Douluo: Starting from transforming Xiao Wu into a Zerg Queen

Chapter 59 The keen Ghost Douluo has been discovered!

Chapter 59 The keen Ghost Douluo has been discovered!
The gene stock solution was poured into Lin Fan's body first-class along the blood thread connected to Lin Fan's body like it was free of money.

Lin Fan tightly closed his eyes, his consciousness was in a state of confusion.

I tried my best to force out a sentence from between my teeth: "Master, you, you are fucking me! Why, it hurts so much!!!"

[This transformation will help Master Juggernaut to break away from the category of ordinary life as much as possible, and carry out real flesh and blood strengthening and gene mutation]

【Therefore, a large amount of gene stock solution injection and gene enhancement are required】

【Please wait patiently, Lord Master】


Lin Fan kept screaming in pain, only feeling that the skin all over his body was being peeled off bit by bit.

At the same time, countless needles kept piercing any part of his body.

The bone seemed to be broken by a forcible blow, the burning heat mixed with the pain severely stimulated Lin Fan's nerves.

Every minute, every second is a torment!
But Lin Fan didn't dare to make any moves.

Because in the fusion production of explosive worms before, Lin Fan still vividly remembered the extremely unstable characteristics and dangerous consequences of the genetic stock solution when mixed together.

If these genetic liquids have undergone some changes in their bodies due to their own disturbances, a violent explosion has occurred.

It's too late to cry!

Grumpy Grumpy!

I don't know how long the gene stock solution has been infused, and Lin Fan's consciousness has long been numb by the continuous severe pain.

Between half-dream and half-awake, he felt his physical condition in a daze.

Finally, the injection of the last gene stock solution was completed.

The blood thread wrapped around Lin Fan slowly and tightly, forming a huge airtight cocoon.

The golden energy liquid transformed from energy surged into the cocoon, bringing infinite vitality to Lin Fan's dilapidated body!

At the same time, in the Star Dou Great Forest, the ground all over the place was shaking constantly, violently!

The Zerg army almost came out in full force, and any living organisms within the detection field of view were swallowed up by the Zerg army, and the worker bees quickly dragged them back to the insect nest and threw them into the corruption pool.

Converted into energy, it provided energy for Lin Fan's strengthening and the Queen of Blades' hatching.

In Lin Fan's remaining consciousness, he felt as if his whole body was surrounded by a stream of warm water.

These water flows are extremely warm and moist, making every inch of my body's skin seem to be sublimated, and it is extremely refreshing!

At the same time, the bones all over his body itched instantly, as if something was slowly crawling on the bones in his body, constantly scratching the bones with his limbs!
Lin Fan's consciousness cycled back and forth between tension and relaxation, and finally couldn't hold on anymore, and fell into a deep sleep
And thousands of miles away in the southwest of Tiandou Empire.

Province of Fasno.

Holy Spirit Village.

A plainly dressed little boy was standing at the entrance of the village holding the hand of a gray-haired old man.

The little boy has short black hair, clean and neat.The skin takes on a healthy tan.

A heavy-looking luggage was carried on his thin shoulders, but the little boy did not show any signs of exertion.

The little boy looked back at the humblest and most conspicuous blacksmith shop at the head of the village, but the person he was expecting in his heart did not appear.

"It's getting late, Xiaosan, we should go."

Old Jack looked at the tightly closed door of the blacksmith shop, snorted coldly, then showed a warm smile and took the little boy's hand and said slowly.

The little boy pursed his lips, with a hint of disappointment in his eyes, then nodded and said, "Thank you, Grandpa Jack! Thank you for taking care of me!"

"Hahahahaha, Xiaosan, you have to work hard when you go to school, and strive to become a powerful soul master. Grandpa, I have some comfort in my heart!"


Two figures, one old and one young, walked out of Holy Soul Village slowly, and soon disappeared.

On the back hill of Holy Soul Village, an extremely scruffy man looked at the thin figure going away from afar.

Slightly pensive, with a momentary blankness in his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

Then he took a sip of strong wine suddenly, and the figure disappeared within a few breaths.

It's just that there is a rusty iron lock on the door of the blacksmith shop at the head of the village.

Above the sky, above the thick clouds of Wanmi High School.

A shadow slowly floated over, and two scarlet spots could see all of this through the thick clouds.
Afterwards, in the mountain behind the holy soul village, there was a silent valley with no people in it.

A burst of strange purple-black raindrops suddenly floated down from the sky, evenly sprinkled on the ground.

After a while, the rain stopped.

A huge body fell quietly, and countless purple-black hideous creatures filed out, and soon dug out a huge underground cave and got in.

Three figures galloped towards the outskirts of the Star Dou Great Forest.

Then he stopped and looked at the Star Dou Forest in front of him.

Among the three of them, a pitch-black figure was hidden in the shadows, and the whole body was pitch-black.

It is full of mystery and at the same time, it almost makes people ignore this figure subconsciously, as if this person does not exist in this world.

The face was also pitch black, as if covered with a shadow that would never dissipate.

This pitch-black figure spoke first, "Something's wrong."

A soft-looking, pale-faced man in a purple robe next to him nodded and said, "Where are all the soul beasts in this forest?"

Hearing this, Snake Lance Douluo's expression turned ugly, and he suddenly remembered the time when he brought His Royal Highness here before.

In the Star Dou Great Forest, it seems that it also looks like this.

Seeing Snake Lance Douluo's expression, the man in purple nodded inaudibly, exchanged a glance with the pitch-black figure, and said, "Let's go, the business is important. His Majesty the Pope is still waiting for us."

The three of them stabilized their bodies and galloped towards the interior of the Star Dou Forest led by Snake Lance Douluo.

Above the sky, a king worm slowly revealed half of its body from behind the clouds, its scarlet eyes staring closely at the figures of the three.

The clouds gradually drifted past.

One after another, huge black figures loomed in the clouds, forming a large pitch-black net that tightly covered the sky above the entire Star Dou Forest.
As for the three galloping in the Star Dou Great Forest, Ghost Douluo suddenly stopped, and the black mist on his body suddenly spread out.

Ju Douluo was startled, and hurriedly asked: "What's the matter, old ghost?"

Snake Lance Douluo also stopped, looking at the two puzzled.

Ghost Douluo frowned tightly, and said uncertainly: "I seem to feel that something is staring at me!"

Chrysanthemum Douluo's complexion changed upon hearing this.

I have cooperated with Ghost Douluo for a period of six years, and Ju Douluo knows exactly what Ghost Douluo has.

He never questioned Ghost Douluo's words.

Since Ghost Douluo said someone was watching, someone must be watching him and the others.

But, who is so bold, dare to stare at the three Titled Douluo? !
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(End of this chapter)

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