Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 16 - Tianxiu Power Demon Cow

Deafening roars erupted in the Great Arena of Souls. As the referee judged Mingtian and Yan’s victory, Mingtian lifted his soul skills against Yuanyun and Yuanyu, and Yan seemed to be dreaming, and they won. ?

   didn’t even know how to win, Yan looked at Mingtian as if looking at a monster, watching Mingtian walking towards him, Yan asked:

   “Mingtian, what was your skill just now? Why are you so powerful?”

   “Huh? This, I don’t know, hehe.”

   Mingtian also scratched his head. He was not fully aware of the situation just now. This skill neither belongs to the soul bone nor any martial soul. It is like the martial soul fusion skill, but it is different from the martial soul fusion skill.

   “It seems that I am going to ask the master, he is so knowledgeable, maybe he knows what is going on.”

   Mingtian thought to himself.

   “Some people with unusual talents will have their own spirit abilities. The one just now is a bit similar to their own spirit abilities, but I am not sure, anyway, I won!”

   Yan said excitedly.

   “Let’s go, we won this time, let’s have barbecue again! I really have lingering fears, I’m afraid I won’t win.”

  Yan patted Mingtian’s shoulders, and the two people put their hands on their shoulders and left the battlefield, unaware that Yuan Yu, who had failed, looked at Mingtian’s back with a strange feeling in his eyes.

   “Boss Gan, let’s have another signature barbecue. We won another battle of souls haha! After we win each round, we will come to you for barbecue!”

  Yan said boldly as soon as he walked into the door of Gan’s barbecue.

   Mingtian followed, but no one came out to greet them. Hearing someone coming, it was Gan Ling and Ning Tong who came out.

   “Master Yan.”

   Gan Ling looked at Yan with a bitter smile on his face.

   “It’s you, eh, where is your father?”

   “Father is injured, there is no way to cook barbecue today, please come back, Master Yan.”

   Gan Ling said, with a sad look on his face. This is obviously something wrong, Mingtian and Yan looked at each other and asked:

   “What’s wrong? But what happened?!”

   “Everyone is a friend! On the battlefield, we are doing our best to win and lose. There is nothing we can’t say off the battlefield. If there is any difficulty, just say it!”

  Yan is a naturally bold person. At a glance, he saw that something was definitely going on in the Gan family. He asked hurriedly, and Ming Tian also echoed:

   “Yes, Brother Gan, but what happened? Boss Gan is also helpful to me. If he has anything to do, I want to contribute.”

   Looking at Mingtian and Yan both asking, Gan Ling and Ning Tong looked at each other and said:

“This is the case. You also know that our father co-operated to open this barbecue shop. The barbecue in the shop is mostly beef, and the ingredients are usually they went to the Lingdou forest to hunt the spirit beasts. He Qingniu, a low-level bovine spirit beast, makes barbecue. With the strength of their three-ringed soul veterans, there is generally no big problem. But when they went to hunt and kill the bovine soul beast for food, they encountered one A strange cow-like soul beast protected the herd, and the two of them failed to fight.”

“Ning Tong’s father, even the third ring, was at the millennium level, so he didn’t beat that bovine soul beast. It is conceivable that that bovine soul beast is powerful. If that bovine soul beast protects for a long time Cow herd, we can’t go hunting and killing bovine spirit beasts to get food, so we can’t drive anymore.”

   “What bovine spirit beast is so powerful?!”

   Yan was also surprised.

   “I don’t know, we are going to the Lingdou Forest to see if we can hunt down some other spirit beasts. Our father is injured and it is not convenient to move.”

   “Then let’s go with you, and we will meet the bovine soul beast by the way.”

  Yan is really not afraid of that kind of thing. Gan Ling and Ning Tong also deliberately went to meet the soul beast to avenge their father, so the four first-ring soul men went to the Lingdou Forest.

   Tianling City is not far from Lingdou Forest, and some of the people in Tianling City are mercenary groups, and they usually venture to Lingdou Forest.

