Douluo starts with the Pea Shooter

Chapter 660 Post-disaster reconstruction

After the all-out war with humans, soul beasts never thought that they would experience such a tragic battle. Humans have fought soul beasts to the point of no return. And using this kind of weather to attack is something that soul beasts could never think of.

So some soul beasts are powerful enough to change the sky. But that is actually just changing the sky for a certain time and place. It is still far from truly changing the climate of an entire area. The energy contained in a typhoon alone is not comparable to the energy contained in any soul beast.

The energy contained in any typhoon is already the total energy of countless nuclear bomb explosions, and this time the planned meteorological attack is from south to north, the warm and humid air has been invading the north along the ocean currents and monsoons, carrying huge power. Even if all the soul beasts on the entire continent, all the soul power is added together to push this force with all their strength, it is impossible to withstand the monsoon, and the total power output has completely fallen behind. Naturally, there is no possibility of a comeback.

However, the destruction of the human world by the typhoon is also quite terrible. Almost all human cities have become ruins in this process. Only those industrial areas protected by soul-guided barriers can survive this storm.

As for why soul-guided barriers are stronger than city walls? The reason is very simple. When building city walls, they only consider defense against enemies on the ground, not against strong winds. Under normal circumstances, there will be no storms that can destroy city walls.

But this typhoon has obviously exceeded the specifications. Under the continuous blessing of the power of sunlight, the energy accumulated by the storm is becoming more and more.

This is actually a very simple truth. If it can be accumulated continuously, the destructive power will be multiplied. To give a simple example, the power exerted by humans in one step will not exceed the power that can be exerted by kicking someone and going up a step of stairs. It is just equivalent to giving someone a light kick that will hardly cause any harm. At least most people will not be injured by such a kick.

But if humans step upstairs and reach the height of half a floor after walking ten steps, and jump down from this height and step on people, there is a great probability that they will break their bones.

If you go up ten flights of stairs, then if you jump in, there is a high probability that you will trample someone to death.

If you go up two or three floors, you may fall to death if you jump in. If you go up five or six more floors, then if you jump down from above, unless you are a soul master, you will definitely die.

In this process, all people do is pulsate their legs and make the simplest action of going upstairs. Each step is not enough to release much energy, but this energy is accumulated in the form of gravitational potential energy. The destructive power generated by a one-time burst far exceeds the upper limit of the simple output power.

The same is true for typhoons. Simple light is not enough to exert such a terrifying power. But all these powers are accumulated in the typhoon. The light itself has a very terrible destructive power. After continuous accumulation and more than ten days of long-term energy accumulation, the huge energy provided to the typhoon is released at one time. Naturally, the soul beasts on the entire continent cannot resist.

It also makes the walls of human cities vulnerable to such a storm. The barrier of the soul guide can block this storm because the Sun and Moon Empire has begun to try to develop aerodynamics.

The reason why they considered studying aerodynamics was naturally because of the development of aerospace, and of course part of the reason was that the development of propagation in water also required the study of fluid mechanics.

In the process of studying fluid mechanics, they changed the original star shield into a shape similar to a water droplet. After this shape was close to the ground, the pressure it received was minimal when the storm passed.

Therefore, the storm looked terrible, but it could hardly cause any damage to the shield when it fell on it, so that the industrial area was preserved by the shield without spending too much energy.

This shield is specifically designed for storms. If you face the attack of a soul master, you will find that he is actually quite fragile. If you really want to destroy him, even a single Title Douluo can do it with all his strength. It is even weaker than the shield shown by ordinary linked soul guides, but it is because of its special shape that it easily survived in the storm weather. However, apart from these industrial areas, other human settlements may have to be rebuilt. The storm destroyed most of the cities. In this harsh environment, even the most tenacious vitality is difficult to survive.

It is necessary to use the existing industrial power to rebuild those completely destroyed cities.

The Sun-Moon Empire has actually made plans. The original cities surrounded by city walls are no longer suitable for this era. What they need is more convenient transportation, more convenient, and industrial cities that can gather a large population.

The Sun-Moon Empire has made its own plans for the locations of major transportation lifelines on the continent and the locations of expanding resource production areas, and is ready to build new cities there.

Shield generators have been transported to those areas to ensure that people there will not be harassed by the surrounding soul beasts or wild beasts. At the same time, a large number of prefabricated panels have been placed in the space props. Residents only need to rush to the site and assemble these prefabricated panels to build their own temporary housing. After the initial deployment of industrial equipment in this area, the housing needs of residents are very easy to meet. The construction speed in the industrial age is not comparable to the past agricultural age.

After the storm disaster, the soul beasts fell into a short period of silence, shrinking their defenses and shrinking to various cores, allowing the sun to carry out large-scale destruction of the forest. This time, the sun did not simply destroy it, but drew a barrier in the forest, just like cutting a cake. Although destroying the forest is the need for human survival on this new continent so far, compressing and recycling the living area is politically correct for humans on this continent.

But while doing this, it is also necessary to consider that the forest itself is a precious resource. If all the forests are destroyed, human future development will also lack a lot of building materials.

