Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 23 - Man and Soul Beast

  A swarm of blood bats flew in the darkness, like a black sky, making people feel the creeps.

   The people who stumbled out of the woods, saw someone in front of them, as if they had caught a life-saving straw, and shouted at them.

   “Help me! Please help me!”

   The man ran to Mingtian in a panic, and the group of dark bats behind him flew towards him as if they were targeting him.

   He Chen saw him, screamed bad luck, urged the martial soul, and used his martial soul Heavenly Fiery Halberd.

Tianlie halberd, weapon spirit, single-edged halberd. It was more than two meters long. It was just an ordinary halberd at the beginning. He obtained the seventh ring in He Chen and hunted down a soul beast called Tianlie Winged Tiger. After the Seventh Ring, Tianlie Ji changed, so He Chen named his martial soul after Tianlie Winged Tiger.

  Yellow, yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, and seven spirit rings surround He Chen. Although it is not the best spirit ring matching, it also shows his powerful strength as a soul sage.

He Chen released the fourth thousand-year spirit ring skills. His halberd pointed down and swept across the ground. With a swipe upwards, he slashed a huge five-meter-long blade attack. The blade attack was golden yellow and directed towards the blood bat in the air. Cut it.

   Most of these blood bats are at the level of about ten years, and there are also a hundred years, but not many in a thousand years. With this blow, some bats that could not evade were cut down instantly, and some were even cut in half.

   Bats fell one after another, mostly white and yellow spirit rings appeared, and He Chen stood proudly in front of the bat group. The group of blood bats knew that the enemies in front of them were too tricky, they made harsh sound waves, and retreated one after another.

   “Wow, Uncle He Chen is amazing!”

   Yan Qingwan met on the side, clapping and applauding.

   “Oh, the eldest has passed the award. He is so dull and can’t go any further. You will be stronger than me in the future.”

   He Chen said with a smile, and when he came to the person hiding behind them, the person saw that the bat group had already gone, he sighed in relief and sat on the ground.

   “Thank you, thank you…”

“Well, what the **** is going on, how can you be chased by blood bats? Blood bats are generally social animals, living in damp and dark caves. They seldom attack humans at night, but mostly animals and insects. For food, what did you do to attract large blood bats to hunt down?”

   “Huh? This…”

   After hearing He Chen’s question, he didn’t want to answer.

   “What? Did you do something bad?”

“No, no, the villain is just a vendor in the Sky Spirit City. It’s just that, recently, I heard a few friends say that using blood bats as a food material will increase physical strength and help cultivation. I believe it to be true. Come and kill ten with them. The bats around the age of cultivation had no anomaly in the beginning. Who knows that today, they are going to the cave where blood bats inhabit and hunt for centuries, but I have to go together, who knows, who knows that there is cultivation in that cave. In order to become a thousand-year-old existence for more than a hundred years, we angered them and attracted chase. My companions are all dead, and only I can escape by chance.”

   After hearing this, He Chen and Mingtian all took a breath. He Chen heard this and said angrily:

   “Absurd! There is no reason to eat bats to increase damage and repair. Even evil spirit masters have never heard of this! You will naturally be punished if you disregard the laws of nature and disturb the ecology of nature!”

   “Yes, yes, yes, the villain knew it was wrong…”

   The man said with trepidation, his face suddenly became squalid, grabbed his body with his hand, and shouted:

   “It tickles! It tickles! What’s the matter?! It tickles me!”

   “Huh? What’s the matter?”

   Seeing this situation, the four of them did not dare to step forward, but saw the person in front of them grabbing their own body, scratching out blood, and still scratching.

“Hmph, it’s self-destruction. It should be poisoned. This should be the blood poison of poison bats. Although blood bats are social animals, they do not exclude the same kind. The poison bats and big-mouthed bats also live with them. After being poisoned by poison bats, he will live soon.”

   “It’s so pitiful, can’t you save him?”

   Yan Qingwan said sympathetically.

   “This kind of person does not cherish death. Bat poisons are generally relatively difficult to cure. They are as famous as snake venom and scorpion venom. Once they are poisoned, they die instantly. They are called mobile poison banks.”

   “In the past few years, it is this class of people who wantonly indiscriminately kill soul beasts, hunting and killing them in favor of human soul masters on the body of the soul beasts, which has caused some soul beasts to be endangered or even extinct.”

   “It’s fairly balanced now, but with the expansion of the mainland’s population and the increase of spirit masters, as well as the increasing demand, the spirit beasts will probably face more severe forms in the future.”

   “I really don’t know if it will become difficult to obtain a spirit ring in the future, and how human spirit masters and nature should live in harmony.”

   He Chen said that his eyes became a little sad, and Mingtian and others were also thoughtful.

