Dragon Goddess’s chosen

42. Fulfilling the Dragoness’s Request[18+]


“Watch where ya swinging that, lass, might be a drag'n but ya goin to regret catchin' your thumb with a ten-pounder.” Halsin, the dwarf blacksmith we met the first night in the city, warned.

“Yeah of course… sorry, just a lot on my mind.” I sighed and gave a polite smile as I set the heavy hammer down on a nearby table. “Thanks again for letting me hide out here… rumors of what I am are spreading really fast out there… a few people are already recognizing my smallest form around the Adventurer’s guild.”

“Bah, tis all fine, more‘n make up for it by lettin' me sell whatcha work on as drag'n-forged,” he laughed, walking back over to the other anvil. “Yer lucky I used to have a minotaur apprentice, be shit outta luck without an apron at that size.”

‘Still glad you took my admission about what I was so well… wish these ceilings were taller though, it's weird sitting and working on these.’ I thought then frowned when I found that the steel greatsword I was working on had cooled down with only a little bit left to do at this step. With a slight grumble, I spit more of my fire fluid on the metal bar and stuck it back in the coals. It made the hearth flare up and the metal was a little harder to work with but Halsin made it seem like it made the end product better.

“Alex! Yer girl is looking for ya!” The blacksmith's brother, Ambrós, called from the front desk.

“Hey, Halsin, this one is almost ready for normalizing, just a bit more hammering if you haven't gotten started on anything yet.”

“That elf already takin ya?” He called back with a chuckle.

 “Might be, never know with her. I've been here for hours anyways.”

“Tell her to use her discount on somethin already! The lads keep pokin' fun about an elf holdin' that favor over us,” The stereotypical dwarf-elf rivalry was definitely present in the world, not as bad as the Tolkien rivalry, though. Kat managed to earn some respect and that one-time discount on something the last time I spent time there before our encounter with the Orca King by stopping a thief for them.

“I don't have any control over her, I don't think she's holding it over you guys anyways. I'll be back in a bit if I can.” I laughed, standing and making my way back to duck into the supply closet with my bag to quickly get changed into my 1/8th form and fitting clothes. The last thing I wanted was to lose a hiding place so soon because some random person saw me as a half dragon up front. 

“Hey, Cutie!” My girlfriend greeted as soon as I stepped out of the forge area. “Gonna add a bun to your style now or…?”

“Just for smithing, dunno if it's fireproof too,” I shrugged and leaned on the counter across from her.

“You need some practice with it, it's messy,” she lightly teased. I caught onto a slight look from the dwarf up there with us as he made himself busy polishing the weapons on display.

“I love your company, Kat, but you know how they are about you flirting when I'm behind the counter. Did I forget something… or did something important come up…?”

“Mmm… more of the second but if you didn't stop by that magic shop and put in for that staff for Max's birthday, the first too,” she smirked a bit.

“I did… I'm waiting to hand my horn over for that though… So what came up?” She grinned even more and glanced at the dwarf.

“Probably wanna hear it in private, you free to go?’

“... I guess. Hey, Ambrós, can you tell your brother that he was right for me? I'll be back to-” Kat tapped my arm and playfully shook her head, making me raise an eyebrow at her as I continued. “Sorry, the day after tomorrow, I can wait for whatever you owe me then.”

“Gotcha, I'll be expectin' ya back, don' be disappearin' on us or I'll keep that gold!” The dwarf replied in a joking tone as I walked around the counter and to the door with Kat. I waited until it shut behind us before addressing her again.

“So… what's so important that you couldn't wait for me to come back…? Where's Max anyways?”

“Market, getting stuff for dinner,” she answered with a slight laugh. “We had an… interesting conversation with Saerrei a couple hours ago.” I felt my cheeks grow warm almost immediately. “Hehe, and it looks like you already know what we talked about~”

“I… I might have an idea,” I admitted and she laughed even more before grabbing my hand to drag me along with her.

“So you really sent her to ask us?”

“I was panicking, ok? I couldn't hurt you guys…” I sighed.

