
Chapter 88: The Gift from the Mech Emperor

From the endless void, the world-ending evil deity, although awkwardly imprisoned within the Sky Mech City by the Mech Emperor Osiris, used as a target for weapon testing, is still a deity with the power to destroy worlds.

Muria stared at it, still suffering from the erosion of the deity's power. Protected by the Dragon King's ancestral blood, he did not undergo any physical transformations. However, Muria's spirit endured a significant shock; it was his first encounter with an epic being that made no effort to conceal its power.

Muria's elders, whether Dragon King Demos, the Master of the Wild Expanse Arkaim, or Mech Emperor Osiris, naturally restrained most of their power in front of gold-tier Muria.

But the imprisoned world-ending evil deity did not extend the same consideration to Muria and, upon sensing his presence, unleashed its power even more recklessly, trying to corrupt Muria into becoming one of its enslaved followers.

Muria directly faced the deity, enveloped in a thick black mist. As he looked closely, he saw that the mist was composed of faces of bizarre, despair-twisted creatures, their mouths constantly opening and closing as if cursing those who had doomed them.

Hearing these extremely ominous black mists, a dense sound of wailing as if from billions of creatures at the moment of the world's destruction echoed faintly in Muria's ears.

The curses of countless frail lives before their death manifested physically on the twisted form of the evil deity. Yet, these did not harm the deity; instead, it used these desperate wails and curses as a weapon against other sentient beings.

Seeing the physical curses made Muria feel immense fear and trembling, like a snake facing an eagle or a rabbit facing a lion, as if seeing a natural predator. This was a natural response for any sentient being facing a slaughterer of countless lives.

"Puff! Puff!" Muria gasped heavily, his face hidden under dragon armor dripping with cold sweat caused by terror and trembling. Having been reborn in Erathia for over thirty years, it was the first time Muria felt fear from the depths of his heart.

The indescribable evil deity appeared to him like a black sun, emitting endless death and despair, filling Muria's perception.

Muria felt an overwhelming sense of despair and weakness at this moment, truly realizing how insignificant his power was when facing the deity.

Behind Muria, the legendary Titan Ansol quietly watched his son, whose body trembled slightly from the direct encounter with the deity.

Ansol was not angry at Muria's fear; it was a normal response to such a slaughterer of countless beings.

Indeed, when Ansol first ascended to legend and visited this void-born world-ending evil deity, he too had felt a hint of fear, but with countless battles, he quickly vanquished his fears.

Only legendary Titans are permitted to observe this epic evil deity imprisoned within the Sky Mech City. Those below the level of legend could only know of its existence within the city but could not visit.

Because those below the level of legend could not withstand the unbridled, terrifying corrupting power of the deity, facing such an entity would lead to the loss of self-awareness, becoming a mindless servant of the deity.

"Muria." Hearing his name called while calming himself from the fear of his weakness, Muria turned to see the Mech Emperor.

"There is no need to fear." Osiris smiled, with millions of bolts of lightning bursting from his epic Titan form, the golden light illuminating the confined space and dispelling all evil presence, his terrifying energy directly surpassing that of the deity.

At that moment, Mech Emperor Osiris resembled the blazing sun at midday in summer, in contrast to the evil deity, which seemed like a waning moon, dim and lightless.

The tall Titan stepped through the void towards the evil deity, restrained in place by several thick chains, and with each step, his already-grand Titan form grew larger.

Three hundred meters, four hundred meters, five hundred meters... a thousand meters. Mech Emperor Osiris fully displayed his towering, muscular form, a Titan of immense strength and beauty, only in this fully unleashed state.

"Osiris." The indescribable evil deity, twisting its tentacles, let out a fierce roar.

As the power of the Mech Emperor soothed his heart, Muria curiously listened to the deity's roar, which was not any known language but more like vibrations from the soul, understandable to any being with a soul.

And from the soul vibrations emitted by the evil deity, Muria sensed madness, rage, and endless humiliation.

"We, the ancient rulers, will never..."

Just as the deity started to make its threat, Mech Emperor Osiris raised his weapon, now a thousand-meter-long cannon resembling a planet-destroying gun, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

"Boom!" A column of red and white energy, tens of meters thick and crackling with electricity, shot from the exaggerated barrel of the gun, striking the main body of the twisted evil deity.

