Dr. Jiang Is Pregnant With His Nemesis’s Child

Chapter 40:

However, Shen Fangyu, who was still on the same front as Jiang Xu just now, rebelled soon.

In Jiang Xu's bedroom of about 20 square meters, the loud surround speakers are playing the theme song of "Legend of the New White Snake" in a loop at 360 degrees without dead ends, and the usually quiet big bed is playing Shaking wildly, the bed board creaked uncomfortably.

The two doctors wrestled together on the bed, Jiang Xu was not lenient in his moves, and went straight to Shen Fangyu's vital point, Shen Fangyu put all his thoughts on the protective speaker, let Jiang Xu make moves, I stood still, although the wounded Not less, but the audio did not fall into Jiang Xu's hands.

"Shen Fangyu!"

Shen Fangyu had a cynical smile on his face, "Does it sound good?"

Things start an hour ago.

The two of them still drove back home in two cars at the same time. Before Jiang Xu invited him, Shen Fangyu came to Jiang Xu's house again as if he followed his own.

The floor covering in the bedroom is still there, and there are a lot of toiletries in the bathroom. Even the bath towels look like they have just been washed, and they still smell like they have been exposed to the sun.

"Did you wash the towel for me?" Shen Fangyu was quite surprised.

"Machine wash."

Shen Fangyu said, "You threw that into the washing machine too."

Jiang Xu glanced at him, his eyes drifted to the sky, "Auntie lost it."

He invited a housekeeping aunt to do cleaning once a week.

Shen Fangyu was puzzled, "Then why didn't Auntie wash it for me last time?"

Jiang Xu rolled his eyes at him, but before he could speak, Shen Fangyu hugged the pink rabbit on his bed first, and said, "I've been sick for a few days, do you miss me?"


"I didn't ask you. I know that even if the sun comes out in the west, Dr. Jiang won't miss me." Shen Fangyu hugged the rabbit in his arms, "I asked about it."

He made an agreement with Jiang Xu that if Jiang Xu suffered from leg cramps at night, or if he felt any other discomfort, he would hit him with the rabbit. As soon as he woke up, after so many days, they could be regarded as having a revolutionary friendship.

Jiang Xu dragged the rabbit back, "Go take a bath first."

You can't go to bed without taking a bath, and you can't touch anything on Jiang Xu's bed, including his rabbit. Shen Fangyu curled his lips and took the clothes to the bathroom.

The two of them took turns taking a shower. Jiang Xu just came out of the bathroom when he saw Shen Fangyu playing with something. He took a look and found it was a portable stereo.

He wiped his hair with a towel, Shen Fangyu glanced at him as if waiting for him, and pressed the play button of the stereo slowly, the familiar melody in his memory suddenly popped out, a string of "Ah~~~, ah~ ~~" Instantly filled Jiang Xu's ears.

"Legend of the New White Snake" was watched by Jiang Xu with his parents many years ago. The drama that sang as he talked was really memorable, but Jiang Xu didn't remember much of the details of the plot. But this series of brainwashing "ah" seems to be engraved in the DNA, making Jiang Xu dream back to more than ten years ago in an instant.

The stereo has fast forwarded to the libretto, and Teacher Zuo Hongyuan's voice is full of vigor and strength:

“The beauty of the West Lake is beautiful in March…”

"Spring rain is like wine and willows are like smoke..."

This song is so familiar that Jiang Xu could barely resist the urge to sing along with the tip of his tongue. Shen Fangyu didn't care at all, hummed a few words along with the speaker, and said to Jiang Xu: "I haven't heard it for a long time, I always remember it." This song is brainwashing, and now I think it sounds weird."

At that time, Jiang Xu didn't realize the seriousness of the matter, but only expressed contempt for Shen Fangyu's behavior of succumbing to Director Cui so quickly.

Unexpectedly, Shen Fangyu protected his speakers and started an hour-long loop of the single next to Jiang Xu. Even Jiang Xu blowing his hair and turning on the hair dryer to the maximum power could not suppress the sound.

"Are you sick!"

Jiang Xu fell off the hair dryer to grab the stereo, the two chased each other in the room, the music became louder and louder like a carnival, Jiang Xu was furious, but Shen Fangyu always had the ability to slip away from him, You come and I confront each other for a long time, and in the end, I didn't know what was going on, so I got into bed.

Jiang Xu was overwhelmed by the disturbance. He began to miss the days when Shen Fangyu was ill. At that time, he thought it was too quiet. Now he just wanted to throw Shen Fangyu and his surround speakers out of the window.

Sure enough, the house is still quiet.

He shouldn't have thought about Shen Fangyu.

After failing to grab the stereo for the third time, Jiang Xu finally lost his patience, covered his ears and sat up on the bed, a pillow fell on Shen Fangyu's head, a dark storm brewed in his eyes.

"What the **** are you trying to do?"

