Douluo's power can control

Chapter 39 The leader of the tutor group, the archbishop in red

Chapter 39 The leader of the tutor group, the archbishop in red

The Hall of Martial Souls, the main hall of the City Lord in the Crossbow Armor Asaron——

In the hall, Li Si took out the certificate given to him by Hall Master Vivian.

At the same time, he also took out his identity certificate, Wuhundian membership certificate and badge, and said to Hang Yunhai:

"Big brother, I'm here to handle the application for admission to the temple, and apply for a mentor to assist in hunting soul beasts."

Hang Yunhai took several certificates and badges handed over by Li Si, glanced at them for a while, and then looked at Li Si with surprise.

He didn't expect that there would be geniuses in the most remote villages and towns in the Star Luo Empire.

However, Hang Yunhai wasn't too surprised, after all, there were quite a few geniuses in the Spirit Hall.

Afterwards, he took Li Si and Kibiz to go through the formalities at a window in the hall.

"This is a simple transfer procedure. Your information has already been transferred from the branch hall to the main hall. Now you can confirm your identity."

While Hang Yunhai was speaking, the staff behind the window had already completed the formalities.

So, a small golden book with a gold border was handed over to Li Si.

He opened the small book, and immediately saw his basic information and identity certificate on a few pages inside, and there was also the official seal of Wuhun Temple on it, which had very limited characteristics.

Now, the identity certificate and Wuhundian membership certificate are no longer needed.

As long as he has this small golden book, no matter which Wuhun Temple in the world he is in, his identity will be recognized and he will receive a salary.

"Let's go, I'll take you to meet the head of the mentor group first."

After Hang Yunhai finished speaking, he led the way ahead and went directly to the high-rise building of Wuhun Hall.

They stepped up the stairs to the sixth floor and saw a beautiful garden.

Then they walked through the garden on the sixth floor, and at the end of the garden they stepped onto a golden bridge built between two huge buildings.

Passing through the golden bridge that seemed to be made of gold, the group of three came to a tall building made of white marble behind the Wuhun Hall.

This white high-rise building is very tall, and it looks like it has dozens of floors.

If it is now on the top of the building, I am afraid that the entire Crossbow Armor Ascension City can be seen at a glance.

"This is the rest area of ​​the mentor group. Be careful, you have to walk gently here, and never make any loud noises!"

Hang Yunhai instructed the two of them, and then led them into the interior of the white tall building.

Inside the high-rise, there are even more gorgeous architectural renovations and decorations.

There are windows made of stained glass, and walls inlaid with diamonds and onyx.

Even the steps seem to be piled up of gold and white jade. The light from the outside sun reflects the entire high-rise building in an incomparably bright, gorgeous, and even sacred color.

This place is like a palace of gods, full of luxurious atmosphere everywhere.

The group of three climbed up the tall building and stopped until they reached a door on the eighteenth floor.

dong dong dong...

Hang Yunhai knocked lightly on the door, making a very subtle muffled sound.

The next moment, a somewhat hoarse voice sounded from inside the door, saying, "The door is unlocked!"

Hearing this, Hang Yunhai breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he didn't disturb the leader's rest, and the other party was in a state of sobriety.

So he turned to Li Si and said:
"Little friend, go in, the mentor team will arrange all your next questions."

After that, he looked at Kibiz again and said:

"Your task has been completed, come with me to get some things, and then go back."

Kibiz nodded, then patted Li Si on the shoulder, and left with Hang Yunhai.


Without any hesitation, Li Si directly opened the door and walked in.

When he came to the room, Li Si immediately saw an old man sitting on a reclining chair not far away.

The old man was very old, he looked about 80 or [-] years old, and he was wearing a bright red luxurious dress with gold trim.

That is also the uniform of Wuhundian, but the material is far superior to Li Si's golden uniform.

Moreover, not long ago, Li Si had seen such clothes in the basic information book of the Wuhun Temple given to him by Hall Master Vivian.

Such a suit of clothes represented a very high status in the Wuhun Temple.

And those who are qualified to wear this kind of clothes are honored as the Red Clothes Archbishop in the Wuhun Temple.

This old man is obviously a red-clothed archbishop, a high-ranking person in the Hall of Spirits, he will be respected even in the Hall of the Pope, and at the same time he is eligible to participate in all meetings of the Hall of Spirits.

Moreover, the other party is also the head of the mentor group of the main hall of the Wuhun Temple.

The so-called mentor group is a team composed of senior soul masters from the Spirit Hall.

The lowest among them must reach the realm of Soul Sect to enter the mentor group and become a mentor who is qualified to teach and lead new geniuses.

Therefore, this red-clothed archbishop is qualified to command all high-level soul masters in the main hall of Wuhun.

Because he is the head of the mentor group and the most powerful senior soul master in the mentor group.

At this moment, the archbishop in red was lying on a couch, facing a transparent window.

The golden sunlight poured in from the window, bathing the old man in a golden radiance, making him look extremely holy.

"Sir Bishop!"

Li Si walked over, stopped when he was four or five steps away from the old man, bowed his hands, and said.

Although the archbishop in red looks like a thin and old man, the strength of the other party must be extremely terrifying.

The worst is the soul emperor, and there is a high possibility that it is a high-level soul master at the soul saint level.

Otherwise, the main hall of Wuhun is not enough to control the sovereignty of the crossbow armor Asor Yaocheng.


The old man closed his eyes, as if enjoying the afternoon sun.

When Li Si called him, he only responded softly, and then stopped making any further noises.

Li Si: "..."

Seeing the old man who seemed to be gradually falling asleep, Li Si felt a little embarrassed.

Why is this old man silent? ?

He didn't know what was going on, secretly guessing that the old man wanted to beat him?

It's impossible, after all, he is only six years old now, who would beat a child.

Therefore, Li Si relaxed his mind, saw a sofa next to him, and walked over to sit down.

He has been driving non-stop for a month, and he is also very tired.

After all, the carriage was still very bumpy, and his bones were about to fall apart along the way.

Fortunately, they will not travel at night, and there are some villages, towns and cities along the way that can provide them with shelter and food supplies.

And for a month, Li Si did not let go of his practice.

Although his soul power is still at the tenth level, it is only because there is no restriction of the soul ring.

If he has a soul ring, then his level should have reached eleventh level.

Boom, boom, boom...

Not long after, there was a light knock on the door.

The residence tower of the mentor group is very quiet, and everyone deliberately maintains this quietness, even if they knock on the door, they will knock very lightly.

"come in……"

The old man didn't open his eyes, but just slightly opened his mouth and uttered a sentence.


The door opened, and an uncle in his forties walked in.

The uncle has a vicissitudes of life, wearing coarse clothes, with bandages wrapped around his hands, he doesn't have the temperament of a soul master at all, instead he looks like a farm uncle who has just hoeed the ground.

After the uncle walked in, a pair of slightly cloudy eyes took a direct look at Li Si.

Then, the uncle walked to the archbishop's side to salute, then pointed at Li Si, and said:

"Captain, is this the brat?"

(End of this chapter)

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