Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 14 - Fight again

  Meng Qianji’s words made Mingtian think more, and it was not unreasonable.

   Mingtian does need a backing now, otherwise it would be very easy to die with his strength to face a powerful opponent. After thinking about it, Mingtian will be suspiciously polite to Meng Qianji:

   “Mingtian, have seen Master!”

   “Good boy, don’t let your eyes go! With me, no one will dare to hurt half of your hair in the future.”

   “Since you have worshipped me as a teacher, I can’t help but express, here, this is for you.”

   Meng Qianji threw a small object at Ming Tian, ​​and Ming Tian subconsciously caught it. When he saw what it was, Ming Tian’s eyes shrank.

  Meng Qianji gave him the Alien Soul Guidance Device that was auctioned off by 30 million Gold Soul Coins at the auction just now!

   At this point, Ming Tiantian no longer has any doubts or beware, such a precious soul guide is given, it is really a big deal!

   “Master, this, this is too expensive. I can’t accept it!”

  Mingtian is still reasonable, knowing that such a precious thing can’t be held by himself, if others know it, because this treasure will definitely be innocent and guilty.

   “It’s okay, just take it for you. Anyway, it doesn’t cost me, and I don’t need it. I have a one hundred cubic meter, and it’s enough to put it in.”

   Meng Qianji stretched out his hand, turned his finger to reveal his soul guide and said.


   “You can hide it secretly so that no one can see it, don’t say you have to wear it directly on your finger, it is really stupid.”

   “Okay, that’s it, you go back quickly, if you go back late, the Yan family will be suspicious. I will contact you when I have time.”

  Meng Qianji touched Mingtian’s head, touched the domain, and died with the poisonous soul.

   So far, Mingtian is still wondering if all this is true, suddenly he has a master? And there is such a baby?

   Mingtian quickly put away this priceless treasure in the alien space, and hurriedly returned to Yan’s house.

   When I went back, I found that Yan and Yan Qingwan had already gone back.

   Seeing that Mingtian is only coming back now, Yan asked with some concern:

   “Mingtian, why did you come back so late? We almost went to find you, thinking something happened to you.”

   “Ah, I’m sorry, Brother Yan was worried, I just went to eat again, I got a big appetite, and I was hungry again.”

   Mingtian lied again and said.

   “This way, I didn’t expect you to be quite edible.”

   “By the way, here, the storage soul guide I used before.”

   “Here, Brother Mingtian, this is mine.”

  Yan and Yan Qingwan gave Mingtian the Soul Guidance Device that the two of them didn’t use. Mingtian was moved and his nose twitched.

   “Brother Yan, you are so kind to me, I…”

   “Hey, don’t say anything to shirk, if you really want to repay me, we will fight back later!”

   “Okay! I’m going to prepare! Let’s go fighting!”

   Mingtian thanked Yan, and went back to his room, looking at the two storage soul guide rings that Yan and Yan Qingwan gave him.

   I already have an alien room now. I really didn’t expect that the sky-high alien room on the auction floor would be in his hands at this time. I’m afraid no one would have thought of it.

   “Yes! There is a way to hide the alien space!”

Speaking of Ming Tian took out the priceless alien room, urged his soul power to put the alien room in the storage ring Yan Qingwan gave him, and then put Yan Qingwan’s rental ring to him. In the storage ring.

In this way, although he is wearing an ordinary ring of 30 cubic meters, there is a ring that can hold a thousand cubic meters in it, and this ring is also placed in a storage ring, so that no matter who it is Will think of it.

   “Hey, I’m really a little clever ghost, in this way, no one would think that the ring in my ring is a ring that can hold a thousand cubic meters.”

   After taking precautions, Ming Tian went out again, and Yan went to fight the soul again, this time Yan Qingwan also followed.

The Yanling combination was already well-known in the Tianling Soul Arena due to the last big victory. When I heard that Yan was coming again, they gathered a lot of people to watch. Not only that, their odds this time were also A lot lower.

   This time their opponent is still a ring of spirit warriors, aged around thirteen or fourteen, and their talent is not very good. The combination is called Yuanshui combination.

   Yuanshui group is a male and a female, and they both smiled when they looked at Yan and Mingtian.

   “Young Master Yan, our Martial Soul just restrained you. It’s too late to withdraw now, how about?”

“Huh, really arrogant, Yuan Yun, I have heard of you, known as the first agile attack system of the Celestial City, Wuhun Qinghe, such a big spirit power is only 19th level, I really don’t know when you will break through. Twenty level.”

   “Yan! You!”

   Yuanyun was obviously irritated by Yan.

   Mingtian was also a little surprised, Yuan Yun looked extremely tall and strong, Wuhun turned out to be a sensitive attack type, or a flying type sensitive attack type.

   “In that case, I won’t let you go later!”

   “Come on, who is afraid of whom?”

   said, both sides displayed their martial arts. With the referee’s order, the duel began!

   The girl next to Yuan Yun turned out to move first.

   The girl is shorter than Yuan Yun and looks very delicate. She has short gray hair, gray pupils, and wears a cooler gray.

   “Mingtian, be careful, read the book, this is Yuanyun’s sister, Yuanyu, Wuhun Yuyun!”

   As Yan said, a group of gray-black clouds rose from the top of Yuanyu’s head, and Yuanyu’s first spirit ring was released. The cloud group expanded several times, drifting in the direction of Mingtian and Yan, and there was a shower of light rain.

   This is Yuanyu’s first spirit ability, Slow Rain!

The slow rain, a very powerful spirit ability, will reduce its speed if it is exposed to rain. The non-sensitive attack type spirit master can reduce the speed by 40%, and all speed becomes slow. The longer the shower, the slower Can’t help but speed, and the speed at which one’s spirit ability is released. The flow of spirit power slows down. With the strengthening of the cultivation base, when you reach the Title Douluo level, you can display a very powerful slow rain, which can cover a city. After invading the skin, it can even reduce the body’s metabolism, blood flow, slow breathing, and eventually death!

   This is a large-scale group control spirit ability, it is not strong!

   “Body of Flame!”

  Yan also completed the release of his soul skills in an instant, and ran away from the area where he was preparing to avoid the slow rain.

   was drenched by the slow rain, and his flame lord Wuhun couldn’t help being affected. The flame was restrained, and what was terribly faced was that he faced another agile attack type spirit master, and then only defeated.

   “Haha, you can’t run away!”

   Yuanyun laughed loudly, and the Qinghe Martial Spirit was released, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

   “What a fast speed! I’m afraid it is several times faster than Inuspeed Soul Ability!”

   Mingtian looked at it and thought to himself.

   Yuanyun’s first spirit ring brightened, and the blue crane spirit screamed loudly, flapping its wings, and spinning out extremely fast blue wind blades, attacking Mingtian and Yan.

  The first spirit ability, Qingfeng Blade!

When    is moving at high speed, it uses the element of wind to display it, which has extremely fast speed.


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