Douluo's power can control

Chapter 414 Flesh Babel Tower, Eternal Kingdom

Chapter 414 Flesh Babel Tower, Eternal Kingdom

"The yin and yang of heaven and earth are in pairs, the five elements are in all directions, the sun, moon and stars are impermanent, and the nine palaces are unified into one flood!"

In the Great Cave, Li Si has already aroused his power to control the martial soul to the extreme.

Cooperating with the control of the power of consciousness, the power control directly expanded a huge range, covering the entire Great Cave Heaven.

Then, he controls everything in the Great Cave.

Martial soul fusion, soul power transfer, attribute conflict, soul ring matching, etc.

Everything in this Great Cave Heaven, where dozens of titled Douluo are fused, is operating in an orderly manner under the control of power control.

As the ruler, Li Si has already donated his soul and sea of ​​spirits, integrated them into the Great Cave, combined with other people's spiritual worlds, and built a huge spiritual world, immersed in the Great Cave. In the energy world of the cave.

In other words, it is covering, the double covering of spirit and energy, the two are fused into one, and exist in the form of yin and yang in opposition, just like night and day, the world and the underworld.

"Again! For eternity! All! All!"

Not long after, Li Si stabilized Dadongtian, and immediately gave an order.

Om, oom, oom, oom, oom, oom...

Immediately, the more than 100 titled Douluo outside all aroused their martial spirit and soul power.

I saw that most of their soul ring configurations are six black and three red, a few of them are nine red configuration, and there are dozens of limit douluo.

Afterwards, without any hesitation, they directly plunged into the Great Cave.

Including the empress Qian Renxue and Qian Daoliu who was about to die of old age also joined the Great Cave.

And with the input of each Title Douluo, the scope of Dadongtian's inner world will become larger, and the condensed energy will be stronger.

In the end, after more than 100 titled Douluo were all thrown into Dadongtian, Dadongtian had undergone tremendous changes, as if it had really become a small world, which was really incomparably wonderful.

"Flesh body turns into mud, life melts into soul body..."

In the big cave, Li Sixin waved his hand, and immediately threw the mummified corpses out of the big cave.

These mummies are all the flesh of those people who merged into the Great Cave.

At this moment, all the life energy in these bodies has been squeezed dry, turning into soul power and spiritual power and merging into the soul core and soul.

After a while, figures surrounded by spirit rings appeared in the world of Dadongtian.

They are indeed those Title Douluo!
Even Jiang Nao, Bibi Dong and others also appeared.

However, they lost their spirits and domains, leaving only their spirit bodies.

Moreover, their spiritual world was forcibly merged with Li Si's spiritual sea, turning it into a huge spiritual realm.

The spiritual realm exists in the Great Cave, and when it overlaps with it, it carries the existence environment of the souls and soul rings of each Title Douluo.

"The first step was successful..."

Li Si murmured.

The so-called first step is to create the framework of an energy kingdom first.

This is how it is now, this big cave has been built through martial soul fusion and domain fusion.

The composition of Dadongtian is the martial spirit and domain of each titled Douluo, Li Si's spiritual sea and the spiritual world of many Douluo.

"Then, the second step, Huanlai!"

Afterwards, after Li Si stabilized Dadongtian, he waved his hand.

Immediately, the 10 10-year spirit rings on the [-] surrounding spirit ring storage pillars all flew out, turning into a torrent of [-]-year spirit rings and pouring into the Great Cave.

Then, these soul rings were directly integrated into the various nodes in the Great Cave, and they were built together in a chain-to-loop manner, forming a huge chain, which happened to the soul rings on the soul body of a Titled Douluo. resonance.

In the end, all the soul rings disappeared into the Great Cave.

And in the level that cannot be seen in the normal state, thousands of 10-year soul rings are linked together, combined from top to bottom, and put on a pillar.

Thousand rings set pillars!

And this pillar seems to be the cornerstone of everything, carrying the yin and yang space in the Great Cave.

"The third step, the Flesh Babel Tower!"

Suddenly, something happened to Li Si in Dadongtian.

Under the dual effects of life return and power control, his body instantly swelled up, turning into a huge tower of flesh and blood, extending directly to the outside world, sitting on the big formation in the central square, with flesh and blood fibers one by one It is connected with hundreds of thousands of nodes of Dazheng.

