Douluo starts with the Pea Shooter

Chapter 675 Armor Fusion

With each piece of armor, the heavy armor on its body has been completely put on. [.\\nCOM has the most complete and comprehensive chapters updated, and the error-free content is repaired in a timely manner. Due to cache reasons , it is recommended to visit the browser.\\nCOM website] The whole wearing process is smooth. It really looks like a transformation.

Even though they have already anticipated that their opponents may have the ability to use powerful soul guides, the students of Shrek Academy still couldn't help but show a look of amazement.

It was not beyond their expectations to be able to show such strength in front of them. What really surprised them was that the transformation process was so cool. And this transformation process was too convenient. There were no accidents, no troubles, just two steps forward, and the armor on the body was completed. This can be done in most occasions, and such a set of armor can be put on before the battle.

However, although they were briefly amazed by the coolness of their opponents, the players in the competition still chose to launch an attack at the first time. Although the opponent seemed to be covered with armor all over his body, a strong attack should theoretically be able to break it.

The fastest one was a ghost cat with the same martial spirit as Master Mao. Although he has always been suppressed by Master Mao, he is indeed one of the geniuses of this class.

It’s a pity that because he has another martial spirit with a stronger talent, the same strong man is in his class, so his brilliance cannot be fully exerted. The only role is probably to combine with his partner who has merged with his martial spirit to release a powerful big move.

At this time, he relied on his extremely high speed to come to the opponent first. It seems that after the opponent put on this heavy armor, his movement speed has slowed down to a considerable extent.

Facing the enemy attacking him at high speed, Lan Nuo did not make any evasive movements at all, and used his chest to bear the opponent’s attack directly.

The sound of metal collision rang out, and amid the harsh friction sound, the claws drew a burst of bright sparks, leaving a white mark on the chest of the armor. But that was all. If someone wiped the chest of the armor with a wet towel, they would find that there were only a few barely detectable scratches on the chest of the armor. Those white marks were actually powder that fell from the claws. Just like chalk will leave marks when it is scratched on a blackboard, but the blackboard will basically not be scratched by chalk.

The opponent's attack fell on him and had no effect at all. Lan Nuo also launched a counterattack during the short stiffness of the opponent's attack.

It was impossible for him to be hit stiffly while being attacked. At least the powerful attack in front of him could not hit him stiffly. So even when he was attacked, it did not affect his attack at all. He punched out with a bang, and amid the violent explosion. The Nether Spirit Cat Soul Master who just attacked him was directly knocked out.

This scene made the rest of the people fall into a brief stagnation. They saw the insignificant scar on the chest of the armor. They also saw how powerful the counterattack punch was.

Such a scene also aroused the anger of the White Tiger martial soul masters among this class of students. After all, a pair who can use the martial soul fusion agent under normal circumstances. Basically, they are considered lovers. In this case, there is no doubt that his wife will be extremely angry when she is beaten.

He immediately activated his fourth soul skill, the White Tiger Meteor Shower, and used the White Tiger and the King Kong Transformation at the same time, rushing towards the opponent, trying to rely on his powerful strength to directly knock the existence hiding in the armor out.

The White Tiger Meteor Shower fell from the sky, and meteors hit the armor. However, the effect of the attack was minimal. Although the meteors fell, they could only eject a string of sparks when they hit the armor. Even the movement of the armor could not be changed. The man in the armor still walked forward unhurriedly, and ten consecutive meteors in the sky hit him without any effect at all.

At this time, the White Tiger Soul Master had already rushed up, and his palm had turned into a tiger's claw, and he slapped it fiercely. This time he went straight to the neck of the armor. This should be one of the most vulnerable places of the armor. However, the opponent still did not dodge, and let him slap his neck. A burst of sparks came out, and the tiger claw was actually stopped there, unable to continue.

"Is this all you can do?" The armor punched the chest of the White Tiger Soul Master, and immediately there was a weak sound, like a bone breaking.

This immediately shocked the rest of the contestants. The White Tiger Soul Master is already the most powerful among them. What's more, he used the White Tiger Vajra Transformation. Just at the moment of launching the attack, he even used the White Tiger Destruction Kill. As a five-ring soul king, this level of attack must be taken seriously even by the soul emperor. However, it was meaningless, and was broken by the opponent relying on the defense of his own armor and the powerful force brought by the armor.

In terms of power alone, the power of this armor is even stronger than the White Tiger Martial Spirit. Just the invulnerability and huge power of this armor are not something that ordinary people can deal with.

"Everyone, come together. Don't talk to him about the rules of a one-on-one duel." At first, everyone thought that if they couldn't defeat the opponent in a one-on-one fight, they would have admitted that they were inferior to their opponent. But now that they realized how powerful the opponent was, they decided to rush forward and defeat him first.

Various long-range attacks were released by them. Many of them were very powerful, such as a flame spear. The martial spirit used by the person who threw the spear was four spears. Each spirit ring corresponded to a spear behind him. When he threw it, he would lose a halo. That is to say, in a normal battle, he only had four opportunities to launch an attack. Even if he was promoted to a Titled Douluo, he would probably only have nine opportunities to launch an attack.

But this also means that the power that can be exerted by each of his attacks is extraordinary. In addition, some people threw huge darts, some threw out a huge stone pillar, and there were attacks from the sky. Fire meteors fell from the sky and bombarded in his direction.

