Dragon Goddess’s chosen

45. Some Halloween fun [18+]


A few days later


Heat (28 Days) has expired.

Gravid (1 Egg, Unfertilized) (Precise time uncertain, Approximate time: 2 months)


“Jesus fucking Christ…” I groaned when the new notification interrupted me from going through available spells with Max in our room. I had been watching the minutes tick down on the status all day only for it to do this.

“H-huh? What's wrong… I-is Create Bonfire not a good spell to take…?”

“N-no, no, if it works like I think it does, it should be fine… Fireball would be better if you can find it… It's just… I got a new popup…” I sighed and covered my face. “Heat is over…”

“Why do you sound upset about that? Suddenly not a ball of horniness?” Kat chimed in from the floor where she had been working on the ‘costumes’ with various materials and dyes she acquired.

“What?” I froze a bit, the question distracting me. The baseline desire I'd been feeling all month definitely didn't just disappear but worry about this revelation was overshadowing it. “N-no, It says I'm gravid! I thought if w-we were careful I wouldn't have to worry about… Agh! I'm going to have to deal with a fucking egg in a couple months…”

“Something else to ask Rei…” she murmured thoughtfully. “Everything we did worked, right? Does it tell you?”

“It says it's unfertilized…” I sighed.

“So… you… think it's similar to chick-” our boyfriend started and I shot up to a sitting position.

“M-max, I’m not like a chicken!!” I hissed with a chastising look that made him shrink back a bit.

“Mmm… certainly sounds like it might be similar~” Kat teased and I gave her the same look.

“... sorry pup…” I apologized to our mage softly “.. Maybe i-it's not like how we’re thinking…?”

“Babe… you said gravid, pretty sure that means you're carrying it for a bit,”  I let out another groan at this and fell back on the bed but I knew she was right. 

“Ugh… why does being a dragon come with so much extra shit…”

“Maybe we can check with Rei…? Or the doctor…?” Max suggested.

“I'll just stick with Rei definitely… we're gonna see her… and  Dr. Moreau is still using me as a study… and how would I explain what I know??” 

“Oh yeah…” he looked away sheepishly. He had been obviously poking around a lot with Inspect since he got it even when he wasn't that vocal about it and obviously forgot how it was without it.

“Hey, it's going to be fine.” Kat assured me, popping up next to me and further comforting me with a kiss. As she pulled away, she playfully pushed a metal object into my hands. Confused, I look down to find a small golden yellow crown. 

“...Really? You made this too?”

“Of course! It wouldn't be complete without it!” she grinned at me. “Are you still up for this? I just finished the last thing but we can put off our Halloween fun if the egg ruined your mood.”

“...never said I wasn't…” I sighed, fidgeting with the crown a bit. “Rei and I have been holding out for a few days…”

“Ok then~ get up let's get all this on~” she went and retrieved a folded set of black clothes with some gold seams and buttons, giving them to our boyfriend. “Maxie, go put these on in the bathroom”

“Wait… what?” He protested immediately. 

“I want to see your reaction to ours when they're complete~ You'll see our tits plenty tonight~” his ears folded down as a blush spread across his face. 

“Can't you just predict it?” I pointed out and his ears perked back up, hopeful and definitely wanting to watch us change.

“Then it won't happen and I wouldn't be able to see it~ Come on, please, Maxie?” She giggled then pulled him into a kiss.

“... f-fine…” he relented upon the kiss being broken before wandering to the bathroom with the outfit. 

“Good boy~” she teased and I caught sight of his tail wagging a bit as he shut the door.

“So mean to him,” I sighed, prodding her side with my tail.

“Shush, it's more fun this way,” she giggled more. “Now strip, everything off~”

“Fine, fine,” I stuck my forked tongue out at her as I worked my way out of my clothes. 

Kat followed suit and I did my best to not to ogle her too much and stir myself up more than I had to. Good thing too, the leotard she put me in was tight, especially below the bust, and left little to the imagination, every scale, muscle, and even the individual soft belly plates below my waistline showed through the fabric. It was a pain just trying to get my wings and tail through the slots she left for them with how tight it was. At least the ‘bra’ part had extra fabric so that it didn't feel like my chest was bound and hide the fact I couldn't wear anything underneath up there. 

“Ah, ah, missing something~” Kat chastised, stopping me as I reached for the skirt and anklets after putting on the spiked bracelets, armlets and choker.

“... the crown can wait.” I sighed, glancing at her for the first time in a bit and very much appreciating the sight of her in the fur-collared, deep v-neck catsuit of the anti-hero thief. It definitely accented her curves really well.

“Nope… these first,” she playfully tapped some sheer fabric that had some elastic bands and flat metal clamps next to them.

“... you've got to be kidding… I'm willingly putting on a skirt again and I know you made that shorter than most art I've seen…that should be enough.”

“And? I'm wearing this and we're both putting on makeup in a bit,” she teased as she got tauntingly close to me, squishing the soft fur of her outfit followed by her chest just below my own.

“Great… makeup too…” I grumbled while trying to keep myself calm.

“I don't like it either,” she stuck her tongue out at me.  “But if I have to for mine, you do too. I got some for Rei too. It'll complete the outfits.”

“So dedicated to this” I sighed but what she said did make it up to me. I never got many chances to see her in makeup, she didn't really need it but it could only add to her natural beauty. “Actually, since when has Ms.Tomboy since forever been so into outfits… especially mine?” She kind of froze and looked away, embarrassed.

“Honestly… I thought about…making this,” she tapped the blue ‘gem’ of the decorative broach in the middle of my chest. “To wear to one of the Gencons you drag me to… the entire thing… I figured you'd like it and it would finally get us to get together…” she gave a slight smile. “It just… suits you more than me now, Amazon~”

“I-I thought it was just you being the chosen of the weaver of fate…” Max's muffled voice mumbled from the bathroom.

