Draconic Ascension - System Apocalypse Isekai LitRPG

Chapter 43: Conflict (10)

The first thing Michael saw was Tairy’s bearded face with a furrowed brow and worry and disbelief in his eyes. The two stared at each other for a few seconds before the dark elf spoke.

“…That was a bit too much, kid. Even the humans must have felt that. I can’t believe that was the formation of only the second Circle. You-”

He suddenly interrupted his words, his head snapping to the side. A frown made its way into his face.

“People are starting to gather. They’re coming here. Into the house, now!”

Michael complied without hesitation. He hadn’t thought that everything that went on in his spiritual realm would affect reality. He shouldn’t stand out even more by staying put. It was better to leave it to Tairy to come up with something. He hurriedly opened the door, closed it behind him, and entered his bedroom. Soon enough, he heard voices outside. His sharpened senses captured most of what was being said.

“Hey, NPC, what happened here? What was that weird feeling?”

“Please, good teacher, we would like to know what happened. That feeling struck all of us. Did you become more powerful?”

It was simple curiosity and interest, but those could quickly change into more negative emotions the moment Michael was found out to be the source. People could try to exploit him or target him, for whatever reason they could find. He wasn’t planning on being a resource that people could try to use, so he simply stayed put inside the house. He heard Tairy’s voice reply, completely monotone.

“I’m sorry, I don’t understand what you’re asking. Please tell me in what ways I can help you.”

“We want to know what happened here!”

“I do not understand.”

Sighs and grunts of frustration echoed.

So he’s going the NPC route.

He wasn’t sure why, but neither Tairy nor Sullivan seemed to be willing to let humans find out that they were actual people, in spite of the theories that many likely already had. Either way, it seemed to be working. Michael heard the sounds of people walking away, and the sound of the voices grew lower. After some time, all was silent. The door opened and Tairy walked in, speaking.

“I know it wasn’t the best plan or strategy, but it got them off your tail. If the need arises, I’ll just say that I was testing out a new spell or something. But, don’t be fooled: all of the dark elves felt that clearly, and most of them should know what it was. You should be prepared if any of them try to approach you. Come to me first, immediately. I’ll handle it. If you can’t, then just say it was something I did and that you don’t know anything about it.”

Michael nodded with a smile.

“Thank you, old man.”

“Nothing better to do around here. Watching your growth is enjoyable for me too. We’re gonna make you stronger than any other human in this town, you’ll see.”

Michael maintained his smile. He had taken notice of this before, but Tairy seemed to be slightly ashamed of accepting apologies and gratefulness. He would always emphasize that he had done it for himself as well, even though Michael knew that the old dark elf was invested in his development. It was amusing.

“Is it too early to assume that I’ve already reached that goal?”

“Ha! Definitely. You might be special and talented, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t any who can compare to you. Even if you’re the greatest in this Village, there are other places.”

“Oh? What can you tell me about the other Villages?”

This was important information. His loved ones might be in another Village just like this one.

“For now, only that they exist. Soon, when everything kicks into gear, you’ll have all your questions answered and more.”

Michael raised one eyebrow.

“That’s it?”

“Yes, kid. That’s it.”

“Well, alright, then. What now?”

The dark elf smiled.

“Now, we prepare the best we can. It shouldn’t be long. Go to Sullivan and receive a quest, since you didn’t complete the one you set out to complete before the Dungeon. After that, I’ll teach you some new spells. If you manage to learn all of them, you’ll go out and fight.”

Michael nodded and stood up. Saying that he’d be back soon and receiving a wave in return, he left for the Village Hall. Immediately, he felt several gazes on him. Not everyone had been deceived by Tairy’s act. Their burning gazes nearly dug a hole in his figure. He had no doubt that he would be approached soon. He started walking faster. He attempted to change his path and take the long route, but he just couldn’t shake off a few of those people. Finally, he reached the Hall. The line outside was shorter than usual, but he didn’t have the time to wait with people coming for him. He froze in place, thinking about what he should do.

At that moment, he felt a presence behind him. He turned around before the extended arm could touch his shoulder. He faced a blond, blue-eyed man who smiled brightly. He wore a robe, though it was clearly more basic than the robes Tairy had given Michael. They were the starter Mage robes, only a bit torn and freshly cleaned.

“Hello! I saw you coming out of Tairy’s house, so-”

Michael clenched his jaw.

“So you followed me around until I stopped in place?”

The man stopped talking and raised his hands, palms facing forwards.

“Hey man, I’m not trying to pick a fight. I just want to ask if you know what caused such a strong disturbance not long ago. You must have felt it too, since you’re a Mage.”

“Yes, I felt it, but I don’t know what caused it.”

“But you were with Tairy when-”

Michael shook his head, a frown starting to make its way to his face.

“I said I don’t know. It’s something Tairy did. You can’t expect me to be familiar with every spell of the Mage NPC.”

The other man went silent and lowered his hands. He had narrowed eyes with an expression of suspicion. He spoke.

“Yeah, I suppose not. How about we form a Party, then? Since we’re both Mages. United we’re stronger, and all that. What do you think?”

Michael gave him a professional smile.

“Sorry, but I’m already in a Party with someone else.”

“Invite them as well.”

“I don’t think she’d be comfortable with that.”

The two stared at each other with sharp gazes. Eventually, the blond man shrugged.

“Alright, then. See you around.”

Then, he decisively turned around and left. Michael noticed that the feeling of being watched decreased considerably. The man must have been sent as a representative or a larger group. They would now talk to him for answers. Michael knew that he hadn’t done the best job when talking to the blond man, but it would have to do. Soon, it was his turn to enter the Hall. He walked in.

He had barely entered when he froze in place. There were no humans inside the Hall at all; no line or spectators. There were only dark elves, including Sullivan, and almost all of them stared at him as if trying to see right through him. The atmosphere was strange, almost belligerent, and heavy. Silently, Michael revved his engine. He activated his Dragonheart. That seemed to have been some sort of signal. The dark elves withdrew their gazes, almost in an embarrassed fashion, and the heavy atmosphere disappeared. Michael cautiously walked up to Sullivan.

The large dark elf watched him in silence. Michael decided to speak first.

“I’m here for a quest. I couldn’t bring the heads for the past quest. They were lost in a Dungeon.”

Sullivan broke his silence after a few seconds.

“You soloed a Dungeon. That’s how you got to Level 25 so quickly. You’re the only human to have undergone Class Evolution in this Village.”

His eyes were curious, as if looking at a wonder of nature. He continued to speak.

“My intention is not to be hostile, nor to pry into your secrets. You’re different, and that’s all someone like me should know. I would just like to understand, solely for myself. I had to discard a few theories after the commotion you created.”

“And what do you think?”

“I think that there aren’t many kinds of people who would cause such a disturbance with the creation of a mere second Circle. But, no matter. We will discuss more when the time comes. For now, bring me the heads of the five snakes in a clearing two kilometers west of the Village.”

Thankful for the Village Chief’s discretion, Michael nodded, thanked him, and left the Hall.

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