Draconic Ascension - System Apocalypse Isekai LitRPG

Chapter 44: Conflict (11)

James looked at the village in the distance. Next to him, Elizabeth spoke.

“That’s Bluestone Village.”

He replied in a low voice.

“It looks just like ours. What did Derek have to say about it?”

“He didn’t share much with me. He only said that some of his people made contact with some people from the Village.”

James scoffed.

“Made contact? It’s more likely for them to threaten or fight whoever they find.”

She shot him a glance, her eyes filled with warning. She whispered back.

“I know.”

He heard the sound of steps from behind them. He turned around to find himself looking at Derek. Near them, his friends also looked at them. Dylan, Anthony, and Thomas’ gazes alternated between Derek and James. It wasn’t too noticeable, except to James himself. None of them trusted Derek; they had never trusted him, from the very first day they met. Elizabeth was usually the one who talked to him, but James knew that she felt the same. She merely suppressed her emotions and acted rationally for the sake of the group. Derek’s group had only grown in size, even if one didn’t count those who were coerced into joining like James’ friends. It was the largest group in Redglow Village and had considerable influence among the humans, not only because of its size, but also because of Derek’s violent means. It reminded James of a gang or the mob. The worst of it was that he and his friends were caught up right in the middle of it all.

Derek spoke.

“My boys found someone who might be from Bluestone Village. He’s a Mage, dressed like someone important. We haven’t reached out to him yet; only seen him from afar. I’ll go to him personally.”

Elizabeth replied.

“And why are you telling us all of this?”

Derek smiled.

“Because I want your people to come with me.”

Elizabeth furrowed her brow, as did James.


“You are… less threatening than my people. They have enjoyed killing monsters a bit too much. There isn’t one that isn’t covered in blood right now.”

James thought to himself.

Maybe a good portion of that blood is human.

He and his friends were well aware of Derek’s willingness to attack other humans. There had been some cases within Redglow Village; the dwarves forbid fighting inside the Village, but there was no way for them to do the same outside of it. Derek had sent groups of his people outside at opportune moments to “deal with” specific people who had just set out on quests. None of them had been killed, but all of them had returned with injuries. Since Derek argued that they were hurt while fighting their quests’ targets, he faced no retaliation, also due to the size of his group.

Elizabeth went silent for a few moments. She glanced at James, who was frowning. Their other friends had tense expressions. This had caught them off-guard. They hadn’t expected Derek to turn to them. The man maintained his twisted smile. There was no real choice to be made here. They had to comply, even if only not to get on Derek and his group’s bad side. James understood this well. He spoke.

“Very well. We’ll go with you.”

Elizabeth turned to him, but immediately looked back at Derek. James knew that she understood it too. His other friends had shocked expressions, but they rapidly got them under control. It was never good to show emotion when dealing with men like Derek; vipers who would capitalize on every display of weakness. Derek chuckled.

“Good. Then, come. We’re going right now, while we still have an idea of his location.”

The moment Derek turned around, James had the sudden impulse to drive his sword through the man’s chest. Even if the men around them retaliated, at least he would have gotten rid of the snake’s head. The impulse grew stronger by the second; James let out a deep sigh. He couldn’t do it. Not here, not like this. His own willingness to kill the man surprised him, but not too much. The world had changed. He should change with it. If he got the opportunity to kill Derek without consequences or with only minor ones, he knew, deep in his heart, that he would take it.

Elizabeth tapped him on the shoulder and started walking after Derek. Their friends stood up and got in their standard formation. Elizabeth, Naomi, and Thomas at the center, Anthony and Dylan behind them, and James in the front. Silently, the group followed Derek and three of his men through the winding underground maze. The man didn’t attempt to make small talk or anything of the sort. In fact, he didn’t even speak. He merely let one of his scouts lead the way.