At one time, countless attacks flew towards him like a sea, about to completely submerge him.

However, facing so many attacks, Lan Nuo just twisted the gas valve on his waist. Because of some sentimental factors, he placed the switch for changing his armor on his waist. He could change his armor by twisting a button.

As he turned the button, the silver-white armor on his body quickly turned black. The silver-white armor was made by his teacher at the Sun Moon Royal Soul Instructor Academy using expensive materials. A batch of high-strength armor was specially customized.

In other words, only the dignitaries among the high-ranking officials of the Sun Moon Empire were qualified to use this thing. Even in the royal family, only the most distinguished people were willing to use this thing as their own armor.

The attacks just now might leave some scratches on his armor. Although it was impossible to completely destroy his armor, he also felt that his brand-new armor was not suitable for any damage in such a battle.

So he replaced it with a set of armor plates that can be mass-produced cheaply. Even if this set of things is damaged, it can be purchased in large quantities through the Sun and Moon Empire.

With his status, he can even get free shipping, so he doesn't care about the loss of this set of armor on his body.

As a large number of attacks fell on him, he saw small explosions on his body again and again. This is exactly the mass-produced explosive reactive armor.

The working principle of this thing is also very simple. When you are attacked, you can directly detonate a small layer of bombs on the surface. After the explosion, the shock wave offsets the power of the attack that hits you. This can make some attacks with strong penetration ability lose their effect in the explosion. Or let some special types of attacks be disturbed in the reaction force of the explosion and destroy the power of the explosion.

In such a series of explosions, the armor on his body is still intact. Although this set of armor is mainly based on explosive reaction, the material itself is also quite strong. Even without this round of explosions, they can't really create any serious scars above the asking price. As the armor was used up in resisting the attack, he also walked out of the smoke. It looked like there was no impact on his movements. Although the armor on his body was charred and smoking, it seemed to be in a complete form overall.

At least it was confirmed that the person in the armor was not injured, which made the long-range soul masters who launched the attack fall into helplessness. The opponent's defense was too strong. If the venue was not large enough, they could keep a sufficient distance from the opponent. Now I am afraid that they have been killed by the opponent step by step. Under the heavy armor mode, the physical defense of this armor itself is already so strong that it makes people's scalps numb, not to mention that he can also rely on the internal structure to consume soul power to enhance his defense ability.

"If you are only this level, then it's my turn." Lan Nuo saw him as if he remembered the bg. He twisted the gas valve on his waist again. The explosive reactive armor on his body also disappeared, and a layer of light armor was replaced. This time, the armor ejected high-speed airflow, and blue flames ejected from the gaps in the armor. The heat dissipation mountain grid released a huge amount of heat energy and turned bright red.

This means that the power of this set of armor has reached an extremely high level at this moment. Then he was seen running out in streamlined light armor, shuttling between battlefields at a speed that ordinary people could hardly imagine, which was beyond the understanding of these low-level soul masters.

This speed was beyond the range of visual capture even in regular battles, leaving one afterimage after another.

Lan Nuo was holding a short stick in his hand. He could actually replace the stick in his hand with a sharp knife, but this was in the academy. If too many casualties were caused, he would be in trouble.

Just as he passed by at high speed, someone's neck was severely whipped, and the flow of the black blood vessels in the entire neck was completely stopped because of this, and he was knocked unconscious with a muffled groan.

The principle used in this aspect is probably like many literary works where a knife cuts the opponent's neck and knocks the opponent unconscious.

It's just that this time they used a stick. So the effect was more immediate. The defense was not particularly strong, and those soul masters fell one after another under this attack. It was just like being invincible.

Although they realized that the opponent's defense would be reduced after changing into this set of armor, they launched attacks frantically. But they found that the effect was very limited. On the one hand, the enemy was moving at a very high speed, and they could hardly hit the enemy even if they launched attacks continuously. On the other hand, even if they launched high-speed attacks, they could hit the opponent. But they despairingly found that even if the opponent had changed into such a set of light armor, their attacks would at most leave slight scratches on this set of armor. If you look closely, it's not that there are big scratches on the armor, but the paint on the surface of the armor is scratched off.

Only those who are good at defense can protect their hands at the neck and use their forearms to block the terrifying attack. But at this speed, being hit by a stick is also a sharp pain, and there is even a risk of breaking your forearm directly.

As the battle continued, Lan Nuo was getting better and better, and a cruel smile gradually appeared on his face.

After he knocked his opponents to the ground one by one, only those who were good at defense remained. And those who were good at defense were basically not good at speed. There were only six or seven people left on the battlefield. In this situation, he also stopped his speed mode. He turned the gas valve again. He switched to his original heavy armor mode, and the indestructible silver-white armor appeared on his body again. Those who chose to attack him before had already found in despair that their attacks could not even cause a little wear and tear on his armor shell.

At this time, he put on this set of armor, which basically declared the victory of the battle. It was just that he had an extra heavy sword in his hand at this time. The heavy sword was not sharpened, but with its huge mass, it already had enough powerful attack power. It was so powerful when it was swung, giving people a terrifying feeling like the flywheel of a ship steam turbine. If you were hit by this thing, you might break your bones and tendons in an instant.

[To be continued]

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