and washed his hands on his own, but said coldly: "You haven't slept yet."

Xue Li walked to Luo Jianxin's side, held the lamp, looked at Luo Jianxin who was washing the blood from his hands, and said, "Whenever you go out at night, I can't sleep."

As she said that, she took another step closer to Luo Jianxin, but Luo Jianxin didn't turn back, and just said, "Leave me alone."

After a long time of killing, Luo Jianxin's mentality is also a little unstable at the moment.

And looking at Luo Jianxin in this state, Xue Li realized at this moment that the person in front of him was obviously only a few years younger than her.

Thus looking at Luo Jianxin who was so lonely, he couldn't help but feel pity for him.

Then he put the light in his hand aside, came to his side, squatted down slowly, took out a handkerchief from his pocket, and handed it to Luo Jianxin.

"Take it to wipe the blood."

Luo Jianxin glanced slightly, was stunned for a while, then took the handkerchief, and applied it on the bleeding scar on his face.

Xue Li looked at Luo Jianxin with big bright eyes, and for some reason, felt uncomfortable, feeling that the young man in front of him was a bit pitiful.

"In the future... will you continue to kill people?"

Listening to what she said, Luo Jianxin lowered his head and remained silent without answering, as if he had acquiesced.

Xue Li naturally understood it, and slowly stood up, leaving Luo Jianxin's side.

From the beginning to the end, Luo Jianxin didn't turn his head to look at her, it seemed that he didn't want her to see himself in such a mess.

The next day, Xue Li was working, and Luo Jianxin came back from the outside, the two glanced at each other, did not talk, just passed each other.

When Luo Jianxin returned to his room, he saw a small vase on the ground with a flower that Luo Jianxin didn't know, obviously Xue Li put it here.

Because there is nothing to come to his room, only Xue Li who is in charge of cleaning.

Luo Jianxin didn't care too much, leaned against the wall, closed his eyes and rested.

At noon, Luo Jianxin came downstairs and sat on the old seat, while Xue Li, who was working at the moment, came over with a plate.

Xu Kun said to Xue Li who was handing him food: "Miss Li, I'm sorry to trouble you, thank you."

Xue Li just nodded slightly, didn't say anything, then came to Luo Jianxin and gave him his portion of the meal.

Then she looked at Luo Jianxin, and said with some concern: "You have to eat well."

It's like how a sister cares for her younger brother. After speaking, Xue Li got up and continued to work.

Luo Jianxin remained silent and did not speak.

But those people around are not as good as their mouths, they laughed and joked: "This is basically a sister-brother relationship."

"It's a good match, right? Hahahahaha."

"A match made in heaven."

Luo Jianxin also didn't pay attention to what they said, picked up the plate, and was about to eat, Xu Kun turned to look at Luo Jianxin, leaned slightly towards him, and said in a low voice.

"That woman never smiles, she's such a weird woman." As he spoke, he glanced at Xue Li who was working again.

In fact, what he said was not only about Xue Li, but also about Luo Jianxin. Xue Li and him were exactly the same.

At night, Xu Kun found Ye Lin and told him the recent incident between Luo Jianxin and Xue Li.

"Really? Kenshin."

And another person on the side said: "Could it be a spy sent by the evil soul master?"

"I don't know."

Xu Kun said: "According to Jian Xin, the woman saw the scene of his murder, so I can only keep her by my side."

Ye Lin asked, "What is the origin of that woman's life experience?"

Another replied: "From the way she behaves, she doesn't look like a normal civilian."

"And she can read and write, she should have come from the home of a soul master, and then came here after losing her support."

"At present, there is no sign of her contacting the outside world."

But at this moment Xu Kun said: "However, the situation of Jian Xin makes me very worried."

He couldn't help but recall when he went to find Luo Jianxin tonight.

Before he walked to the door, he said, "Talk about Jian Xin, tonight..."

And when he walked to the door and looked at the situation inside.


Xue Li sat inside and made a silent gesture towards him. Seeing this, Xu Kun also stopped his voice.

Then he whispered to him: "Mr. Jianxin is asleep."

Xu Kun looked at Luo Jianxin who was sitting there with his eyes closed, as if he had fallen asleep.

back this way.

Ye Lin also said in disbelief, "You said Jian Xin."

"In front of others..."

Instead, Xu Kun said: "It feels like he has become a human being, gradually becoming the same as when he first came here."

Ye Lin glanced at him, and then showed a thoughtful expression.

At this moment, Xue Li was staying in Luo Jianxin's room, looking out the window, thinking something in her mind, until there was a sound of footsteps behind her, she turned her head to check.

It turned out that it was Ye Lin and Xu Kun who came. Ye Lin came to the door, smiled at Xue Li, and said, "I'm sorry to bother you so late, is it convenient now?"

And Xue Li took two steps forward, subconsciously thinking that they were looking for Luo Jianxin, and said: "Mr. Jianxin will go out every night when I am at night."

"I know." Ye Lin said, and then walked in.

Seeing him like this, Xue Li also understood that he didn't come to find Luo Jianxin, and then she sat down slowly, "Then, do you have something to do with me?"

Ye Lin also sat across from her and said, "I can understand one thing."

Ye Lin looked at the dark sky outside, "During this period of one or two years, the Lost City has been almost completely eroded."

"When they fall completely, their claws will extend to other cities. In order to prevent this from happening, we must fall into "crazy"."

"And let Jian Xin, as the so-called "crazy" pioneer of justice, shoulder the cruelest responsibility."

Ye Lin is also helpless, because now only Luo Jianxin can shoulder this responsibility.

Then he turned around to look at Xue Li, and said with a slightly solemn meaning: "I hope you don't let her sword lose its sharpness."

