Dragon Dragon Dragon

Chapter 27 - Bully dragon

The morning light gradually turned on, the red hats disappeared, and there was only some embers left over from the bonfire last night. Roland dug a pit on the ground with a short sword and carefully buried the ashes, although in such inaccessible places There is no need to hide traces in the place, but Roland’s professionalism and personality make it uncomfortable.

After passing last night, compared to Yi Longlong’s cheerful expression, Roland’s attitude seemed very indifferent and buried the ashes, he then cut a pair of rough wooden clogs with a short sword, and let Lin Qi with bare feet wear them.

When Lin Qi was taken out of the high tower by him, he had no shoes on his feet. When he took a quick glance at the tower, he could not find any shoes that he could wear. Roland now maliciously guessed whether Lin Qi had never dropped bed?

Although Lin Qi was fortunate not to step on sharp objects before, it does not mean that she will not do so in the future. Roland did not do this out of kindness, but for her own consideration. If Lin Qi hurts her feet, they will delay their journey.

Prepared for a while, the two men and one dragon just hit the road and entered the forest, and the cascading branches and leaves almost covered the whole sky, only a few rays of scattered sunlight were scattered between the gaps, shining a little light on the ground.

Roland walks in front, Lin Qi walks in the back, and Yi Longlong lies on Lin Qi’s shoulders. Her small white claws cling to Lin Qi’s wide robe tightly, her body fluctuates with Lin Qi’s footsteps, a pair of blue Eyes cried curiously.

I have to say that when it comes to wild survival skills, Roland is better than Eric. I don’t know how many times better. Whether it is identifying the road, looking for water, or searching for food, it is exceptionally skilled. It seems that the forest is actually his backyard. Generally, there is no rustiness at all.

He can call the name of any plant and animal he sees, and tell his growing environment or living habits. He can also get information from subtle traces, knowing what creatures are nearby, or from the humid condition of the soil. Judge the water source. Within a long time, under the leadership of Roland, they found a stream and took a short rest here.

Before the rest, Roland had collected a lot of plants and smoothed a pair of wild pigeons and a few eggs in the pigeon loft.

Pick up the long strips of stones beside the stream skillfully and put them in a circle, loosely place the firewood inside, and use the flint to ignite the dead wood picked up on the road. The stones were roasted red. Roland took out a small knife and took the wild caught on the road. Pigeons are slickly peeled and chopped. After cleaning the stream, pick the large pieces of meat and cut them into pieces that are one inch square by half a centimeter thick.

He sprinkled a layer of young leaves with unknown names on the stones. Under the heat of the heat transmitted through the stones, the young leaves gave out a strong aroma. Then Roland put the sliced ​​pigeon meat on the young leaves. Take the seasoning vial from the waist and sprinkle some powder.

The flesh of the remaining part was cut into thin strips by him, smeared with salt, wrapped in leaves, and stuffed into hollow branches picked up on the road.

The flames of light reflected the face of the purple-haired thief. He had no expression, showing a particularly grim divide.

After a while, the thin pieces of meat exuded bright oil. The gravy ran on the pieces of stone and made a gurgling sound. The aroma was introduced to the two noses of the dragon nose. The purple-haired thief held a knife between his fingertips and turned the pieces in turn Then he swiftly provoked a piece, carefully examined for a moment, and then passed it on to Yi Longlong.

The meat slice is very thin, and it dissipates heat quickly. When it falls in the claws of Yilonglong, it is already a temperature that can be entered. Yi Longlong grasped the meat slice horizontally with two claws, and bite a small bite by his mouth. The richly-scented gravy overflowed from the gap—Roland cut the meat slice according to his habits and size. Compared to Yi Longlong, It’s still bigger.

Lin Qi was handed a piece of pigeon meat to Lin Qi. Lin Qi glanced at Yi Longlong and learned to take it with both hands, and put it in the mouth like an ant.

After the meat was roasted, Roland extinguished the fire, then set aside the ashes, and buried the meat-filled hollow branches and pigeon eggs. This was to continue to use the residual heat of the ashes.

Yi Longlong ate two pieces of meat, almost half full, and then waited for the pigeon eggs to be cooked. Yi Longlong stretched his claws and touched a tender leaf, wiped his mouth carefully, and thanked Roland as usual.

“You don’t need to thank me.” Roland poked away the ashes and said coldly, “I will take care of you all the way, and when the sea of ​​trees comes out, you will resent me.”

Yi Longlong froze and felt dangerous. She quickly hid behind Lin Qi: “You, what do you want?” She finally felt dangerous at this moment, although Roland was discriminated against by her profession before, and later she attracted her. Red hat, but this does not mean that Roland is a kind and friendly person. UU reading books www. uukanshu.com

Stuck in the tower, he almost wanted to arrest her.

Roland didn’t care if Yi Longlong was hiding behind Lin Qi. He estimated the time of the fire, removed the ashes and took out the remaining pigeon meat and eggs. After it was slightly cooled, he divided it into Yi Longlong and Lin Qi. Would you easily let go of the value of a dragon? But I also know that if you are with you, you will cause a lot of trouble. In contrast, it is a good choice to hand you over to the Heinne family. “

When Yi Longlong heard it, she was startled. She subconsciously turned and ran away, but she didn’t take a few steps to see her original calf behind her. Seeing his relaxed appearance, he seemed to be waiting for her there.

Roland stared sharply at her, slowly speaking: “Your only choice is to take the initiative to follow me or be taken away by me.” He was not afraid of Yi Longlong escaping before he said in front of her Get the truth.

With his skill and consciousness, even in his sleep, Yi Longlong couldn’t leave.

Looking at the dark shadow that drooped from Roland’s purple hair, Yi Longlong fell into a huge panic for a moment. Now Eric is not there, she has no ability to protect herself, and Lin Qi seems to be totally incapable of …

Badgers will be sold, may be locked up as pets, or used for other purposes.

When thinking of the various situations he might face, Yi Longlong felt that his future was gloomy.

The snow-white dragon had blue eyes with water, but the poor look didn’t move the thief. He showed a malicious smile, pulled out his short sword and dangled in front of her, warned her not to run away, and turned back to sit down. .

Yi Yilong bit his own paw angrily.

Bad guys!

Bully the dragon!

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