Douluo’s Sapphire Stream

Chapter 43 Continue the battle

Liu Zixuan shook his head gently to show that he didn't care. Master could see that Liu Zixuan had a heart attack.

He sighed helplessly and said, Then it's time for Mubai to play. You have to face the combination of Ma Hongjun and Oscar...

Everyone left the playground only Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, and Oscar three, retreating to the edge of the playground, Tang San reached out and patted Liu Zixuan's shoulder: It's okay, were beaten by Xiaowu. It's not that Xiao Wu can't be blamed if he vomits blood.

Xiao Wu's cheeks were slightly red and she said, That's it... Although you are our third brother now, you are a younger brother in our eyes... Who cares about your own brother.

Although Liu Zixuan felt a little better after hearing what Xiao Wu said about Tang San, how could he become a younger brother?

A look of anger appeared on Liu Zixuan's face, and then Zhu Zhuqing put his hand on Liu Zixuan's head and said, It's really a younger brother...

Touching the head to kill... I was killed by someone touching the head again, Liu Zixuan hurriedly took two steps back to avoid Zhu Zhuqing's hand and said: Enough...I allow you to call me by my name, just forget it. I'm third in age...

Seeing that Liu Zixuan's hair was blown up because of his height, a smile appeared on everyone's faces. Ning Rongrong covered it with a smile and said, But Xiaoxuan looks like a younger brother...

It's true that the uncle can't bear the aunt, and he took out the flute from the soul tool and said to Ning Rongrong, Sixth third brother, I'll give you another chance to say who I am... …”

What kind of person is Ning Rongrong, is the little princess of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School a person who is afraid of trouble?

He took a step forward and stood in front of Liu Zixuan, raised his head and said with disdain: I want me to call brother and wait until you are taller than me...

Ning Rongrong and Ma Hongjun were the shortest among the crowd, but Liu Zixuan was more than a head shorter than them.

The master endured the smile on his face and said, What's the noise... Since it's been like this for a while, Xiao Wu and Rong Rong have teamed up to face Xiao Xuan...

After listening to the master's words, Liu Zixuan looked at Ning Rongrong's butt and said, The teacher said that I can't attack you, but a slight punishment should be fine...

Ning Rongrong would not doubt whether Liu Zixuan dared to hit her, the arrogance on his face disappeared immediately, and he put on a pleasing look: Brother Xiaoxuan... Are you willing to hit your sister?

Liu Zixuan felt goosebumps all over his body instantly, Ning Rongrong is really a grinding little goblin.

At the same time, on the playground, Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, and the Oscar duo had a heated fight.

Dai Mubai still didn't understand where his strengths and weaknesses were. At the beginning of the war, he didn't immediately decide to drop Oscar.

He asked Oscar to create a mushroom sausage and let Ma Hongjun fly into the air. Of course, when Dai Mubai reacted and wanted to take Oscar, Ma Hongjun immediately launched an attack from the air, giving Oscar a chance to fly into the air.

After that, Oscar kept providing Ma Hongjun with recovery sausages, and Ma Hongjun kept attacking Dai Mubai on the ground.

Seeing that Grandmaster was about to commit embarrassment, Grandmaster stopped when Oscar was about to make the fourth mushroom sausage: Okay, you three... the little three gang Mubai share an opponent, Xiao Wu... ...Let me see your third spirit ability.

Dai Mubai, who finally got a break, said breathlessly,'s not fair...

Ma Hongjun said in an incomparable manner: It's really cool...I didn't expect that I would have the day to win Dai Boss.

The teacher glared at Dai Mubai and said, Oscar, Ma guys rest for a while and prepare to face Xiaoxuan, Mubai...I'll talk to you about unfairness later.

Hearing the master's arrangement for Tang San and Xiao Wu to walk onto the playground, Tang San became highly concentrated from the moment he walked onto the playground.

Xiao Wu blinked her big eyes and said, Little you need to be so guarded against me, I won't eat you...

Turning his head while talking, the moment Xiao Wu looked at Tang San, the spirit ring under her feet flickered, and a pink light emanated from Xiao Wu's eyes.

Tang San's attention was slackened by Xiao Wu's words, and was immediately hit by the charm of Xiao Wu's second spirit ability.

Liu Zixuan sighed helplessly, this was the first time that Tang San was tricked by Xiao Wu and lost his chance.

After a while, Grandmaster had another reason to get angry and clean up his group, Tang San reacted the moment he was charmed by Xiao Wu.

But even if Tang San knew that he was attracted to Xiao Wu's charm, he couldn't get rid of it immediately, Xiao Wu didn't expect Tang San to have a winning smile on his face.

Xiao Wu accumulated spirit power on the spot, and the spirit ring under her feet slowly turned, ready to activate the spirit ability.

The moment Tang San released his charm, he rushed up, Tang San hurriedly released a cobweb restraint in front of him.

It had to be said that Tang San grasped the timing of the release of the spirit ability quite well, Xiao Wu rushed up and was bound by the cobweb.

Xiao Wu's body suddenly disappeared just as she was bound in the air, and it reappeared on top of Tang San's head.

Liu Zixuan just saw the purple light flashing by Xiao Wu's side. The skill that suddenly disappeared just now should be Xiao Wu's third spirit skill.

