Douluo’s Sapphire Stream

Chapter 74 Killing the Fierce God Team

Tang San knew better than anyone how powerful Tang Sect's hidden weapons were. The only hidden weapons among the people who could compete with forty-level spirit masters were the Zhuge Divine Crossbow and the Tight-Back Bowed Crossbow.

But no matter what kind it is, once it hits the key point, it will kill people, which is contrary to what the master has always taught everyone not to cause trouble.

The master waved his hand and said, So I chose the soul master team with heavy debts. The battle against you is called the fierce god team... They are a group of thugs who don't need to be merciful.

The master looked at Liu Zixuan again and said, Xiaoxuan... If anyone of them misses you, you must deal with him immediately, or you will be injured...

After listening to Grandmaster's words, Liu Zixuan was stunned for a moment, then nodded heavily to show that he understood, Tang San was the only one in the Shrek team capable of defeating the fortieth level spirit sect.

But if only Liu Zixuan had this ability to save people, the Mo Shi Dao would not be afraid to cooperate with the Soul Master Liu Zixuan, who was below the 50th level of Xunyingbu. Not long after the master made the arrangements, the broadcast of the battle between the Shrek team and the Fierce God team came, and everyone in the Shrek team put the Zhuge God crossbow in their hands.

After putting the Zhuge Divine Crossbow into the Soul Guidance Tool, Tang San first stretched out his right hand, followed by Liu Zixuan, Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing, Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, Oscar, Shrek... .must win...

After letting go of their right hands, everyone put on masks, and then led by Dai Mubai and Tang San onto the crude fighting spirit stage. The host of the Silvestro Soul Arena was a soul master with a bat spirit. After seeing the Shrek team on the field, he began to introduce the Shrek team's registration information.

Then there were eight tall, scarred teams of fierce gods. They also wore a terrifying and bloodthirsty mask on their faces. Swept from the fierce god team.

Everyone in the Shrek team felt their hair stand upright, and Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong, Xiao Wu, and Ma Hongjun took a step back involuntarily.

However, it was impossible for the Shrek team to use the Divine Zhuge Crossbow in a protective formation.

Liu Zixuan said in a low voice, Don't be afraid...I'm here for everything, and I'll listen to Xiaochuan's password later...Don't launch the Zhuge God Crossbow without authorization, and don't lag behind...

Although Liu Zixuan is the shortest among the crowd, he is also the person who can give them confidence the most. The Fierce God Team did not take Shrek Team as a challenge after learning that it was a 30th-level Golden Dou Soul Team that challenged them. one thing.

Through the aura just now, it was found that the opponents were all young children who had never seen blood, and they despised three points. The audience outside the Douhuntai shouted loudly: Ferocious God team... shred them. ...Ferocious God team...

After the host introduced the situation of the Fierce God team, he asked both parties to summon their own martial arts, and then said loudly: Then I announce that the fierce God team will play against the Shrek team...start...

When the host's voice fell, the members of the Fierce God team released the momentum that was contained within their bodies. Although the spirit rings of the Fierce God team were unevenly prepared, the aura of the Soul Sect still overshadowed the aura of the Shrek team's top-level spirit rings.

After the Shrek team's momentum was overwhelmed by the fierce god team, the fierce god team rushed to the Shrek team, Tang San calmly said: Everyone is ready...

Everyone in Shrek took the Divine Zhuge Crossbow out of the Soul Guidance Tool and held it in their hands, and aimed them at the members of the Fierce God Team who rushed forward. The Ferocious God team jumped up when they were still three meters away from the Shrek team, Tang San's pupils shrank slightly and said loudly: Let's...

Except for Tang San and Liu Zixuan who pulled the trigger and shot the crossbow arrow, the other members of the Shrek team, including Dai Mubai, pulled the trigger with trembling hands.

Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing and the others even closed their eyes and did not dare to look at them.

I don't know if it's because I'm afraid of seeing blood or if I'm a member of the murderous team.

Swish, swish... A series of crossbow bolts sounded on the Dou Soul Stage, and the eight members of the Fierce God team were all pulled by the huge force of the Zhuge God's crossbow bolts and fell to the ground on their backs.

Their bodies were full of finger-sized holes that were gurgling with blood, and the scarlet blood stained the Douhuntai red with the naked eye.

A pungent fishy smell came to the nostrils. Looking at the bloody scene in front of him, Liu Zixuan found that he was not touched at all, and there was even a trace of excitement.

Zhu Zhuqing's spirit is a ghost cat, with a very sensitive sense of sight and smell. After smelling the bloody smell, the stomach immediately turned upside down, covered his mouth and quickly ran off the Douhuntai and retched.

The sausages made by Oscar were the ones that he ate the most these days. The essence of this thing was that the soul power would be absorbed by the body after eating it, so Zhu Zhuqing had nothing in his stomach except gastric juice.