“And you didn't deny her either”

“... no…”

“Tryin' to put it on us to do it for you?” She playfully kissed my cheek, showing that it's just her teasing more. Then, she multiplied the embarrassment I was feeling of this whole situation with what she said next: “We both said yes, you know~”

“Wait… what? Even Max?”

“He's the one you're surprised about?” She grinned at me and prodded my side. “Were you expecting me to agree too or something?”

“I thought y-you were more likely to than him!”

“I was trying to decide if I wanted another girl in what we had or not~ Max gave his answer first!”


“Told you he had a thing for scales~” she giggled. “His dad is kinda a bard, you think that kind of thing gets passed down?”

“I don't fucking know…” I groaned and leaned against her a bit. “Where are we going anyways…?”

“Back to the room, you need a bath before we go meet her for dinner, you smell like a campfire.”


“You smell like a campfire, I'm sure she probably wouldn't mind but~” she grinned more, knowing exactly what I meant but obviously wanting to tease me. “Since we said yes, I imagine you were going to, too, right?”

“I… I honestly wasn't expecting it…” I hugged her arm against me, nerves getting to me again. Coming to this world, I only wanted to be with her, Max was a surprise, and now I found myself on the brink of getting with a dragon and Kat was encouraging it basically. “I… yes… it would be horrible of me to get her hopes up like that…”

“And you get horny for her too~ I know you were looking for our permission for this~” she kissed my cheek.

“...” I couldn't refute that, the whole time I was trying to use my heat as an excuse of why I felt warm around Saerrei but at this point I was starting to realize it was more than just that.

“Come on, let's get you washed up and we can go find our cute pup for our date~” She picked up the pace a little, dragging me with her.



I wasn't sure what to expect of Saerrei's den hidden away on top of the beach cliff, it seemed nice but I wasn't sure if it was my opinion or my noisy dragon instincts that were buzzing around in my head. It was certainly spacious, and surprisingly dry for a seaside cave and the light rain that started soon after we arrived. It completely lacked the piles of gold expected of a dragon, or belongings in general. She only really had a stack of supplies that she bought from town, lanterns scattered around and a makeshift bed of a pile of animal pelts, random blankets and pillows, and her own feathers stuffed between the layers.

“Not too late to change your mind… I-it's not raining that hard yet…” the dragoness mumbled a reminder to me as she curled up on the bed, using a claw to poke at one of the steaks I helped Kat prepare over a fire at the front of the cave. All the rest of us were nearly done but she hadn't really touched it yet despite showing some interest while they were being cooked.

“It hasn't changed since the last time you said that… unless you want to change your mind…?”  I responded, trying to comfort her with a smile and she shyly averted her eye from me. She was excited at first, when I gave my answer after signaling for her. It was the answer she was obviously hoping for but it seemed like she expected me to suddenly back out. 

“W-we agreed to help… a-and with how you made it seem…” Max shyly said, squirming slightly on one of the pillows she gave us to sit on.

“... yes… help with the heat… that's all this is…” she murmured as if she was trying to convince herself of that. Kat elbowed me and gave me an expectant look. When I couldn't come up with something right away, she spoke up.

“‘Rei, it's a date, we even brought nice food for you.” Our girlfriend pointed out and she puffed up a little.

“... a… date…?’ She scoffed slightly. “T-this is just you helping me out w-with that embarrassing request… You have each other anyways, e-even if I was interested in that…”

“What do you call this, then? It is nice food for us… Max picked out some pretty good steaks…” I gently added, my boyfriend's tail wagging a bit at the slight praise.

“If it's not a date, better make sure to make it clear cuz these two definitely noticed how cute you were with that swimsuit I got you~ Did you see how they were staring? And how quick he answ-” the ranger teased.

 “Kat!” Max and I interrupted together. She did look good, it was a two piece like ours but had a short skirt, and it suited the gymnast-like figure of her other form… To have our girlfriend point out we were looking, though…

“I-I could've hunted something to provide for this then!” Shs popped up to a sitting position, more flustered  and not even acknowledging the shortened version of her name. “Deer… boar… anything…” her voice dropped to barely a whisper and her tail slipped between a few layers of the bed “Did s-she actually mean to start courting me…? She gave t-that sword… Thought she wouldn't…”

‘Sword…? ’ I thought briefly, then I realized: I gave her Shenzi's khopesh. It was an innocent gesture that I never thought much about. She defeated the gnoll and admittedly, when it didn't have my blood on it, it was shiny. I figured she'd want it for one of those reasons, given how gems were catching my attention at the party. “Hey, hey, just slow down… we have food… don't worry about it.”

