Douluo’s Sapphire Stream

Chapter 333: Wannian Grade 9 Ginseng King (Part 2)

Liu Zixuan used the Tianyin domain to transmit voice to Wannian Ninth Grade Ginseng King: I don't know if you can understand me, and I don't mean to kill you... I just want you to help me save someone .”

Afterwards, I promise to protect your safety, and you don't need to live underground all the time like now...

It's just that the Ten Thousand Years Ninth Grade Ginseng King seemed to be unable to understand what Liu Zixuan said, but was so frightened that he ran away desperately.

The ginseng body has risen more than 500 meters, and it quickly shuttles through the looser soil.

Hu Liena, who was flying on the treetops, could only see Liu Zixuan walking quickly through the dense forest, pushing the golden eagle's eyesight to the extreme, but did not see any movement on the ground.

From time to time, Liu Zixuan launched a shaking palm to the ground to scare the Wannian Ninth Grade Ginseng King, and he didn't know how this Ten Thousand Years Ninth Grade Ginseng King cultivated.

It was so timid that it ran away desperately when it heard the slightest movement, but if it was not timid, it would have been swallowed by other spirit beasts.

For soul beasts, the Ninth Grade Ginseng King is also a great tonic. Liu Zixuan and Hu Liena have been chasing the Ninth Grade Ninth Ginseng King and running wildly in the dense forest.

From the evening to the next morning without stopping, the speed of Wannian Ninth Grade Ginseng King did not decrease at all.

Liu Zixuan just felt a little tired after running all night. After all, he must have consumed some mental energy after motivating him all night.

However, such a high-intensity operating vibration made Liu Zixuan a little more proficient in using the power of vibration, and Hu Liena, who was flying in the sky, seemed more relaxed.

Using the golden eagle soul wings is like growing a pair of wings on her own. If she is not careful, she will surpass Liu Zixuan and Wannian Ninth Grade Ginseng King.

Many times Liu Zixuan wanted Hu Liena to shoot it with Zhenyue's arrow, and then he wanted to capture the Ten Thousand Years Ninth Grade Ginseng King by himself.

But I was afraid that if I couldn't control it enough to kill it, it would really be worth the candle.

At the beginning, Liu Zixuan thought that there would be times when the Wannian Ninth Grade Ginseng King couldn't run, so he would be able to capture it at that time.

It wasn't until the road at night that the repair base was in the lair of an earth attribute soul beast about 60,000 years old. How could the Ninth Grade Ten Thousand Years Ginseng King feel tired underground.

Feeling that he was being tricked, Liu Zixuan angrily asked Hu Liena to shoot it with the Zhenyue arrow, and after the shocking momentum, Liu Zixuan could share the position of the sound he captured with others.

After receiving the echo detection image shared by Liu Zixuan, Hu Liena drew the Tianhe Luoyue bow, estimated the distance and shot the Zhenyue arrow.

The 500-meter-long soil was like tofu under the penetrating power of the Zhenyue Arrow, and the huge power carried by the Zhenyue Arrow spread underground to deter the Wannian Ninth Grade Ginseng King.

Chirp chirp chirp....

Wannian Ninth Grade Ginseng King uttered a series of rapid exclamations, and then sped up and fled. At this time, Hu Liena shot the second Zhenyue Arrow.

The power of the Zhenyue Arrow increased with the number of times Hu Liena used it. It is probably the first time that the Wannian Ninth Grade Ginseng King has encountered someone who can attack it through more than 500 meters of soil.

Liu Zixuan could clearly feel that the ginseng whiskers that had been removed from its body curled up behind it in fright, and it ran like the previous kind of scatter flowers.

Unknowingly, after chasing for another night, Liu Zixuan felt that his clothes were about to be soaked in sweat.

Long-term use of the spirit bone to provide the vibration force, the spirit bone itself will definitely heat up.

Thinking of this, Liu Zixuan's heart was also a little ruthless, thinking about how to catch the ten thousand year ninth grade Ginseng King.

Suddenly a gust of wind blew in the sky, blowing Hu Liena who was flying in the air, continuously raising her body.

After a while, Hu Liena chased after her and said, Husband...there is a cliff about six kilometers ahead on the right, and Liu Zixuan immediately understood what Hu Liena meant.

Immediately, Hu Liena pulled away Tianhe Luoyue Bow and continued to intimidate Wannian Ninth Grade Ginseng King, fearing that there would be a gap between Wannian Ninth Grade Ginseng King and slowly drive it to the edge of the cliff.

Liu Zixuan secretly accumulated his blade power, and when the Wannian Ninth Grade Ginseng King reached the edge of the cliff, he would cut off the cliff completely.

Under the ground, Liu Zixuan has nothing to do, but in the air, Liu Zixuan wants to see what kind of waves the Wannian Ninth Grade Ginseng King will make.

Hu Liena reminded at the right time: It's almost here, husband... get ready, I'll give it a hard hit....