Tang San was looking for traces of Xiao Wu everywhere when suddenly a scorpion braid wrapped around Tang San's neck.

Tang San screamed badly... But as soon as the scorpion braid was withdrawn, his body involuntarily took off into the air, Xiao Wu's two strong and elastic legs clamped Tang San's head and said, You lost Xiao San. ...the first soul skill, waist bow...

Although Tang San's body lost the ability to resist being hit by Xiao Wu's spirit ability, he could still continue to release his spirit ability.

When Xiao Wu was about to activate her waist bow, Tang San bound himself and Xiao Wu with cobweb restraints, both of them lost control and fell from the air.

Liu Zixuan hurriedly used Xunying Step to come to the playground to catch Tang San and Xiao Wu, and Grandmaster's face became more and more ugly.

Liu Zixuan didn't dare to look at the master's face, it was impossible not to be cleaned up today.

The master said indifferently: Come back, little San, Xiao Wu... The ability that I used just now was teleport, but there is a distance limit...

If I guess correctly, the spirit ring you got is a thousand-year-old lightning rabbit spirit ring, and the teleportation skill is a very rare skill... Combined with the power of your first soul skill, the waist bow, you will get A big increase.

What Liu Zixuan wanted to say was the teacher, this time you really guessed wrong.

Xiao Wu's third spirit ability, teleportation, was not a skill acquired by absorbing the thousand-year-old Lightning Rabbit spirit ring, but a thousand-year-old spirit ring skill that Xiao Wu had gathered through her own efforts.

Xiao Wu stuck out her tongue at Liu Zixuan, and the master turned to look at Ma Hongjun, Oscar and Ning Rongrong beside him and said, Ma Hongjun...I won't let Xiaoxuan take advantage of you.

Oscar, Rongrong, you two help Ma Hongjun and Xiaoxuan together... It's still because of the restrictions just now that you are not allowed to attack support spirit masters. If you're ready, you can start...

Ma Hongjun, this little chubby dude, walked to the playground with a smile and said, have today too. Just now, Xiaoao and I defeated Boss Dai...and now there is Rongrong to assist you. You lose.

Liu Zixuan laughed and said, You won't know until you know who wins and who loses. I'll give you ten seconds to prepare.

He said that Ma Hongjun and the others would have ten seconds to prepare, and Liu Zixuan secretly activated his spirit power to prepare to use the first style of the dog barking technique to bark at the sun. miraculous.

Oscar and Ning Rongrong immediately summoned their martial spirits, and the power and speed boosts were applied to Ma Hongjun at the same time.

Oscar also made a recovery sausage and mushroom sausage for Ma Hongjun. After Ma Hongjun ate the mushroom sausage, he summoned his martial spirit to possess it.

Ma Hongjun wanted to make fun of Liu Zixuan's direct figure, and Liu Zixuan came to him in a flash, and the flute hit his chest like a poisonous snake spitting out a letter.

Liu Zixuan chuckled softly, and flexibly turned the flute with his right hand and threw the bow from side to side. An extremely strange airflow appeared on Ma Hongjun, preventing him from flying into the air.

In the end, Liu Zixuan put his foot on Ma Hongjun's stomach, and Ma Hongjun flew two meters away before falling heavily to the ground.

Feeling that the strange aura around him disappeared, Ma Hongjun hurriedly flapped his wings and flew into the air. The spirit ring in front of him flickered and shouted, The first spirit ability, Phoenix...

Before Ma Hongjun finished speaking, a crisp piano sound came from his ear, and then he felt that he lost consciousness and fell from the air.

At this time, Liu Zixuan took back the sapphire Liuqin in his arms with a relaxed expression and said, Hey...there is no one who can fight... Ma Hongjun fell to the ground after a full fifteen minutes. It took seconds to regain consciousness.

Grandmaster nodded lightly and said, Xiao Xuan... Your third soul skill, Voiceless Changxiao, is not an exaggeration to call it a divine skill.

Forcibly interrupting the spirit master's use of spirit skills will also have the effect of being completely paralyzed. If the spirit power level is lower than yours, it will prolong the anesthesia time... I really can't think of any way to avoid you. This soul skill.

After he finished speaking, he said loudly: We're all here to gather... Ma Hongjun rubbed his face and said, Xiao Xuan...why did you wait for me to fly to the sky before using the voiceless voice on me? Howling.

Liu Zixuan laughed and said, It's nothing...just to let you experience what it means to fly high before you fall badly. Dai Mubai laughed out loud when Liu Zixuan finished speaking.

Across Oscar, he patted Liu Zixuan on the shoulder twice and said, Fatty... Did you hear that, only when you fly high can you fall miserably...

The master's face became more and more gloomy. Liu Zixuan remembered that he had not slept well for seven days when he saw the master's face like this last time.

Quietly talk about your own feelings after the battle, Mubai, come first.

Grandmaster saw that everyone was hurriedly standing, Dai Mubai thought for a while and said, Master, me, me.

Dai Mubai waited for a long time and I didn't say anything. Grandmaster said, In your first match against Tang San, you didn't just indulge Tang San's chance to use his spirit abilities.

Why didn't you do your best at the beginning, and only thought of using the third soul skill when you were under control.

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