Dragon Dragon Dragon

Chapter 5 - Tahiniya, sleep here

Wouldn’t it hurt her?

Yi Yilonglong spit out a little tongue: who believes? The bad guy never writes the word bad guy on his face.

When the man turned around, Yi Longlong could clearly see his appearance, his face was covered half, but his chin lips exposed under the fringe were extremely straight and elegant, even if only by this half of his face , Can also pass the passing score.

Make sure that the other party has discovered his existence, instead of just talking about scaring the dragon, Yi Longlong hesitated, and tried to say, “You … you …” The language used by this man does not belong to any kind known to Yi Longlong. But strangely, Yi Longlong could understand, she tried to open her mouth, and her tender voice could stutter.

It seems that this knowledge has been stored in her mind, but there has been no suitable key to open it. The arrival of this person is exactly the key.

Speaking a word, Yi Longlong was encouraged and tried his best to finish his request. The soft and waxy voice slowly brought out the grass with the sweetness and tenderness unique to young children: “Let me see … your eyes.”

Eyes are a window to the soul. Yi Longlong has always believed in this. Although she was in the hospital for most of her previous life and didn’t interact with people much, she could not see less in the hospital.

It is the only way for a person to be born, to die, and to die. The hospital is the place where these four words are most concentrated. She has seen pregnant women being delivered to the delivery room, she has seen the old man tremble, she has seen pain in the bed, she I have seen people around her stop breathing, because of her illness and pain, her feelings are more acute, and she can easily distinguish goodwill and malice from others’ eyes.

Although the blond man’s tone is very kind, she is still a little scared, and only has to make this sounding ridiculous request.

The blond man froze slightly, and then laughed. He laughed in a scattered and casual way, as the sun spontaneously fell down. Then, he raised his hands to curl up his messy long hair, and pushed it behind his ears, revealing his covered eyes.

Those are a pair of very gentle eyes, the blue eyes are like a cloudless sky, wide and almost marginal, and the gentle tolerance in his eyes is like the sharpest weapon that disintegrates Yi Longlong in the first time Be prepared.

The blond man looked about 27 or eighteen years old. His appearance was very handsome and beautiful. His messy, undressed long hair added a little tiredness and laziness, and his eyes always seemed gentle. Smile.

However, what really reassured Yi Longlong was not the appearance of the blond man, but his actions. He could have walked directly to pick her out, but in the face of such a voice that obviously had little power, he chose to respect Her request.

The blond man waited for a while, but there was no movement in the grass, and he patiently persuaded: “I have something very important to tell you, please come out and meet me …” His words suddenly stopped because Yi Longlong came out.

之前 Before meeting Yi Longlong, although the blond man could feel that there was a very weak creature in the grass spying on him, he did not expect it to be a dragon, and he was still dressed like this.

Yi Longlong wore clothes woven with silver-edged grass leaves. The neckline was a lotus leaf collar. Two white claws stuck out in the short sleeves. The long hem was almost dragged to the ground, and the big tail was covered by the way. The edges are intertwined with green and silver to form a subtle pattern, which makes the clothes made of grass leaves look beautiful and delicate.

After one year, she has improved her handicrafts. After testing a lot of materials, the silver-edged grass leaves that were first discovered are the best to use. They are strong and soft, and can maintain the fresh state when they are just picked for a long time.

The blond man felt that the sight in front of him was a bit out of his usual perception. Although he knew that there were creatures in the grass, he didn’t expect that it was a dragon. The dragon is the dragon. As far as he knows, generally speaking Even if it is a newly born baby dragon, it is at least one adult tall, but the one in front of him is less than his knee, and what makes him most surprised is that the dragon is still wearing clothes.

This … is it really a dragon?

When approaching the blond man, Yi Longlong’s heart was also frustrated. She had a little luck in her heart at first, hoping that the surrounding trees and trees were too huge, not her body became smaller, but now she has a reference object comparison, she There was nothing wrong with the original wonderful intuition.

Looking at Yi Longlong, the blond man seemed to think of something. A strange and suspicious expression appeared on his face, and he slowly said, “Little boy, were you here when you were born?”

怎么 How does he know?

Yi Yi Longlong stared at him carefully and nodded slightly.

