Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 10 - Break the enemy skillfully


   Watching Ning Tong attack on him again, Ming Tian cut out several scorpion stings in succession, blocking Ning Tong’s offensive, and Ming Tian took the opportunity to kick and move towards Yan.

   Mengqianji in the stands saw it, and gave a soft voice.

   “Hey, weird, something is wrong.”

“what happened?”

   “That Wuhun is the Scorpion kid, and he has just used the first spirit ability twice in a row without interruption.”

   “What does this mean?”

“It shows that his spirit power is extremely abundant, but he is only a one-band spirit warrior. It is reasonable to say that the first spirit ability has been used so many times, and his spirit power should have been exhausted long ago. However, he still does not seem to have any loss. It’s not like the spirit power a soul fighter should have at all, it’s kind of interesting.”

   Meng Qianji said, her eyes turned purple, and she observed it more closely.

   “Big Brother Yan, this is not the way to go, I have a plan.”

   Mingtian came to Yan’s side and said.

   “Oh? What can you do?”

   Mingtian whispered in Yan’s ear, and Yan nodded and smiled.

   “Okay, just listen to your arrangements and exchange opponents!”

   Yan said, attacking Ning Tong, and Mingtian’s opponent was replaced by Gan Ling.

   “Have you changed someone? It won’t help.”

   “Porcupine flying stab!!!”

   “Scorpion Claw Cut!!”

   Mingtian faced the flying porcupine stab, chopped out a few attacks, showing a strenuous appearance, and stepped back.

   Gan Ling met, and sneered, confirming that Ming Tian was almost exhausted, and he ran after him without hesitation.

   It is no wonder that almost everyone present thinks that the other party’s spirit power is higher than that of Ming Tian, ​​and even if it is exhausted, Ming Tian will definitely not be opponents.

   Yan on the other side stubbornly resisted Ning Tong’s attack, blessed by the body of flame, enough for him to resist with both hands.

   But Yan also struggled, the hedgehog ball kept pushing Yan forward, and Yan stepped back. The backward route was exactly the route of Mingtian’s defeat.

   “Haha, the two of you give in, otherwise it will be too ugly to lose later, but it will be difficult to step down.”

   Gan Ling said with a smile, Mingtian yelled:

   “How could we lose! Take it!”

   said that Mingtian’s hands turned into scorpion pincers, and the purple light was released, and he was desperate.

   But while Mingtian spoke, his figure retreated even more severely, approaching Yan.

   “Huh, did you get the last blow? Then let me know your last blow.”

   Gan Ling said, releasing the first spirit ability again.

   “Porcupine flying stab!!!”

   Gan Ling’s attack can also be said to be the strongest one. I saw that this time the arrow stings were more dense and faster than before!

   “Big Brother Yan is now!”

Mingtian yelled, and Yan suddenly released the hedgehog ball he was holding. The hedgehog ball that had been moving forward lost its resistance. Due to inertia, Mingtian and Yan rolled forward uncontrollably. One right deviated from the opponent’s attack path, and the porcupine’s arrow collided with the hedgehog ball.

   “Boom boom boom!!!”

   The porcupine’s arrow thorn attacked the hedgehog ball, and the thorns on the hedgehog ball pierced each other, Ning Tong yelled in pain and cancelled the spirit ability.

   “Ah, it hurts me to death, it hurts me to death, Gan Ling, you are too cruel!”

   “How did I know that these two boys actually let our skills attack each other.”

   Gan Ling said with some complaints, but he didn’t expect them to get caught.

   Just when the two of them were injured, Ming Tian was not idle, continued to make up the knife, and once again drew the scorpion claw, more powerful than before.

   In the stands, Meng Qianji exclaimed:

   “This soul power? How is it possible?”

   “His spirit power has not been exhausted yet, this is definitely not the spirit power that a spirit warrior should have.”

   Facing the more powerful Scorpion Slash, the two Gan Ling could no longer attack. The referee stopped the blow in time, looking at the two Yan two weirdly.

   “The fighting spirit is over, the Yanling combination won this time!!”

   The audience exclaimed, then shouted in unison.

   “The Yanling combination wins one game. Congratulations to you for being the youngest combination to win the first victory in the Tianling Fighting Arena. This is your golden soul coin.”

The person in charge of    Tianling Fighting Soul Arena gave Mingtian and Yan badges, and gave them ten gold soul coins.

   “Hey, here you are, thank you so much this time! You are so amazing! I have never played as cool as today!”

   “I have recognized you as a brother! From now on, you will be by my side! Let’s practice together and fight the battlefield!”

   “Where, if I didn’t meet Big Brother Yan, I still don’t know where to wander.”

   Mingtian said with embarrassment.

   “Hungry after playing for so long, let’s go, I will take you to eat the best barbecue in the city, I just went to eat at noon.”

   “What a shame, you helped me earn money, and I have a place to live, how can I let Brother Yan treat again? I’m rich now, I’ll ask Brother Yan!”

   “I am too embarrassed to always trouble Big Brother Yan.”

   Mingtian insisted repeatedly, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com Yan asked Mingtian to treat him, and the two came to the barbecue place Yan said, which was the same shop that Mingtian came to before.

   “Master Yan, you are here again, welcome.”

   The waiter came out and was taken aback when he saw Mingtian.

   “Hahaha, Boss Gan, I won your son today. Later, Gan Ling will come back to take good care of him. This is the brother I recognize today! It is called Mingtian.”

   “So you are the boss, I thought it was a waiter.”

   “He likes to dress up like this. He doesn’t even ask for a waiter. This shop was opened by him and his brother Ning Sui. Ning Sui is Ning Tong’s father.”

   “Huh? Mingtian, do you know boss Gan?”

   “It turns out that they are all acquaintances, Boss Gan is really nice.”

   Then Ming Tian told Gan Ji’s matter, Gan Ji smiled embarrassedly, and Yan was a little unhappy after listening.

   “I said Mr. Gan, you are too picky, dare you even cheat my brother’s money?”

   Mingtian was still wondering, Yan explained it to him.

   “Hehe, everyone is predestined, I will ask for this meal today, and I will ask for 40% off for the next two people.”

   Gan Ji said, making a table for the two of them. The two of them were content to eat, and Mingtian followed Yan back.

  Yan is now well-known. Once he got home, many people greeted him and welcomed the son who had returned victoriously.

   Mingtian followed behind Yan, everyone didn’t know him, and he couldn’t help being a little cautious. Suddenly, he felt that it was not a good thing to be under the fence.

  Yan introduced Mingtian to the family one by one, when a sweet voice came out.

   A little girl about their age ran out.

   “Brother, you are back!”


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