Dr. Jiang Is Pregnant With His Nemesis’s Child

Chapter 50:

A minute ago, the operating room.

The third baby was taken out, Shen Fangyu cut the umbilical cord, the nurse took the baby, he put down the surgical scissors and said to everyone: "Thank you." After speaking, he turned his head and smiled at the mother in bed 23: "You have worked hard too. "

The woman on bed 23 is called Wangqin. She relaxed her brows and eyes when she heard the words, and her sweaty hair was sticking to her temples in strands. She looked tired and happy. The anesthesia of her lower limbs made her feel no pain for a while. She was immersed in the child In the joy of a successful birth, the corners of her mouth slowly curled up.

It is very difficult for the triplets to be born at full term, and most of them are born prematurely. Wangqin is no exception. After being born, she was only given one look before being put in an incubator and sent to the intensive care unit.

Seeing Wangqin lowered her eyes and her mood sank again, Shen Fangyu comforted, "We will meet again soon, don't be sad."

Wang Qin nodded, sighed, and suddenly frowned a moment later, coughing lightly.

Shen Fangyu was checking the condition of the uterus and was about to wait for the placenta to be delivered, when he heard the sound, his eyes suddenly paused, and after a while, Wangqin coughed again.

The crisp sound didn't sound too unusual, but it made Shen Fangyu's pupils shrink.

"Prepare for endotracheal intubation." He said suddenly.

"Huh?" The anesthetist was taken aback.

"Hurry up," Shen Fangyu repeated, "Hurry up!"

The moment the anesthesiologist brought the intubation instrument, Wang Qin, who hadn't seen anything unusual just now, rolled her eyes, and suddenly began to twitch violently.

Shen Fangyu suddenly raised his eyes to look at the ECG monitor. There was hardly any time for him to breathe. Suddenly, a violent and rapid alarm sounded in the operating room, and the various data that were stable half a minute ago began to plummet like a convulsion. In an instant, four zeros appeared indifferently on the ECG monitor:

P: Pulse 0 times/min, R: Heart rate 0 times/min, BP: Blood pressure 0mmHg, SpO2: Blood oxygen saturation 0!

— Respiratory and cardiac arrest!

The sharp siren knocked on everyone's heart, and the operating room suddenly panicked.

"Two milligrams of epinephrine divided into two intravenous injections, and twenty milligrams of dexamethasone injected intravenously!"

Shen Fangyu spoke extremely fast. He folded his hands and pressed heavily on the middle and lower third of Wangqin's sternum.

As his figure rose and fell, he pressed it down again and again according to the rhythm. Black non-coagulated blood flowed out of Wangqin's uterine cavity, and the tube was inserted into Wangqin's trachea. Mechanical ventilation was carried out rhythmically. Big sweat came from Shen Fangyu. The forehead rolled down.

The chest compressions were extremely laborious, and Shen Fangyu's whole body was drenched.

"Give me the epinephrine again," he glanced at the ECG monitor, and quickly explained: "Four milligrams divided into intravenous injections, aminophylline 125 mg intravenous injections, notify the rescue team," he said Pursing her lips, "I will issue a critical illness notice to the family."

"It's amniotic fluid embolism!"

The news flew out from the operating room as if he had grown legs, Jiang Xu's jaw tightened, and his heart beat like a drum.

The two situations that obstetrics are most afraid of, one is postpartum hemorrhage, and the other is amniotic fluid embolism.

Amniotic fluid embolism is extremely rare, and there is no sign before it appears. The most frightening thing is its extremely difficult to recognize clinical symptoms, and the extremely fast progression time of the disease, from the appearance of atypical symptoms to death, which may even occur within a minute. There is no time for the medical staff to react at all.

And any mother may have amniotic fluid embolism for no reason, it is difficult to avoid and predict before delivery, and the fatality rate is extremely high, and the death rate is very fast, so it is also called "the lottery of death".

—The person who was drawn had a narrow escape from death.

So there used to be doctors who joked that if a patient with amniotic fluid embolism can be rescued, it would be enough for her attending doctor to breathe for a lifetime.

"Doctor Jiang!"

Jiang Xu suddenly turned around, and the patrolling nurse said as if seeing a savior, "Dr. Jiang, Dr. Li just took the critical illness notice to talk to the family members, and there was a quarrel with the family members. Go and see!"

Jiang Xu lifted his foot and walked out, and as soon as he walked around to the door of the operating room facing the patient, he heard a fierce quarrel—

"What the **** is going on with you? We said we want a natural delivery, but you just want to pull people into the operating room for more money. Now it's all right. I went in with a living person. I have issued a critical illness notice in just a few hours. !"

The scolding man huddled together with Li Sheng, "If you don't explain to me today, don't even think about it!" He yelled, "Tell that Shen Fangyu to come out for me, it's his mother who wants my wife to have a caesarean section. I'm not a man if I don't kill him!"