The blonde man thought for a while, as if he should be in distress, and after a while, he smiled again: “First introduce yourself, my name is Eric, and it is your mother’s friend.”

The next second, Yi Longlong used her fastest speed to turn around and jump back into the grass, and the slight trust she had just established collapsed in a word. In previous books and on television, the lines of those strange uncles who lied to the children basically said: “I’m a good friend of your mother (dad).” Therefore, upon hearing this sentence, Yi Longlong subconsciously guarded .

Even if this guy is very handsome, he is also a very strange uncle.

He squinted at the snow-white dragon, and when he heard what he said, he immediately hid as if frightened. Eric couldn’t laugh or cry: Did he look so scary?

He squatted down, trying to keep his eyes as flat as possible with the eyes in the grass: “What are you afraid of? I really won’t hurt you.”

Yi Yi Longlong pouted his lips: “Fool the dragon.”

Eric said: “Where did I lie to you?”

Yi Longlong rolled his eyes: “I don’t know who my mother is at all? How do I know if you are her friend? Besides, I have lived here since I was born and have never seen you at all. How could you know me Whose child? “Her words were well-organized and she spoke in an unusually childish voice, giving the impression that the child was pretending to be an adult.

Eric nodded in understanding: “You didn’t know.” He turned his head and glanced at the lake again, with a little nostalgia in his blue eyes: “Your mother, Tahini, Tahini The word ya means “silver eternity” in the dragon language. Tahiniya is a silver dragon, she is the perfect combination of elegance and power, the strongest of the dragons, when she raised her head, the earth was Trembling, and when she opened her wings, the silver light cut through the sky … “

Although this description sounds very strange, Eric’s soft expression gave Yi Longlong a warm feeling, so he didn’t interrupt him, just continued to listen to him.

“Ten years ago, I wandered around, and met Tahiniya by chance, and became friends with her. I had been with her for a whole year, so I was very familiar with her breath. When I was near here, I felt Her coercion and breath can determine your relationship with her. “His bright blue eyes were a little dimmed.” The woods around this lake are too quiet, and there are no birds, just because the lake is extremely radiant. Strong coercion will make other animals instinctively fear to stay away. However, this degree of coercion is only the remnant after Tahiniya’s death. “

What Eric did not tell Yi Longlong was that he was different from Tahiniya that year because he did not know who severely injured Tahiniya by cruel means. At that time, he saw the silver eternal body covered with blood. , Flying sadly and painfully across the sky, such a terrible injury, even the dragon, is difficult to survive.

Eric stared softly at the snow-white dragon hiding in the grass: “Tahinija once told me that she gave birth to an egg and was going to find a place to hatch. Now that she is dead, she has finally completed what she said if.”

He could almost imagine the situation at the time. Tahiniya was seriously injured. UU read www.uukanshu.com. In order to escape the terrible enemy and not to hurt her children, she flew into this forest and kept flying. When I got here, I finally fell exhausted into the lake. But even after her life, she still tried her best to protect her children.

The powerful coercion made other animals in the forest dare not approach, but the unique cold and clean atmosphere of Yinlong created a environment suitable for the automatic hatching of dragon eggs in a large area centered on the lake.

Why there are no disasters or scourges here, why the beautiful scenery and pleasant climate are like a fairyland. This is just a mother, and she does not forget to protect her children even after death.

Eric raised his hand to the lake with a sad look: “Tahiniah, sleep here.”

After a long silence, Yi Longlong spoke again: “You mean, my mother is actually at the bottom of the lake, she is dead?” When she dived into the lake, she always felt that there was something very kind on the bottom of the lake that was attracting her. It seems that it should be the blood relationship between this body and her mother.

Every time she dives into the center of the lake, the density of the water will be so strong that she could n’t move forward. She originally thought it was the nature of the lake here, but combined with what Eric said, it should be because there is a powerful dragon lying on it. The sake of the bottom of the lake.

Suddenly, the change in water quality was probably related to the dragon named Tahiniya.

Easing the depressed mood, Eric reached out to Yi Longlong, comfortingly said, “Don’t be sad, although your mother is dead, I will take care of you.”

To Eric’s gentle blue eyes, remembering that her eyes were also blue. Combined with Eric’s previous statement, Yi Longlong thought of a very terrible possibility. She looked at Eric timidly, “So … are you my dad?”

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