Dragon Dragon Dragon

Chapter 7 - The tractor is also dignified

When Yi Longlong said that he wanted to invite him to dinner, Eric immediately remembered that there had been a similar situation.

It was only ten years ago that he met Tahiniya. Tahiniya asked him to have a lunch, which became an unforgettable experience in his life. At that time, Tahiniya, known for her grace, stretched her huge body, cut a large piece of raw meat gracefully, placed it gracefully in front of him, and invited him to dinner together.

Eric shivered, and Yi Longlong quickly stopped entering the room: “No need, I have my own dry food.” He touched the bag hanging around his waist, which contained a piece of air-dried roasted meat, although not very delicate, But during the trip, it is already good to have such food.

When he took out the barbecue, a wooden bowl floated out of the room, Eric was taken aback, and looked closely, only to find that Yi Long had the wooden bowl on his head and two small white claws. Press it on the edge of the bowl to hold it steady, because the bowl is too large for her petite body, and almost covering her whole body will make people at first glance have the illusion that the bowl is moving by themselves.

Looking at the contents of the bowl, Eric, who was about to decline, was stunned again.

It is a very delicately carved wooden bowl. The bottom of the bowl is covered with fresh lettuce leaves. The leaves are stacked on buns that are larger than Yilonglong’s claws. The golden yellow skin is on the green lettuce. The leaves look crispy and cute.

After putting down the bowl, Yi Longlong remembered something, and quickly ran back to the house. When she came out this time, she lifted a jar with each of her two paws, placed the pot made of clay on the ground, and opened the leaves for sealing. A sweet scent that belongs to the jam escapes, and the other jar is filled with slightly greenish water. “This is the bread I baked this morning. It may not look like the freshly baked one when I put it all morning. It ’s delicious, but if you ’re hungry, fill your belly a little. The clay pot on the left is used to spread the jam of bread, and the right is a kind of juice in a branch. It ’s sweet and refreshing. . “

A little bit of his own dry jerky was collected, Eric crouched down, picked up a bun, dipped it in jam and sent it to the mouth. The fresh bread was soft and delicious, and the jam made from wild berries was a little bit sour. Do n’t have a strange wild flavor. After eating a piece of bread, Eric picked up the can of sap provided by Yi Longlong and drank it dry. The slight sweet taste immediately brushed his mouth and stimulated his appetite.

Originally, Eric saw all the weird stones and pottery placed on the side of the house. He didn’t understand the purpose, but now he can understand it. These are all kinds of kitchen utensils used by Yi Longlong for cooking. No human can name it.

Using such simple conditions to make food above the standard level, this kind of mind is not clever. Eric thinks he can’t keep up with the times. When did the Dragon’s diet level develop so finely? Now just looking at the food they prepared, he couldn’t tell who the real human was.

Yi Longlong also had a bit of regret: “Unfortunately there are no animals nearby, otherwise I can even get some meat.” When she was exploring the woods, she accidentally noticed that wheat was actually growing in the forest, so she carefully transplanted it to a place with sufficient sunshine. Without her careful care, the wheat grows very strong, and the growth cycle is only more than 20 days, and the disease-free and disaster-free wheat kernels are full. Since the wheat was found, Yi Longlong has a fixed source of staple foods, and there is no need to work hard every day to find something to eat. She originally thought that the wheat from the other world was particularly angry, but now it seems that it is not the wheat that is good, but the environment here.

This is the influence of Tahiniya.

Other transplanted vegetables are also flourishing.

She was able to eat satisfactorily, but still received the favor of that silver dragon.

Yi Yi Longlong felt a bit guilty. If she knew that the daughter she was desperately protecting did not survive, she would continue to live in this world with a soul from another world, would she be very sad?

But this question, maybe she will never find the answer.

The volume difference between the two is too big, Yi Longlong can eat a piece of bread to be full, but Eric has eaten several times, and he just feels appetizing. When he feels full, he already eats it. Yi Longlong food for a few days.

Eric has n’t eaten such normal food for a long time. Since he entered this **** forest more than a year ago, he has only been able to fill his hunger with home-made rough jerky, and can eat such in the woods. Things, he even felt more delicious than the food at the royal banquet. When he was full, Eric was startled when he saw the surrounding containers. There were more than a dozen empty clay pots, four wooden food containers that were opened and empty, two bowls, and There are other small pieces of leaves, except for bowls, which are all very compact.

Eric is a little embarrassed even if he is rough-hearted: “Uh. I’m so sorry to have eaten so much of your food.”

Yi Longlong wore a white tail with a smile, and her little paw dangled: “Are you a guest, don’t worry about this little thing, can you tell me a story about the dragon?” She also took the opportunity to learn about the outside world.

For such a trivial request, Eric naturally agreed with his mouth. From Eric’s mouth, Yi Longlong knew a little about the world, and it was as good as she had previously imagined. This is a fantasy world with swords. There is magic, there are dragons, there are elves.

The calendar here is similar to that on Earth. Twelve months a year, January 30 days, and six days left at the beginning of the year as a year’s holiday. Yi Longlong is within the influence of Tahini and feels Less than climate change, but outside, there is a difference between spring, summer, autumn and winter.

The number of dragons in this world is very rare. When Eric met Tahiniya ten years ago, the entire dragon family had a total of 63 members. Compared to other races, it was scarcely scarce, but No one can question the power of this group.

The dragon family has a long life. Yi Longlong’s mother, Tahiniya, was about a thousand years old when she met her, but in the dragon family, she is only a young dragon who has not separated from her childhood. Of course, this young dragon’s Power is the strongest among the dragons.

“What are the characteristics of the Dragons … except that they have a long life …” Eric thought hard, UU reading www. uukanshu. com “Probably a huge body with a tough skin …” He didn’t look at the petite and young Yi Longlong with confidence, he became less and less confident about these cognitions. “There are huge wings behind him, soaring in the sky. … “His eyes fell behind Yi Longlong, and the grass-covered dress behind her opened two openings, so that the pocket-like snow-white wings could be exposed, but could those wings really fly?

What he knows is only Tahiniya’s dragon. As for the other dragons, he doesn’t know much and can’t even tell what kind of creature the dragon is, let alone the dragons are not visible on the street. The lettuce arrived, in addition to Tahiniya, although he has seen other dragons, but just watching from a distance.

Eric sighed, distressingly pulling the blond hair that had been messed up into a grassy nest: “Let ’s take you to your kin, they should be able to guide you how to grow up. I heard Tahiniya say that the Dragons I hope they haven’t changed places in the past decade. “

“Guide me how to grow up?” Yi Longlong was a little strange, “I’m growing …” Although a bit slow.

Eric reached out and touched her smooth head, but this time there was a taste of hate iron and steel: “As a dragon, you have really failed too much. Your mother Tahineya is five or six. Ten meters, with sharp claws and the power to shake the mountains, but you, although only one year old, your growth rate is too slow! “

Yi Longlong listened and then darkened his face.

It’s like talking about Tahiniya and her, one is an aircraft carrier, and the other is a tractor. Not only are they not as big as each other, but the quality is terrible.

Yi Yi Longlong could not help but scratch his paw: the tractor also has dignity!

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