Dragon Dragon Dragon

Chapter 96 - chaser

On a road that could not see the end, a carriage that looked inconspicuous was slowly moving, and the person in the carriage was seated in the seat, wearing a cloak that blocked the wind, only a dark purple was exposed on the edge of the cloak. s hair.

In the carriage, the beautiful young girl with black hair shrunk in the corner, standing next to him, was a young dragon less than forty centimeters tall. The young dragon was dressed in unsuitable clothes, like a child wearing adult clothes, although she What she wears now is her coat when she was a little girl.

“Lin Qi … just tell me, what did Eric tell you later?” Yi Longlong stretched his claws and pulled Lin Qi’s pendulum, and begged softly again, blue eyes blinked, as if the water was flowing. Tears burst out at any time.

After Eric revealed his identity that night, Lin Qi still seemed to be hostile to him, and even “slied” a ice arrow, but Eric didn’t get angry, but took Lin Qi aside and said After talking for a while, it seemed to tell him something.

She wanted to listen at the same time, but was stopped by Eric: “This is a conversation between men.”

What Eric said, she did n’t know, just knowing that when the two walked back, Lin Qi no longer “slipped”, which also caused her to be as curious as cat scratching. When Eric left, she would go all the way Lin Qi asked.

I thought I could get the answer by just asking a question, but this time, the obedient young man always knew how to get stubborn. No matter how Yi Longlong begged and begged, he refused to say the dialogue at that time.

When I asked, I asked for more than ten days.

Of course, Yi Longlong doesn’t just do this every day without doing anything, but when he is free, he asks it out.

Lin Qi’s eyes shook a little to Yi Long’s watery eyes, but immediately he raised his hands to cover his ears, and closed his eyes at the same time. He curled his legs close to his chest, and his petal-like lips opened and closed slightly. Read: “Don’t say or don’t say, just don’t say.”

Yi Longlong sighed, leaned backwards, and lay down on the ground and smashed: After asking for so long, it didn’t work. It seems that Lin Qi really wouldn’t tell her, and didn’t know that Eric gave him What kind of ecstasy soup was poured, actually made him so secretive.

Well, do n’t say no, Eric wo n’t hurt her anyway, she ’s just curiosity. Thinking of this, she didn’t entangle Lin Qi a little, and Yi Longlong was a little embarrassed. She thought about it, hitting the floor of the carriage with her tail, she took advantage of her strength to sit up, and then stepped back to Lin Qi and stretched her paws Poke his elbow: “Well, stop covering your ears.”

Su Linqi closed her eyes suddenly, her eyebrows frowned and continued to chant: “I can’t hear, I can’t hear.”

Yi Yi Longlong smiled and continued to poke: “I really can’t hear?”

不到 The teenager who couldn’t hear it seriously answered, “I really can’t hear it.”

Yi Yi Longlong was about to continue teasing him, but suddenly heard a low voice from Roland ahead: “You two, be careful, there are circumstances.”

Yi Yi Longlong retracted his paw, Lin Qi also opened his eyes and put down his hand.

闹 End of fun time.

Yi Longlong smiled and converged. He walked quickly to the front of the carriage, and pressed against the driver’s seat, asking, “What’s going on? Let’s talk carefully.”

Roland’s driving of the carriage is still as usual, not even looking left and right, as if nothing happened, but under the cloak, a pair of purple eyes flickered with a strong alert: “I just felt someone watching. This direction, but it does n’t feel very obvious, sometimes it ’s absent, probably from our right rear, but I ca n’t determine the exact location and distance. ”

Although Roland is a suspicious and sly guy, his experience and keenness are really lacking in Yi Longlong. After thinking about it for a while, Yi Longlong asks, “So what are you going to do?”

At the farewell, Eric prepared them a carriage and related identification documents and letter documents in advance, which contained a copy of the identity of the Heinne family. If she wants to restore human form in the future, she can use Yilulu. • Go anywhere as Heinne.

—— Yi Lulu is Yi Longlong’s name after becoming human. To avoid people’s associations and doubts, Yi Longlong has given herself a name that conforms to the habits of this place, but is slightly harmonic with her real name.

But before the human form is restored, everything you want to do is useless.

Now, she hasn’t recovered to a safe state, but someone has already set her eyes on it, which is not a good thing in any case.

I thought that troubles would come again and again, and Yi Longlong was distressed, and his voice brought worries.

Roland still drove the carriage unhurriedly: “You don’t have to worry too much, at least not at the moment. I feel that the other party has less than three people at most. These are spies who follow and observe. As long as they are all intercepted, they will be able to win temporarily. Some time. And seizing people can also know their origin and purpose. “

Yi Yi Longlong nodded, and then patted Lin Qi: “It’s over to you.” Her voice didn’t fall, the carriage door on the side opened, and Lin Qi disappeared.

On both sides of the road are large, slightly undulating fields ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ It is late autumn at this time, the grass and trees on the ground have been withered, and only a few trees still maintain some grayish greenness. Lin Qi ’s black figure is like no light The sharp sword broke the dry grass on the wasteland in a straight line. Wherever he passed, the withered grass leaves seemed to be unbearable, and they fell down on both sides, as if separating a road among the yellow waves.

The two people hiding behind the trees were still observing, but suddenly they saw a dark shadow coming down from the carriage. One of them rubbed his eyes and patted his companion beside him with some uncertainty: “Dude, come and see, I feel dazzled. “

Before He could see them clearly, the shadow came to them.

The two spies used to fight the outpost were naturally not Lin Qi’s opponents. They had no chance to resist, and they were quickly disassembled from the limbs and jaw, and lifted back one by one.

They fell into the hands of the purple-haired thieves and used a separate inquiry method to dig up new information from their mouths—white teeth.

The two were members of the Whitefang Mercenary Regiment. Obviously, Whitefang followed the carriage and may not have identified the dragon in the carriage, but at least, they planned to contact the two who had been more closely associated with the dragon. The personal class has started.

The two captives were stunned, and Roland asked Lin Qi to throw them away. Then he turned back to Yi Longlong in the carriage and said, “Baiya is a large mercenary regiment. Even if he temporarily fights for some time, the opponent will chase him again. Come up, my personal suggestion is to temporarily abandon the wind capital ahead and head north. “

I did this, in order to avoid that Baiya had already seen their destination, and stood in front of the dragon to wait for the dragon. Second, after walking north, they could reach the Longyu Mountains.

Jiulong Mountain was once a place where no one could set foot, and where the dragons inhabited.

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