Douluo’s Sapphire Stream

Chapter 109 Cook raw rice to mature rice

The master continued: From a safety point of view...Xiaoxuan, your one-soul two-armed spirit will be stronger than your twin spirits...At least you don't need to consider the difference between the spirits. Will there be conflict?

Liu Zixuan nodded and said, Teacher... Then what about the second spirit master with twin spirits? Has he found a way to add spirits to the second spirit?

The master looked at Liu Zixuan and said, I don't know what Xiaosan did in his last life to become your nephew... If I didn't know how to deal with this problem before.

But now, with your martial spirit assistant, Xiaosan should be able to add five spirit rings to the second martial arts spirit. No matter how many more, I'm afraid it will exceed the limit of the spirit power that Xiaosan can withstand.

Both Liu Zixuan and Tang San understood that if the spirit master's own limit of spirit power was exceeded, the only thing waiting for him was to explode and die.

Tang San couldn't help but said: So my second spirit can only be attached with five spirit rings? Grandmaster gently shook his head and looked at Liu Zixuan, No... from the situation of the two of you. It can be seen that the spirit bone can greatly increase the limit of the body's spirit power.

Little San... You must save the gold soul coins you earned from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, and prepare for the purchase of spirit bones in the future...

Liu Zixuan couldn't help but said, Teacher...the soul bone is very precious, how could someone sell it...

The Grandmaster nodded and said, No one sells them under normal circumstances, but it's not absolutely impossible... So you have to be prepared before you can buy or sell soul bones.

But blatantly buying and selling soul bones, isn't this propaganda about owning soul bones... After listening to Liu Zixuan's words, the master said helplessly, This is also something that can't be helped, after all, soul bones The rarity of...hey...

Grandmaster stood up, walked over to Liu Zixuan and Tang San and said, You two must pay attention, try not to expose your spirit bones if you can.

Especially you Xiaoxuan... Your outer holding spirit bone is the easiest for others to see through. If it is not necessary, don't store the outer holding spirit bone in your body...

Liu Zixuan nodded and said, I know Teacher..., Grandmaster took a deep breath and said, There is still half a year left before the Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Competition, and this is the best time for you to practice.

I've discussed with Flender, you kids can graduate when the competition is over...

Liu Zixuan didn't know when Grandmaster discussed with Flender, Tang San said somewhat surprised: Graduate...Teacher, is it too early...

The Grandmaster shook his head with a smile and said, It's getting late... Ordinary high-level soul masters can graduate at the thirtieth level, and they're still top students...

Tang San is very dependent on the master, and hurriedly said: But teacher...I think I still have a lot of things to ask you for advice...

Liu Zixuan couldn't help but said: It's just graduation, it's not that you don't get along with each other. If you don't understand anything, you can still ask the teacher...

The master looked at Tang San with a smile and said, Xiao Xuan is right... You are just graduating, you can ask us if you don't understand anything.

It wasn't that Grandmaster walked behind Liu Zixuan and Tang San and patted the two on the shoulders: Cultivation in the academy is only a part of your life, the more important thing is to exercise in the outside world.

The outside world is more exciting and challenging. With the knowledge of the two of you, I don't need any more guidance.

Liu Zixuan and Tang San looked at Grandmaster and said, Yes...Teacher, Grandmaster was extremely satisfied with his two disciples.

But it's not about graduating now.

The master's voice changed: Okay... I won't give you any special training for the next six months. You can choose to cultivate and understand.

However, I will give you tactical guidance. I hope you can make breakthroughs in half a year... Welcome to the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Competition.

Liu Zixuan and Tang San both nodded and prepared to leave, Tang San remembered something and said, But teacher...Xiao Wu didn't eat Acacia Heartbroken, she definitely won't be able to keep up with us after half a year of practice, I'm worried. …”

Liu Zixuan glanced at the dividend at the door and patted on Tang San's shoulder: What are you worrying about... It doesn't matter if Xiao Wu's aptitude eats Acacia Heartbroken, as long as she puts all her heart into it. When it comes to cultivating soul power, it has already surpassed me.

Don't worry Xiaochuan, I will supervise Xiao Wu's cultivation in the next six months... Tang San looked at Liu Zixuan with a flash of doubt, he didn't understand why Liu Zixuan said that.

Liu Zixuan wouldn't tell Tang San this in detail, he bowed his hands to Grandmaster, turned and walked out of the room.

Seeing Liu Zixuan leaving, Tang San had to follow him. On the way, Tang San said, Xiaoxuan... When do you have time, Grandpa Tai said he wanted to see you as soon as possible.

Liu Zixuan thought for a while and said, During this time, I want to practice the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms and stay in the academy. He can come whenever he has time.

As soon as Tang San heard Liu Zixuan's words, a flash of sternness flashed in his eyes: Okay...I'll tell Tailong in a while, Xiaoxuan...can you really practice the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms?