"Roar!!!" The deity, hit by the Mech Emperor's modified planet-destroying gun, could no longer emit any threatening soul vibrations and could only howl in immense pain.

"Hmph!" Seeing the deity struggle and flail its tentacles under the barrage, and hearing its agonized soul cries, Osiris's expression remained unchanged; the energy column from his gun even thickened, increasing its power.

A thousand-meter-tall Titan, muscles bulging, wielding a cannon so large it could fit a young Titan, attacked the twisted evil deity, which flailed its hundreds of meters long tentacles in a frenzy.

This scene was incredibly shocking, offering an unmatched visual impact. Muria's mouth unwittingly fell open, and then he was even more astonished by what happened next.

"Boom!" Under the continuous, violent output from Mech Emperor Osiris's cannon, the body of the deity was penetrated, and the thick energy column shot out from the other side of its twisted body.

"Bang!" "Bang!"... Parts of the deity's true body exploded, tentacles with eyes and oozing fluids scattered, and its massive twisted form instantly shrank by a third, the remainder tattered and sparking with golden arcs.

"Is it dead?" Muria asked, unsure, watching the soft, battered body of the deity. The cannon was so terrifying that Muria felt it could shatter stars.

"One day, Osiris, I will return the pain you've inflicted upon me a thousandfold, a millionfold," the deity roared, having been turned into a mass of gore by the Mech Emperor's cannon. After just a few seconds of silence, it roared again, its blasted limbs and debris rapidly returning to its body as if time were reversing.

At that moment, the evil deity from the endless void demonstrated its terrifying vitality. Its body, nearly obliterated by the barrage, healed almost immediately after Muria's question, returning to its disgusting form, waving its tentacles.

"Boom!" Hearing the deity's threat, Mech Emperor Osiris couldn't be bothered to respond. Power surged into his cannon, and once charged, a blazing pillar of light shot once again at the fully restored body of the deity.

Then the deity screamed again, its indescribable true form, just like before, was pierced by the barrage from the cannon, its body parts blown apart and scattered by the thunderous strikes.

"Is it unkillable?" Muria watched as the evil deity's form, reduced to a mass of gore, repeated the scene of its flesh rapidly reconstituting and regenerating as if the devastating cannon strikes had caused it no harm at all.

"There is no such thing as an unkillable being." Ansol responded calmly to Muria's query, "Even those so-called immortal gods have times they fall and cannot rise again."

"Then this deity..."

"It remains undead because the Mech Emperor does not wish to kill it," Ansol looked at Muria, "The Mech Emperor is quite interested in its kind, the Cthulhu-like deities."

After being bombarded by the Mech Emperor's cannon twice, the evil deity became much more subdued, no longer shouting or making threats. Thus, after testing the weapon's power, Mech Emperor Osiris retracted his own power, returning to the size Muria had first seen him.

The towering Titan, carrying the now size-reduced cannon, approached Muria and his son. Hearing their conversation, he laughed heartily:

"Ha ha, it's not just me who's interested in this deity's kind, the Cthulhu. Other epic Titans are also curious, like your grandfather Arkaim; he also wants to catch an evil deity to use as a punching bag."

"Heh heh!" Muria chuckled dryly, catching an evil deity to use as a target or punching bag, the epic Titans were truly fierce. As their descendant, Muria felt a bit inadequate.

"Muria, what do you think of this weapon?" Mech Emperor Osiris raised the still large-caliber, even when reduced, planet-destroying cannon towards Muria.

"Very powerful and violent." It had pierced the body of a world-ending deity; the firepower of this cannon was off the charts.

"Do you like this weapon?"

"I do." Muria nodded, such a powerful and violent cannon, who could honestly say they didn't like it.

"Good." Mech Emperor Osiris nodded and casually tossed the cannon to Muria, "It's yours now."

"This is too precious..." Muria held the cannon that had fallen into his embrace, which instantly shrank to match his size, while the other hand held the Void Egg, somewhat bewildered. He indeed liked the cannon, but he had never imagined he could own such a massive weapon.

"This weapon I'm giving you isn't as precious as the Void Egg that Arkaim gave you, if you don't mind."

"Take it." When Muria looked helplessly towards his father, Ansol nodded at him, signaling him to accept the planet-destroying cannon.

"There, you wanted the charged planet-destroying cannon, the protagonist can't use it yet, are you satisfied now?"

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