Draconic Ascension - System Apocalypse Isekai LitRPG

Chapter 75: Lohann (4)

The party advanced much faster than Michael expected. The increased physical abilities of the members were put on full display. Their marching speed was quick.

Everyone seems to be a Warrior.

If he were an ordinary Mage, he would have struggled to even keep up with the party’s pace. He also wouldn’t be able to do it for long. Was this some type of test? Or were they just confident in his capabilities in general?

No, it doesn’t make sense for them to expect me to have a powerful body when they already know I’m a caster.

This was a test. Michael felt sure of it as he watched Samantha and Leo exchange glances. A slight amount of anger filled his chest. He didn’t like this situation, but it was also true that the faster they arrived, the better. He needed to confirm if the woman looking for him was truly his mother.

If that turns out to be a lie, I need to be ready for whatever comes.

Mentally, he readied himself for a battle. His Dragonheart was ready to rev up its engine at a moment’s notice. He was caught in the middle of the group, but he wouldn’t be able to change that without drawing suspicion. Michael grasped his staff tightly, then slowly relaxed. He needed to be prepared to cast. A full-moon Mana Wave would be able to take out the entire group, but would he be able to get it off without needing to use Mana Shield first?

Endless questions bounced around in his mind. Thankfully, the distance the party had to cross wasn’t too large. In general, the Territories weren’t big, encompassing only up to ten kilometers in diameter. Yellowbright’s Territory was the only one that surpassed that size, which meant it was even easier to reach it. Soon, the group stepped into it. Michael’s concentration heightened. He heard the members of the party making small talk, not missing a single word with his improved senses. Samantha and Leo were silent, possibly having decided to let their leader do the talking.

With their guard up, the party continued until they reached the entrance of Yellowbright Village. Michael took note of the orc warriors at its sides; they stared at him, just like Redglow’s dwarves. It should be pretty noticeable, but no one said anything. The group confidently strode into the Village with Michael in tow. They navigated its winding roads, soon reaching a large building. Michael gazed at it with interest.

Bluestone doesn’t have a building this large except for the town hall.

Samantha opened the double doors. Hot air reached Michael’s face. Inside, he saw many tables, benches, and chairs. The sound of raucous laughter tickled his ears, while the smell of good food was overwhelming. There were dozens of people inside, either standing or sitting. They conversed loudly. At several points in the room, glasses were raised in a toast. It was as if he had entered a tavern from fantasy books. He temporarily stopped walking but followed his party inside.

Everyone here has a high rank.

After overcoming his surprise, Michael analyzed the environment. He was aware of how villagers were treated differently based on how many quests they had completed for the town chief. This included the food they ate and what they drank. The vast majority of Bluestone Village lived off bread, some meat, and water. However, all the people in the room were enjoying a variety of different dishes and drinks. Some dishes were clearly more elaborate than others, but overall, the average rank seemed to be high. Michael marveled at their leader’s ability to develop a strong organization.

A group is only as strong as its people.

Raising and strengthening all members of the organization was the correct move. It was a very different approach when compared to Derek, who utilized others for his own gain. It wasn’t a fluke that Yellowbright possessed the largest Territory.

The party walked through the hall. Several people greeted them, eyeing Michael with interest and curiosity. Samantha and Leo had visibly relaxed, smiling and waving at the crowd. As they walked, more and more people started paying attention to them. Did they know what Samantha and Leo had left for? Were they aware of Michael’s identity? Michael threw a few glances at the people looking at him. Their number seemed to be increasing over time. He was paying more attention to his surroundings than ever. If a fight broke out right here, what could he do?

His gaze zeroed in on the room’s main table, which he hadn’t looked at until now. A tall, blond man with blue eyes and a muscular build was staring right at him and seemed to be awaiting his arrival. Michael looked at the people next to him.

And that was when he saw her.

He felt as if his soul had left his body. He froze in place immediately. Samantha and Leo turned back to look at him, but it didn’t matter. They no longer existed. Only the woman before him remained. A maelstrom of emotions descended suddenly and forcefully, but the most prominent one was relief.


She was staring straight at him. Tears poured out of her eyes. She walked around the main table and rushed to him. As she approached, she tried to speak, but her voice was broken up by her sobbing. In the end, she merely hugged him. Michael spoke with a choked-up voice.


He embraced her strongly, letting the staff fall to the ground. Allison tried to speak, but she still couldn’t.

…Thank God.

He had never felt so happy. He teared up without shame. Meanwhile, the entire room had turned silent. The laughter and talking from before were nowhere to be found. They had been replaced by a solemn air. Finally, Allison eked out a couple of words.

“…My son. My precious, good son…”

Her hand touched his cheek as she continued.

“What have you been through?”

At that moment, a cold chill descended Michael’s spine. He realized what she meant at once. It was likely that she had been informed that Samantha and Leo had left to meet the Monster of Bluestone Village, and they had returned with her son. She wasn’t merely asking about the difficulties he had faced; she was talking about the things he had done, as well. Michael gritted his teeth. He tried to stop himself from continuing to cry, but the truth was that everything had been hard to bear. The weight of not only his sins but also the expectations of others. His morality that had been eating away at him. He was scared of falling asleep because he didn’t want to have nightmares.

At this moment, all of that came crashing down on his mind. In front of his mother, his weaknesses were readily exposed. Nevertheless, they weren’t alone.

I’m in a room full of people.

He couldn’t break down. Not here, not now. Reflexively, he activated his Dragonheart. It beat powerfully within his chest. His tears quickly dried up. He spoke.

“…I did what I had to do. You don’t know how happy I am to have found you, Mom.”

Allison shook her head slowly.

“No, I know how you feel. It’s because I feel the same.”

She hugged him once more, resting her head on his chest. Michael wished he never had to leave his mother’s embrace, but there were other matters to take care of. He looked at the blond man with his mother still in his arms. He spoke, picking up his staff.

“Are you the leader?”

At the sound of his voice, Allison turned her head to the man, who nodded.

“I’m Viktor, the leader of the Challengers. We were looking for you,” He looked at Allison, “…Michael.”

A small sigh left Michael’s lips. It was clear that Viktor had been about to call him ‘Monster,’ but had held back because of Allison’s presence. It didn’t matter. Michael didn’t care about what others thought of him. He had found his mother and closest friends. Now, he needed to protect them to the best of his ability. All else was not worth mentioning.

No, I can’t protect them alone.

He was only one person. He couldn’t be in multiple places at once. His perspective shifted. He needed allies. It was a cold judgement made by his now stable mind. Michael took a deep breath and spoke.

“Lohann is my enemy. I need to find him.”

Viktor nodded.

“Then we have a common objective. I welcome you.”

Michael didn’t delude himself into thinking that this was anything but a carefully calculated decision, but they needed to start somewhere. Allison spoke with a firm tone, finally taking a step back from Michael.

“I forbid you. It’s too dangerous.”

Michael turned to her with a helpless expression.

“Mom, please understand, I-”

“No, you can’t put yourself in danger like that. It is final.”

Viktor cautiously spoke up.

“Allison, we should hear your son out. He’s already proven to be to be a capable young man.”

She snapped at him with a frown.

“So? Are you suggesting that I should sit back and relax while my son goes into enemy territory? Especially when it belongs to that madman?”

Michael replied.

“I’m powerful, mother. More than you know.”

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