Dragon Ball Strongest Son Gohan

Chapter 52

Chapter 52 Super Saiyan II (for collection and flowers)

Day by day, Son Gohan and Son Gohan have been on this planet for two full months.

“Are you just this strength?”

Son Gohan turned into Legendary Saiyan at this time, his grass-green hair had no wind, and a strong air radiated from his body.

Looking at the future Son Gohan who fell on the ground, he said coldly.

“Just like you, but you can’t protect the earth!”


Son Gohan endured the severe pain and stood up again.

In these two months, he didn’t know how many times he was knocked down and how many times he got up again.

Every time I face, it is the cold eyes and disdainful tone.

Obviously the same person, the same talent, why can he be so strong, but I am so weak.

No… it shouldn’t be like this!

I have the blood of the fighting nation Saiyan, and have the most terrifying talent.

I am a descendant of the fighting nation Saiyan, and my limit is absolutely impossible.

In the future, Son Gohan gritted his teeth and made a straight sound. At that instant, his breath suddenly burst out, and waves of terrifying auras centered on Son Gohan, rushing wildly.

“That’s right!”

Son Gohan felt the strong breath, and finally smiled on his face.

It seems that this time, he should be able to break through the boundaries of Super Saiyan II.


In the future, Son Gohan screamed in anger and squeezed both hard, instantly turning into Super Saiyan.

And this breath is still rising rapidly.

The ground beneath his feet instantly spread out in all directions like a spider web, and the rubble flew around with the violent vortex.

The whole planet is shaking violently.

Lanes of blue lightning appeared on the body of Son Gohan in the future.

One, two…

More and more lightning crackled.(Read more @ wuxiax.com)


At the same time, the golden hair stood up high, leaving only a handful of bangs shaking in front of his eyebrows.

His eyes are more determined and fierce than before.

His hair stood tall and his whole body carried lightning.

“Heh! Have you finally broken through Super Saiyan II?”

Son Gohan narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Son Gohan, who was so aggressive in an instant.

It seems that this year’s practice has yielded pretty good results.


In the future, Son Gohan’s slender eyes revealed a domineering look of the world, and he screamed and slammed his fists to Son Gohan.

Okay, let me take a look at how strong Son Gohan of Super Saiyan II is.


Son Gohan didn’t avoid it at all, and greeted him with heavy fists.


There was a dull loud noise, and the two fists slammed together.

A horrible energy spread from the center of the fist, causing the ground to collapse in an instant.

Super Saiyan 2 and Super Saiyan 1 are so different!

The energy should be at least doubled.

The two continued to dismantle hundreds of tricks, Son Gohan controlled his power at 70%, and the two could not be separated for a while.

You know, Son Gohan passes Saiyan.


The two fisted into each other again, each stepping back a few steps, and they were evenly matched.

“Cultivate here today!”

Son Gohan glanced at the devastated ground and waved to the future Son Gohan.

If the two continue to fight like this, it is estimated that this planet will be torn down by them.


The two of them took a deep breath, changed back to normal, and the coldness and domineering in their eyes had disappeared.

“Never thought that I could have such a powerful force!”

In the future, Son Gohan looked at his clenched fist with unparalleled excitement.

If he had this power before, he would definitely not let the cyborg fight so embarrassed.

“You are in this state, Super Saiyan who surpasses Super Saiyan, call it: Super Saiyan II!”

Son Gohan on the side looked at the exciting future Son Gohan, and continued to explain.

“But… Super Saiyan II is far from our Saiyan limit!”

“Isn’t such a powerful force the limit?”

In the future, Son Gohan’s pupils shrank, and he couldn’t imagine how terrifying a force that could surpass his current strength?

“of course not!”

Son Gohan nodded, the corner of his mouth evoked a wicked curve.

You should know that there is Super Saiyan three on top of Super Saiyan II.

And the most handsome Super Saiyan four!

And Ultra Instinct who understands the realm of gods.

Therefore, the way they have to go is still long!

ps: I’m really sorry, I posted the wrong chapter yesterday! *

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