Douluo’s Sapphire Stream

Chapter 353 Meeting and resignation

Xiao Wu looked at Xiaoyu who was hiding behind Liu Zixuan with an embarrassing expression, and said that Liu Zixuan and Hu Liena's purpose of arresting Wannian Ninth Grade Ginseng King was to save her.

Liu Zixuan handed Xiaoyu to Hu Liena, looked at Tang San and Xiao Wu and said, This girl is naturally timid, she will get better after a while.

Tang San and Xiao Wu didn't stay too long because of Xiaoyu, Tang San and Xiao Wu were going to Shrek Academy overnight to meet Grandmaster, Liu Erlong and Flender.

Liu Zixuan hurriedly told Tang San that he didn't need to go, tomorrow the Tang Sect would hold a reception banquet for Tang San and Xiao Wu, and all the teachers from Shrek Academy would come.

After Tang San and Xiao Wu left the small courtyard where Liu Zixuan lived, they did not go out again, but returned to the small courtyard where they lived to accompany Tang Hao and A Yin.

When I returned to the room, I saw Xiaoyu regained her former spirit, hugging Hu Liena's neck and whispering something.

If Liu Zixuan wanted to eavesdrop, he only needed to expand the Tianyin domain, but everyone has their own secrets, even the closest people have secrets that they don't want outsiders to know.

So apart from fighting and scouting, Liu Zixuan would never use Tianyin Domain in normal times.

After saying that, Hu Liena took Xiaoyu to the bathroom to take a bath, and Liu Zixuan would go after they came out of the shower.

Liu Zixuan and Hu Liena got up early the next morning to dress up, because the Heaven Dou Imperial Family and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School would come to Tangmen tomorrow.

Moreover, tomorrow is also the first time the Shrek team will gather together after graduation. Usually Liu Zixuan can be indifferent to the outside world, but this time he must not lose the chain.

After eating an exquisite breakfast, Liu Zixuan asked Hu Liena to take Xiaoyu to find Ayin. Perhaps only Ayin had time to take care of Xiaoyu today.

Liu Zixuan came to his office in Tangmenzhong, and casually flipped through the work reports submitted during this period.

Then they found Niu Gao and Xue Wu who were arranging chefs to prepare food in the backyard. Originally, the logistics department should be managed by Ning Rongrong and Oscar.

But after they returned to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, they seldom came to the Tang Sect. Even if they did, they felt that they missed everyone and had no time to take care of the logistics of the Tang Sect.

Since Xue Wu joined the Tang Sect, she has been assigned to the logistics department. After several years of training, she is now able to carry the backbone of the Tang Sect's logistics department alone.

Liu Zixuan was going to talk to Tang San about promoting Xue Wu to be the elder of the Tang Sect. Now he is doing the work of the deputy head of the Tang Sect as a deacon.

Moreover, Xue Wu's talent is not weak, and she has reached level 58 spirit power at the age of 30. Of course, it may be difficult for her to become a Title Douluo.

But it is very possible to become a Contra, so Xue Wu can be an elder of the Tang Sect.

Around ten o'clock, all the teachers from Shrek Academy came to Tang Sect, Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai were also accompanying them.

When they returned to the Tang Sect, they basically didn't take care of things. They usually either practiced or went to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School and Shrek Academy.

Ma Hongjun was the only one who lived in the Tang Sect for a long time, but he followed Bai Chenxiang around every day and didn't care about his Wutang affairs at all.

Now that Grandmaster, Liu Erlong and Flender are here, Tang San and Xiao Wu will no longer hide in their small courtyard. Tang San is also very happy to see the teachers and principals who have been away for more than four years.

At noon, Emperor Xue Ye, Prince Xue Beng of the Heaven Dou Imperial Family, and Ning Fengzhi, Bone Douluo, Ning Rongrong, and Oscar of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School came to Tangmen to visit.

Liu Zixuan was busy greeting guests and coordinating the logistics work, so he didn't listen to Tang San and the others chatting.

Finally, after Tang Yuehua came over, the banquet was announced. During the banquet, Liu Zixuan and others dispersed to accompany the guests. It was only at this time that Liu Zixuan got a period of rest.

In the afternoon, the Heaven Dou Imperial Family and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect were sent away, and everyone from Shrek Academy gathered in the meeting hall to have a good exchange.

Because it was an old classmate teacher-student association, even Tai Long and Hu Liena did not participate.

Inside the meeting hall,

Except for Liu Erlong, everyone else is a teacher and student of the old Shrek Academy.

Grandmaster and Flender sat at the main seat, and on their right were Liu Erlong, Zao Wou-ki, Shao Xin, Li Yusong and Lu Qibin.