Early the next morning, Xue Li came to the door of Luo Jianxin's room, and looked at Luo Jianxin who had woken up and was wiping the red blood blade.

"May I come in?"

Seeing that Luo Jianxin didn't speak, but put the Scarlet Blood Blade into the scabbard, Xue Li also understood, and then walked in.

Then he sat in front of Luo Jianxin and said to him: "Can you accompany me to a place."

Luo Jianxin was silent and did not speak.

Afterwards, Luo Jianxin and Xue Li came to the busiest street in the Lost City.

Most of the people on this street are civilians, who don't understand the current chaos in the Lost City, and seem to be enjoying themselves.

Walking in the crowd, driving pedestrians, and at this moment a carriage came in front of him, a child poked his head out, looked at the people around him, and showed a happy smile.

Xue Li followed the carriage with his gaze, and then said, "What a lovely child."

"Sitting in the carriage, accompanied by his parents who love him the most, he goes to the end of happiness."

"With the care of his parents, if he sticks his head out, they must be worried about whether he will fall off the carriage."

Xue Li paused for a moment, and then said: "Everyone here is a beloved child of their parents, and everyone has their own beloved."

"And they feel that the person they love will always be there for them,"

"Living in peace like this will continue like this forever."

Then she looked at Luo Jianxin beside her.

"A fight for peace, does it really exist?"

"As long as it is for the stability and peace of the society, as long as there are lofty ideals, then it is considered to sacrifice some small things."

"Is there really nothing you can do? Aren't you... a victim too?"

She looked at Luo Jianxin, waiting for his answer.

Afterwards, Luo Jianxin finally spoke, "This society, like that carriage, keeps moving forward."

"People and everything ride in the wagon, and go with the wagon."

"But some people stopped in front of the carriage, trying to lead her into a bottomless abyss."

"People's future should be determined by themselves."

"In order to be able to do this, someone has to swing a knife and kill these obstacles."

"And that person... just happens to be me, us, it's that simple."

After speaking, Luo Jianxin turned around, walked into the crowd, and left, leaving only Xue Li standing there watching his back as he drifted away.

He also kept thinking about what Luo Jianxin said just now.

At the same time, in the stronghold of the destroying team under the evil soul master.

A group of people in uniform walked in swaggeringly.

When he walked in, he saw a man who had been hung up and covered in blood, and he knew that he had suffered very serious abuse.

And the people inside put him down, "You damn guy."

Then the people inside looked at the group of people who came in from the outside, and greeted the leader, "Tianfei."

Then he walked over, came to Xu Tianfei, and handed him a stack of papers.

Xu Tianfei took it and opened the paper to check it.

And the man said to him: "The others were burned, but this was found in the corner."

"Those guys from the evil exorcising team actually want to find a windy day, set fire to the city lord's mansion, and then take advantage of the chaos to occupy it."

Xu Tianfei didn't speak, but carefully looked at the content on the paper.

"As long as we can stop this conspiracy, we will be able to make great achievements, and the rewards from above will not be small." The man said, and couldn't help laughing.

"Then use this to avenge the hatred of those who died on our side."

As he said that, he also touched the person lying on the ground covered in blood.

After reading the contents of the paper, Xu Tianfei was also very angry. He crumpled the paper into a ball and threw it on the ground forcefully.

But now it was night, Luo Jianxin was still walking on the street.

"A fight for peace, does it really exist?"

"As long as it is for the stability and peace of the society, as long as there are lofty ideals, then it is considered to sacrifice some small things."

I kept thinking about what Xue Li said in my mind.

He also understands in his heart that true absolute stability cannot exist, but what can be done, is it just to watch innocent people die for the purpose of those ugly people?

Luo Jianxin couldn't do it, in order to move in the direction of justice, then death was inevitable, and it was unreasonable for those people with twisted hearts.

Then there is only one way, to control violence with violence.

On the other side, the members of the destroying team have already begun to organize the population.

"Zhang San, Li Si, wait for your people and go to the target location in the east of the city. Once you find someone from the evil exorcising team, shoot them to death!"

"Others, follow me."

And Xu Tianfei on the other side also stood up, "Let's go!"

On the other side, Luo Jianxin, who was walking on the street, heard hurried footsteps behind him.


Hearing someone calling him, before Luo Jianxin turned his head, he saw Xu Kun running in front of him and pulling him to the wall.

Xu Kun's expression was tense, his body was already drenched in sweat, and he whispered to Luo Jianxin.

"Lord Ye Pavilion is in danger!"

Luo Jianxin was a little confused, and asked, "What's going on?"

"Huanliang, who has been pretending to be a businessman, is actually investigating secretly."

"I was taken away by the team destroying team this morning." Xu Kun said to Luo Jianxin, the more excited he became.

"Tonight, some team members got together to discuss something."

"Mr. Lie Lin and others plan to find a windy day to set fire to the City Lord's Mansion occupied by the evil soul master, and then find an opportunity to come back strategically."

"Lord Ye Ge wants to stop their actions."

Luo Jianxin was taken aback, although he could understand, after being suppressed for so long, he couldn't bear it.

But he couldn't figure it out, even if they managed to occupy it, how long could they occupy it with their current manpower, when the evil soul masters counterattacked, the casualties would be even more serious.

Luo Jianxin asked, "Where are they gathered?"

"There is a Qiluo Pavilion in the east of the city. If Huanliang confesses about the Qiluo Pavilion, not only will the forest be cracked, but Pavilion Master Ye will also be in danger."

Luo Jianxin also understood the seriousness of the matter at this moment. Now that Ye Lin had broken one of his hands, he couldn't exert much fighting power at all.

Hearing this, Luo Jianxin ran towards the direction of the Qiluo Pavilion that Xu Kun said, and Xu Kun was so tired that he fell to the ground and couldn't even get up.

(End of this chapter)

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