While talking about Hu Liena's thoughts, another light blue arrow condensed on the bowstring of Tianhe Luoyue Bow.

This is an archery method recorded in the Falling Star Archery Book... called one bow and nine arrows. Of course, Hu Liena can only shoot two arrows at a time.

With the soft sound of the bowstring of Tianhe Luoyue Bow, two light blue arrows shot from the air into the front and right of the ten thousand-year-old Ninth-Rank Ginseng King underground.

The power of the Zhenyue Arrow was released underground, and there was a muffled bang, and the Wannian Ninth Grade Ginseng King subconsciously rushed to the left.

Liu Zixuan summoned the Huanggu Heavy Saber with his right hand. While his feet were light on the ground, he had gathered all his strength on the Huanggu Heavy Saber.

The cliff 3,000 meters away was only a few breaths away for Wannian Ninth Grade Shenwang. When Shenwang's body was more than 300 meters away from the cliff, Liu Zixuan rose high.

Then with the help of the power of bouncing into the air, he slashed out the power of the five-style sword step.

A 30-meter-long silvery-white saber aura slashed at the edge of the cliff with unparalleled power. In order to amplify the power of the saber aura, it was still using the power of the shock.


Gathering the power of the five-style saber step, it slashed on the edge of the cliff with the power of the shock, and the cliff more than 600 meters wide and more than 1,000 meters long was directly shattered.

A golden ginseng plant, like an eleven or twelve-year-old human child, was also exposed in the air amidst the flying soil and gravel.

The Wannian Ninth Grade Ginseng King suddenly appeared in the air with no place to hide, and let out a piercing scream. The long ginseng whiskers on his body pulled towards Liu Zixuan who was chasing after him like lightning.

Liu Zixuan completely ignored that this Ten Thousand Years Ninth Grade Ginseng King was also a spiritual creature that had been cultivated for nearly a hundred thousand years, and was rushing up to catch it full of joy.

As a result, he was slapped hard by the ginseng, and then he was slapped and flew upside down, hitting the cliff like a meteorite.

Liu Zixuan spat out a big mouthful of blood when he was blown backwards. It is not known whether the Wannian Ninth Grade Ginseng King hates blood or liquid.

Hu Liena hurriedly danced the ginseng to avoid the blood sprayed by Liu Zixuan. This scene happened to be seen by Hu Liena in the air.

If it wasn't necessary to capture this ten thousand year ninth grade ginseng king alive, Hu Liena would definitely shoot it without hesitation.

With a flick of the golden eagle soul wings on his back, Hu Liena's figure appeared in front of the Wannian Ninth Grade Ginseng King. With a thought, the surrounding water elements quickly gathered around him to form a water prison.

Hu Liena reluctantly cut a wound on her left wrist, and controlled her own blood to soak into the water prison.

The Wannian Ninth Grade Ginseng King, who was trapped in the water prison, let out screams of panic, and it could be seen that the fear it emitted was mixed with blood in the water prison.

At this time, Liu Zixuan, whose clothes were torn and bloodshot at the corner of his mouth, came to Hu Liena's side, and heaved a sigh of relief after seeing the Wannian Ninth Grade Ginseng King curled up in the blood-soaked prison.

It's a mistake, Nana, this guy was caught by you in such a way...

In order to capture this Wannian Ninth Grade Ginseng King alive, I and Hu Liena chased him for a day and two nights without sleep. Just now, this guy turned his back and pulled the ginseng beard and flew out backwards, and was deeply embedded in the rock wall.

If Liu Zixuan hadn't smelted the spirit bones, even if he didn't die, he would have been seriously injured just now.

Hu Liena hurriedly stretched out her tail and tied Liu Zixuan in front of her, and said anxiously: Husband...are you alright?

Liu Zixuan grinned and said, It's okay...Fortunately, I have a strong bone, or else I would have fallen for this guy....

Hu Liena's blood was mixed in the water prison that trapped the ninth-grade ginseng king for ten thousand years. Hu Liena only needed to use mental power to control the water prison.

Looking around, Hu Liena stretched out her right hand to hold Liu Zixuan, and her left hand held the water prison and flew towards a beautiful three-headed figure in the distance.

There is a clear mountain spring on the top of this mountain. Hu Liena brought Liu Zixuan and Wannian Ninth Grade Ginseng King to this mountain spring to take a good rest for a while.

Liu Zixuan felt that he was hot and tired, and he felt much better after jumping into the bitingly cold mountain spring.

The hot spirit bones cooled down quickly, and the viscera that had been displaced by the shock also recovered under the super resilience. Apart from feeling a little hungry, there was no other discomfort in the body.

Liu Zixuan asked Hu Liena to guard the Wannian Ninth Grade Ginseng King carefully, and he went to find some wild game nearby and cooked a sumptuous meal.

Hu Liena's left hand had to keep the water prison immobile, and blood had to be continuously poured into the water prison.