“Exactly, maybe even turn back so you can enjoy it instead of inhaling everything in one bite,” Kat agreed with a comforting smile. 

“I… I have nowhere to change with you all here… and no clothes that change with me…”

“So you've been…” Max murmured, a blush spreading across his face. Admittedly, it was easy to forget and not something I wanted to think about with how many people saw me in that form too.

“Oh that's ok~ lemme make this easier,” my girlfriend grinned at me. “You trust me?”

“... usually do…” I mumbled, not completely at the moment. Apparently that was good enough for her as she suddenly slipped behind me, grabbed the bottom of my shirt, and yanked it up and off of me in one quick motion before I could react. “K-kat!”

“Hehe, that's a lot easier without the wings~” she twirled her stolen prize around, letting it wrap and unwrap around her hand.

“Should've figured y-you were planning on being a menace…”

“What're you gonna do about it?” She learned in close like she was going to kiss me. Excitement welled up immediately, my instincts buzzing to life again at the mere thought we might be starting. “Besides… a real menace would…” There was a sharp tug at the back of my bra and it fell loose.

“H-hey!” I yelped as she stole that as well. “I t-thought we would at least f-finish dinner before anyone was stripped! Why didn't you do yourself??” 

“I checked and between us, you worked better~” she grinned more and her eyes flicked to the other two. I followed the look to see both watching. Max was blushing hard and his ears were folded down as he shyly nibbled on a bread roll. Saerrei looked away nearly as soon as my attention went to them. I couldn't help but notice that she had retrieved her tail from the bed and it was now firmly covering her abdomen and draped over one of her legs. 

“You're evil,” I grumbled, going to cover my chest but then deciding it was too late to do so. ‘Not really a point of modesty if we're here because she wanted to fuck me…’

“Again, what are you gonna do about it?”

“I will zap you, You know I mean it,” she kept her grin but a blush spread out across her face.

“So odd…” Saerrei murmured but with the slightest hint of amusement, still very nervous but cheering up a bit. Kat caught it too and smiled even more.

‘You're definitely getting it sometime tonight if I can manage it.’ By the time I glanced back at the other dragon, she was in her human form, shyly keeping her hands between her legs where she sat and still looking away with her face a deep red. Nothing really changed from seeing her in the swimsuit the day before. She still had the cute lithe athletic frame, not as much curves as Kat (or as embarrassing as it is, me) and a couple cup sizes smaller than her, but still really pretty. A familiar warmth and building pressure in my groin eventually made me look away from the slight guilt that came with those feelings despite the permission my partners gave for this.

“Tryin to hide something there, Max~?” Kat teased, setting her sights on him now, as she slid behind him.

“H-huh? Eep!” He gave her a confused look then yelped as he was pulled onto her lap.

“Is she always like this at times like this…?” Saerrei mumbled, scooting closer to me and watching the pair while taking a small bite of bread.

“Always playful…” I sighed and glanced at her briefly. “You're not actually hungry are you…?” I got a slight head shake in response. “That nervous huh?”

I-I’m not nervous!” She sputtered, dipping back into Draconic and I swear her hair seemed to poof up like her feathers normally do. "Just… not as hungry as I thought…” 

“And yet you wanted to bring a deer…” I teased gently while matching the language and nudging her a bit.

“It's…. j-just… i-if this is courting… I s-should've provided something… I think… agh… this is so confusing… never did this with someone like us…”

“You courted other dragons…?”

“Tried to… t-too many times to count…” 

‘Sore spot… need to avoid this for now.’ A sudden cute gasp from Max made both of us shudder and the warmth and pressure between my legs flared. Kat had slipped a hand between his tightly closed legs and was leaning over his shoulder, locked in a kiss with him.

“...” Saerrei was enraptured by the sight for a moment and out of the corner of my eye I saw her free hand reach for me then pull back. I took a moment to decide what to do and eventually landed on risking to test if that was what she wanted.