Although with the development of industry, most buildings have gradually adopted reinforced concrete structures. Even if it is not a reinforced concrete structure, the Sun and Moon Empire also has soul guides that can realize the two skills of turning mud into stone and turning stone into mud. It can also use simple mud on the metal frame to build a structure as solid as rock.

Therefore, this world does not particularly need cement. Cement will only be specially burned when building some buildings that need to be controlled and have sufficient defense. Then let the soul master of earth attribute assist. Build a sufficiently strong defense structure.

So far, the construction of the city is still in progress, and most cities are being rebuilt. The houses are the simplest prefabricated houses. If there is enough wood, it can also improve the lives of local residents to a certain extent.

At the same time, these woods themselves are also one of the important industrial raw materials. The mining volume of coal mines in this new continent is still very low. And many industrial categories need coal. In the absence of sufficient coal mines, it is also possible to use these trees to burn charcoal.

In theory, the cost of burning charcoal is much greater than using coal mines directly. In many industrial sectors, if charcoal is used, it will be a loss. However, different worlds have different industrial development routes. If we use the industrial development route on Earth to summarize this continent, it would be a bit presumptuous. The process of burning ordinary wood into charcoal is nothing more than isolating the air and then heating it.

Among the various problems faced in the normal charcoal burning process, one of the biggest problems is to provide a large amount of heat, which wastes a lot of energy.

But here a large amount of heat is easy to obtain. The simplest way is to focus solar energy. Heat the closed charcoal burning furnace.

This is almost no consumption for the Sun and Moon Empire. It only needs to ensure that the furnace is sufficiently sealed and there is almost no air inside. In fact, charcoal burning does not need to be particularly sealed, and it does not need to be as cautious as building a submarine. Even if a little air leaks in, it is nothing more than a small loss of carbon. As long as the oxygen concentration inside is not high enough, it will not cause these coals to be lost in large quantities due to internal combustion during the charcoal burning process.

Therefore, the charcoal burning furnace is a large metal box with a door, and no special sealing facilities are even required. After closing the door, there is even a gap on it, but even so, after the initial burning, only a small amount of black smoke will come out of the box. The burning at the beginning exhausted the oxygen in the box. And because the box has only a small gap to the outside. Although air can enter, the amount of air entering is too small to burn the things inside.

Such containers are placed under the scorching sun. They are connected in a string. Then they are transported by rail. A shape like a winding mountain road passes through the range of sunlight. After passing through, they are disassembled from the container like an assembly line. New containers full of wood are installed for the next cycle. And those disassembled containers are transported away, the coal inside is quickly taken out, and then new wood is loaded to the stacking area to wait.

It can be said that assembly line operation has been realized. These are all for processing the parts of the wood with poor quality, and the parts with relatively good quality. There are more tools to go through.

They will not be burned into charcoal, but will be made into things like the keel of a ship after driving away insects and drying in the shade.

Those that are slightly inferior to the top quality wood. They will be loaded into space props and transported to various parts of the continent to build temporary houses.

After all, finished wooden houses are more comfortable to live in than simple prefabricated houses. This continent is still far from equality for all. After the civilians are settled, those who originally had a relatively respected status will definitely pursue their own quality of life. These people are the ones who have mastered the most knowledge and the most powerful power in this era. Even in the industrial age, they will gradually be replaced by the most advanced productivity. In this era that has not yet been fully industrialized, their power must be valued. Face up to their demands.

At this time, Lan Nuo also shifted his focus to the reconstruction of the continent. In the previous war, the losses of humans and soul beasts were quite huge, but the soul beasts were already injured, while the human side suffered huge economic losses and relatively small personnel losses.

While the soul beasts were licking their wounds and had no time to fight back against humans, they had to quickly build several industrial cities for humans. After these industrial cities were built, a large number of workers gathered here. Build a strong enough shield to protect themselves. Then the production problem can be solved on this continent. Gradually reduce dependence on the Sun and Moon Continent.

Although the Sun and Moon Empire only sent more than 20,000 people in this war. But the economic consumption can be said to be extremely huge. For any industrial country, the resources required to maintain an industrialized war are extremely huge. The Sun and Moon Empire cannot maintain such a large consumption for a long time. It must find a way to pass on its own consumption, and this is the transfer of consumption. By obtaining a large amount of resources from the new continent, it can make up for its own consumption during the war.

The resources of pure soul rings have reached their upper limit. Now the Sun-Moon Empire is just like the capitalists who pour milk. Most of the soul rings are stored in the warehouse and not sold on the market at all, so as to ensure that the price in the market is high enough.

If the soul rings in the warehouse are also put into the market, the price of soul rings will plummet, because it has exceeded the total amount of soul rings needed by soul masters of this era. At that time, it will be a buyer's market for soul masters to choose soul rings, not a seller's market. Soul masters require the market to supply soul rings for themselves.

Therefore, the Sun-Moon Empire must also find a way to obtain some new resources from the New World to make up for its huge consumption in the war.

And if you want to obtain resources, you must let the New World have resources. Labor can create wealth, so you have to let the people on the New World work, so that the Sun-Moon Empire can exploit the wealth they want from the New World.

Otherwise, could the Sun-Moon Empire come here in the spirit of internationalism to help the natives of the New World build their initial industrial system? That is naturally impossible.

[To be continued]

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