Seeing that Jiang Xu got annoyed, Shen Fangyu finally said leisurely: "If you promise to perform with me, I will turn off the stereo."

Jiang Xu looked at him with a sinking face, "Impossible."

Shen Fangyu rubbed his ribs and said, "Then I'll keep playing."

After he finished speaking, he still forgot to add a knife: "This stereo is quite cheap, and the sound quality is not very good. The only advantage is that it is loud. Considering that you like to tear down the house, I bought more than one. Even if you smash this one, I can bring another one back tomorrow."

Jiang Xu took a deep breath, and began to fall into self-doubt again: why on earth did he let Shen Fangyu live in his house.

The music in my ears is still chattering:

"We are destined to meet each other from thousands of miles away..."

"It's hard to hold hands without fate..."

"After ten years of cultivation, we can cross the same boat..."

"One hundred years of cultivation and sleeping together..."

What kind of sin did he do to make Shen Fangyu's fate? First, he "sleeped together" out of nowhere, and then he got pregnant. Now Shen Fangyu is still threatening him at his home.

"I'll give you ten seconds," Jiang Xu said, "If you don't close it, I'll leave."

He was standing by the bed wearing glasses, his sharp eyes fell on Shen Fangyu's face through the lenses, "Ten, nine, eight..."

The music stopped.

Shen Fangyu curled his lips and said, "The little timer is fine."

Jiang Xu pointed to the floor beside the bed, and said to Shen Fangyu who was occupying his bed, "Go down."

Shen Fangyu graciously got off the bed with his stereo in his arms, and obediently lay down on the quilt on the floor, but as soon as he lay down, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

The batting under the sheets had thickened.

Warmer and softer than ever.

"...Is this what my aunt thoughtfully added to me?"

Jiang Xu had to turn off the light in the bedroom with a "snap", ignoring the noisy people in front of him.

Ruan Xiufang is about to be discharged from the hospital. Her operation went smoothly and her recovery is fast. Pathological examination after cervical conization showed negative margins, which means she was able to keep her uterus.

During the period, Jiang Xu mentioned that Ruan Xiufang's illness was related to HPV virus infection. This virus is often transmitted through sexual behavior, so in order to avoid recurrence and ensure safety, he suggested that Ma Hao also do a test.

In the past, many family members of cervical cancer patients were unwilling to go for a check-up. They always felt that the hospital was cheating money by setting up a pretense, thinking that they had no symptoms, how could they be infected with the virus, and some people did not listen to the doctor's explanation at all, and opened their mouths and cursed: "It's my daughter-in-law who is sick, why did you ask me to have an examination?"

Probably every doctor in Jihua Obstetrics and Gynecology Department has received a few "quack doctors" for this reason.

Jiang Xu originally thought that Ma Hao would also be very resistant. After all, his first impression was really bad. Unexpectedly, he agreed as soon as Jiang Xu proposed it. After taking the result, he was the first one to ask Jiang Xu Let him see if there is any problem.

Ma Hao's HPV infection result was negative, which relieved the doctors and nurses in charge of Ruan Xiufang.

Jiang Xu returned the report to Ma Hao, who bowed to him again.

Since Ruan Xiufang's condition was good, Jiang Xu didn't pay much attention to Ruan Xiufang except for regular ward rounds and listening to Shao Le's report afterwards. It was a bit of a surprise.

Because of chemotherapy, Ruan Xiufang's hair was a little sparse. Ma Hao carefully put a wool cap on her, and took out a silk banner from his arms and handed it to Jiang Xu.

There was an envelope under the brocade flag, Jiang Xu thought it contained money, and handed it back with a slight frown, Ma Hao stammered anxiously: "Dr. Jiang, you take it, no, it's not a red envelope."

He seemed a little embarrassed, "I wrote you a thank you letter."

I didn’t have time to go to work during the day, and Jiang Xu took the time to open the envelope after ten o’clock in the operation. Ma Hao didn’t lie, the kraft paper envelope contained only a few pages. Jiang Xu took a sip of plain water to moisten his throat, and then Read the letter with the desk lamp.

Ma Hao's handwriting was crooked and looked a bit tired, but Jiang Xu read it patiently.

Said it was a letter written to him, but in fact it was a bit like Ma Hao's own words. He apologized to Jiang Xu, and also reflected on some of his previous ideas. Treat his wife well, and you can't see Jiang Xu at all between the lines.

Jiang Xu hooked the corners of his mouth very lightly, folded the letter and stuffed it back into the envelope, and opened the bottom drawer of the workstation. There was a large pile of thank you letters neatly piled up inside. Jiang Xu also put Ma Hao's letter Go in and close the drawer again.

"I see that Yu Sang hung the pennant that Ma Hao gave you next to your ticket." Early in the morning, in the sound of splashing water, Shen Fangyu told Jiang Xu while washing his face, "The contrast is extremely eye-catching."