After Zhu Zhuqing ran away, Ning Rongrong, Oscar, and Ma Hongjun also hurriedly covered their mouths and ran off the Dou Soul Stage. Although Dai Mubai pretended to be calm, his trembling body showed that he was very excited.

I'm going to see Zhuqing..., Dai Mubai said in a trembling voice, and then turned around and quickly ran off the Dou Soul Stage. Now there are only Liu Zixuan and Tang San on the Dou Soul Stage. with Xiao Wu.

Tang San was an elite disciple of Tangmen's outer sect in his last life, and he didn't know how many disasters he had withstood for Tangmen. Not to mention that there are one hundred and eighty people who died in his hands, and he didn't feel the slightest feeling in the face of the eight corpses of the Fierce God Squad.

Xiao Wu is a human being transformed into a hundred thousand year soul beast, although the body is a bony rabbit with little lethality. But how can one hundred thousand years of cultivation not kill, killing in the soul beast forest is more naked than the human world.

Of course killing is one thing, not being afraid is another, Xiao Wu's hands tightly hugged Tang San's. The ears on top of their heads also fell softly. Tang San and Liu Zixuan looked at each other. Tang San turned to the stunned host and said,'s time to announce the result.

The Silvestro Soul Arena was silent at the moment, and the host was professionally educated after all and hurriedly said: The battle... the battle is over, the victor... the history of the victors. Team Lake...

Hearing the result of Dou Soul, Tang San hugged Xiao Wu and walked down the Dou Soul Stage, while Liu Zixuan suppressed the bloodthirsty excitement in his heart and glanced at the dark red blood under his feet before turning around and walking down the Dou Soul Stage.

It wasn't until this time that the audience around the Soul Fighting Stage burst into cheers, and in the corridor of the Soul Fighting Room restroom, except for Tang San who was still standing, no one else was leaning against the wall.

Oscar put his right hand tremblingly in front of him and said, Are we wrong... Liu Zixuan sighed and said, You are not wrong... You just want to be more free. It's just to live, it's a sacrifice that you have to pay for your life.

Oscar was very puzzled as to why Liu Zixuan said this, and said blankly: But the price is too high...

Xiao Ao... being alive is a price, and you have been bearing this price since the day you were born... that is to live, this is Liu Zixuan walking on the brink of death several times understood.

It's just that Oscar and the others don't know if they can understand Liu Zixuan. Grandmaster also came over at this time and said, As a soul master, this is a problem you will face sooner or later, and everything in front of you is also a difficulty you must overcome. .

It's better to face it now than to face you on a possible battlefield in the future, otherwise... it's you who will fall, the master turned his head and glanced at Liu Zixuan. It is also what Xiaoxuan said that in order to win a battle, a huge price must be paid.

Grandmaster patted Oscar on the shoulder and walked towards the point registration window. Flender and Zao Wou-Ki came over at this time.

Flender said: The Fierce God team is doing violent crimes in the name of fighting spirits. In the silver fighting spirit level battle, they killed 63 times and disabled 98 people... This kind of thing Not only did the crime go unpunished, it paid them handsomely, and in a way you were doing good deeds.

Sure enough, after the master and Flender sang a double reed together, the Shrek team's situation improved a little, and the master had settled the points and came over and said, Hurry up and change your clothes, otherwise there will be trouble... ..

Everyone in the Shrek team hurriedly changed their clothes in the team lounge, and then followed the master and they left the Sylvis Battle Arena.

After returning to the hotel and staying at the hotel, everyone didn't say a word, looking at Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing, and Ning Rongrong's haggard appearance, Liu Zixuan said, Xiao Wu, Zhuqing, Rongrong, you can't sleep when you go back... Everyone, listen to me playing the piano to cultivate soul power.

After speaking, Liu Zixuan took the qin case out of the soul tool, greeted Qingyuliu and started playing. Everyone in Shrek finally felt better when they heard the ethereal and beautiful qin music in their ears, and they all sat around Liu Zixuan and cultivated their soul power.

Shao Xin specially made three recovery candies for Liu Zixuan. What everyone in the Shrek team needed most now was the comfort of Qingyu Liuqin.

Liu Zixuan also played all the qin songs that he could play with all his strength, and then started all over again, afraid that Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong, Oscar and the others would be annoying.

With Shao Xin's recovery of jelly beans, Liu Zixuan's soul power couldn't be exhausted even if he wanted to, and he played from the night until the next morning.

Everyone in the Shrek team woke up under the influence of the biological clock, and Flender told Liu Zixuan to stop and go back to rest. I plan to stay in Sylvez City for one more day, and then rush to the Heaven Dou Royal Academy after everyone has regained their energy.

Liu Zixuan was really tired after playing the piano all night, not only his fingers were sore and sore, but he also spent a lot of energy. As soon as his head hit the pillow, he slept until the next morning. If Flender didn't come to wake everyone up, Liu Zixuan believed he could still sleep.

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