“Hey, ‘Rei…” I gently prodded. She gave a confused look right away.

“Rei? W-where is that coming- mmph?!”  I quickly kissed her before she could look away again or I could psych myself out of it. Her hair poofed up again at first but she soon calmed down and closed her eyes. Seeing this as her accepting it, I gently pressed into her as I closed mine as well… Only for her to not do the same and we both fell back onto her bed with me ending up on top of her. Light pleasure spread out as my tits squished against hers, but she was a lot more vocal about it than me with a short adorable moan.

“You ok?” I quickly checked, propping myself up off of her slightly upon breaking the kiss. Predictably, she was a blushing mess and intently staring at a suddenly interesting point on the den wall but she answered me with a nod, “...sorry… I expected you to press back…”

"How was I supposed to know that! I-i never did this before!” She huffed 

“That was your first kiss…?” Another nod for an answer.

“Smooth, Alex,” Kat giggled.

“S-Shut up…” I grumbled, giving her a look over my shoulder. “You w-were trying to get us riled up with his n-noises…”

“S-sorry… I t-tried to be quiet b-but s-she- Nngh…” Max tried to apologize but her obvious rubbing distracted him. The cute noise made me suddenly aware of something hard pressing against the lower part of my stomach when that something twitched a little right after his noise. There was no doubt of what it was, my instincts knew it too, making more heat and slightly painful pressure flare in that area.

“O-oh, um…” I shyly checked on Saerrei, who realized I finally noticed it and desperately tried not to meet my eyes. Kind of curious for confirmation I didn't need, I leaned back on my feet more and awkwardly compressed my chest with an arm to look down at myself. Sure enough her surprisingly very human, very erect dick was pressing against me. She was smaller than Max but that didn't stop the instinctual excitement from my own heat.

“Everything ok?” Kat asked, sounding sincere this time.

“Y-yep… just my horny elf of a girlfriend getting two dragons worked up,” I stuck my tongue out at her and I could feel Saerrei relax slightly under me. “You know how uncomfortable it makes me by getting me that horny with clothes still on.”

“It's cute watching you squirm~” She immediately went back to her playful self as she made our boyfriend do the same by kissing at his neck.

“... What do you mean by uncomfortable…?” Saerrei asked, peeking back over at me.

“Her dick sometimes gets stuck in her if it can't come out right away.” My girlfriend happily announced, and I gave her a look but she continued. “Not hard to fix, one of us just uses our tongue.” The dragoness squirmed, making my situation worse.

“O-oh… um… in you…?” She cast a confused look up at me.

“Y-you know… in the slit…?” I hesitantly clarified. She popped up onto her elbows in surprise.

“W-wait, you stay normal down there??”

“U-um… normal…?”

“Maybe she'd love to see~” Kat playfully suggested.

“Aren't you in a mood today… O-ok… we've come this far, you still want to continue, Saerrei…?”

“... yes… a-and um… I-I'd tolerate it if you want to shorten my name,” she replied softly. I smiled at this, leaning down a bit to work on removing the rest of my clothes. As I did so, her breathing visibly picked up and she stared up at me as if she was expecting something. 

“U-um what is it…?”

“W-well? W-weren't you g-going to do it again?” She huffed half-indignantly. I quickly realized what she wanted.

‘Can’t ask for it directly, huh? So cute…’ I kicked off my pants and underwear together before happily kissing her again. She mewled adorably, eagerly reciprocating it. The noise turned into a moan as my instincts drove me to press my body against hers. I could feel her heart race as my breasts squished against hers again. It only got worse as the compounding sensations and lack of obstructions finally let my dick slide out and rub up against hers. She gasped cutely when that happened, breaking the kiss.

“G-goddess… so warm,” her voice came out in soft, excited pants.

“You ok there, Rei?” I chuckled, propping myself off of her to give her a slight break and a cute little shiver went through her when I tried the other name again.

“Y-yes… j-just don't use t-this body to… um deal with h-heat… you can continue...” I smiled and playfully traced a hand up her side, her breath hitching a bit.

“Oh yeah… Sensitive?

