Doupo: Many children bring many blessings, I will create the strongest family

Chapter 481: Eradicate the Demonic Fire Spiritual Wisdom!

"I've given you the wisdom and memory, and I'll take them away... From now on, you will once again be as pure as when I first discovered you!"

"Jinglian Demon Saint, you heartless bastard, I won't let you get your wish!"

Furious roars were heard again from the white demon lotus, and the demon lotus also spun violently at high speed. A stream of extremely terrifying blood-colored flames suddenly shot out from the demon lotus.

Facing these strange bloody flames, the fire curtain condensed by the large formation actually twisted violently.

"Back then, when my time was approaching, I thought about erasing your memory, but I still couldn't bear to do it, so I set up this formation to seal you here. I hope you can resolve the violence and murderous intention in your heart. However, it seems now that the thousands of years of sealing have made you hate even more. In this case..."

The remnant image of the Demon Saint looked at the Pure Lotus Demon Fire that was still struggling crazily and sighed softly.

Then, the handprints of the demon saint's remnant image changed, and the huge formation actually began to collapse from the outside to the inside.

As the outer perimeter of the formation collapsed, the fire pillars blocking the Pure Lotus Demonic Fire became more and more solid.

"Boom boom boom!"

Facing the movement of the large formation, the Pure Lotus Demonic Fire also attacked the fire curtain crazily.

Chenfeng stood next to the remnant image of the Pure Lotus Demon Saint, guarding Cao Ying. Even if the temperature of this world was enough to kill a five-star fighting saint, it could not cause him any harm.

"Tiantian Ancient Formation, peel it off!"

The remnant image of the Pure Lotus Demon Saint glanced back in the direction of Chen Feng, and then turned around again.

The next moment, his illusory palm waved lightly, and all he could see was dense lines of fire in the fierce burst of fire.

These lines of fire formed a fire net, which was deeply imprinted in the depths of the demon lotus.

Then, the fire net was slowly pulled up, and traces of bloody mist were slowly forced out of the Demon Lotus body.


As the blood-colored mist rose, the shrill screams of the Pure Lotus Demon Fire suddenly came from the demon lotus.

The demon lotus was spinning crazily, but no matter how much energy it released, it still couldn't break through the fire curtain of the formation.

"The Ancient Heaven Refining Formation has absorbed the energy of heaven and earth for thousands of years. This time, it explodes completely. You can't resist it, little demon, just let me go..."

The Pure Lotus Demon Saint controlled the line of fire, and little by little, the blood-colored mist that symbolized the memory of the Pure Lotus demon fire and the spiritual wisdom in the demon lotus was forced out of its body, and the calm voice followed. outgoing.

"Fart, without memory and intelligence, the Pure Lotus Demon Fire will have no consciousness in the future. How is your behavior different from killing me?"

"You keep saying that you don't want to take my life, but everything you do is to kill me, you hypocritical person!"

Feeling the gradual blankness in his mind, Jinglian Demon Fire felt a little frightened and roared loudly.

If all his memory and intelligence are taken away, he will be truly dead...

"Your temperament is extremely violent, and now it has been inherited by me. If you are allowed to break through the seal, it will be a catastrophe. This disaster was caused by me, and I will naturally end it."

The phantom transformed by the Pure Lotus Demon Saint shook his head, and immediately said no more. As soon as his handprints changed, many lines of fire within the fire curtain suddenly crossed through the body of the Demon Lotus.


Streams of thick blood mist quickly poured out from the demon lotus.

Finally, a bloody figure quickly formed above the demon lotus. It was the human form transformed by the demonic fire of the pure lotus.

Forced out of its body, the Pure Lotus Demonic Fire hurriedly dived down, trying to get in again.

However, the remnant image of Jinglian Demon Saint did not give him this opportunity at this time. With the Demon Saint's palm, the fire curtain quickly shrank, and finally turned into a fire prison about ten feet in size.

"Master, master, please forgive me this time, I will definitely change it in the future!"

The body struggled wildly, but could not break out of the fire prison no matter what, and the Pure Lotus Demon Fire gradually became frightening.

Now that he is separated from his true body, his strength is less than one-tenth of what it was before, and there is no way he can compete with the Pure Lotus Demon Saint.

At that moment, Jinglian Demon Fire hurriedly knelt down and begged for mercy to Jinglian Demon Sage.

Looking at the Pure Lotus Demon Fire that kept begging for mercy, the shadow transformed by the Pure Lotus Demon Saint also sighed softly. With a wave of its sleeves, the shadow it transformed separated from Cao Ying and floated into the fire prison. , fell in front of the Pure Lotus Demon Fire.


Seeing Jinglian Demon Saint leaving Cao Ying, Chenfeng quickly stretched out his hand to hold Cao Ying up.

"Brother Feng, what should we do next?"

Cao Ying was not unconscious during that time. She was always conscious, but she could not control her body because the afterimage of Jinglian Demon Saint required her body to cooperate with her power.

"Just watch!"

Chenfeng held Cao Ying's smooth little hand, and the smile on his face made Cao Ying very relieved.

Nowadays, although Cao Ying's cultivation level is only two-star Dou Sage, the fusion of several strange fires allows her to exert a combat power that even three-star Dou Sage and even four-star Dou Sage are afraid of. In this high temperature In the world, even a five-star fighting saint would find it difficult to stay, but Cao Ying could be safe and sound even without the protection of Morning Wind at this moment.

"Little demon, I don't hate you. Even though you turned against me back then, in the end, I don't resent you. I have no disciples or children in my life. From the beginning to the end, you have been the person closest to me."

On the other side, Jinglian Demon Saint, who had separated from Cao Ying, came to Yao Huo and gently stroked Jinglian Demon Huo's head with his palm.

There was also a kind smile on that somewhat unreal face.

"But I hate you!"

Jinglian Demon Huo raised his head fiercely, staring at Jinglian Demon Saint with his blood-red eyes.

The blood mist all over its body exploded instantly, and actually enveloped the entire phantom of the Pure Lotus Demon Saint. Traces of blood mist crazily eroded away from its body.

"This demon fire is really too violent. The Demon Saint can influence it like this, but it has no effect at all..."

Upon seeing this, Cao Ying suddenly looked shocked and sighed in a low voice.

For something as violent and murderous as Demon Fire, its intelligence must be completely destroyed in order to cut off its violence.

"It looks like that day..."

Facing the erosion of the Pure Lotus Demon Fire, a touch of sadness appeared on the face of the Pure Lotus Demon Saint. His eyes seemed to be recalling. After a gentle sigh, the Pure Lotus Demon Saint slowly closed his hands.

"Together, let's disappear between heaven and earth forever..."

As the voice of Pure Lotus Demon Saint came out softly, the huge fire array between heaven and earth suddenly collapsed.

The collapsed formation finally turned into two extremely bright beams of light, which shot out violently, and finally hit the fire curtain hard!

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