   “Soul beasts and humans…”

   Mingtian looked at the dying person in front of him, and remembered what his mother had said to him before, that he was a child born to a soul beast and a human, and half of the soul beast’s blood was flowing in his blood. I am afraid that more. In other words, in some respects, he and the soul beast have something in common, so if one day faces such a situation, should he do something for the soul beast? What would others think of him as a half-human, half-spirit beast?

   “Okay, let’s go.”

   With a heavy and compassionate mood, everyone ended this episode and continued to search for Yan Qingwan suitable soul beasts.

   “We try our best to search for fire-type spirit beasts. It’s just that there is not much horror near the periphery. It seems that we are going to continue to the depths of the jungle.”

   He Chen walked for a while and said.

   “Continue to go deep into the forest? Then you will be at the junction with Xingluo, and you will run into a ten thousand year class guy.”

   Yan said with his arms around his chest with some caution.

   “What’s wrong? Brother is scared?”

   Yan Qingwan smiled, looking at Yan and said.

   “How can I be afraid, I am thinking about your safety, fool!”

   “It’s not unreasonable that Master is worried, but Master, don’t underestimate me. As long as it is not a soul beast with a cultivation base of 50,000 years or more, I can handle it.”

   “Spirit Dou Forest, there are not as many soul beasts as Star Dou, Panlong, and Ten Thousand Years cultivation level. One hundred thousand years spirit beast is even more impossible, so we don’t have to worry.”

   He Chen said, the confidence shown made everyone feel at ease and continue to walk deeper.

   They are the Lingdou Forest that they entered in the afternoon. After this journey, it was almost at night, and the stars began to hang sparsely in the night sky, the cool breeze was blowing, and the constant cry of soul beasts made people feel a little creepy.

   “Huh, it’s cold.”

   Yanqing Wan said, closing his hands, blowing heat on his hands.

   “It’s already more dangerous here, we get together and don’t get separated.”

   “Next, it is not suitable to actively search for soul beasts. It is better to let the soul beasts take the initiative to find us. I think the soul beasts here will be more interested when they see human soul masters coming to the door.”

   He Chen smiled, and led Mingtian three people to a meadow, and sat down leaning on a huge rock. Find some dry branches and straw, put them together, and set them alight.

   A bonfire soon formed, the flames lit up the surroundings, and several people sat down.

   “Uncle He, doesn’t it matter if we just light the bonfire like this? If the soul beast sees the bonfire, if it attracts too many soul beasts, we can’t handle it.”

   Mingtian asked, in this kind of forest where soul beasts live in groups, lighting a bonfire is a taboo. Some powerful soul beasts may come over and treat them as delicious food.

“Well, Mingtian, what you said is reasonable, but you can rest assured that I have released the spirit of the soul saint level. Some low-strength soul beasts will not come close. If a powerful soul beast comes, you will hide behind me. , I also have defensive spirit skills to protect you.”

“In addition, I have another thought that fire-type soul beasts are not easy to find during the day. At night, fire-type soul beasts will release their flames and illuminate the way. If there is fire light anywhere, it is fire-type soul beast. No doubt.”

   “That’s it.”

   Mingtian said clearly, but why didn’t he feel relieved.

   “Huh? There is fire there! It’s a fire spirit beast, right?”

   Yan suddenly noticed that not far from them, a flame flashed and Let’s go and see. “

   He Chen said, taking the three of them, mainly to protect them, to the place where the fire-type spirit beasts haunted.

   He Chen’s martial spirit was released, and his keen perception quickly caught the guy who had just passed by. The Tianlie Halberd was thrown, not knowing what it hit.

   Several people hurried to check.


   rushed to the place where it hit the soul beast.

   Flamefang, known for its two pairs of protruding fangs, its tail is burning with flames, its ears are black, its hair is pale yellow, and its appearance is somewhat similar to a fox.


  The flame tooth beast’s tail was nailed by the Sky Fiery Halberd, and it screamed in pain. When someone came, he opened his mouth and roared at a few people. The pointed protruding teeth were noticeable.

   “The Thousand-Year Flame Tooth Beast is the best, but it’s a pity that it has a high age.”

   “Oh my god, it’s so pitiful, its paws are still holding the food, it should have caught the food and prepare to eat it, let’s let it go.”

   Yan Qingwan looked at the Flametooth beast nailed to the ground and said that the tail of the Flametooth beast had already bleeded blood.

   “Well, the lady said that she listened to you.”

   He Chen received the Sky Fiery Halberd, and the violent moment of pain caused the Flamefang beast to roar.

   “Don’t be afraid, I’m sorry, I have soul beast healing ointment here, you are inconvenient to act now, I will apply it for you.”

Yan Qingwan walked forward, Yan Qingwan roared vigilantly at Yan Qingwan, He Chen exuded the breath of soul saint to calm it down, Yan Qingwan released her martial soul Yanlian Ji, and saw Yan Lian Ji, the Flame Fang beast felt something, her black eyes showed respect, letting Yan Qingwan hug her big hairy tail and put on the ointment.


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