“Some p-places…” she suppressed a pleasured whimper as my hand made it up to her chest. The suppression didn't hold up when I gently ran a thumb over a nipple. That got a reaction from her dick too, making it twitch against my own. I happily sat up more to add my other hand into drawing more noises and twitches out of her.

‘So cute… definitely gonna make her another mate~’ the first clear rogue instinct chimed in.

“Gettin' onto me but here you are feeling up another girl…” Kat giggled softly with feigned hurt in my ear as I felt her hug me from behind, her own bare breasts pressing against my back. I rolled my eyes and turned my head to kiss her. She only giggled more and kissed me back. “I suppose she can borrow you, Max too.” A quick glance over my other shoulder confirmed my now-naked boyfriend had joined us too, his face nearly as flushed as the dragoness. The wet shine covering his canid dick left little to the imagination of what she was treating him to.

“What are you up to…?”

“Nothing, cleaning up around here and getting some stuff~” there was a familiar pressure at the back of my mind but also some against my chest as if I was pressing against something invisible. ‘Show her a good time, ok?’

‘What do you think I'm trying to do?’ I gently pinched one of Rei's nipples between a couple fingers, earning a cute gasp out of her.

‘Hehe good. Oh and don't be afraid of her teeth either~’

‘What? ’ She didn't respond, just grinned and pulled away, leaving us to it.

“I c-can see that still…” Rei murmured in draconic as if to show she could talk to me secretly too. She tried to act like she was irritated but her face twisted up in pleasure when I pinched the same spot lightly. “Nngh…”

“U-um… where do you want me…?” Max shyly asked, scooting closer to us with his tail wagging lazily behind him. I smiled before leaning in and giving him a quick kiss.

“Depends… what do you want to help with?” I giggled and moved my hands back down to Rei's sides to give him a good view of both of us. She gave an indignant whine immediately as she shifted her hips a bit. That little movement  caught his attention and I noticed his eyes focus on our dicks pressed together.

“I-I can use my mouth… if you want…”

“Might have an idea on how we can work with that~”

“W-what if I didn't want you to sto-” Rei started to complain then fell quiet when I reached up and undid my necklace. Predictably, my current state led to me immediately shifting to half-dragon as soon as it fell loose. She was very obviously transfixed by the sight of a draconic dick twice the size of her current one pressed against it. 

‘If I have him get her ready, I can take her right now~’ another rogue thought came through as I became aware of her scent throughout the entire den. With a sigh, I re-secured the necklace at the new size. I wanted to be in control of myself for once, and I didn't want to risk hurting her.

“... t-this is acceptable…” the dragoness murmured.

“U-um… I d-don't think I c-can fit you in my mouth like this…” Max pointed out. 

“That's ok~ your tongue feels amazing by itself~” he squirmed a little but his tail was wagging more. I smiled at Rei comfortingly, “Mind if I move you?”

“Do what you want…” she answered softly then yelped cutely as I easily picked her up and pulled her onto my lap. Unlike me, her male anatomy was all external, so I had no clue how excited her female side was until I set her down with her back to me and my dick between her legs. I was vaguely aware of the wetness of my own inner thighs but it didn't compare to how much her pussy was drooling onto my knot below it. 

“Ok, pup, see what I was thinking?” I asked my boyfriend and he nodded eagerly, scooting closer.

“W-wait… h-how are you so big t-too?” Rei quickly asked, finally catching sight of what was between the Mage's legs. 

“H-huh?” he faltered a bit and cocked his head.

“Someone sounds jealous,” Kat giggled, her voice accompanied by the sound of the plates she was apparently gathering up.

“I-I'm not!” Rei huffed “I-I'm a lot bigger in my true form… I-I'm just surprised… h-he's so small…”

“Don't worry about it…” I laughed softly, gently running a hand over her chest while being careful of my claws. She shuddered immediately and I felt her heart flutter under my hand along with something dripping onto my dick further up than the previous wetness. “Come on, pup~”

“O-ok!” he yipped happily then eagerly bent down to start.

“H-how is he going to u-use his tongue i-” she started to question then trailed off as he lapped at my tip first then took what he could into his mouth. There was a clatter of plates towards the entrance at the same time that put off to Kat just putting all the dirty kitchen stuff together. “H-he's… not afraid of it…”

“Nngh… why would he be…?” I replied softly, shivering in pleasure as he pulled off with a lewd pop and eagerly licked his way down my shaft.

