Douluo starts with the Pea Shooter

Chapter 655 Power Gap

The legions of the Sun and Moon Empire have arrived on a strange continent, and it will be impossible to conquer the world entirely by their own strength. Although there are a large number of troop transport ships on the fleet, only less than 20,000 can come this time. This The number is already quite large in a regional war, but it is still far from enough to annihilate an entire continent of soul beasts.

Therefore, local forces must be mobilized. Most of the people brought are not combatants, but engineers who are good at various soul tools. What they have to do is to build factories according to the local environment and recruit local people. Workers produce corresponding hybrid guides, and then distribute them in batches to the legions with components on this continent, allowing them to use these things to fight against the soul beasts.

After investigating the local situation so far, they believe that the most practical soul guides should be armored vehicles and helicopters. They can completely manufacture these two things, especially armored vehicles, which are particularly suitable for use in the current environment.

The body of an ordinary soul master cannot compete with the strength of steel. Even if it reaches the level of Contra, if the soul power is not used to defend the skin, the strength will not exceed the strength of steel.

Therefore, armored vehicles protected by steel plates can actually resist the attacks of a large number of soul beasts. Only at the level of ten thousand years can they have the ability to break through the defense of armored vehicles. Soul beasts with thunder and lightning attributes do have certain advantages for armored vehicles with metal shell defense. It has a restraining effect, but if a layer of insulation is added inside the cockpit, the effect of their mines will be greatly reduced.

Although sitting in a car will affect mobility to a certain extent, most of the subsequent battles will be positional battles. It is difficult to fight in areas with too complex terrain such as forests. There is no need for people to engage in mobile battles such as armored floods. Just push along the edge of the forest as a battle line.

At this time, firepower and defense are more important, and humans have also begun to build their own defense formulas around the forest. At this time, the role of these armored vehicles was revealed. After removing the weapons from the armored vehicle, it can be used as a transport vehicle. It can even be used as a construction machine after adding some equipment.

Dig trenches around the forest. Build walls and build some defense systems. With these construction machines, the efficiency is much higher than using human digging.

Originally, the forest was covered with clouds to block the sunlight. There was a temporary stalemate with humans. But because the sunlight was blocked, many plants in the forest stopped growing, and many spirit beasts lost their food sources and had to attack the human world outwards to obtain food.

In this process, the fronts of both sides gradually came to a stalemate. At the beginning, the exchange ratio between soul beasts and humans made the soul beast side more gratified. Too many humans on the human side were weak and ordinary people. Even if they occupied With a certain terrain advantage and a certain preparation advantage, the losses would be more severe than those of the soul beasts.

But as some beings who can drive huge machines appeared among humans, the pen exchange began to become less optimistic, and the soul beasts discovered a huge problem.

These machines have powerful construction capabilities, and some are equipped with special magic-like abilities that can turn the constructed soil into a rock-like solid structure, so a circle appears around the forest, like a dam. Generally, a wall is as solid as a rock. Humans can stand behind the wall to set fire to the forest, and they can also fight back against the spirit beasts that attack outwards.

The defensive power of this wall is even higher than that of the armor of the chariot. Even one or two rounds of the Ten Thousand Year Soul Beast's skills cannot break the wall.

Amidst this level of bombardment, the wall can still remain invisible, and when the humans are ready to launch an attack, the isolation doors on the wall will open. Then armored vehicles will take the initiative and bombard the forest in front. In the process, large areas of the forest will be destroyed and ignited. When the soul beasts are preparing to counterattack, these armored vehicles will quickly move along the exiting isolation door. And return.

In this way, the forward advance can be completed with minimal losses. After the initial advance is completed and the forest is pushed back, the next step will be the most difficult battle. All armored vehicles will be dispatched to stand at the front and hold back the forest. When the soul beast attacks in the forest, the engineering team at the rear will build a new wall on the previously prepared foundation as quickly as possible. The formed prefabricated materials will be transported here first, and then quickly assembled and spliced. A few days are enough to build a wall, and the soul beasts will definitely come to destroy it during this process, which is why the battle during this process is the most brutal.

A large number of armored vehicles and engineering personnel will be killed in this process, but this process is also the most critical. After the new fence is built, the firepower advantage over the forest is established in one step. The distance between each fence is about 2km. At this distance, the long-range firepower from the human side can be projected through artillery, and it can continue to advance significantly. Most of the soul beasts are members who are good at close combat. It is difficult to threaten the artillery positions behind the wall. They can only use force attacks and fight with the wall to death. Only after breaking through the wall can they threaten. Go to the artillery positions in the rear.

Artillery is also a brand new and very powerful invention for this continent. He is almost like a king on the battlefield.

Under the coverage of fire, all enemies will be wiped out. Today's era and technology are far from developed to the level of the information age. So this is an era where firepower is king. Whoever can deliver more firepower at a longer distance and in a shorter time can cause greater destruction.

Although the Sun and Moon Empire did not develop normal artillery shells, it already knew how to extract energy from minerals. Although the principle of explosives on earth is different. But it has gotten rid of the limitation of relying on the energy of the human body to output. The energy exploded in the cannonball is the energy accumulated by humans into a smaller cannonball through chemical reactions.

The rate at which industry accumulates energy is faster than the rate at which individuals accumulate energy. I don’t know how many orders of magnitude. In this case, as long as cannonballs can be replenished with energy through methods other than the human body, firepower will be extremely powerful in this era. It seems almost endless.

