Dragon Dragon Dragon

Chapter 110 - Greedy

Chapter 111

Yi Longlong hung softly on Lin Qi’s neck, over the teenager’s shoulder, she saw a greedy ghost coming from behind them. Yi Longlong stretched out a small white tender hand, pointed his finger at the greedy ghost, opened and closed his lips slightly, and a three-in-one mantra sounded.

Hands slipped.

An iceberg appeared suddenly, from top to bottom, with a howling wind, and slammed heavily on the greedy ghost, pressing his body into the hard soil.

The greedy ghost was crushed under the iceberg, and the Warcraft that was approaching it temporarily stopped for a moment, looking a little awedly and uncertainly, looking at the humanoid dragon.

Yi Longlong basically did not think of escaping, where can escape?

Than speed? Several creatures around are known for their high speed.

Fly? There are no shortage of Warcraft flying here.

More importantly, Yi Longlong knew in her heart that the reason why they were safe for so many days was because she pulled the banner of the Dragon tribe and deterred the unknown Warcraft, but if she escaped now … these creatures are not without wisdom They might see the emptiness inside her. At that time, I’m afraid that life will not be too good.

Between the leisurely outing and the desperate attempt to kill a **** escape, Yi Longlong certainly prefers the former. Even if Lin Qi is not too afraid of any monsters, there is no need to spend more force.

The best way is to get rid of these gluttonous dwarfs right here and stop the surrounding creatures by the way.

After making up his mind, Yi Longlong patted Lin Qi, explained a few words, and let him do the same.

Then, Lin Qi put away the dagger, and the magic pointed to a dwarf accurately. His level was much higher than Yi Longlong. There is no lack of technical content to smash hard with large pieces of ice, but to freeze the dwarfs directly in the ice, but in the blink of an eye, there are more than ten ice cubes around, and each ice is frozen one Only greedy ghosts.

The battle was stopped momentarily, and the noisy surroundings were finally temporarily quiet. Yi Longlong slightly raised his rounded chin and looked around for the reaction. The threatening effect was better than she imagined. The creatures that originally came up quietly receded. When they all retreated, Yi Longlong was relieved.

The alarm is temporarily cleared.

One of the gluttons was crushed under the iceberg, and the rest were frozen in the ice, but this did not trap them for too long. This creature is known for its appetite, which is its strong vitality and toughness. Physically, after a while. The dwarf who was initially hit by Yi Longlong struggled to climb out of the iceberg and continued to wave forward with a knife and fork.

For this, Yi Longlong was also ready to continue to cope with it. She drew a little body in Lin Qi’s arms and only “showed” her head to observe the dwarf. Give orders in the mouth:

“Get a fireball.”


“To stab.”

“” Misty “fog.”

With each attack, the dwarf’s footsteps will be postponed, and even he will be repelled. Other greedy ghosts frozen by Lin Qi are still trying to break the ice. With the creaking chiseling sound, the lone greedy ghost moved forward for food.

Let Lin Qi experiment with low-level magic first, and Yi Longlong draws a preliminary conclusion: The skin of greedy ghosts is very tough, and there is no way to physically damage them, and those magics that directly affect the body, such as gravity and dizziness, Petrochemical, etc. It can only have a little effect on it, and after a while, it will automatically return to normal, but it cannot really cause harm.

The experiment was almost complete, and the rest of the gluttons broke out of the ice. The next process was repeated.

Roland erected a portable iron pot, tossed the meat left over the other day into the country, and after the soup boiled, he began to sprinkle various seasonings and side dishes into the pot.

Previously cremated perches on the mountainside. Roland collected a lot of good spices. Just use it at this time, chopped a little and sprinkle it into the pot. Add a few slices of shitake mushroom at the end, and the broth quickly seduces the scent.

Roland is in charge of cooking. Yi Longlong and Lin Qi are sitting side by side nicely, with bowls and spoons in front of them, and they are ready to cook. However, the surrounding area is three or four meters away. Broken ice, gorgeous ice flowers bloom layer by layer, if viewed from the sky, as if a huge ice flower blooms on the ground, it is already evening, and the sunset in the Longyu Mountains is as gorgeous and gorgeous, Apply a light gold “color” coat to the ice flowers on the ground.

The gluttons are still charging, but whenever one enters the alert circle, Lin Qi will hit him with a magic missile, then immediately freeze, wait for himself to break the ice, and repeat the same behavior again.

Because only two simple magics are needed to interact with each other, Lin Qi is very leisurely after being skilled, and can even make accurate attacks without even looking at the greedy ghost.

The three of them picnicked leisurely, the greedy ghosts attacked in vain, and the delicious broth fragrance wafted in the air, making the dwarves who loved food deliciously red. They just wished to reach the pot earlier. However, Lin Qi mercilessly shattered their attempts.

After the soup was cooked, Roland gave Yi Longlong a bowl full of priority. She also specially gave her two large pieces of meat and a piece of stone mushroom. She said, “You have such patience to consume with them? Can’t you just kill them?”

Yi Longlong picked up the “milk” white “color” broth, lifted his exquisite and small lips, and drank it. He said lightly: “There is no need to play genocide. These guys are just greedy, not What a sin. “

In fact, at first, she wanted to kill all the dwarfs. At that time, she even planned to let Lin Qi sacrifice **** fire, but before she spoke, she suddenly awakened: When did she become so cruel?

It seems that after entering the Longyu Mountains, she gradually changed. One of the most obvious things was that she destroyed the entire Whitefang Mercenary Regiment. Although she felt sad and scared afterwards, but before that, she was horrified by herself. The calm and decisive decision to clean up.

As if standing in a very high position, looking down lonely and indifferently, the feeling …

Very strange.

In the Dragon Language Mountains, only two sets of enemies attacked them before and after. The first set was the Whitefang Mercenary Corps. Now they are gone, and the second set is the greedy ghosts in front of them.

In the meantime, because of the intimidation of the dragon on her body, UU read the book www.uukanshu.com. She has not been attacked again.

Once attacked, will the character change?

Or something else?

After discovering his own problems, if Yi Longlong was superficial on the surface, his mind set off a stormy sea, and immediately decided to control himself and let Lin Qi fight the war of attrition. If the opponent does not threaten “sex”, she does not need to use **** methods at all. It is certainly a way of life to be happy and bloody, but Yi Longlong does not like to trample on life at will.

She is happy, dignified, and does not need to gain performance through torture.

The sunset gradually sinks into the embrace of darkness, the bright moon gradually rises to the sky, the bright and light glow drops, and the large ice flowers on the ground bloom with a shallow haze.

Lin Qi ’s magic power did n’t seem to be exhausted for a moment, but the gluttons finally became tired, and some of them started to be less stable.

Although he was full, Roland once again set up the iron pan and cooked the fragrant broth. Finally, there were big greedy devils, and he seemed finally tired of this endless monotonous offense and defense. He crouched Body, poking the knife and fork on the ground heavily.

After doing this, the rest of the dwarves did the same thing, throwing the knife, fork, spoon and bowl, and then the barefooted greedy ghosts joined hands and danced in circles.

Roland smiled slightly: “We won. This is how gluttons show their surrender. They will not bow to the enemy, but they must give in and just do it.”

This move is saying: I am not afraid of you, but we are going to have a happy party and not fight you.

Struggling to recall the narratives in the books, Roland raised a bowl of soup and took the initiative to walk towards the gluttons.

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