Dragon Dragon Dragon

Chapter 25 - Red hat

The firewood that had burnt down the wood gradually went out, and there was still a little faint red light in the ashes, Yi Longlong curiously, and a little nervously looked at Lin Qi, not knowing if he wanted to doing what.

Lin Qi’s exquisite and beautiful face was almost lifeless. He didn’t answer Yi Longlong’s question. Even, he didn’t feel that there was anyone around him. His dark eyes seemed to be confused by something, with magic. Power, his eyes turned to the endless distant place, there is the void that human beings can not get involved in, what is tempting to call him.

I don’t know how long it took, Lin Qi finally moved, he lifted his foot and took a step, and the white bare feet protruded from the black robe, but, the next second, he fell to the ground.

Yi Longlong opened his eyes in surprise, and saw Lin Qi’s feet bounce back and forth between two small things, which are like the thumb man in the story, wearing green leaves on his body, exposing slender hands and feet. There was a faint light all over their heads. On their heads, they wore a big hat like a mushroom cap. The color of the hat was bright red, with some white round dots, and the hat was glowing with soft white light. At first glance, it looks like a mushroom-shaped light bulb.

The two little men in mushroom hats were holding the straw rope in their hands before they were lying on the ground. They used this straw rope to trip Lin Qi and watched Lin Qi fall. Crisp, small laughter, holding his hat rolling.

At this time Lin Qi slowly got up from the ground, he felt the elbow in pain with confusion. Although his expression was still ignorant, his eyes were clear, and he could never see the magical feeling before.

Yi Longlong was a little dazed and didn’t know what was happening. A cold voice came from behind him: “Lin Qi’s appearance just now is supposed to be called by him, maybe the person who locked him left us on him. What you do n’t know … Fortunately, I was interrupted by those two little guys. “

Turning around, I saw that Roland sat up with her legs bent and didn’t know when she woke up. She lowered her voice and explained to her, “The environment of the Silent Forest is not the same as elsewhere, so you can see some rare creatures here. The thing that tripped Lin Qi is called a red hat. It is a kind of goblin who likes mischief very much. He is very cunning and mischievous. Most of them are not malicious. They just like to play tricks on other creatures. “

Looking at two red hats that resemble mushrooms, Yi Longlong’s small claws are a bit itchy, and I want to grab one to see it clearly, but I’m afraid of scaring away or damaging such a slender villain.

Noticing her anomaly, Roland stopped: “Don’t try to catch them. They can live to this day, and they have their own self-protection ability. Once caught, they will be as thorough as a ray of air that cannot be caught. Disappear, but soon they will appear elsewhere, in retaliation for your attempts to catch them, make you have nightmares, spoil your food, or take away your good luck, make you unlucky For a long time. “

Yi Longlong glanced back at Roland and said, “Are you intimidating the dragon?”

Roland had a solemn and solemn expression: “No, I’m admonishing the dragon.”

Although she still discriminated against the profession of thieves, Yi Longlong carefully listened to the advice of experienced people, afraid that Lin Qi would offend the red hat, she hurried to run over, grabbed his two white hands with white snow claws, On his knees covered with a robe: “Don’t move, obediently.”

Gao Tamimei nodded obediently, really sitting on the ground orderly, holding her hands on her knees motionless.

The two red-hat goblins laughed enough, and went to Lalinqi’s long black hair with a chuckle, because Yi Longlong explained just now that Lin Qi was really obedient and allowed the little goblins to make his hair A mess. Seeing such a situation, Roland felt that it was too stupid to associate Lin Qi with the Dragon Slayer before.

After playing with the red hat for a while, the two little men were holding hands, the hats were next to each other, hopping to leave, Yi Longlong was anxious, but couldn’t reach out his claws to catch, only turned his head to look at Roland pleadingly “Can’t you stay with them?”

Her beautiful blue eyes are crystal clear, with an innocence that is not of an adult, but in the night, she is even more clean and spotless. When facing this line of sight, Roland froze, and the next second he immediately appeared for his heart. I felt ashamed when I was a little cute, and said with a black face, “Do you look very leisurely? Don’t forget, we are not in a good situation now, even if we pass through the forest of silence, we don’t know when we can get out of the sea of ​​trees Will there be beast monsters on the road, or will there be a shortage of food and water? Instead of thinking about having fun, consider these realistic issues. UU 看书 www.uukanshu.com.com

After a lesson, Yi Longlong was not ashamed or angry as Roland expected. She tilted her head and thought, and pulled Roland’s sleeve seriously. Her tender voice slowly said, “I don’t agree What’s your point of view, the crises you said do exist, but are we grim because we are in an unhappy situation? “

This was a problem that she had figured out in her previous life. Now she moved out to refute Roland, but it is smoother. “Did we die because we are destined to die? Can we close our eyes because we cannot see the light? Go up? “To say that the situation is bad, but no one is worse than her, because when she met the palette team, she learned the problems she was about to face, and the metamorphosis of the dragon killer would not find her. But instead of worrying about such distant things, it is better to have fun every day.

The petite body makes a childish voice that seems to be able to spit out water, but there is a thorough and thorough communication between the words: “Sir thief, it is because of the difficult situation that we must not miss any one to be happy What happened … “

Luo Lan frowned and made a pause gesture, interrupting Yi Longlong and continued: “Okay, don’t you just want a red hat? I’ll get you as much as you want, don’t preach to me, I listen to this Just a headache. “

These were probably taught by the swordsman named Ai Wen to this little dragon? Although it is an enviable attitude towards life, it is not suitable for him.

Seeing Roland Ken’s help, Yi Longlong closed her mouth happily. She didn’t deliberately persuade an adult with independent personality thinking, nor was she interested in being someone’s spiritual teacher. She said so much. The ultimate purpose is also Just trying to persuade Roland to help her attract the little red hat.

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