Liu Zixuan and Tang San on the left sat down in order according to the ranking of the Shrek team, and looked at the most familiar people in the room who were silent.

I don't know who gave a sob, but the two girls, Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong threw themselves into Liu Erlong's arms almost at the same time and burst into tears.

Although Liu Zixuan didn't cry out loud, he only felt that his eyes were so sore, and tears rolled down from his eye sockets uncontrollably.

Liu Erlong hugged Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu and cried so loudly that even Flender, Zhao Wuji, Li Yusong, Shao Xin and Lu Qibin kept wiping the tears from their cheeks.

Speaking of which, when the teachers came out, the master had a family, and the others were all lonely, so they all treated the members of the Shrek team as their own children.

Although the master and Liu Erlong are husband and wife, they have never had any children, and the master treats Liu Zixuan and Tang San as their own sons.

After coming over for a long time, the master said loudly: Okay, you guys, today is something to celebrate...what's the point of crying?

Flender hastily wiped away the tears under the crystal glasses and said, It's just... what to look at, the little monsters finally got together and should be happy.

As your old headmaster, I want you to talk about your cultivation now... Mubai, you come first...

Dai Mubai stood up and said loudly: Evil-eyed white tiger Dai Mubai, eighty-eighth level assault system Contra....

Sausage monopoly Oscar, eighty-six food department Contra.......

Peerless Qin Demon Liu Zixuan, Titled Douluo... Titled Saber.

Thousand-handed Shura Tang San, the title Douluo of the ninety-third-level control system... has no title for the time being.

Evil Fire Phoenix Ma Hongjun, an eighty-five-level assault-type Contra...

Sexy and Charming Rabbit Xiaowu, I don't know the exact level because I don't have soul power yet...

Seven Treasure Glazed Ning Rongrong, Contra of the eighty-seventh auxiliary system....

Ghost civet Zhu Zhuqing, eighty-five-level allergic Contra....

Liu Zixuan, Tang San and others once reported their current spirit power levels, although Master Flender and the others had already known the spirit power levels of their students.

But putting it all together and reporting it is still so shocking, there are not a few students in Shrek Academy who are in their twenties and fourteens.

Their spirit power is generally around level 40, which is so poor compared to everyone in the Shrek team.

Flender laughed loudly and said: Little San...I will go to His Majesty tomorrow and ask him to arrange a coronation ceremony for you as a Titled Douluo.

It's like Xiaoxuan, let the whole world know... there is another strong man at the title Douluo level in our Shrek Academy.

Tang San hurriedly said: Principal...I am a disciple of the Clear Sky School, maybe I will inherit the title of Clear Sky Douluo.

After listening to Tang San's words, everyone looked at him. It is true that Tang San inherited the Clear Sky Hammer, the Wuhun of the Clear Sky School, and the title he is most likely to obtain is Haotian.

Afterwards, everyone chatted and laughed about what kind of title each of them would like after breaking through the Titled Douluo in the future.

Soon after dusk fell, Hu Liena came over and invited everyone to join the bonfire dinner held by the Tang Sect. Only after that did they come outside.

Most of the disciples of the current Tang Sect have gathered in the largest martial arts arena of the Tang Sect. For the Tang Sect, today is a day when the sect masters and deputy sect masters gather together.

All the disciples had excited smiles on their faces. This time, Hu Liena, Bai Chenxiang, Tai Long, Shui Bing'er, Shui Yue'er, Xue Wu, Feng Xiaotian, Huo Wushuang, Huo Wu and others all joined in the bonfire dinner.

Except for Liu Zixuan and Hu Liena's wedding five years ago, the Tang Sect has never been as lively as it is today.

Even the day when Liu Zixuan was crowned Douluo, the Tang Sect had never been as joyful as it is today. In the middle of the night, both Liu Zixuan and Hu Liena returned to their small courtyard to rest.

Long before Liu Zixuan and Hu Liena left, Grandmaster, Liu Erlong, and Flender left the banquet. After all, they were all very old men, and their energy was not as strong as when they were young.

After Liu Zixuan and Hu Liena left, the rest of them also left one after another.

Tomorrow the Tang Sect will hold a Zongmen Conference, and all the elders and deacons in the Zongmen will be there to attend, so naturally they must maintain their spirits.

The next day, Liu Zixuan changed into the exclusive costume of the deputy head of the Tang Sect and came to the newly built conference hall of the Tang Sect. This building was built after bulldozing three large courtyards.

The inner space is enough to accommodate more than 1,000 people, and there is no need for most of them to stand for meetings as before.