It seems that Hu Liena's blood will involuntarily seep into the body of Wannian Ninth Grade Ginseng King, and now there is a touch of blood red on the skin of Wannian Ninth Grade Ginseng King.

The nine small white flowers on the top of the head are also drooping down, looking as if they will die at any moment.

Liu Zixuan said to Hu Liena through Tianyin Domain: This guy is pretty smart, he knows how to play dead to lower your vigilance...

Even if this Ten Thousand Years Ninth Grade Ginseng King pretends to be, the strong breath of life emanating from it cannot be hidden from Liu Zixuan and Hu Liena no matter what.

Hu Liena snorted softly, retaliating to control the stream of blood pouring on it, and the Wannian Ninth Grade Ginseng King let out a sharp scream after being drenched in the water mixed with Hu Liena's blood.

The ginseng whiskers on its body curled up and trembled, looking like a frightened little white rabbit.

Seeing this, Liu Zixuan couldn't help laughing out loud and said, Now you're pretending to be pitiful again, you are the King of Ginseng who has cultivated for more than 90,000 years and almost 100,000 years...

In order to take good care of Hu Liena, Liu Zixuan fed Hu Liena food by himself. After Hu Liena was full, Liu Zixuan wolfed down the rest of the food.

The Wannian Ninth Grade Ginseng King who was trapped in the water prison became quiet, as if it was concentrating on observing Liu Zixuan and Hu Liena.

After eating and drinking enough, Hu Liena said: Husband... what should we do next, we can't practice with this little guy.

Liu Zixuan nodded and said: That's right... Let's go back to the Heaven Dou Empire first to see how Xiao San is doing with his preparations.

Hu Liena nodded and said: Okay, let's rest for one night first, and find the way back to the Heaven Dou Empire tomorrow.

After chasing Wannian Ninth Grade Ginseng King for a day and two nights, his body could bear it but his mental strength was exhausted.

Worried that Hu Liena would make Liu Zixuan sleepy because of Wannian Ninth Grade Ginseng King's escape, and Hu Liena will rest after Liu Zixuan recovers.

Liu Zixuan rested his head on Hu Liena's plump thigh, and soon fell asleep.

Hu Liena looked at the sleeping Liu Zixuan and didn't notice that a small flower on the top of the ten thousand year ninth grade ginseng king's head trembled slightly in the water prison.

Afterwards, Hu Liena's nostrils came with a faint fragrance, and she didn't feel anything at first.

But after a long time, Hu Liena felt extremely sleepy, as if she hadn't slept for ten days and nights.

Not long after, Hu Liena also fell into Liu Zixuan's arms and fell into a deep sleep. The Wannian Ninth Grade Ginseng King Ginseng Beard easily crushed the water prison around it.

After escaping from the water prison, the Wannian Ninth Grade Ginseng King floated on Liu Zixuan and Hu Liena's body, and after a while it squeezed into Liu Zixuan's and Hu Liena's arms, just like a child sleeping in the arms of their parents.

Stretched out a ginseng tendril to hang on the wound of Hu Liena's left wrist to suck the blood, as Hu Liena's blood drained, the Taiqing Lingshui in her body was stimulated.

The eruption of spiritual power continued to nourish Hu Liena's body functions, and the ginseng beard of the ninth-grade ten thousand-year ginseng king turned blood red at this moment.

The next day when the sun rose, Liu Zixuan and Hu Liena were still in a deep sleep with no sign of waking up, and half of the body of the Wannian Ninth Grade Ginseng King turned blood red.

In the evening, Wannian Ninth Grade Ginseng King's whole body turned blood red, and then he shrank his ginseng whiskers and wrapped them tightly around his body.

In the end, a blood cocoon that looked six feet long and two feet wide was formed. If it weren't for the nine white flowers on its head, it would be impossible to tell that this blood cocoon was the Ten Thousand Years Ninth Grade Ginseng King.

The next morning, Liu Zixuan felt that his body had never been so comfortable and relaxed. When he opened his eyes and saw that it was already broad daylight, he remembered to replace Hu Liena.

It was only after he got up that he realized that Hu Liena was also lying beside him, and there was a blood-red long callus between him and Hu Liena.

It was only after seeing the small white flower on the head of the long cocoon that it was recognized that this blood cocoon was transformed by the ten thousand year nine-rank ginseng king.

Nana... Nana, get up quickly, something serious happened....

Liu Zixuan yelled in horror, and Hu Liena realized that she was guarding the Wannian Ninth Grade Ginseng King after hearing Liu Zixuan's shout...why did she fall asleep.

Standing up hastily, he saw the blood-red long callus in his arms, and said in great surprise, This...husband, what's going on....

Liu Zixuan also didn't want to understand how the Ten Thousand Years Ninth Grade Ginseng King turned into a blood cocoon, and even hung on Hu Liena's body.

He stretched out his hand and caressed the blood cocoon formed by the Wannian Ninth Grade Ginseng King, and said, I don't know, but its aura seems to get stronger...

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