
Chapter 254: The Elder and the Youth

Muria watched the group of holy warriors rushing into the undead gray mist, gazing for a long time. They were not strong; Muria could sense the power of these three hundred or so individuals. Most were at the silver level, with only a few at the gold level. Compared to the legendary beings of the Necromantic Council, they were pitifully weak.

Their act of entering the Kingdom of Bavaria to save people was tantamount to marching to their deaths. Should they encounter any legendary undead or lich, the entire group would be annihilated.

In Elerasia, even for ordinary people, death is just the beginning. If these holy warriors are killed in Bavaria, it's not just death that awaits them. Their souls would be trapped in lifeless undead bodies, losing the chance to enter the divine realms of their gods forever.

Such a fate is one of the most tragic in Elerasia, a severe and cruel punishment in the eyes of its inhabitants, almost equivalent to being cast into the eighteen layers of hell from Muria's previous life.

"Do you have any thoughts?" Kaslana asked Muria.

"Humanity still has hope," Muria responded with a complex smile. "As long as there are humans like those holy warriors, humanity will continue to pass down through generations."

"The human race never lacks people like those holy warriors," Kaslana said seriously. "That's why sometimes when they ask me for help, I respond."

"This time, if a church asks you..."

"No," Kaslana shook her head. "No matter the reward, even if human legends are leading, I won't go."

Muria nodded in understanding. Gold dragons are good dragons, but in a situation where death is certain, even they would choose silence and inaction.

Sacrificing life and even soul for kindness, in the eyes of the rational mage dragon, is a foolish act. The current situation in the Kingdom of Bavaria is so dire that not even a legend could stabilize it.

Thus, while they may be moved and impressed, the adventurers who made way for the holy warriors and the bards who played music for their departure went back to their usual activities.

They respect heroes, but they don't want to become heroes. The price of heroism is too high.

"Shall we visit the temple?"


"The holy warriors mostly come here through the church's teleportation system. Only a few, like the one from my territory, come here through other means, as there are no temples in my lands."

"Then let's go and take a look!"

With Kaslana's status, they smoothly entered the temple district and headed straight into the Dawn Church's temple.

After Kaslana showed a badge proving her identity, they dismissed the questioning clerics and confidently led Muria to the area where the teleportation array was set up—good god temples have a similar layout.

Upon arrival, Muria noticed that the clerics of the Dawn Church seemed to gather here, nearly a hundred of them in various priest robes, standing in a welcoming formation in front of the teleportation array.

Leading them was a noticeable old man in a red robe, starkly contrasting with the predominantly white robes around him, a red cardinal of soul intent level.

As Muria and Kaslana entered the teleportation area, a hunched figure appeared in one of the six teleportation arrays.

It was an old man with deep wrinkles and white hair, dressed in ill-fitting armor that seemed almost comical. As the teleportation light faded, the old man slowly stepped out of the array, his face unnaturally flushed.

In just a few steps, his hair and beard rapidly darkened to brown, and the wrinkles on his face disappeared one by one. His originally stooped figure straightened, and the once-loose armor was filled by his expanding muscles, becoming a perfect fit—this armor was tailor-made for his younger self.

Seeing the old man rapidly returning to a younger state, the red cardinal showed a moved expression: "Why do this to yourself!"

"He's..." Muria was astonished, watching the old man who had transformed from a frail elder to a robust, youthful-looking knight.

"He must have taken a Boiling Blood potion," Kaslana quietly explained. "It's an alchemical creation by humans, burning all life in exchange for returning to one's peak state. It's typically used by warriors who are severely injured or on the brink of death."

"Burning all life... So, he's doomed either way?" Muria asked.

"Your Excellency, could you cast a few divine spells on me to prolong this state? I don't want to die just after cutting down a few undead." The knight, his hair still flecked with white but largely restored to youth, asked the cardinal plainly.

As he spoke, successive divine spells enveloped him, transforming him into a radiant human figure. A priestess then approached with a crystal bottle: "My lord, please drink this holy water."

"Ah, I've lived so long, yet it's my first time receiving so many blessings from priests," the knight mused, drinking the potion in one gulp, extending his empowered state.

Another teleportation array lit up, revealing a young, fresh-faced holy warrior.

"Young man, what are you doing here?" asked the glowing knight, scrutinizing the youthful figure.

"I'm here to fight evil and save the common people," replied the youth, his lips just sprouting a thin, soft yellow mustache, speaking with earnestness.

"Well said, you'll make a fine holy warrior. But now is not your time; go back."

"I am already a holy warrior," the youth said proudly, his body emanating a faint yellow aura of fighting spirit. "I'm no weaker than you."

"Such young talent to already be able to externalize fighting spirit," the cardinal smiled warmly, approaching the youth. "Tell me, how old are you this year?"

"I'm fifteen," the youth boasted.

"Hmm, silver rank at fifteen, you're indeed a prodigy," the cardinal chuckled, patting the youth's shoulder, who then found himself unable to move.

"Lock him in the confinement room. Don't let him out until the evil has retreated."

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