Wouldn't that be very eye-catching?

On the top was the fine for Ma Hao’s medical troubles in Jiang Xu’s beating, and on the bottom hung a pennant that Ma Hao praised Jiang Xu’s “good hands and kindness”. It was like a ready-made living sign on the bulletin board. After tea and dinner, he talked about it happily, and told the students "another classic deed of Dr. Jiang".

Jiang Xu's profession is a doctor, and it is his job to treat patients and save lives. Therefore, Jiang Xu does not think that patients and their families must be grateful or grateful to him. Prognosis and recovery.

But to get such recognition, no doctor would be unhappy, and Jiang Xu is no exception, especially this is a person who once disapproved of him.

Male doctors who work in obstetrics and gynecology will suffer more white eyes and ridicule than female doctors. Since the division of the department, Jiang Xu has seen countless people like Ma Hao, and the worst abuse he has heard is far worse than what Ma Hao said that day. Unbearable.

So in fact, there are not many male doctors in the obstetrics and gynecology department who reported to other departments and were transferred because of insufficient scores.

But both Jiang Xu and Shen Fangyu came in as their first choice, so they could have other choices.

Shen Fangyu asked: "Actually, I've always wondered why you studied obstetrics and obstetrics in the first place?"

Jiang Xu took a sip of the steaming soymilk he just bought: "I have always wondered why you are studying obstetrics and gynecology."

"That would be a long story." Shen Fangyu's eyes were a little subtle.

Jiang Xu glanced at him, "I know you have asked someone about my elective subjects."

Shen Fangyu wiped off the water from his face, paused and said, "Then that person told me about the ophthalmology department, heart surgery and spiritual surgery that you volunteered in the first three times."

"It was originally filled in like this." Jiang Xu said: "I heard that you came to inquire about my choice of subjects, so I changed it."

In fact, Jiang Xu doesn’t care what department he goes to. After all, which department he goes to saves lives, he has similar interests in each department, and he doesn’t feel that any department is inferior, and he is also confident that he can choose the best in any department he goes to. tutor.

So when he applied to the department, he applied for the most popular ones based on the principle that since he could not be selected, he would refer to the opinions of his seniors.

But his roommate suddenly told him that Shen Fangyu came to inquire about his department. At that time, Jiang Xu thought that Shen Fangyu would follow him to apply for the same department. With all the previous options, I made my first choice as obstetrics and gynecology, which is the least recommended by my predecessors.

There must be someone in every department, right?

At that time, Jiang Xu thought very well, at worst, if soldiers came to block him, and water came to cover him, he had nothing to be afraid of. Even in obstetrics and gynecology, which everyone said was not good, he could still shine.

As long as he can get rid of Shen Fangyu.

Unexpectedly, Shen Fangyu also reported to the obstetrics and gynecology department.

Jiang Xu still hasn't figured out why. After he changed the subject list, he didn't show it to anyone, and he was the last one to hand it in. Logically speaking, Shen Fangyu shouldn't know the reason for his choice.

"..." Shen Fangyu's eyes were more inarticulate than Jiang Xu's, "I inquired about your choice of subjects in order to avoid them."

And just to be on the safe side, he also put Jiang Xu's most unlikely obstetrics and gynecology department first, thinking that even if Jiang Xu changed his mind temporarily, he would definitely not run into him.

Jiang Xu: "..."

It can be seen how important communication between people is.

"We are really...destined to meet from a thousand miles away," Shen Fangyu sang as he spoke, "Ah~~~, ah~~~"

The lingering singing voice was really deafening, and Jiang Xu, who had finally temporarily forgotten the melody, was shocked, and all the previous efforts to forget it all came to naught.

God knows, he hummed the melody of "ah~~~" inexplicably yesterday during the operation, and he didn't realize what he was doing until he saw Yu Sang looking at him with the expression of seeing a ghost. what.

Jiang Xu really didn't want to recall the embarrassing past in the operating room for another second. He directly threw the dinner plate into the dishwasher, put his briefcase on and walked to the entrance to change his shoes.

"Wait for me to go together, Jiang Xu!"

"No." Jiang Xu looked indifferent.

"Did you have many surgeries today?" Shen Fangyu asked Jiang Xu while eating steamed buns.

"not much.

Shen Fangyu heard the words and said, "Then you come back to eat at night, I will cook myself."

Jiang Xu paused for a moment while holding the doorknob, and said solemnly: "After thinking about it carefully, there are actually quite a lot."

"Can your acting be any more embarrassing?" Shen Fangyu said, "I don't care, you have to come back to eat today, otherwise I should be sad, you have the heart to leave me alone—"

"Be patient."

Doctor Jiang quickly closed the door, leaving Shen Fangyu with a handsome back.

"Tch," Shen Fangyu sat back at the dining table and bit the bun viciously, "He has no conscience."

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