  Yan soon arrived at the outskirts of Lingdou Forest. At this time, it was dusk, and the sky was getting dark.

   Gan Ling led the way and soon approached the gathering place of the cattle.

   There are some low-cultivation cows gathered together to eat the grass. The surroundings are very quiet. The wind blows the yellow trees and leaves, and it feels quite peaceful in the evening.

   “Is it between these herds?”

   “Perhaps, but we’d better not be stunned. It’s best to check it quietly.”

   Mingtian made some suggestions, and his instinct told him that things are not that simple.

   At this time, the sky was getting dark, some of the cattle that had eaten the grass began to disperse, and the wind was blowing darkly.

  The four people who were observing secretly all got goose bumps. At this moment, the cattle gradually dispersed, and a strange cow came into the sight of the four.

The cow in the middle of the herd, its horns and half of its face are white, as if it has no flesh, only bones, and a ball of bristles between the necks, like a thick scarf worn on the neck, the tail of this cow There are two, two thin oxtails. The oxtail is a white bone tip. It is grazing with its head down. There is a fierce aura in its yellow eyes.

   “What kind of monster is this?!”

“I know, I have seen in the soul beast illustration book at home, Tianxu Li Mo Niu, Li Niu variant, belongs to Mammals, Bovid, Herbivore, Li Niu, and has two attributes of power and magic. Talent skills: Sky Void Eye Vision, Horn Bone Charge, Bone Demon Armor Body, Bone Horn Spikes!”

   “Wow, Yan, you know so much.”

   Mingtian couldn’t help but admire Yan’s explanation so detailed.

   “Where, I will show you the Soul Beast Illustrated Book another day, you can remember it after reading it.”

   “Did you see the two tails behind him? One more tail means that one year has passed. Two tails are a thousand years, three tails are ten thousand years, and four tails are terrifying hundred thousand years!”

   “Then this is just a thousand-year-old soul beast, how can it beat us as the father of the soul?”

   “I’m afraid your father doesn’t understand it, or this demon cow of natural power may be reaching the ten thousand year level!”

   “Then let’s go quickly, UU reading Yan, or you call someone at home to solve it tomorrow, I always have an unknown hunch.”

   Mingtian said weakly.

Just when a few people were about to retreat, the Tianxu Bone Demon Cow, who bowed his head and ate the grass, raised his head, and looked strangely in the direction of the four of them with their yellow eyes. The four of them felt a tingling scalp for a while. .


   Sky Vulnerable Demon Cow roared, raised his head, a silver ball of light formed between the two horns of his head, and countless bone spurs flew out of the ball of light again and flew toward the four.

   One of the talented soul skills, bone horn flying thorn!

   “Not good! Avoid everyone!”

   Yan yelled, and the four of them scattered and avoided. At the same time, the spirits possessed one after another.

   “Damn it, you won’t be able to release the spurs! The porcupine spurs!!”

   Gan Ling shouted angrily, the porcupine’s first spirit ability, the porcupine stab, is released!

   “Scorpion Claw Cut!”

   Mingtian also released a purple scorpion sting slash with great tacit understanding.

   The two attack speeds were extremely fast, and they attacked the demon cow with the power of the sky.

The Tianxu Power Demon Cow lowered its head again, and white light extended from the face extremely strangely. Half of the body of the Tianxu Force Demon Cow was ossified, and its back and front hooves were turned into white bones, just like wearing a hard armor. .

   is the talented skill of Tianxiu Power Demon Cow, bone demon armor body!

  Bone Demon Armor Body, forming a bone armor to protect important parts of the body, the defense is extremely strong!

   Two attacks fell on the body of the bone demon armor without leaving any scars.

   The demon cow kicked back with its hoofs, bent over and sprinted, and the horns on the top of its head doubled and rushed towards Mingtian. The attack just now was the worst of Mingtian.

   Talented soul skills horny!


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