Then, the huge Tongtian Tower directly accommodated the Great Cave Sky.

The Tongtian Pagoda reached directly to the sky, and a large amount of metal torrents surged from all directions, covering the flesh and blood Tongtian Pagoda, turning it into a metal Tongtian Pagoda, standing in the palace.

The Tongtian Pagoda is huge, with a diameter of a hundred meters.

However, its height has already extended above the nine seas of clouds.

The Tongtian Pagoda is constructed by Li Si's body, the inner layer is the cell structure of flesh, tendons and bones, and the outer layer is the structure of skin membrane and metal.

And inside Tongtian Tower, a sky pillar stands there.

Scarlet 10-year soul rings surround the Tianzhu.

At the end of the Tianzhu is the top of the tower, and a big cave hangs in the center of the Tianzhu.

And in the big cave, it is also connected with a sky pillar.

No, or it should be overlapping, and the way of existence is extremely strange.

hum! !

Then, in the Great Cave, waves of life energy and natural energy poured in, integrated into the energy and spiritual world in the Great Cave, and then disappeared into the invisible.

However, everyone can feel that the energy of the soul power in the Great Cave Heaven is increasing, and the energy of the spirit is also increasing, as if there is an endless supply.

"Everyone, get ready to receive the sea of ​​soul power, operate and transform according to the plan made before!"

Afterwards, Li Si's spiritual voice resounded in the souls of more than 100 titled Douluo.

Everyone responded, and then sat down in the big cave, ready to operate.

Everyone at this moment is in a strange state!
They lost their physical bodies, but the Flesh and Flesh Tongtian Tower can provide them with an endless stream of life energy to maintain the life nutrients of the soul body.

They lost their martial souls and soul rings, but their soul cores still exist, and their soul power still exists in the soul cores, but their soul power has already produced a resonance connection.

In just a moment, the soul power levels of all Title Douluo were averaged.

High-level ones lowered their soul power levels, while low-level ones increased their soul power levels.

Just like a bowl of water was leveled, everyone's soul power was evened out.

This is the wonder of the Great Cave World.

When they merged with this cave, their martial spirits, spirit rings, and domains became the components that built this world one by one.

And their soul powers are fused with each other.

If the soul power is sufficient, I am afraid that these more than 100 Titled Douluo will all have the cultivation base of Level 99 Ultimate Douluo.

"The fourth step, all streams return to their source!"

After a while, Li Si started the fourth step of the plan.

I saw a beam of light rushing out of his soul.

The beam of light rose directly into the sky, sprinkled vast brilliance on the Tongtian Tower, and directly submerged the entire Wuhun Imperial City in the brilliance.

Om, oom, oom, oom, oom, oom...

Immediately, the soul power in each acquired soul master resonated directly.

Then, under the horrified eyes of everyone, the soul power in their bodies erupted uncontrollably, turning into rainbows and soaring into the sky, flying into the nine seas of clouds.

At this moment, all streams return to their source! !

Above the sea of ​​clouds, tens of millions of soul power flying rainbows blended together, turning into huge torrents of soul power and pouring into the top of Tongtian Pagoda.

And, the veins in the depths of the earth were extracted with massive amounts of energy, transformed and compressed by the formation, and turned into a torrent of liquid natural energy, which poured into the Flesh and Flesh Tower from the nodes at the bottom of the tower.

In the end, two vast torrents of energy poured up and down into the big cave.

hum! !

In an instant, the energy in the Great Cave directly experienced a huge surge.

Countless waves of energy are surging, directly submerging everyone in it.

Om, oom, oom, oom, oom, oom...

At this moment, a titled Douluo began to exert his strength.

They operated their soul cores, frantically absorbing soul power energy and natural energy, and then transforming them into the most refined soul power and injecting them into the big cave node.

In this way, time passed bit by bit...

The Flesh Babel Tower was infused with two huge torrents of energy.

In Tongtian Pagoda, the Great Cave Sky is getting bigger and bigger, and its shape is gradually changing.

At the same time, many titled Douluo in Dadongtian also began to be promoted.

Their levels continued to increase, and finally, after an hour, all of the 130 eight titled Douluo were level 99 Ultimate Douluo, and their soul power had reached the true Dzogchen.

Their soul cores have reached the limit of carrying capacity.

