
Chapter 268: Slaughter

"Is this the territory of the Achille family?" Muria, surrounded by fifteen green dragons, looked down at the city below while standing on a red dragon. "Managed quite well."

Humanity in this world has existed for over a hundred thousand years. With the presence of supernatural powers and deities, this world has taken a path different from Earth, developing a completely unique civilization tree.

The civilizations of this world are not backward; in fact, the technology some races possess could easily surpass Earth's cutting-edge technologies. Take, for example, the technology developed and controlled by the human race of Elrasia.

Among humans, the ten most powerful empires each possess interdimensional colonization technology, capable of creating magi-guided battleships capable of space travel... Of course, this is technology held by the very pinnacle of human power. Apart from the ten great empires, the rest of the human kingdoms and duchies do not possess such advanced technology.

The gap between individuals can sometimes be so vast that it makes one wonder if they belong to the same species. The disparity between nations is even greater, to an almost unbelievable extent.

The top-tier empires of the Elrasian humans possess technology that, on Earth, would only exist in science fiction movies. Meanwhile, some human duchies are still in a stage similar to the feudal Middle Ages, with a civilization gap wider than the distance between the heavens and the abyss.

Of course, the Ob Kingdom, where Muria currently is, is not that backward but is also not very advanced, still adhering to a system similar to monarchical and feudal systems.

However, this country has mastered spatial technology capable of mass troop transport and has established a nationwide teleportation array system, which is standard for human kingdoms.

Although the system is outdated, generally, the educated nobility within the kingdom, unlike their medieval Earth counterparts, are not ignorant or shortsighted and possess good vision and foresight.

Thus, any noble with a normal IQ would not treat their subjects like machines, ruthlessly exploiting them or imposing taxes that they cannot live with. Of course, there are few nobles who regard their subjects as their equals.

Muria, following the coordinates given by the general, arrived at the first city to find it vibrant and not as lifeless as he had expected.

"Roar!" Upon arrival, the red dragon Artelain let out a furious roar, its oppressive dragon might spreading out and plunging the lively city below into panic, with the human inhabitants beginning to flee with their families.

Red dragon! Although most were ordinary humans who had never seen a dragon in their lives, they knew what this creature was the moment Artelain appeared.

Too familiar. From childhood to adulthood, every human has heard countless stories about red dragons, almost always cast in the role of the villainous boss.

Over time, these ordinary humans have formed a basic impression of red dragons: their appearance invariably brings destruction and death. Hence, fleeing is the only response these humans could muster upon seeing a red dragon.

The unbridled dragon might and the roar that echoed through the city immediately alarmed the city's rulers. From the central castle, five streaks of light flew out and landed not far from the circling dragons in the sky.

They revealed a mage and four armored warriors, who looked at the sixteen dragons in the sky with apprehension, hesitating to approach.

Because the dragons showed no immediate intention to attack, they mustered the courage to come out for negotiations. However, the immense pressure from these apex predators quickly dissipated their courage upon closer contact.

"Hah! You don't even have the courage to approach me, so what are you doing here?" Muria scoffed at the five hesitant humans, his disdain and arrogance undisguised.

"Your Excellency, may I ask who you are?" Hearing Muria suddenly speak, a gold-level warrior bravely asked.

"I am Muria, protector of the demon-hunting knight, Leon!" The black-haired, golden-eyed youth stood atop the red dragon, his tone indifferent.

Demon-hunting knight!? The five strong members of the Achille family stiffened, instantly realizing the identity of the youth who rode the dragons—a golden dragon.

"Hand over the person from your Achille family who ordered the assassination of the demon-hunting knight."

"My lord, the rebel who ordered the assassination of the demon-hunting knight has already been executed, and his head has been sent to you," the only mage among them answered somewhat nervously.

"Hah, are you saying the assassination order was his personal decision and has nothing to do with your Achille family?"


"Were you involved in the discussion of this assassination order?"

"My lord, as I said before, it was that rebel's personal decision, so of course, it has nothing to do with me."

"Boom!" As soon as the words were spoken, a blazing column of light shot out from Muria, quickly engulfing the mage in flames. When the smoke cleared, only some ash and a few metal fragments fell from the sky.

"Foolish humans, I wonder who gave you the courage to lie in front of a golden dragon." Muria spoke calmly, looking at the four terrified gold-level warriors.

Golden dragons possess dozens of spell-like abilities that they learn naturally as they age, and detecting lies is one of them. No human can lie in front of a golden dragon.

"Were you four also involved in this matter?"

The four warriors remained silent, two of them even showing signs of wanting to flee.

"No answer? It seems you were all involved." Muria waved his hand, and four gold-level green dragons dove toward the four pillars of the Achille family.

Unsurprisingly, four gold-level humans stood no chance against the onslaught of four gold-level green dragons, meeting their demise.

"Let's go to the next place." Looking down at the city now in even more turmoil after witnessing the killing of their lord, Muria cast a wide-range mass paralysis spell on the humans before directing the green dragons to open a portal to the next target noble territory.


"Merely the last throes!" Muria looked down coldly at the castle now reduced to ruins by the red dragon Artelain.

This was a noble family that had hoped to temporarily resist his attack with the defensive magical arrays in the castle, then seek reinforcements through the castle's teleportation array.

However, Muria directly collaborated with Fiona to seal the castle's space, then had the red dragon and the rest of the green dragons demolish it. As for the humans inside, aside from the innocent servants, maids, and underage children, every member of the family was slaughtered.

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