The clouds in the sky can block the direct rays of light in the sky, but there is no way to prevent the cannonballs from penetrating the clouds and falling from the sky. As for continuing to add a cover to your own forest. The strength of this cover is far inferior to the explosive power of enemy shells.

The cost of defense is much higher than that of offense, especially in such a scene where thousands of guns are fired.

Originally, in terms of long-range attacks, soul beasts had an advantage over humans because of their numerical advantage, and they often overwhelmed humans.

But after a large number of artillery was transported to the battlefield, the situation completely changed. What humans project is the chemical energy accumulated by the sun on the earth's surface for countless years, while soul beasts can only rely on their bodies and absorb soul power to release their own energy. The energy gap between the two sides has already widened in terms of order of magnitude. Naturally, Make judgments in the confrontation.

Even if the soul beasts have a numerical advantage, they are still at a huge disadvantage in terms of energy delivery. In fact, the gap in this aspect has already been revealed during the previous focusing of the sun's light.

The civilizations of both sides are no longer on the same level. This can be seen from the scale of energy that can be delivered. The Sun and Moon Empire can already project solar energy, and it is a waste if they don't care about the continuous projection of energy. Even now, a large amount of sunlight is focused on the forest, constantly heating the water vapor, allowing it to evaporate as high as possible into the sky.

When this water vapor evaporates, it will join the convection currents of the atmosphere and fly to other places along the monsoon. If water evaporation cannot continue to consume the water source in the forest, the thickness of the clouds will become thinner and thinner under exposure to the sun. Eventually it completely disappears and loses its protection.

At the same time, during this process, the clouds were also absorbing heat, and the entire forest became sultry and humid. In fact, the underground of the forest is getting drier, and the groundwater has been gradually drained.

If all the groundwater is really drained, it will also be a disaster for the forest, because in the next rainfall, a large amount of water will seep into the ground due to the lack of groundwater. So no matter how much rainfall comes, the drought in this area will continue unless the rainfall continues here. In order to maintain the natural ecological environment of this forest.

Such extravagant and energy-wasting rays of light restrained most of the top soul beasts in the forest, and they had to devote all their strength to fight against them. It was during this confrontation that the top soul beasts realized that the gap between the two sides had widened at the level of civilization. If we compare the overall energy delivery scale, they will definitely suffer a big loss. The only advantage they have now is their individual strength.

The cultivation talents of the soul masters on this continent are actually slightly stronger than those of the people in the Sun and Moon Empire. After all, the effects of soul guides, industrial people, and industrial and commercial selections from the Sun and Moon Empire are actually relatively poor.

Human evolution itself also depends on artificial selection. In other words, what kind of people can occupy a higher social status and give birth to more offspring, and their genes will gain greater advantages in future survival. The talent of the soul masters in the Sun and Moon Empire is worse than that of Douluo. In fact, it cannot be attributed to innate problems, but also their own problems.

Douluo has not developed soul guidance devices, which means that the impact of martial arts on human beings is even greater. People with powerful martial spirits are more likely to survive and give birth to more offspring under tens of thousands of years of selection. Under artificial selection, naturally only the more powerful martial souls can survive, while those who are not strong enough are eliminated.

The Sun and Moon Empire had already discovered the existence of soul guides a long time ago. As a result, the intensity of this manual screening is greatly reduced. Because as long as you have soul power, as long as your soul power improves quickly enough, you even only need to increase your soul power fast enough in the early stage. You can become a qualified soul mentor and gain an excellent social status. The strength of the martial spirit itself was weakened in this process. The effect of artificial selection becomes worse. If it is one generation or two generations, the difference cannot be seen. In the early days of Douluo, the number of titled Douluo was also very small. There are very few people who can break through to the limit, Douluo level. It took tens of thousands of years to develop to this point.

And as time went by, the gap between the two sides gradually widened in the process.

However, it has evolved to be powerful at the genetic level through artificial selection. The speed and efficiency are far from comparable to those of industry. If the God Realm had not intervened in this process, the Sun-Moon Empire would have already far surpassed it in terms of comprehensive national strength.

And now, with the liberation of thought, their technology has advanced rapidly, and in terms of comprehensive national strength, it has far surpassed the other three countries on the continent. This is also an important reason why they are able to expedition to another continent.

A large number of explosives on the battlefield continuously deliver energy, blowing up forests one after another.

The range of several kilometers has exceeded the understanding of many soul beasts. They even thought that there were powerful soul masters on the front line who summoned meteors in space. This caused such a terrible result.

They never thought that these explosives were actually launched from the ground, taking a parabola. And Qiyao never thought that these explosives were actually launched from the ground, taking a parabola, and hitting their forest at an extremely long distance.

The battle continued to this point, and the area of ​​the soul beast forest has begun to shrink sharply. Humans quickly turned the places where the soul beast forests were originally entrenched into their own farmland or factories.

Although this generation does not need so much land, the reproduction speed of humans is very fast, at least many orders of magnitude faster than that of soul beasts. After a few hundred years, this place will inevitably become the territory of prosperous humans, and even if soul beasts want to occupy it back, it will be impossible.

It is much more difficult to expand the forest back than to promote the destruction of the forest. After all, it takes hundreds of years for a towering tree to grow, while it may only take two or three years for humans to cultivate and plant on a plain. Even if they are driven away in the war. If this area cannot grow into a large forest again, humans will soon come back to occupy this area again.

[To be continued]

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