Eventually, the group slowed down and stopped. In a large square space, among the glowing mushrooms and stone columns, they could see what looked like a male Mage. His robes weren’t the basic, starter ones that were gifted to every Mage by the System. He was cutting off the heads of five Green Vipers with what seemed like a sword or blade made of mana. It was a Skill James didn’t recognize. It put him slightly on edge, but it should mean that the man had forsaken the opportunity to learn a ranged Skill to obtain the blade. He would be threatening in close quarters, but not as much as other Mages at a distance. Of course, that was a mere assumption. He could be terribly wrong. Derek spoke in a low voice.

“That’s him. Now, the reason why I brought you all here. Elizabeth and James, you will approach him. The others will stay behind.”

James clenched his jaw. On the surface, it seemed like Derek was just being careful not to intimidate the unknown man, but James knew better. The friends left behind were hostages so that he and Elizabeth wouldn’t coordinate with the Mage to try and take Derek and his small group down. It was a hateful strategy, but one that was very effective. It could even end up forcing them to fight the Mage if Derek so desired. Elizabeth asked.

“What should we tell him?”

“That we are a group seeking to expand and would like to recruit him into our midst. Ask him what village he is from and its conditions. One of my boys will go with you.”

To keep an eye on us.

Silently, Elizabeth, James, and another man walked toward the Mage. From a certain distance, James felt a strong feeling of familiarity, as if he had seen the man before. He was young, around the same age as his friends. The closer they got, however, the sense of familiarity turned into certainty, and from there, it turned into shock and dread. He couldn’t help but let a whisper escape his lips.

“Oh, God.”

He glanced at Elizabeth. She was frowning slightly, just enough that only those who knew her would notice. Derek’s watchdog didn’t seem to be paying attention to them, thankfully. James knew that she had also recognized who the Mage was. Their immediate goal had become not to show their emotions to Derek’s crew. They needed to find a way out of this.

Soon, the trio got within ten meters of the Mage, who was now also looking at them with a shocked expression. However, it quickly turned into a serene, calm one. He looked at Derek’s scout and asked a question.

“Who are you?”

The man sent him a slimy smile.

“There’s no need to be shocked or hostile, my friend. I understand that we might have been the first group you met outside your village, but don’t worry.”

He turned to Elizabeth and James with the same smile. James cursed under his breath and spoke.

“My name is James, and this is Elizabeth. We’re part of a group that seeks to recruit other people. What is your name?”

The young Mage stared at him for a full second, then replied.

“I’m Michael. Michael Gray.”

James’ hurt slightly sunk further at the confirmation. He had been dearly wishing this situation wasn’t what he thought it was, even though he already knew that was Michael. The name only sealed the deal in his mind, as if it had turned it all real. He needed to find a way to speak to Michael freely, but it was impossible in these circumstances. Derek’s scout wouldn’t simply leave. Elizabeth spoke.

“What village do you belong to? We have been trying to contact other villages.”

A flash of suspicion crossed Michael’s face, but it was gone just as quickly as it appeared.

“I belong to Bluestone Village. What about you people?”

Derek’s scout intervened, rubbing his hands.

“Oh, that’s wonderful! We’ve been trying to get closer to Bluestone Village. I’m glad we met. How about you come with us and tell us a bit about how your village works? We would like to know if there are any differences between the villages.”

Michael smiled. James knew that it was a carefully crafted one; it was his signature professional smile when he was dealing with people he wanted nothing to do with.

“I apologize, but I’m already in a group. Please, answer my question, as I have answered yours. What village do you guys belong to?”

Before the scout could say anything else, Elizabeth intervened and replied.

“Redglow Village.”

James saw Michael’s expression visibly harden. It wasn’t a good sign. He tried sending a few glances to Elizabeth, but she had noticed it too. The scout’s smile was now a cold and eerie one. His right hand moved ever so slowly toward the sword at his waist. At that moment, Michael spoke.

“I am willing to talk. However, only with those two,” he pointed at James and Elizabeth, “I would like to be left alone with them.”

The scout had a cartoonish, outraged expression.

“But why? We’re all friends here, so-”

Michael raised his hand, making the scout stop talking. Then, he smiled brightly.

“I don’t like you. I don’t need any other reason.”

The scout’s expression froze. Seconds went by in silence.

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