Therefore, when they continue to transform energy, their level will no longer increase, but all the converted energy will be injected into the nodes in the Great Cave to provide nutrients for the Great Cave.

Then, time continued to pass...

Gradually, in the Martial Soul Imperial City outside, the soul power of all the acquired soul masters was extracted to only a trace, which was enough for them to recover.

And the combined soul power of more than 1000 million soul sects formed a huge energy that was so terrifying that it actually formed a vast and boundless sea of ​​soul power directly in the Great Cave.

Such a huge soul power energy, even the gods can't match it, and it's even far behind.

In addition, the Flesh and Flesh Tongtian Tower is extracting the natural energy in the earth veins all the time, making the energy in the Great Cave Heaven more and more.

Fortunately, there are a total of 130 eight Limit Douluo in Dadongtian to help transform energy.

Otherwise, no matter how big the inner world of the Great Cave Heaven is, it would be difficult to carry such a huge amount of energy.

Finally, a month later, the evolution of Dadongtian was completed!
Over the past month, Dadongtian has continuously extracted the energy and natural energy of the Houtian soul master, and then transformed it into energy essence by 130 eight limit douluo and injected it into the Dadongtian node.

And such a vast amount of energy directly made Dadongtian completely evolve into the state Li Si wanted, or in other words, the sublimation was completed under the control and adjustment of Li Si's power to control the Martial Soul.

Inside Tongtian Tower, among the pillars, Dadongtian is no longer a flat world.

Instead, it is a round and full world, which no longer looks like a cave, but like a real small world.

And in this small world, Wuhun fusion builds the rules, domain fusion builds the framework, energy and spirit builds the environment.

And the soul body of the 130 Eight Limit Douluo is like a god in a small world.

They exist in pure lands of energy and spirit.

Everyone can open up their own world in the pure land.

In this world, everything can be made according to one's own will.

And in the small world, the only thing they need to do is to use the soul body and soul core to help the small world absorb and transform energy.

"The Eternal Kingdom is finished!"

At this moment, in the small world, Li Si's soul body spoke.

He could see that this small world had completely stabilized.

Taking the Flesh and Flesh Tower as the base, taking the virtual and real Tianzhu as the hub, using the multiple fusions of martial arts and domains as the framework, using the soul power as the source of the combination, and using the soul cores of the limit Douluo as the energy bearing...

Everything is an important part of the small world.

And now, the small world was successfully born!
Li Si named it 'Eternal Kingdom'!
This is also his expectation, that this small world can really be transformed into an eternal kingdom.

But now, the eternal kingdom no longer needs the soul power of the acquired soul master.

It only needs to continuously absorb the natural energy between heaven and earth to maintain consumption.

Even, energy will be accumulated and deposited in the eternal kingdom. On the one hand, it will expand the eternal kingdom, and on the other hand, it will accumulate strategic materials.

After all, in Li Si's plan, the eternal kingdom is not just a small world.

Similarly, the Eternal Kingdom is also the strongest weapon of the empire!
"Next, it's time to sublimate me!"

After completing the construction of the eternal kingdom, Li Si started the second plan.

I saw that, with a wave of his hand, an extremely huge amount of soul energy and spiritual energy suddenly burst out from his third soul ring, which was injected into the eternal kingdom and turned into a huge torrent.

Then, the soul power energy disappeared in the eternal kingdom.

And the spiritual energy turned into a dragon crossing the river, directly devouring all the spiritual energy in the eternal kingdom with a force of destruction, and gathered it together in a huge torrent.

Then, the spiritual torrent was injected into the million-year-old skull on Li Si's soul body.

The million-year-old skull washed away all the alien attributes, allowing the essence of spiritual energy to be integrated into Li Si's soul body, and cooperated with the massive life energy provided by the Flesh Babel Tower.

Immediately, one after another divine consciousness was born from his semi-spiritual soul.

These consciousnesses are like little suns shining brightly, hanging high in the eternal kingdom.

In this way, Li Si used the vastness of the eternal spiritual sea created in the eternal kingdom to forcibly condense tens of millions of spiritual thoughts.

"All the gods are united, the soul is cast!"

In the end, Li Si pulled tens of thousands of spiritual senses together, and forcibly fused his semi-spiritual body.

He wants to break through the realm, break the restrictions of the soul, and create an ultimate soul body that does not require divine power.

(End of this chapter)

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