Li Sheng was still explaining in vain: "Calm down first, amniotic fluid embolism is an emergency, and we are already doing our best to rescue it—" Before he finished speaking, the man punched him in the side of the face, "Call your director!"

Li Sheng staggered back half a step, covered his face in pain, the man was cursing and wanted to punch him a second time, Jiang Xu blocked his fist.

Wangqin's husband tilted his head and squinted at Jiang Xu, "Are you the director?"

"The notice of critical illness is not the notice of death," Jiang Xu said to Shen Sishui: "Dr. Shen is trying his best to rescue the patient now, and has no time to fight with you!"

"Rescue?" The man was extremely emotional, his voice was loud, like a bell, "How can I rescue him when he is in critical condition? Are you trying to extort money again!" He said, "I think we should let that Dr. Come out and pay! How did he do the surgery!"

Jiang Xu took a deep breath, "No one wants a patient to have amniotic fluid embolism. There is no way for doctors to prevent such an emergency—"

Before he finished speaking, the man planned to fight him again. Li Sheng wanted to protect Jiang Xu with quick eyes and hands. Jiang Xu pulled him away, turned his head to avoid the man's menacing fist, and pointed at the bridge of the man's nose. :

"Please calm down, your lover is not dead yet! Shen Fangyu hasn't given up yet, why do you give up!"

"Doctor Jiang...don't talk about it," Li Sheng tugged at the corner of his clothes, and said in a low voice, "You didn't see the situation when you weren't in the operating room. The patient's condition, I guess... can't be saved."

"He can be rescued," Jiang Xu turned around and walked to the operating room, completely unaware that his eyes were bloodshot and his voice was trembling, "He will be rescued."

Even if he didn't come back, it wasn't his fault.

There was chaos in the corridor of the operating room. After Jiang Xu changed into a hand scrub and washed his hands, he had already raised his foot to step on the sensor to open the door. After a while, he calmed down a little, and retracted his foot again.

In the operating room, the more doctors the better, it is useless for him to go now, Shen Fangyu is in the operating room, he will make the most reasonable judgment. He let out a breath slowly, walked back to the locker room, and planned to go back to the office to wait for the result.

However, after hesitating for a moment, he finally stopped, and instead of opening the cabinet containing the uniforms, he sat down against the wall.

It's not the first time Jiang Xu encountered such a sudden situation, but every time he was on the front line of rescue, he couldn't squeeze out any extra space for worry and worry in his mind except how to save people.

Only today did he realize that waiting outside the operating room was far more anxious than standing by the operating table.

He was worried about Bed 23, and he was also worried about Shen Fangyu.

Jiang Xu raised his head and leaned against the wall of the dressing room. Perhaps only the cold ground and wall can help him calm down and calm his flustered heart.

But the people on the operating table don't have time to panic. The continuous chest compressions made Shen Fangyu almost lose his strength.

Every doctor has his own operating habits. In the past, Shen Fangyu's operating room was always relaxed and a little gag, but now everyone in the operating room looked very serious, and no one had the energy or thought to joke.

The rescue process seemed extremely long at this moment, but there was no hope in sight.

Various medicines were injected, but the patient's consciousness was still vague. Just when Shen Fangyu felt that he could no longer feel the presence of his arms, the numbers on the ECG monitor finally stabilized.

"It's back," Zhang Cheng cried out in tears of joy, "Heart rate and blood pressure are back!"

After seven minutes of continuous rescue, the patient's spontaneous heart rate recovered, blood pressure reached 150/110mmHg, and the placenta was naturally separated.

"Maintaining with vasoactive drugs," Shen Fangyu let go of his hand, and the sweat that even his long eyelashes couldn't stop fell into his eyes. The stinging feeling made him unable to help closing his eyes. Said: "Wipe the sweat."

The itinerant nurse helped him wipe off the sweat from his forehead and eyes, and Dr. Shen, who regained his sight, disinfected his hands again and picked up the suture needle.

Hayman's uterine bandage helped stop the patient's bleeding. With the progress of the rescue measures, Wangqin's indicators gradually stabilized, and her blood oxygen saturation rose again.

"Exploring abdominal bleeding."

The muscles were dark purple, and the wound surface was bleeding diffusely. Zhang Cheng said: "There is also bleeding in the muscles and under the sheath."

Shen Fangyu was silent for a moment and said, "We're going to perform a subtotal hysterectomy and let the patient's family members sign the consent form for the operation."

Two hours later, the patient who had escaped death was pushed out of the operating room and transferred to the intensive care unit.

Wangqin was transferred urgently, and the flow of people dispersed one after another.

There was a noise at the door, Jiang Xu suddenly raised his head, his eyes caught off guard Shen Fangyu who walked into the locker room.

He looked tired and drenched, his green scrubs stained with wet marks, and his blue surgical cap covering all his hair, revealing a sweaty brow.

The moment he saw Jiang Xu, he didn't make a sound, and he couldn't see whether he was surprised or not. He just paused on the spot for a short time, then walked straight in front of Jiang Xu, squatted down gently, and looked at Jiang Xu. his sight.

