Dragon Dragon Dragon

Chapter 23 - Silent Forest

I’m sure there are only two of them here, Yi Longlong’s childish tone is young, and the old-fashioned sighs: “Hey, why did you fall in trouble with this guy?” She really missed Eric.

Roland glanced at her and said blankly, “Sorry, I’m a nasty thief.”

No matter how unwilling, Yi Longlong still had to work with Roland for a while. Although the purple-haired thief in front of him may be mischievous, he is slightly more reliable than Lin Qi.

Yi Yi Longlong was not very worried about Eric’s safety. With his sword, even if he was anywhere in the forest, he could survive, but he couldn’t find the right way.

When Roland went to search around, he picked up some dead wood by the way, and piled them together to prepare a fire. Compared to Yi Longlong and Lin Qi, who were unscathed throughout the body, he was unlucky. The place to be teleported was just above a pool of water. Not only did we wet our clothes, but we accidentally scratched our forehead with the stones at the bottom of the puddle.

Fortunately, I did not lose the carry-on tool bag. I took the flint out of the waterproof pocket and wiped it to light the dead wood. Roland lowered his purple eyes, thinking about what to do next.

Although he has extensive knowledge, he is not proficient in magic after all, not to mention that the tower is equipped with rare space magic on this continent, let alone him, even ordinary magicians. Don’t know much.

Therefore he could not judge how far they are from the stone tower, and where they are now in the sea of ​​trees.

This sea of ​​trees is as vast as the sea, and not every place in the sea of ​​trees is as safe and smooth as the road he and Esley and others have previously taken. There are also extremely mysterious and dangerous places in the sea of ​​trees. He Now I’m just worried that I happen to be in a dangerous area.

When Roland was thinking, the fire quickly burned vigorously. When Roland saw this, Roland paused for a moment to contemplate, and then took off his clothes to dry, and lifted the inner pullover tights, and he heard the tenderness. Tong Yin screamed, looked away, but Snow White turned around shyly, her paws covering her eyes, and ignored.

“Hey …” Faced with this situation, Roland felt helpless. Yi Longlong made him feel like he was an exhibitionist. “You are a dragon. A dragon cares whether humans wear clothes or not. doing what?”

Yi Yi Longlong snorted slightly: “You also need to know that I am a female dragon.”

I really don’t want to see Yi Longlong make such an action that implies that he is a pornographic mania. Roland finally made a compromise and used his clothes to block the banner between the fire and the big banner, blocking Yi Longlong and him.

When baking clothes, Roland mentioned Eric: “The man named Ivan doesn’t know what’s going on, hoping he won’t be teleported to the sea of ​​trees to teach dangerous places.”

Yi Longlong didn’t worry at all: “It’s okay, let’s worry about ourselves, Ire … Ivan promises nothing will happen.” Now she no longer knows nothing like when she first met Eric Through comparison, you can also learn from the side the strength of the young blonde, who can be lost in the sea of ​​trees for a year, and she estimates that Eric has stepped across dangerous places.

The clothes dried up quickly, and Roland wore them back one by one. He took a black bowl and a spoon of the same color from his pocket, laid the bowl flat on the floor, and placed the spoon in the bowl.

Yi Yi Longlong asked in surprise: “Do you want to eat? Do you have food?”

Roland rolled his eyes: “How is that possible? This is the only magic I can do to guide the magic.” He slowly recited the mantra, and the black bowl and spoon began to light up with strange and beautiful lines, but easy Longlong looked more like a complex interlaced circuit diagram, but the next moment, as if the power was off, the circuit diagram suddenly went out.

Staring at the bowl and spoon for a while, Roland smiled bitterly: “It wasted once to guide the way by magic, but now it seems that there are two news. Do you want to hear the good or the bad first?”

Yi Yilong shrugged his shoulders: “Just casually, listen to it first.”

Because of such a humane gesture of shrugging, Roland stared at Yi Longlong for a while before he said, “The good news is that there are no powerful and fierce beasts around this forest, and our security can be guaranteed for the time being.”

“What about the bad news?”

“The bad news is that I originally wanted to waste expensive materials and find my way back with a way-finding magic, but this forest is a silent forest. In other words, all magic cannot be used here ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ From tomorrow, we will have to slowly explore the road on our own. “

For Yi Longlong, this is not bad news. When she did not meet Eric, she lived alone in the forest for a long time, and walked with Eric, and she saw everything every day. It’s a tree, and she’s used to being in the forest, so long as she doesn’t run into fierce beast enemies enough to die, what’s the point of going around the woods more?

They woke up and confirmed that it was only the evening of each other. Soon, the moonlight penetrated the gaps between the branches and leaves and was scattered into the silent forest. The silvery moonlight as thin as a veil envelops the surrounding objects with a hazy layer. Veil, even in the dark forest, did not appear horrible, only people felt peaceful.

I ca n’t brush my teeth like before, Yi Longlong still rinsed his mouth under the surprised look of Roland, and then said good night politely, ran to Lin Qi, and planned to sleep under his robe.

Before falling asleep, Yi Longlong suddenly remembered something, opened his eyes and asked Roland: “Hey, you won’t leave the weak animals and innocent beautiful teenagers in the deep woods while we sleep, just run away. ? “

Roland stared blankly at the fragile creature that destroyed a tower, and then said something later: “How is that possible? Even if I discard it, I will first take you out of the forest and leave you at the merchant.” He Even if you lose yourself, you will not leave the only surviving dragon in the world.

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Hey, today’s hand is very smooth. I wrote it and added it ~~~~ I’m so sorry to continue to ask for tickets ~~

Scratching paw for pk ticket ~~~

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