Dragon Dragon Dragon

Chapter 66 - Shadow in light

Lin Linqi sat up, his thoughts were still vague, after all, he had spent a hundred years in the illusory.

As sober as the eyes, only the immortal will.

After sitting there for a long time, his thoughts slowly recovered from the centennial interval, and he gradually remembered what happened before he fell asleep.

The sea of ​​trees, the temple, those people, night … Yi Longlong!

He suddenly remembered.

I think of Yi Longlong, the boy jumped up from the bed, but suddenly did not master the physical strength, lost balance in the air, and fell heavily to the ground.

His previous form of existence in the illusory space was the soul, which was a different manipulation habit from the body, and he did not switch back for a while.

After a fall, Lin Qi learned better this time. He carefully stretched out his hands, supported his body and sat up, looking around, only to find that he was in the temple room, and the hair that became white in the dream was still dark. Rumo.

The juvenile looked slightly surprised: what happened …?

Lin Linqi’s side is a hundred years away, but Yi Longlong here feels like a second.

Xun’s always peaceful and gentle lake suddenly became violent. She couldn’t see in her eyes, and her ears were filled with waves.

I couldn’t even scream out the pain, and the petite young dragon’s body rolled and struggled in the lake, sometimes floating on the blue water, and sometimes covered by the white waves.

I can’t, I must find a way to escape …

Yi Longlong forcibly supported her consciousness and tried to paddle with short claws. Although she would be brought back to the original place by the swirling rapids every few inches she stroked, she still insisted on not giving up and continued to row towards the shore again. .

In fact, in the midst of pain, Yi Longlong didn’t have much leisure to think about ways to get rid of this predicament. Most of her consciousness was torn by pain, only a small part of her persistence persisted, and she felt as long as she reached the shore Nothing will happen.

I just got to the shore, try again.

try again.

In too much pain, it seemed that he could not feel the exhaustion of his body. Perhaps the unremitting efforts had finally achieved results, or he didn’t know when the waves of the lake slowed down, and Yi Longlong finally approached the lake little by little.

He stumbled ashore, before stepping on the dry pebbles, Yi Longlong couldn’t support it, as if his whole body was cracked, and he fell on the warm large and small warm white stones.

However, even if it is out of the lake, it is not over.

When the cormorant lay on the cobblestone, the whirlpool in the lake disappeared, but the pain was still entangled in the body.

It was a feeling of being dissected, as if there were silk threads cutting and puncturing in the skeletal texture, even the cells were torn apart.

Yi Yilong rolled with pain on the stones, and her skin became extremely sensitive. It was only warm pebbles, but it seemed to be hot and hot, as if she was grilled on a frying pan.

尽管 But despite this, Yi Longlong did not dare to return to the water. Although it was uncomfortable on the shore, it was better than not knowing how to die in the water.

The soft voice changed like a torn silk maggot, Yi Longlong wailed with a long hissing, and in severe pain, the body rolled back and forth, hitting a hard stone, she couldn’t feel it, the grass clothes It shattered, she couldn’t feel it, her body was cut by sharp stones, and she could not feel the blood on the white pebbles and the body.

边 Peaceful and lonely by the edge of a jewel-like lake, only painful cries of young dragons echoed among the trees.

Even in the previous life, when he was most ill, Yi Longlong never tried such pain.

Jain seems to be beyond the limits of what the flesh can bear, and it’s almost insane.

Rolling through the pebbles all the way, rolling into the dense green silver grass bushes, stained with the young dragon’s blood, the green and silver grass leaves rose up and raised a glass-colored icy flame, this flame slightly eased the pain, but could not be stopped A moment later, another wave of stronger pain struck, Yi Longlong cried and rolled into the woods.

There are mixed colors in front of me, and there are five sounds in my ears ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ From day to night, the glory of the stars turns into morning light, and several days and nights turn by. Losing the power of screaming, the whole body seemed to be evacuated, and even rolling could not be done. In the empty body, only pain was filling it.

In the early morning, the dew drops rolled from the tip of the blade of grass, dripping coldly on the skin she seemed to crack, and occasionally a few drops slipped into her lips, nourishing her dry tongue.

There is a mist in front of his eyes, so Yi Longlong can’t see what kind of changes are happening in his body.

At first, various strange symbols appeared on the surface of her body. Then, each of these symbols emitted a slight light, absorbing the surrounding light, daylight, moonlight, and starlight, all seemed to be absorbed, and a piece appeared around Yi Longlong’s body. Cocoons woven from delicate silver light.

形状 The shape of the shadow in the silver-white light cocoon is slowly changing, in this unbearable suffering.

As if the mermaid princess danced with her knife-cut feet;

Just like a nightingale inserts a rose flower thorn into the heart, and sends out a dying and beautiful song;

The tadpole was cruelly crushed by the gravel like tender mussels, secreting round pearls.

Some things have to sublimate in the pain of tears

Yi Yi Longlong fell to the ground.

The tiny noises around disappeared gradually, the body seemed to split into countless debris, and was gathered again by invisible forces.

柔和 In the dark forest, a touch of soft silver light slowly blooms.

Above the sky, the dazzling galaxy flows quietly.


易 When Yi Longlong could see the surroundings again, she felt a subtle difference.

The first thing I saw in her eyes was a pair of shoes.

Someone came to her.

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