Dragon Dragon Dragon

Chapter 29 - Bad news

“Despicable.” After another exclusive pre-dinner exercise for the thieves, Roland was relieved for a moment. He breathed heavily in sweat and angrily accused Yi Longlong: “Pretend to be relaxed and alert, but the real purpose is to use Is your blood poisoned? It’s so mean. “

Yi Yilong was stunned, and it took me a while to think back to refute: “Chat, how could my blood be poisoned?” Listening to what he said, it’s too bad for Dragon.

“You picked the fruit yourself, and you cleaned it yourself, and you cut it with a dagger. Even if you lost any fruit for us to eat, it was your choice. You stupid, poisoned, and blame the innocent dragon. It’s so shameless! “One by one, methodically self-defense, Yi Longlong took a small sip, expressing infinite contempt for the thief.

Yi Longlong retorted that the thief was speechless. The word stupid slammed on his head like a huge sap, and his self-esteem was severely damaged, but he was reluctant to admit that he was so. Negligently, he ate the blood-stained food inadvertently, which is a shame than choking to death. If it is passed out, he doesn’t need to hang around in the thief circle.

In the past, there have never been such absurd and terrible oolongs on this continent. Once the dragon itself is very powerful, there is no need to use such a boring method to hurt people. Second, the dragons he knew before were all skins. As thick as a wall, where is the skin thin and tender like this one in front of me, and an ordinary dagger can cut and bleed?

Don’t come out and hurt people if the skin is so thin!

The unlucky thief groans misunderstandings as he continues to exercise before meals, as if burned by hot magma, and the whole body’s blood will evaporate and dry, but the moment before the dryness, there will be an extreme ice to replace the fiery and stuff His limbs and bones tortured him alternately, hot and cold, and soon he couldn’t say anything extra.

Yi Longlong carefully observed for a while, and finally determined that Roland really was poisoned. She couldn’t help raising her claws to look at the scar cut by the short sword. The thin scar was almost invisible: Did she In addition to being a giant panda siberian tiger, is it also a mobile and portable crane red function?

Lin Qi moved his steps and slowly walked over, reached out and touched a cleaned plum to eat. By the way, he watched Roland’s rolling close up. After washing, he washed his hands and learned how Roland looked like he mingled on the ground twice. Then he stood up and fiddled with the leaves and gray hair, rather disgustingly: “Not fun.”

Roland is suffering from madness. She is going to be mad. Who (dragon) is this? Can you give a normal response?

Yi Longlong watched Roland feel uncomfortable, and she couldn’t bear it. Although she knew that this guy was not good, she couldn’t watch her die in front of her. She took two steps to prevent Roland from jumping up and strangling her. To vent her anger: “Hey, is there any way you can detoxify?” She said the poison of dragon blood.

At this point, Roland could hardly even hum, and he gasped intermittently: “I … if … know, I don’t need to.” To be precise, dragon blood is not a poison, but A destructive force. The only thing that can dissipate it is strength, but he is far from level.

This is what God Ordin said: Will people with evil thoughts be bitten back by evil thoughts?

In a half-coma, Roland remembered what the inconspicuous officer in the palette team had said. He had always been insensitive to such preaching, but he didn’t know why but remembered it at this moment.

Since he started this profession, he hasn’t done less gray things. As for such things as conscience, they have been abandoned early. Now, he even commits low-level mistakes that even beginners don’t make. This is probably the place of the shrine. Drop the punishment.

In short, Roland did a long pre-dinner exercise for a long time, and always achieved nightfall. The stars shone lightly, and his moans gradually weakened. His whole body was soaked with a lot of sweat , Collapsed to a coma.

After Roland had no voice for a long time, Yi Longlong dared to step forward. She stood by Roland’s head and stretched her claws to detect his breath: Although the thief’s breath was weak, UU read the book www.uukanshu.com but it continued after all With.

Yi Yi Longlong was relieved: Fortunately, there were no dead people.

Putting two claws together and placing them on his chest, Yi Longlong bowed to the thief: “That, I’m sorry, because you want to catch me to receive the reward, so I must run away while you can’t move.”

This is simply a wonderful opportunity from heaven. If she doesn’t take advantage of this opportunity to escape, then she will be really mentally disabled.

“Hey, Lin Qi, come here to help.” Reaching out to Lin Qi, Yi Longlong closed his eyes and instructed him to rob the thief, stripped the thief’s clothes first, and let Lin Qi drag the naked thief into the big tree in the forest. Behind the tree, she dared to open her eyes, and searched Roland’s clothes and pockets for gadgets she could understand and couldn’t understand, all packed together for Lin Qi to carry.

“Well, you’re done!” Teach Lin Qi to make a simple baggage with Roland’s clothes, Yi Longlong happily patted her paw, frustrated her for an afternoon, at this time she recovered her good mood again. Throw the thief in the terrible forest. “

He signaled Lin Qi to squat down and prepare to jump forward. Yi Longlong suddenly remembered something. She picked up the short sword that saved her once, walked a few steps to the edge of the forest, and inserted it seriously on the ground.

Although she was angry with Roland, she didn’t intend to kill him. After Roland woke up, she should be able to survive in the forest relying on the short sword and his rich knowledge.

But without clothes, presumably Roland would not dare to run around in the forest naked, which would at least give them some time to escape.

Looking back on my own thoughts, it was determined that there should be no major problems. Then Yi Longlong jumped on Lin Qi’s shoulder with ease, with his little paw pointing forward, facing the dim light of the moon and night, reflecting an extra soft and clear snow-white: “Let’s go!”

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