“M-males don't… a-ah!” My boyfriend didn't even hesitate to take most of her length as soon as he reached it. I playfully rewarded him by petting his hair and rubbing behind one of his ears while keeping my other hand playing with Rei's chest. Happy mumbles escaped from both and Max even stayed there and took the rest of her length easily. 

“He's into it,” I whispered in her ear, then feeling playful, I added: “I made him my mate while he was taking me like this the other way.” She shivered and it felt like she somehow got more wet. Max pulled off her again after a bit and went back to lapping at me. She made a soft noise of protest at first then I quieted her by resuming playing with her breasts as I took in the feeling of my boyfriend's efforts. He switched back and forth between us a few times, never taking long on either of us, and she grew needier each time. During the last time, she actually started bucking slightly into his mouth. He took it happily, all the way to the last thrust, when her entire body tensed up. He pulled away several long moments later and visibly swallowed.

“S-so much…” he whined adorably, sluggishly turning his attention back to me and lapping at my tip “W-wanna do the same for you b-but…” 

“It's… it's ok, you're doing such a good job ~” I sighed happily as I snuggled the panting dragoness while she recovered, enjoying the lazy licks from Max.


“I-I could do it…” She murmured after a bit, her breathing back to nearly normal but still not quite there .


“Use m-my mouth… for y-you… I can do it.”

“...You sure…? That was quick and I was your first-”

“... did it f-for myself… I-I know how to…” she looked away. I glanced to Max, who was cocking his head at her, before he shrugged at me.

“I won't stop you from trying…” She immediately perked up and squirmed her way off of me. I wasn't sure if it was intentional or not, but she grinded her pussy up my entire length as she got up and it got my instincts in a frenzy demanding to spear her right then and there. It was nothing compared to their response when she bounded away a few steps, turned to face Max and I… and shifted right back into her other form.


Status: Heat (10 days) suppressed, Reason: Status: Rut (4 hours) gained. Heat timer will continue to run while suppressed.


True form transformation blocked, Reason:

Mate forbade user to destroy gifted equipment.

Override and destroy gifted Equipment? 


3rd Seal of Rissaeth's charm is intact, True Form is blocked.

The message popped up as soon as the scent of a very horny dragon assaulted my senses with the cacophony of equally horny instincts filling my head. One set of them was interested in the smell, the other, currently less vocal ones, honed in on the sight of what was between her legs. She wasn't wrong earlier, she was a lot bigger in that form, maybe even double the size of what I was currently. Max seemed just as affected by all of this, his breathing visibly picking up and shifting his weight back and forth a lot where he was sitting.

“W-what?” Rei stammered a bit when she noticed our stares. “H-how else did you t-think I would…?”

“H-honestly just not expecting it…” I assured her, though very aware of her mouthful of sharp teeth now. She gave a snort and hesitantly laid down in front of us.

“...could never take that… in my other form…Goddess… you smell incredible…” she murmured, slowly leaning her head in towards my neck. 

The last bit of me that was human was absolutely terrified of her like this. A giant predator with meat-tearing teeth going right for my neck? That's something I should be avoiding at all costs. The horny, unruly dragon side was practically cheering, especially when she ran her long, serpentine tongue affectionately across my skin. Rei paid no attention to Max as she worked her way down, briefly focusing on my chest, grazing the skin with her teeth and making sure to run her tongue repeatedly over my nipples. I let out a sigh at the feeling and happily roped my tense boyfriend in by wrapping my tail around him and the tip around his raging hard on. 

“T-this explains what I was f-feeling.” Kat observed with a giggle, plopping down on the other side of him just as the dragoness reached my waist. I would've questioned her about that if it wasn't for our synchronized shiver when Rei’s tongue wrapped a couple times around my dick just after my knot with a happy purr.

“W-we’re connected…” I mumbled.

“Y-yep! Can't tell you how w-weird it feels to have a p-phantom dick~” another shiver in time with feeling myself get completely enveloped by a warm mouth. I instinctively grabbed onto Rei's horns, fighting the urge to buck into her maw before she was ready. She was protecting me from her teeth with her tongue but that was something I didn't want to test. 