Liu Zixuan raised his hand and said, Although there is a lack of spirit power, in half a year it will be the Spirit Master Advanced Academy Elite Tournament... The preparations that should be made are still to be done.

Tang San nodded and said: I see... I really want to see how powerful the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms really are. Liu Zixuan laughed and said, There will be a chance... .

It didn't take long to meet Xiao Wu, the girl gave Liu Zixuan a faint look and said, Xiao Xuan...I want to chat with Xiao San alone.

Liu Zixuan shrugged and said, Forget it... I really feel sorry for you in vain. I knew about the mistress in one day...

Liu Zixuan patted Tang San on the shoulder and left the accommodation area. He found Liu Erlong and wanted to ask her if she wanted an absolutely quiet training room to practice the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

It's just that Flender was still in Liu Erlong's room. When the two saw Liu Zixuan's complexion, Flender hurriedly said, Xiaoxuan...just in time...

Needless to say, to know that Flender and Liu Erlong were studying how to attack the master again, Liu Zixuan walked over to the sofa and sat down and said, Mister, Dean...what's the situation now.

How could Liu Erlong tell Liu Zixuan about these things in detail, but he faltered that she couldn't refuse the master's request.

Flender also lost his patience and said, said that you want Xiaogang to accept Erlong. You have three strategies, upper, middle and lower, but using both middle and lower strategies is completely ineffective... ..Tell me what your best strategy is.

Liu Zixuan glanced at Liu Erlong and saw that her face was full of anticipation, Liu Zixuan licked his lips and said, Although this strategy can have an immediate effect, if something goes wrong, there is no chance... ...

Liu Erlong said incomparably domineering: As long as there is an effect, it will be enough, if you don't fight for it, there is no chance...

Seeing that Liu Erlong was so determined, Liu Zixuan had no choice but to say: This...I'll write it down on paper and see for the way, Mistress...I want an absolute room. A quiet training room.

Liu Erlong hurriedly found a pen and paper for Liu Zixuan: You can go to Boss Fu for this matter, he will arrange it for you... Xiaoxuan, what can't you say? You have to write it down on paper. superior.......

Liu Zixuan took the pen and paper handed over by Liu Erlong and didn't speak. He quickly wrote on the paper how to cook raw rice and cooked rice. Liu Zixuan didn't believe that the master would be able to stabilize after the marriage.

It was because this method was so stupid that Liu Zixuan couldn't say it. After writing it, he folded the paper and handed it to Liu Erlong and said, Miss... This is my last resort, it's all up to you. …”

When Liu Erlong took it, he was about to open Liu Zixuan and hurriedly said, Wait... Dean, let's go first... Wait for the teacher to think about it.

Flender was very curious about what Liu Zixuan wrote on the paper, but he also knew that Liu Zixuan would not tell him to leave for no reason.

He stood up and said, think about it first, and if you decide, then tell me...Xiaoxuan and I will try to cooperate with you.

After speaking, he and Liu Zixuan left Liu Erlong's office, and as soon as he went out, Flender grabbed Liu Zixuan's ear and said, Little monster...what exactly is sold in your gourd... ..

Liu Zixuan hurriedly said: President Dean... This method can't be stated clearly, it won't work if you say it...

Flender's eyes were full of doubts, and he asked: Why can't you say... You don't say how we will cooperate with Erlong.

Nima... Liu Zixuan can't say anything about this. He can only grit his teeth and forcefully resist Flender's words and deeds.

If it wasn't for Zao Wou-Ki looking for Flender for something, Liu Zixuan wouldn't know how he would be tortured, but Flender also allocated a training room for Liu Zixuan.

Only Liu Zixuan had the key, and he wouldn't be able to enter the training room without Liu Zixuan's consent.

After hiding in the training room he had applied for, Liu Zixuan breathed a sigh of relief. If Liu Erlong really wanted to adopt the method he said, he would not need the cooperation of outsiders.

At most, it was just to create an opportunity for Liu Erlong and the master, and to play the piano for a while to stabilize his emotions.

Then, he meditated cross-legged for three hours and cultivated his soul power. After making these preparations, he carefully recalled the mental method of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, which had already been recited by heart.

The Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon and the Dog Fighting Stick are both martial arts that are easy to learn but difficult to master. Basically, as long as the mind is not wrong, the martial arts can be displayed.

But if you want to improve your power, you need to practice hard. The most important thing is that your soul power must be deep enough. Otherwise, it will just be an empty crop.

In the past, Liu Zixuan devoted all his energy to studying the dog-fighting stick technique. After his spirit power broke through level 40, he clearly found that the power of the dog-fighting stick technique had increased several times.

Liu Zixuan believed that the power of the dog-fighting stick technique would increase after his soul power broke through the fifty-level.

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