Dragon Dragon Dragon

v4 Chapter 257 - Every life

Muller sat on the side of the carriage parked by the mercenary regiment, his eyes were bleak and his expression distraught.

He is a clergyman.

A long time ago, he was just a mediocre young man in Vanilla Town on the border, and by chance he was promoted by the town priest, Lord Levy, making him an official priest in a very short time.

祈祷 Praying on time every day, helping the injured, listening to the residents of the town, complaining about distress, and studying the magic, this is all his activities in a day.

Except for the adventurers who come from time to time, life in the town is extremely peaceful. He originally thought that he would always grow old so peacefully, but did not expect that everything would change because of the arrival of a blond nobleman.

的 The boy who changed his life was named Isley, a noble son of the Heinne family, and had a father who was a duke. The origin of such a prominent identity was originally not accessible to his class, but the son of Yili actually came to the border town to find a companion who entered the sea of ​​trees with him. There were two priests in the town. This responsibility fell on his head.

After accompanying Levy, he finally saw what happened to the rich in that class. Even in the sea of ​​trees with poor conditions, they could still enjoy the calm and smooth service and enjoyment. After leaving the sea of ​​trees, He saw luxury enough to soften the will of steel.

Very naturally, he had longing and longing for the world outside the shrine outside the town. He was looking forward to the day when he could become such a person. At first he was taken away by Isley because the latter wanted to keep the dragon. Secret. Gradually, his resistance completely disappeared, and he even looked forward to staying with Yisli and entering the Heinne family system.

He forgot the vanilla town he grew up in, and he forgot to cultivate his teacher Levy. Thinking about wealth and status. But I forgot if I have the talent and the ability to match this.

He was brought to the capital by Isley as he wished, and he officially met the headquarters of the temple. And through the Heinne family relationship, become a part of the headquarters. He also has a number of positions, compared simply by the level of the post. At that time, he was even above his teacher.

He began to be nominated by aristocrats to baptize their newborns, and his name was gradually spread as a legend to become a formal priest in the shortest time. Many people were happy to associate with him … he was ecstatic with pride and pride, and he didn’t understand why Levy was impassioned in the face of the Heinne family solicitation, and it was so glorious to be watched and affirmed. Enchanted things.

After that, his rapid rise caused too much attention, and bad luck and ups and downs began to take care of him. Although the speed of becoming a priest was enough to be included in the record, in fact, his level of divine skill was very mediocre among many priests. It is not worth acquiring such status. Occasionally or by people, after several mistakes. Slander, rumors, evil words, one after another, and he did not have a good mentality to accept the setbacks after the glory. Instead of quietly reflecting, he became more and more jealous and enraged. Finally, he was used by a caring person and expelled by the temple Leave the headquarters and announce that no temple in the world will accept him.

This is because he was seen on the ground of the Heinne family, and he was given a light punishment, otherwise he might even be deprived of the ability to use divine magic.

After he was expelled from the temple, he just caught up with Yi Longlong to disclose his identity. At first, Isley brought him around just because he knew the existence of the dragon land. Now that the matter has become an open secret, he will contact the temple. Abandoned him at the same time.

The level of divine magic was mediocre, had a bad record, was expelled from the temple, and there were no other talents. After really losing everything, Mueller finally realized that he was nothing.

He didn’t look back and went to raise his vanilla town. In the end, the medium-sized mercenary group called the earth accepted him now and let him use his magic to heal the wounded members in the group.

After these things, his heart is like a stagnant water. The final comfort is that he can still use divine magic, and God has not abandoned him.

Now, the Earth Mercenary Regiment is carrying out a secret mission commissioned by a nearby shrine, entrusting them to investigate a young man named Sai Wen who likes to wear a star robe. In addition, the shrine has added an additional The reward, if it could kill this young man, would be enough for everyone in the mercenary regiment to spend extravagantly for a hundred years. This condition is so exciting.

Although the leader knows that the huge bounty that accompanies the huge bounty is definitely not easy to take, the temptation of the bounty is too great to burn all reason. After the cadres of the whole group met to discuss, the final The decision is to take risks.

Now, they ambush on both sides of a deep and narrow gorge that Saiwen is going to pass. From beginning to end in the canyon, I do n’t know how many traps are arranged. On the high ground on both sides, the magician and archer are also standing by and ready to launch. attack.

Even if the ambush fails, the head of the group also prepares a retreat and escape route, even if the opponent is no matter how strong, everyone just thinks so.

Muller didn’t care much about the success or failure of this battle. All he needed to do was look at his teammate’s back, and when someone called his name, put a divine spell out, or follow the team to retreat.

The black smoke rose and the fire lighted up in the Gorge Canyon. Mueller knew that the battle had begun, but soon he discovered that something was wrong, because some members in the front showed a ghostly look.

The next second, all the members standing on the edge of the high ground fell to the ground, there was no trace of injuries on their bodies, and the breathing and heartbeat stopped.

Müller felt a chill in the bones.

I was only one or two seconds long, and there were 143 people in the whole group. Only he who was far away from the canyon survived.

This is not a fight, not even a slaughter, but a unilateral one, as if the **** stretched out a hand and gently crushed and killed a human who was as weak as a ant.

A second later, Mueller saw the appearance of a god.

The real person is more handsome and gentle than the portrait. The other person walks down the steep canyon as if walking on a flat ground. His blue eyes are tender, he walks up, raises his hand, and points to Mueller.

A breath of death caught the immobile priest, Mueller desperately tried to perform divine magic, but at this time the **** seemed to abandon him without giving him any response.

Just when Mueller was almost desperate, a long blue sword flew across, slanting the ground between the two, interrupting the breath of death. Mueller turned his head subconsciously, but saw that he was wearing a blue The young man in the samurai uniform walked slowly ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ The young man came to Saiwen, pulled out a cyan sword with a black thorn pattern, and gave a gift to Saiwen: “Step on the thorns, chase Seven hundred years ago, His Excellency met again, inheriting the will of President Canaan. I have a question, and I hope you can answer it for me. “

Blessings are unparalleled, and misfortunes do not come alone.

I have suffered from bronchitis in these days. I coughed for half a night and didn’t sleep well. I almost lost sleep until the morning. Then I went to Beijing to sign for sale. There was also motion sickness on the way … Fortunately, the staff who picked me up looked that my condition was not right. I was taken halfway to the hospital to prescribe medicine, which finally saved half my life.

When I signed the sale, I was so nervous that I scarcely dared to look at the stage at first, so I had to smirk desperately to ease the tension, and then I just remember to smirk and come back to see the photos … so silly to laugh …

Please take a leave with everyone here. Tianyi should have been preparing to save the draft these days, but I really do n’t want to make a fool of me. This is the last chapter at hand. I do n’t know if I will be free tomorrow. What is your physical condition, can you write it down, so take a leave with everyone here, tomorrow you do n’t have to wait for the update, and look at it the day after tomorrow.

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