“F-fuck… R-rei…” I hissed softly with pleasant-feeling rumbles around my dick as a reply. In my distraction, I felt something eagerly press against my lips then my chest and side, making me glance at my partners. They were kissing yet again with Max groping at Kat as she pressed him up against my side. 

‘Something wrong?’ She mentally taunted and I stuck my crackling tongue out at her. A strange warmth flashed through me as a blush spread across her face. 'D-do it, You'd f-find out how it feels!’

‘Menace,’ I teased then poorly suppressed a moan as Rei withdrew her head and dragged the coils of her tongue up my entire dick. She looked very pleased with herself once she was off.

“T-told you I could…” She purred as she pressed her mouth against my lips in an awkward attempt at a kiss. It didn't quite feel the same and she let out a soft irritated growl. An idea popped into my head as I looked at my amused girlfriend.

“H-hey it's ok,” I assured her, ‘Jesus I'm actually going to suggest this with a dragon…

‘Suggest what…?’ Kat sounded concerned now, definitely a sign I was about to surprise her.

“You c-can use your tongue in a kiss too, you know?” Rei cocked her head, processing what I told her.


“I’m not sure how it'll go with y-you like th-” she worked it out before I could finish and I found a dragon's tongue filling my mouth and eagerly exploring it with what little movement the space allowed. Kat yelped immediately and I saw her pop up, covering her mouth right before I was pushed back onto the pile of pelts and blankets. The kiss continued until she inevitability made me gag by nearly literally pushing her tongue down my throat. 

“Sorry! T-that felt r-really good and…” she apologized as she moved to affectionately grooming my neck again.

“Agh… i-its fine,” I coughed a bit, patting her head. Kat was in the same condition as me and Max made himself busy checking on her with concerned whispers.

“... C-can we continue…? I want to do more b-but …I-I don't think I can take it anymore… I… I need you in me…” 

“Of course j-just give me a moment… can you turn back though…? It'll make things e-easier… I'll turn ba-”

“N-no!” She said quickly, shifting to human nearly instantly and ending up sitting on my stomach, her dick and pussy both leaking needily onto it and her butt pressed against my own dick. “I-I want this… stay like this…”

“Sorry b-but we're trying not to have ki-” Something with a pointy corner suddenly bounced off my chest, making both of us yelp. Rei quickly retrieved the item from where it landed next to me, a modern-looking flat square package much bigger than it normally should be.

“That ate up two of our condoms to make…” My girlfriend explained, already recovered more than me and holding the last one between a pair of fingers. “It'll survive you.”

“This is…?” Rei mumbled in confusion.

“Something to prevent us having kids…” I answered and she looked away shyly.

“O-oh…yes… h-hatchlings aren't a good idea… even… even if it would end our heats…w-we're not mates after all…” 

‘No! I should take her right now! Don't bother with it!’ The thought made me flinch and Kat gave a concerned look.

“So you're good with using it…?” She confirmed. Rei sighed, taking an agonizing moment to think on it before handing it to me.

“D-do what you have to… I-I can't take it any longer…” she finally answered.

‘You're not the only one!’ I wasn't even sure if that thought was me or an impatient instinct but it didn't matter. I tore open the package and used my tail to gently move Rei from my stomach to my lap.

“Ok, pup, still not safe for me so we're using the last one,” Kat informed our boyfriend as I quickly put on the protection under the watchful gaze of the increasingly impatient dragoness 

“O-ok!” He yipped eagerly.

That was the last of the conversation I noticed between my mates before Rei pounced on me. The reluctance and uncertainty about touching first was completely gone as she attempted a kiss again, roughly too. Her tongue was shoved into my mouth immediately as I used my tail to line my tip up with her pussy, my hands busy with groping her ass and holding her against me. She broke it with a cute little gasp when I finally hit my mark and slowly pushed in the first inch. 

“G-goddess… yes…”  she moaned eagerly, her hips rocking and her neglected dick leaving a trail of pre across my stomach. 

