Douluo’s Stealing the Ten Thousand Realms System

Chapter 25: Your Highness Avalanche who gets beaten every day

Before the clan could speak, the person on the other side yelled, "Laughter! My Highness Xue Beng dared not to salute", and then he saluted the leading soul master: "Your Highness Xue Beng, these two unsophisticated people are ignorant, do you want to I will help you teach them."

  'S first impression of the headed soul master is the two words "纨纨绔", not only the appearance, it seems that "纨纨纔" is engraved in the bones.

The clan suddenly realized, and thought to himself: "I said, why are you so familiar? It turned out to be an avalanche that was beaten by Dai Mubai when he appeared in the original work! It seems that this guy is still pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, and finally relying on Tang San and the others to see through. Qian Renxue's disguise became the biggest winner of the Heaven Dou Empire and inherited the throne."

   Although Xue Beng is a jerk, he is not stupid. Although he is the prince of the Tiandou Empire, he is the least favored prince, and he is always worried about his life. His few brothers who died early are a lesson for the past. Some people he really can't afford to offend, such as Shangsanzong, Wuhundian, or his eldest brother, Prince Xue Qinghe.

   Seeing that the clan is well-dressed and has aloof temperament, he tentatively asked: "Which family do you belong to."

Xiao Wu beside    was impatient for a long time. She had finally enjoyed the back pillow of her "little boyfriend", but Cheng Yaojin halfway through, "What family is not a family, we were invited to join Tiandou Academy."

   Hearing this, Xue Beng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. It seemed that it was a phoenix flying out of the grass nest, nothing remarkable.

His face changed, and he said: "You two little babies have not been weaned yet! Have a big dream here. This is the Royal Academy of Nobles. Not every grass chicken can turn into a phoenix, but this little girl is good. Play with my Royal Highness. Play, my Highness is happy to let you in, hahaha".

   While talking, Xue Beng directly ignored the clan and approached Xiao Wu. His eyes are full of evil colors, and the image of the dude is vividly performed by him.

   The clan can’t help but sigh: "Maybe this is the true color of the show."

   The clan didn’t stop the avalanche. Since the other party wants to ask for trouble, let him go.

   Xiao Wu is not as simple as imagined. With the transformation pill given by the clan and his frequent urges to practice, Xiao Wu's spirit power is much higher than in the original work, reaching level 33.

   Xue Beng just wanted to touch Xiao Wu's round little face, Xiao Wu smiled at Xue Beng. Xue Beng had a pause, and thought: "There is a play!"

   The clan looked at Xue Beng with sympathetic eyes, and mourned in silence, "My foolish prince, please ask for more blessings!"

   As expected, the next moment, Xiao Wu took advantage of the moment when the avalanche was paused, grabbed Avalanche's arm, and faced him with a complete version of a violent eight-stage throw.



   "Spare me, my aunt, grandma..."

   The scream of avalanche, begging for mercy is endless.

   Xiao Wu is getting more and more vigorous as she beats her hands and feet together, she can't stop at all. When she was in Noordin, no one was her opponent except the clan, it was not interesting at all, but every time she played against the clan, she was easily pushed to the ground. As for Tang San, who often listened to her clan telling about glorious deeds, she was afraid to avoid it. In her words: "The first soul ability alone sounds disgusting. People must be even more disgusting. Um! Little! What Zong said is definitely not wrong."

   Tang San (angry + crying): Clan thief, not only did you rob my wife, you dare to arrange me like this! I will capture you alive, eat your flesh, and sleep in your skin. Clan thief, take your life! Drive.... Tang San was once again suddenly.

   After half a cup of tea, the clan stopped the adult pig head that was beaten by the avalanche.

   Looking back at Xue Beng and his party, most of the other nine spirit masters were already trembling with fright, and only two or three people summoned the spirits to make a defensive state.

   They were really frightened by the violent Xiao Wu. God knows that a girl who looks twelve or thirteen years old is so tough, she is a tigress.

   The clan glanced at it and said, "It really is a flower in the greenhouse."

Another avalanche of unconsciousness was beaten on the other side. After Xiao Wu stopped, she relied on her "stubborn" will to regain consciousness, and immediately cursed at his little brothers: "Why are you guys staying here? , Stupid? I haven't seen your boss be beaten like this. I'm not going to use my spirit to beat him. I don't believe that so many people can't beat a little girl."

   The idea of ​​avalanche is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

   Xiao Wu’s violent eight-stage throw is too deterrent, and the avalanche buddies dare not take action at all. Avalanche is good for their boss, but if they are asked to fight for the avalanche, it is absolutely impossible.

   Hearing that there was a fight, Xiao Wu pretended to be a gold star, and raised two small fists to make her milk fierce, "Fighting? I like it!"

   At this moment, the clan stretched out his hand to stop Xiao Wu behind him, "It was just for you to vent. The girls don't know about fighting all day long. Be careful not to marry later."

   Then, looking at the other nine avalanche buddies, he said coldly: "Are you sure you want to shoot? I'm different from Xiao Wu, and I won't spend so much time."

   Clan (suffocation): Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhme to suffocate me, finally said this classic line of uchiha itachi.

   Uchiha Itachi (Huo Da): Thank you!

   Xiao Wu heard the clan say "Be careful not to marry later", and immediately turned her face flushed, as if she understood something, she didn't mean to shoot again.

   Everyone saw that the "tigress" in their eyes was stopped, and it seemed that they would not make a move. As for the clan, it has been completely ignored. In their opinion, where can you make a person hiding behind a woman?

   "Brothers, UU read open Wuhun, beat him!"

   With the first shot, naturally there will be a second and third. The nine souls are fully opened, and they are all great soul masters or souls.

   Clan shook his head, and disappeared in place.

   After almost five blinks, the nine people knelt or lay on the ground with their hands covering their abdomen, wailing in pain.


"it hurts..."

   "My little JJ"


  The avalanche lying on the ground was overwhelmed, "What speed is this? Is he a man or a ghost, is he a man or a ghost!"

   This is not over yet, the clan once again kicked them into the air by a child, and pressed them onto Xue Beng like an Arhat.

   The crowd eating melons around was also shocked, their eyes on the clan changed, from the previous little white face to a demonic look, of course these are all men.

   As for most girls, small stars appear in their eyes from beginning to end.

Xiao Wu also came over, threw herself into the arms of the clan, and hung her hands on his neck and shouted, "Wow, Xiaozong, you are great! What was that spirit ability just now, it feels like it's about to catch up with me. The third spirit ability!"

   Clan also showed a smile, and said faintly: "Okay, let's go in and sign up!"

   Green pepper: Install, continue to install.

   Clan: Nonsense, it's hard to play handsome, crying without smiling!

At this moment, a vigorous voice suddenly sounded, "What's the matter? Why is it so noisy?" I saw a figure quickly coming from the hillside tree-lined path, a silver costume, looking like it was in his fifties. The face is like a silver plate, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, with his hands behind his back. To the appearance of a bit of a master.

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