Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 761 - Qizuka

The last two soul bones returned, and the head and torso also appeared on Mingtian’s soul. The six soul bones began to fuse, shaping Mingtian’s new body.

Except that the right arm bone is a million-year-old soul bone bestowed by the ghost boy king, the five soul bones in Ming Tian’s body are already tens of thousands of years old. This is simply a legend in the spirit master world!

Fifty ten million year-level spirit bones meant forty skills, because one ten million-year-level spirit bone brought eight spirit abilities.

Only the right arm is at the Million Years level, which does not mean that these four skills are weak. After all, it was brought by the Ghost Boy King. It was the Lord of the Fourth Generation.

Now Mingtian also has the help of three heavenly masters, namely the first generation of Yaqi Orochi, the fourth generation of the ghost boy king, and the ninth generation of the six-eared macaque.

It means that now, the nine generations of the most powerful soul beasts, the leader, only the sixth generation of the Holy Tooth King and the fifth generation of Mechanical King are still alive.

The nine powerful soul beasts were almost rounded up by Ming Tian and Ming Xue.

The Bull Demon King’s family was stopped and was responsible for dragging the Buddha after the break. Now Ming Tian is only protected by the Holy Tooth King.

And the true kings and gods who lost their beloved dogs and hunted down the soul beasts such as Mingtian and Zhu Gangxi will never give up. They must complete their body reshaping before they rush to!

“There seems to be a weapon mound near here, all of which are weapons. I will protect you, so you can absorb it with peace of mind.”

Saint Gumman Lion said.

Then, it looked around.

The tomb, representing the gold of the Five Elements, is another taboo place on the Five Elements Continent, but at the same time it also looks like a treasure.

All around are scattered weapons, they seem to be abandoned here, or they are stored here.

Some are incomplete and some are intact, and they have traces of erosion by the years.

The people who used them either had already died, or had new magical weapons or weapons, so they chose to throw them away.

So there is a tool mound, the four layers of the mound are all magic weapons.

Some of the magic weapons and magic weapons here are stored here, which have never been seen in the world, and some are artifacts or super artifacts left by the gods!

The Holy Tooth King walking here saw only shock in his eyes.

“How many years will it take to form a place like a cornucopia?”

The familiar weapon with its name does not look like a fake.

The magic pestle, the sun cart, the six wheel wheel, the spear of the goddess…

Who is the owner of these artifacts and even super-sacred artifacts, who is not the one who has been stunned by the world?

Long years passed, they were forgotten, the weapons that accompanied them were abandoned or collected, and came here.

If all the artifacts here can be packaged and taken away, then it will definitely be developed!

The Sacred Lion tried to pick up an imperial lion sword, a golden lion sword, and a lion head with an open mouth on the handle.

Legend has it that the ancestor Emperor Lion among the lion ancestors used it.

The Emperor Lion Sword did not reject the Sacred Tooth Lion, and seemed to feel happy to recognize the Lord.


A sword cut towards the void, drawing a golden sword light, and the Saint Tooth Lion could clearly feel that the power of this sword was still there, which was incredible.

In order to experiment, the Saint Gummen Lion wanted to pick up other artifacts, but found that the other artifacts seemed to be restricted and were not allowed to be touched again.

Therefore, the Sacred Tooth Lion also had a preliminary judgment. It seemed that the people or soul beasts who came here could only choose to touch a divine or super divine tool.

It may even be possible to take them out for your own use.

For example, the Emperor Lion Sword it picked up, the Emperor Lion Sword also recognized it.

It is as if a contract is concluded between them.

It seems that you really have to choose carefully, because Saint Gumman sees a few better things and wants to try it.

Just when it wanted to observe more divine soldiers, several powerful breaths approached, and it instantly became vigilant, and all the lion manes were erected in a moment.


A deep voice rolled in its throat.

The vigilant lion’s eyes turned, looking at the top of the grave.

Sure enough, it was a familiar breath, they chased it over! !

True Monarch God, Zhu Gang Hyena, and White Dragon Horse are floating above the tomb.

“Qizong, have they come here this time?”

“Hmph, this is the third time, you can’t let them run anymore. If you catch them, you must break them into pieces!!”

Yang Jian clenched his fists, his eyes seemed to burst into flames.

On the fourth floor, Sacred Tooth Lion and Ming Tian are on the fourth floor. If they want to find them, they must search layer by layer.

There is still time, it must be delayed, so that Ming Tian can successfully integrate the spirit bones and obtain a new body.

They have to be led away. Ming Tian is practicing on the fourth floor. It only needs to appear on the first two floors, pretend to be found, and run away in a panic.

You can lead them by the nose.

In terms of heart, the Sacred Gumman Lion is still very smart. It deliberately jumped onto the second floor of the grave to make a move.

Bai Longma found it when searching the second floor.


It yelled, and caught up with the Sacred Tooth Lion, with a blue ray from its mouth.

The escaped Sacred Tooth Lion turned back and spewed a crimson light to fight back. Its purpose was to entice them, not to fight.

The true monarch and **** also stood in front of the Sacred Tooth Lion, one after another with the white dragon horse, blocking the Sacred Tooth Lion.

The besieged Sacred Tooth Lion arched his body, his eyes were fierce, and he was immortal.

Only Zhu Gang was left behind, because it chose the third layer all at once and did not participate in the containment. It is rare that its IQ went online once and found that it was wrong.

“Speed ​​solve it!!”

True Monarch God Yang Jian said, directly took out the super magical Baolian Lantern, which is to shine on the holy tooth.

Having seen the power of this Baolian Lantern, the Sacred Tooth Mang Lion did not try hard, but immediately ducked behind a nearby armor.

The light of the Baolian lamp fell on the armor, and the armor only flickered and then dimmed.


Yang Jian had never seen anything like this before. The Shield of Solomon used by the Saint Tooth Lion to protect it contained King Solomon’s power, which could offset a fatal attack, but it was a consumable.

Surprisingly evading the blow, the Saint Gumman Lion immediately moved up, and the white dragon horse rushed up and threw the dragon’s tail.

“Lion King Liemane!!!”

The open lion’s mane emits numerous golden arrows, densely covering the white dragon horse.

With the advantage of the many artifacts Sacred Tooth King can deal with them.

Try to delay it for a while, it will buy Mingtian time.

Going deep into the fourth floor, Zhu Ganglu found that something was wrong. It sensed the familiar breath of the quicksand monster.

Even if the Quicksand Monster dies, it only leaves its soul bone, and it can detect it.

“Hahaha, I finally let my old pig find out, so you are here!!”

The Ming Tian was found floating there quietly, his whole body exuding light, and his skin looked like the fairness of a newborn baby.

The angry pig Gang did not keep his hands, and shouted:

“Finally come back to old Sha!!”

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