“Fuck…” I growled in my pleasure. Instincts were demanding to slam her down on me but she was nearly as small as Max and it was about as tight of a fit, especially with starting as half dragon. Rei didn't seem to mind the slow progress of impaling her, even seemed to love it, and she got even more vocal the more I managed to fit in. Just as she managed to get down to my knot, I felt a phantom tapered tip slide several inches into my pussy and made me accidentally bounce  the dragoness with an instinctive buck. She took it as a que to immediately try bouncing herself but her legs were shaky and managed to do it a couple times with barely lifting herself. 

“A-alex… h-help… feels t-too good…” she whimpered needily. I didn't need to be asked twice. My hands went to her hips and lifted her halfway up before a phantom thrust made me falter and let her slide back down. A cute moan from Kat at the same time mirrored how I was feeling from the combination of sensations. “A-again… please…”

“T-tryin'…” I wrapped my tail around her and used it to help bounce her on my lap. Tempo was messy at first, then I got synced with whatever was going on with Kat. It felt amazing, feeling like Max was stuffing me in time with every movement of Rei and the remaining heat instincts were being satiated.

The ‘rut’ side demanded more after a bit, though. With a growl, I pulled Rei into a kiss on her way back down from a bounce and rolled us over so that I was on top. The kiss was brief, as I quickly moved to nipping at her neck and shoulder all while bucking harder into her. The dragoness didn't show it if I was being too rough, in fact it was like she was trying to cover up whatever noises came from my partners in their own efforts nearby with her own. 

“B-breed me!” The dragoness pleaded repeatedly in my ear as I felt her nails dig into my back, right where I lacked scales. I didn't mind, it didn't hurt that much, and at the time it sounded like a good idea (despite an impossible one with the protection). I gave another growl during one of her pleas and instinctively bit down on her shoulder before giving a hard buck into her. My knot had been threatening to pop in for some time at that point and that finally got it in, much to both of our delights. Even further, it got me desynced with the tempo I was following with the other two and made me so much more aware of the phantom feeling of being fucked myself that I was sent over the edge when it felt like a knot entered me as well. Rei arched up and tensed hard as I felt her stomach swell slightly against me along with something wet splatter my own.

I stayed on top of her for a bit, panting with her.  As my mind cleared over the passing minutes, I realized I could taste blood and I panicked. I had somehow done it again, gave into instincts and marked someone else. I let go immediately and pushed myself up to check on her. I tried to, anyway, she clung to me tightly and started coming up with me.

“G-goddess… so full~ i-it feels… incredible…” she murmured as she nuzzled into my neck. 

“Y-yep… r-really good, huh?” I responded quietly. I was still silently panicking as I gently adjusted us to look. Just like my mates, I had left a set of four punctures on her shoulder but this time it didn't close up right away and just stayed like any normal injury. “So… u-um, I- I couldn't control myself, I… I tried to mark you… b-but it looks like it didn't take…?” There was a cute squeak from the other dragoness.

“O-oh… you actually tried to…?” She squeezed me slightly and had disbelief in her voice. “T-that wouldn't work… I would have to m-mark you too and I-I can't do that like this…”

“But with both of them…” I glanced back where I last saw them as I spoke. Kat was on her stomach on the other side of the nest of the bed, Max on top of her with his tail wagging tiredly, I couldn't feel her in my head anymore either.

“... it's… different for us. I-if we…” Rei buried her face against me more. “If we wanted to be mates I'd have to do it back immediately and have to mean it…”

“... oh… um… are you ok then…?” She nodded.

“Tired…full… b-but my mind’s clear now! So… i-it worked…” her hands clenched on my back then relaxed. “I… I still have half a month… if… it comes up again…?”

“We can do this again…” I gently rolled us onto our sides. She gave a relieved sigh and nuzzled against me more once I settled down again. 

“... how long do you normally stay…?”

“Tied…? Like half an hour…?”

“... oh… I-I don't know if I can keep my eyes open that long… Y-you can just bandage me in the morning…”

“Huh? You mean the…?”

“Yes! Y-you caused it…” she yawned and seemed to cling to me even more. I smiled a bit and wrapped my arms and wings around her, not cuddling her as she fell asleep wasn't going to be an option. Everything else could wait.

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