Dragon Dragon Dragon

Chapter 61 - Where to come from, where to go

She is going to return to the sea of ​​trees, to the lake where she set off, quiet and lonely like a fairy tale. She came to the world from the fairy tale, and hit the icy sharp knife coldly. No one was comforted by the injury. Now she has nothing. No, I just want to go back to the place that is lonely but at least safe.

This is fear, escape, timidity, but Yi Longlong just can’t control it, the fast sword lightsaber shadow, gorgeous mysterious magic, and all kinds of wonderful mysteries, which bring her not novelty but fear.

Her high expectations and the gap brought by reality have discouraged her. Maybe she can cheer up in the future, but it is definitely not now.

After listening to Yi Longlong’s decision, Levy had no objection. He squatted down and checked for any omissions in the magic circle. After a long time, he slowly asked: “Leave now?”

Yi Longlong hesitated: “I hope that the sooner the better, since a decision has been made, you can’t drag it on, maybe something will happen late one night, but will it not be too suitable tonight? Just so strong a light here , People in town may notice. “

Levy dismissively said: “It is inevitable to be found, but no one cares. I often make a holy light from time to time, and there are even bigger movements. People here are used to it. “If this were not the case, he would not have used the magic array so boldly in the open-air stargazing platform.

In this case, Yi Longlong finally felt relieved, and quickly picked up: “Then I will leave tonight.”

She was reluctant to stop for a moment.

There is nothing she can’t put down here, the only one that has some concerns is Lin Qi, but being with her has already caused great damage to this simple boy, and the more she can’t let it go, the more she wants it. go away.

Yi Longlong slowly jumped down from the stargazing platform. For people, the ordinary step height was high for her. She could only jump up and down. However, the sound and rhythm of the jump came into her ears, and it was so. low.

Back to the first floor of the temple, Yi Longlong passed through a long and quiet corridor. Brass sconces were hung on the walls on both sides, and the copper temple-sized temple sign was on the lamp holder. This corridor was not her first walk, but in the past It was all on Lin Qi’s back. At this time, walking on her own feet, she realized that the corridor was so tall and her own body was so small.

Lin Linqi’s room door was not closed. Yi Longlong pushed the open door hard and walked to the bed to jump on, only to see Lin Qi’s face.

The teenager slept heavily, breathing slightly evenly, like a melody, Yi Longlong sat lonely by the pillow, looking at his beautiful side face, and then said, “Lin Qi, I’m leaving, I’m sorry , I’m a idiot stupid, saying that to help you find your parents, it will not help you, but it will also affect you. “

She thought about it, stretched her claws into her clothes, took off the star badge she had always taken off, and carefully stayed away from Lin Qi’s collar: “I have nothing to give you, this is what Eric gave Mine, if he comes back, he should be able to take care of you. Of course, Levico can take care of you. Although these two adults don’t look very reliable, they are very good people with ideas. I appreciate them. If they can Then, by the way, say thank you to Eric on my behalf … Ah, yes, I forgot, you can’t hear it now … what to do … “

She still remembers that when rushing along with Lin Qi in the woods, the two looked after each other. She always remembered Lin Qi’s eyes, which were the cleanest and pure eyes in the world, so later, she chose without hesitation. Trust him.

Yi Longlong murmured to herself, her thoughts were chaotic, and even she was not sure what she was talking about, she just muttered all the way down, her voice was originally tender and childish, so low, bite words more It’s not clear, at first it sounds like a vague cry of a cub: “I don’t want to be a dragon. Why would I be a dragon? If I were a dragon, I might not be so sad, but I wasn’t Ah … “she said, suddenly choked with sadness,” I’ve had enough, sorry, Lin Qi, sorry, sorry … “

She is human.

Even if I change my body, I still insist on this idea. For more than a year, I have dressed like a person, lived in a house, and eat cooked food, maybe just to keep her from forgetting. She always has a human soul, because sometimes When she wakes up in a dream, she can’t help wondering whether she is a human who crosses Jackie Chan. UU reading www.uukanshu.com or a thought that she was a human dragon?

Xun is like Zhuang Zhou Mengdie, but I do not know whether Zhuang Zhou dreams turned into a butterfly, or the butterfly dreams turned into Zhuang Zhou?


Yi Yi Longlong was on the road with Roland. After all, there are still adventurers going to Shuhai. In order to prevent them from being caught and caught, Roland was commissioned for this last journey.

Yi Longlong’s direction was specified by Yi Longlong herself. Although she was outside the sea of ​​trees, when she recalled the nascent lake, a direction appeared in her mind.

That is where it means belonging.

The thieves and Yi Longlong avoided a few wavers of adventurers along the way. When there were no more people for a few days, Yi Longlong, who was silent all the way, finally spoke: “Send it here.”

Even though it was just casually spoken, Yi Longlong’s words still had an unquestionable binding force on Roland, and Roland immediately stopped involuntarily.

Yi Yilong smiled bitterly, Roland crawled out of his rucksack, slipped down his sleeves along his sleeves, and flipped lightly to the ground.

Nodded to the stiff-looking thief, Yi Longlong said softly, “Let’s make a difference. I have experimented. There is a distance between us. When you can’t hear my voice, my command to you is invalid. As long as we are far apart, you are still free. “

“I’m sorry to trouble you for so long.” Because I was going to be separated soon, Yi Longlong’s mood was also very calm. “I let Rivi sell a lot of your stuff. Thank you for not being angry after you found it.”

Her voice was getting lower and lower and finally bowed to Roland vigorously: “Goodbye.”

Then, the snow-white baby dragon turned away, taking a small step, and the petite and lonely figure gradually disappeared into the grass.

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