Douluo: Tang San grew up a demon and fell into the evil trap Qian Renxue

Chapter 245 Xiao Wu: I can’t do it anymore, please (page 12)

"Ah ah ah ah..."

In the silent night, Tang San's miserable scream pierced the sky and echoed in the empty wilderness.

He clenched his teeth, his veins popped out, and his forehead was covered with large beads of sweat, as if he was enduring the cruelest torture in the world.

Pain came like a tide, sweeping through every inch of Tang San's skin and every nerve ending, making him almost unable to breathe.

Not far away, Xiao Wu was struggling with her head down when she was suddenly awakened by the scream.

She raised her head suddenly, a trace of panic flashed in her eyes, and her heart beat violently.

Then, Xiao Wu quickly looked in Tang San's direction, and saw his painful expression, which made Xiao Wu's heart twitch.

"Otherwise, I will..."

Xiao Wu thought silently in her heart, clenching her fingers unconsciously and digging her nails deeply into her palms, as if she wanted to transfer the pain to herself.

Her heart was full of struggles and contradictions. She wanted to rush over immediately to help Tang San, but she was also afraid that her rash actions would make him suffer even more.

At this moment, Tang San screamed again, his voice full of despair and helplessness.

He wailed:

"You can't promise him, Xiao Wu.

You must never agree to him, Xiao Wu!

Ah ah ah ah ah--"

Hearing Tang San's wailing, Xiao Wu's body shook again, and the struggle in her heart became more intense.

She knew what Tang San was talking about.

The man wearing the evil ghost mask has been threatening them, demanding that he become his plaything.

Tang San, on the other hand, had been trying his best to protect her and was unwilling to let her suffer any harm.

However, now Tang San was in such a painful situation, which made Xiao Wu's heart twist like a knife.

"Then...serve this person well..."

Xiao Wu made a decision in her heart.

She raised her head and glared at the man wearing the evil ghost mask in front of her, her eyes shining with determination.

So, Xiao Wu took a deep breath and said seriously:

"I can serve you well, but you have to promise me that you will never hurt the third brother!"

Hearing this, the corner of his mouth hidden under the evil ghost mask smiled slightly, as if he had already seen through Xiao Wu's thoughts.

He slowly walked up to Xiao Wu, leaned down, and whispered in her ear:

"You made a wise decision."

The hot breath blew in Xiao Wu's ears, causing goosebumps to rise on her body.

Deep in my heart, a different kind of emotion also inexplicably arose.

Is that fear, anger, or helplessness?

Or is it some kind of taboo?

She couldn't tell clearly.

Xiao Wu knew that she had no choice now.

She could only endure the ravages of this demon for Tang San and their future.

However, she also knew that this did not mean that she would give in to him.

The flame of resistance was still burning in her heart, waiting for the right opportunity to give this devil a fatal blow.

Xiao Wu stood there, her thoughts floating in the chaos, like catkins blown away by the wind, both light and confused.

However, just as she was immersed in her own world, a sudden force shook her body slightly.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Wu found that she was gently hugged by a warm force, and her whole body leaned into Zang's arms.

She raised her head and saw a dreamlike scene.

She saw a tall swing standing in front of her. The swing's frame was made of wood and looked like a grape vine. It emitted a faint fluorescent light, giving people a mysterious and solemn feeling.

What's even more surprising is that thousands of flowers of various colors grow on the wooden shelf. They are either delicate or delicate, or elegant and fresh, seeming to embellish the entire space into a sea of ​​flowers.

Xiao Wu's eyes widened, she couldn't believe her eyes.

She looked down and saw that the bottom of the swing was also covered with colorful flowers. They were jumping under her feet like elves, as if they had brought her into a fairyland-like world.

"This this……"

Xiao Wu murmured to herself, her heart filled with surprise and curiosity.

She turned to look at the mysterious man holding her shoulders and looked at him carefully.

He wore an evil ghost mask on his face. The mask was blood red in color and had complex patterns carved on it. It looked strange and majestic.

Above the mask, two black horns stand up high, like a real red ghost.

However, when Xiao Wu carefully observed the mask, she suddenly discovered a surprising detail.

Under that terrifying mask, the hidden eyes are so clear, black and white, as if they can see through people's hearts.

The tenderness and affection revealed in those eyes made Xiao Wu's heart ripple.

"It seems like I've seen it somewhere..."

Xiao Wu muttered secretly in her heart, and some vague fragments began to appear in her mind.

In those clips, there seemed to be someone with these eyes. Those clear eyes made her feel inexplicably familiar and friendly.

She couldn't help but look at Xiang Zang again, trying to find more clues in his eyes.

And Zang seemed to have noticed her gaze. He smiled softly, and there was an indescribable tenderness in his smile.

"Don't you like it? You little rabbit. The two of us will spend a wonderful night on this swing."

He whispered in Xiao Wu's ear, his voice was low and magnetic, making Xiao Wu's heartbeat speed up unconsciously.

Behind the two of them, Tang San stood there blankly, wanting to say something, but found that his throat seemed to be tightly strangled by an invisible force, and he couldn't even make a sound.

He widened his eyes and wanted to close them, but found that his eyes seemed to be controlled by this force and could not be closed.

The scene before him made him feel an inexplicable sense of panic and powerlessness.

Tang San could only watch his beloved Xiao Wu lying in the arms of that mysterious man.

Xiao Wu's originally lively and smart eyes became a little blurry at this moment. She seemed to be attracted by a certain aura emanating from the mysterious man, and completely forgot about her situation.

Tang San's heart was filled with anger and helplessness. He hated himself for not being able to protect his beloved Xiao Wu, and even more hated the mysterious man who suddenly appeared.

"I had known that even if I died in the hands of Wuhun Palace, it would be better than being insulted now!

Father, where are you? "

At this moment, Tang San missed his father Tang Hao extremely, hoping that he would suddenly appear and rescue them.

But at this time, Xiao Wu's heart was filled with incomparable shyness.

She originally wanted to push the mysterious man away, but as soon as she saw those deep eyes, she fell into them unconsciously.

Those eyes seemed to have some kind of magic that she couldn't resist.

The tip of her small and exquisite nose greedily smelled the unique sandalwood scent of the mysterious man. It was a scent that made her feel at ease and intoxicated.

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