Douluo starts with the Pea Shooter

Chapter 45 Yinsheng Mentor

Lan Nuo's viewpoint is indeed somewhat heretical for the soul masters who have been baptized by the family soul master propaganda in this era. From this point, it is not difficult to see that the contradiction between the family soul masters and the Spirit Hall has almost reached an irreconcilable point, and the head-on confrontation between the two sides may start at any time.

"We are in a turbulent era. The contradiction between the Spirit Hall and the family soul masters will become more and more acute in the future. Perhaps we will see the war between the two sides in our lifetime, and this is actually the best opportunity for civilian soul masters like you and me.

Oscar, your spirit is food-based. You are not suitable for small-scale soul master group battles. You can provide powerful gains for thousands of soldiers and reduce logistical pressure. Even teachers cannot fail to understand this truth. I know that everyone has prejudices against the Spirit Hall, but you have to decide your own future, not be swayed by the opinions of others."

The scene was silent for a while, and Zhao Wuji left angrily, but he was a little reluctant halfway through, so he came back and picked up two chicken legs, and then left in a hurry.

Flanders looked at Lan Nuo deeply and left. If what Lan Nuo said was unreasonable and just out of the rebellious psychology of young people, then he would definitely give this kid a good beating. But the sophisticated Flanders knew that Lan Nuo saw more clearly than most people. The Spirit Hall was not an evil organization. He just stood on the opposite side of the spirit master family representing traditional forces.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little discouraged. He was arrogant and wanted to build a monster school, but what could he really give to students? Is his teaching quality really better than that of the Spirit Hall? What about cultivation resources? What about soul ring acquisition? If it weren't for the children's own outstanding talents and hard work, would they have achieved today's results?

The four people from Shrek Academy left the cafeteria with their own concerns, leaving a mess of cups and plates.

Flanders sat at the door of Shrek Academy, looking at the crooked sign he had nailed on with his own hands, and was stunned. What exactly is a monster school?

"Teacher, are you thinking, what exactly is a monster academy?" A voice suddenly appeared beside him, breaking Flanders's thoughts, and Lan Nuo sat quietly beside him.

"Why is our school motto to only accept monsters, not ordinary people? Since you are already a monster, you will still be a monster after graduation, and there is nothing to be proud of!

Why can't Shrek Academy be an academy that trains ordinary people into monsters? Isn't this more in line with the name of Shrek?" Lan Nuo took out a handful of melon seeds from somewhere and gave half to Flanders. While eating melon seeds, he said:

"I can see that the teacher wants to do big things, but it is too difficult for him to break through the Title Douluo, so he established the academy, but what is a big thing? Just like Oscar's puzzled success, training Will there be a few Title Douluo? But Dai Mubai, Oscar, Ma Hongjun, as long as they don't die young, they can at least become Soul Douluo, right? This doesn't actually change anything, except that you have an additional identity as a teacher.

I think the real big thing is something that can change the world, just like the Spirit Hall, which broke the family's monopoly on soul power like the beginning of the world. I'm afraid the only thing that can be comparable or even surpassed is breaking the soul master's monopoly on soul power.

I don't know how to do it specifically, and I don't know if it is possible to succeed, but it's worth a try, isn't it? "

Flanders pushed his glasses and smiled: "You are not old enough Big, to the point of lecturing me, you are talking about a big deal, but I don't have that much ability.

Maybe I was wrong at the beginning! At that time, I was still young and felt that I was different. If I wanted to open an academy, I would rather have nothing than something bad. As a result, after so many years, Shrek has not even gathered seven people. It's true that in my academy, only a few of us teachers can show off, how can we attract outstanding soul masters to join? Birds know to build nests before finding mates.

But you have to start and end things. Since you kids have chosen Shrek, I have to be responsible to the end. I can't let you waste your youth in vain. That's the real I have failed all these years of hard work.

Get ready! Tomorrow we will go to the Soto Fighting Arena. You can't use your stone throwing method there. Be careful not to get beaten into a pig's head! "

Lan Nuo touched his nose and looked at Flanders who turned and walked out of the campus. He suddenly felt that Shrek was much stronger than he thought. He directly proposed the theory that the Spirit Hall was not an evil organization, but he was not excluded because of it. The real world is different from the words in the story after all. Flanders, who is greedy, protective, and helps relatives but not the truth, seems to have a rational and calm side. At least as a teacher, he is qualified.

Lan Nuo originally wanted to be an undercover in Shrek, and then tip off the Spirit Hall, leak information, and make money from it, but after getting along with the people here for a while, he gradually gave up this idea. Shrek Academy is not full of bastards and scum.

With this in mind, Lan Nuo was prepared to target only the family spirit masters during his undercover work, such as Tang San and Ning Rongrong. As for Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing, they could be considered friends before they defeated their brothers. As for after that, for the sake of Master Mao, he would not betray them.

After all, Master Mao was probably a member of the Zhu family. His spirit was too much like the Nether Spirit Cat. If you think about it carefully, how could a family not have men? It was normal to have male cats.

On the clone side, Lan Nuo was talking nonsense, turning into a life mentor. On the main body side, he had already flown back to Tiandou City. When he landed, his mouth was crooked. It was not because he was happy, but because the wind blew.

When he went there, Ju Douluo carried him, and he had the soul power of a Titled Douluo to protect him. When he came back, Ju Douluo tied a rope around his waist and pulled him back, just like flying a kite.

Lan Nuo said that before he traveled through time, he was also a genius and a tyrant. Aerodynamics was not easy to master, so he did not refuse this way of flying.

Back then, there was a quota for admission to Tsinghua University, but he did not go. On the one hand, it was too far away from home and he would miss home. On the other hand, the person who was recommended was not him...

Because of a slight difference in thought, he did not go to Tsinghua University, resulting in his failure to learn aerodynamics. When he landed, his hair had been blown into a killer.

Behind Lan Nuo, Master Mao landed leisurely, elegant and timeless, pointing at Lan Nuo's hair and mocking mercilessly: "Hey! Isn't this the genius soul master with two soul bones? I haven't seen you for a long time, and you are so lame?"

Lan Nuo: "..."


The dark gold claws swung down mercilessly, and five sword-like slashes covered Master Mao. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and jumped sideways through the gaps in the sword energy.

When Master Mao looked up, he saw Lan Nuo holding a bottle of plums in his hand, opening the illustration page and facing him, showing a look of disappointment.

Master Mao: "..."

He suddenly felt a chill in his crotch. He was able to get through the gap of the dark gold claws because he was slender. The problem was that if he got hard somewhere, it would be a completely different ending.

Ju Gui Er Douluo: "..."

This kid can actually combine the three elements of meanness, shamelessness, and vulgarity so harmoniously and even integrate them into the battle. His future is definitely limitless!

[To be continued]

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