After Liu Zixuan prepared the main materials for today's meeting, Ma Hongjun, Oscar, and Ning Rongrong walked into the meeting room, and the elders and deacons of the Tang Sect were basically all present.

Seeing that the people were almost here, Liu Zixuan coughed lightly and said in a loud voice: Quiet, let's start the Tang Sect's Zongmen meeting...

Before the meeting officially starts, I have a few things to pay attention to. First... During the meeting, keep quiet and make noise for no reason.

Second, if there is any objection during the meeting, raise your hand first, and then explain it after obtaining approval... It is forbidden to interrupt others' speech at will.

Third, everyone must carefully record the content of the meeting, stay in their positions, and plan their own affairs...Don't treat the Tang Sect as a place for you to play.

As soon as Liu Zixuan spoke, the elders and deacons sitting opposite immediately fell silent.

Oscar and Ma Hongjun, who were smiling playfully, smiled contemptuously. When Liu Zixuan said this just now, his attention was on them.

Liu Zixuan continued: Next, the meeting will officially begin. First, suzerain Tang San will be invited to speak...Everyone applauds and welcomes.

Tang San didn't expect Liu Zixuan to kick the ball to him so quickly. Tang San hadn't thought about understanding the current situation of Tang Sect in the past few days since he returned to Tang Sect.

Liu Zixuan's asking him to speak at this time can only be described as blind, but as the head of the sect, he has to speak.

Tang San could only avoid the seriousness and said a lot of words of encouragement and approval, and then hurriedly kicked the ball back to Liu Zixuan.

There was no other way for Liu Zixuan to take up the leadership of Tang Sect's management, and let the elders and deacons of each hall talk about their current work status, work difficulty and work plan.

After Liu Zixuan presided over the meeting, it was already around 2:30 in the afternoon, only Tang San and Fen wrote down the contents of the meeting.

Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong have all received related training, and they all concisely wrote down some important things they think in the meeting minutes in front of them.

As for Xiao Wu, Ma Hongjun and Oscar, they just felt so boring, especially Ma Hongjun who had been dozing off for a long time.

Finally Liu Zixuan said: Okay, today's meeting is over... Next, I have to announce something.

Liu Zixuan looked at Tang San and said: Sect Master, I hereby propose to you to resign from the position of Tang Sect's Deputy Sect Master....


Everyone in the conference room looked at Liu Zixuan in disbelief, even Tang San was a little dazed for a moment.

Liu Zixuan, the deputy head of the sect, why did he resign? Tang San looked into Liu Zixuan's eyes and saw only seriousness.

After pondering for a while, he said, Why, if you can't give me a reasonable reason, I won't agree...

The reason is very simple. I am not a traditional soul master now, and it is very inappropriate to be the deputy head of a soul master sect.

Liu Zixuan also bluntly stated the reason for his resignation: I plan to set up my own family to establish a martial arts cultivation-oriented force. At that time, I will not have enough energy to manage the Tang Sect...

Tang San frowned and hesitated to speak for several times, finally sighed helplessly and said: Okay Xiaoxuan... I allow you to resign as the deputy head of Tang Sect, but I still keep you Tang Sect honor the office of elder.”

Master (Little San)....

Everyone present hastily opened their mouths to stop Tang San, but Tang San raised his hands and pressed down: Everyone... Xiaoxuan's decisions are all deliberate, and he actually put forward his own reasoning. .....I believe in him.

The corners of Liu Zixuan's mouth turned up slightly, Thank you for your understanding, and this is my suggestion... Whether you accept it or not is up to you.

Speaking of Liu Zixuan handing over the personnel appointments he had sorted out a long time ago, Tang San took the notebook handed over by Liu Zixuan and looked through it.

After reading it, he said to their elders and deacons: Next, I will announce a few appointments. Deacon Xue Wu of the First Logistics Department has outstanding ability, and is now promoted to the elder of the Tang Sect in charge of the logistics department.

Secondly, Huo Wushuang, the deacon of Litang, has outstanding abilities, and is now promoted to the elder of the Tang Sect, in charge of the casting department of Litang.

Third, Shui Bing'er and Huo Wu, the deacons of the martial arts hall, have outstanding abilities, and they are now promoted to be the elders of the Tang Sect who are in charge of the work of the Tang Sect Martial Hall.

Liu Zixuan looked at the voiced Tang San in some surprise, only Liu Zixuan knew that Tang San had promoted all the people he mentioned to elders according to his proposal.

After Tang San announced the latest appointment, the Tang Sect's meeting ended here, and after the Tang Sect's elders and deacons left, Dai Mubai hurriedly grabbed Liu Zixuan's hand and said, Xiaoxuan...why are you ….”

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