The two looked at each other quietly in the corner of the locker room, without speaking for a moment.

After a long time, Jiang Xu suddenly raised his hand to go behind his ear, and gently took off his mask. Condensed water dripped down, and Shen Fangyu's pale face was drawn red by the mask. Due to the heat and suffocation, it is abnormally red.

Shen Fangyu kept looking at him, letting him reach out to take off his mask, letting his palms stick to his face, and then said to him, "I'm so tired, Jiang Xu."

"Rescued?" Jiang Xu asked softly.

Shen Fangyu rolled his eyes, "Yes, I've been rescued."

Before Jiang Xu could make another sound, Shen Fangyu, who was still screaming tired just now, suddenly moved his hands and picked him up from the ground. Jiang Xu was suddenly startled, "What are you doing?"

"Who told you to sit on the ground?" The short silence was fleeting, and Shen Fangyu seemed to suddenly get excited: "There are so many chairs in the dressing room, you don't want to sit on the ground, I heard that you are still in the operating room Reason with the family members at the door, defend me, okay, Jiang Xu, why don't I know how you are patient, Ma Hao will cry when he finds out, right?"

"Put me down!" Jiang Xu stared at him with a grim expression, his hands clenched into fists.

Shen Fangyu was beaten without even thinking about the operation. After walking a few steps, he put him on the chair in the lounge in a good manner, and did not forget to threaten: "If you sit on the floor again, I will carry you to the ward to patrol the streets."

"Just say it when you're tired of life."

"What's there to argue with the family members who are in a hurry? If they really want to complain, I will have the Health Bureau to define it. This family has a violent temper. Li Sheng's tooth that had been broken for a long time was knocked out." Shen Fangyu was still in fear. , "It's a good thing you're not hurt."

Jiang Xu didn't want to argue with his family members at first. It is very common for a family member to be unable to accept that a patient who was alive and kicking before entering the operating room was put in critical condition.

But he didn't know why, when he heard Wang Qin's husband say that about Shen Fangyu, he couldn't resist the urge to defend Shen Fangyu.

Obviously he is not a person who likes verbal arguments.

He glanced at Shen Fangyu, "Is Li Sheng okay?"

"Oh, so you quarreled with your family because he was angry. I thought you cared about me." Shen Fangyu joked with a smile, "He's fine, but his tooth is too decayed. It was pulled out, but I have always been afraid of pain, and now I just have to go to the dentist to install a new one."

Jiang Xu lowered his eyes, Shen Fangyu looked at the packing box on the table, "Let's eat, huh?"

He took the packing box to heat up, opened the lid, only to find that Jiang Xu hadn't touched any of the vegetables, "Why didn't you eat it? Isn't it delicious?"

Jiang Xu rolled his eyes at him.

Shen Fangyu understood instantly, and smiled subtly, "Jiang Xu, why are you so kind to me?"

Jiang Xu got up to leave, but Shen Fangyu grabbed him, "Go home," he turned serious, his eyes full of Jiang Xu, "OK?"

Jiang Xu's heart skipped a beat, and for no reason he felt that his eyes were a bit distracting.

However, Shen Fangyu continued: "It took me a lot of effort to make your stomach better. Now I see you tossing your rotten stomach every day. I feel really uncomfortable. Come back and follow the doctor's orders to eat well, okay?"

"..." Jiang Xu said, "Who wants you to worry about my stomach?"

"A doctor's instinct, Jiang Xu," Shen Fangyu said, "I can't control it."

"Yu Sang doesn't eat well either, so you can take care of him."

"If the upper beam is not upright, the lower beam is crooked. He just learns everything from you," Shen Fangyu said, "So, Mr. Jiang, you should lead by example and set a good example for your students."

Jiang Xu glanced at him, "Then please remember to button up the white coat next time, Mr. Shen. The students in your group who are learning from you have been criticized by Professor Cui several times."

"Your clothes are in compliance with the regulations," Shen Fangyu said poorly to him, "Then you dress it up for me."

"Do you want to be ashamed?"

"Can you take it off for me or put it on?"

"Shen, Fang, Yu!" Jiang Xu stood up slowly, but met Shen Fangyu with a successful teasing smile, "Okay, don't worry, you didn't take it off that day, I took it off myself."

Jiang Xu's throat choked.

He didn't know what he had done to give Shen Fangyu the illusion that they had a good relationship, so that he dared to make such a joke in front of him.

What made him even more disturbed was that this man obviously forgot all about it, and he was running the train with his mouth full of words, but he actually made him run into a dead mouse blindly, ignoring some details that Jiang Xu didn't want to recall.

For example, Shen Fangyu's clothes are actually... shit.

Jiang Xu was so angry that he walked out without looking back, Shen Fangyu hurriedly stood up and chased after him.

Before Jiang Xu was completely enraged, he finally softened his voice and said the correct words: "I really did wrong Jiang Xu, please forgive me, please."

"I miss you a little bit," he said.

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