“Hey, pay attention to getting your stuff on more than eavesdropping!” Our girlfriend joked.

“I-I was! I'm just… not sure what I'm supposed to do with this…” His arm stuck out from behind the door, a strip of black fabric dangling from his now-gloved hand.

“...you did the blindfold thing too?” I asked 

“The scroll just printed it out with the rest. Could be fun later though.” Our girlfriend replied with a shrug “You, get the stockings on, garters too~, Maxie, you can ignore the blindfold for now~”

“O-ok!” he yipped, then tentatively asked: “I'm almost done… can I come back out…?”

“Not yet, we still got lipstick, eyeliner, mascara… Do either of us need eyeshadow…?” I shrugged. “Agreed that we skip it?” 

“Absolutely…” I sighed, grabbing the offending sock-like garments as I thought through trying to put them on without my talons shredding them. Only chance it would work would be from dropping down to quarter dragon and even then, it would have an interesting look with my digitigrade legs when I turned back.



“K-kat! Really? I-I thought she was m-meeting us at the room!” I hissed, clutching my weapon and fighting my tail to keep the knee-length skirt down to keep my butt covered, all too aware of the guards at the city gates behind me as we headed in the direction of the beach. At the same time, I was trying not to get excited from the sights of my mates’ butts, Max's in his shorts exposed by his tail lifting his coat a bit and Kat’s in her suit, both tight fitting enough that they made my ‘male’ side instincts stir a little.

“She hates being inside, you know this,” My girlfriend teased as she playfully turned and tapped the broach on my chest again with a claw of her new gloves decorating her fingertips. 

“A-and I didn't expect to g-go out like this!”

“It's night on the 31st, no one was out. Anyways if there was, you have great legs and just as great of an ass I'm sure others would appreciate it.” she giggled and my cheeks grew warm with embarrassment again.

“My heat just ended… I don't need more people ogling me…” I grumbled, looking away from her to try to get a handle on the pressure and excitement between my legs.

“What do you think, Maxie? You like her butt as much as I do?” shs continued playfully, bringing my attention to our boyfriend.

“H-huh?” He glanced at her, his face still marked with the consistent blush he had since seeing us and faded red and pink lipstick prints on his cheeks from me and Kat respectively when we first saw how cute our kemonomimi 9S was. 

‘Shit the guards probably saw those too…’ I sighed.

“Oh… u-um, y-yeah of course … b-but um… I… thought i-it was just us seeing each other like this too…”

“Is that a little possessiveness I hear?” Our girlfriend teased as she hugged his arm to her chest. “Rather keep your harem just to yourself?”

“M-my harem…?” He squeaked, not denying the playful accusation, and his blush deepened. 

“You really are too cute, pup,” I sighed, leaning down and kissing his cheek yet again, this time leaving less of a mark than the first. Rei chose this moment to squeeze between a couple trees onto the path we were on and shake off the twigs and leaves that got caught on her wings. It was honestly impressive how stealthy she was in her full form, I couldn’t even smell her yet like I usually could.

“So noisy… you're going to tell ev-” she grumbled but then trailed off as she looked me up and down, lingering at my chest and legs. She shyly averted her eyes, first towards Kat, got even more flustered at the sight of her with her tail flicking, then back off to the surrounding trees, a pretty similar reaction that Max had when he saw us.”- I was not expecting this…”

“Hey, Rei,” I happily greeted “I thought we were going to meet at the cliff again.” 

“I… thought it would be better to wait at the clearing I showed you…”

“You're allowed to say you wanted to see us sooner~” Kat teased and her feathers poofed up a bit as her attention went back to the mischievous elf.

“I-it's not that! It's just… with the Return of Zytos… spirits could still appear as wraiths and specters…”

“So you wanted to protect us~” Kat pressed and playfully approached the dragon. “That's really sweet of you, Rei”

“I… uh…” she murmured, her personality trapping her in a corner as she obviously tried to come up with an excuse. One never came out before my girlfriend hugged her neck.

“So~ how do you like the outfits?”

“And she said I was into scales…” Max mumbled in a slightly joking tone as we watched Rei get even more poofy as Kat flirted with her. A small giggle escaped me and I hugged him against me with an arm and a wing.

“You both certainly seem to have a type,” I teased gently. “Hers are definitely dragons or cute dog boys with dragon blood.” His blush quickly returned and he defiantly stuck his tongue out at me. I laughed again and gently pulled him into a quick kiss, playfully taking his tongue into my mouth for a moment before breaking it.

“Let's go save the poor dragon from our girlfriend, ok?”

“Mmm… ok,” he murmured happily, his tail wagging slowly behind him. I gave him a gentle pat between his ears before guiding him over to Kat and Rei. As I got closer, I noticed the other dragoness's scent but for once, it wasn't making me grow hot with need. Attraction was still there, though, I still appreciated how pretty she was even in this form, and I was still looking forward to her involvement with the rest of us later in the night.

“Hey, let's get moving before you get too into messing with her,” I chastised the ranger softly.

“Getting jealous?” She grinned up at me with that response. 

“No, I want to ask her something while she can still focus.”

“Aww where's the fun in that, King Koopa~ ?”

‘Brat…’ I rolled my eyes and glanced at her ear well within range of nipping. ‘If you're going to be like that…’ Before I could act, putting a little too much thought into the dominant impulse, a blush spread across her face and out to her ears.

“H-hey! I know what you're planning!” She yelped as she jumped away, covering her ears. Max was obviously trying his best not to smile at this as he stayed out of her way. “Just cuz you found out about that doesn't mean you can use it against me!”

“I don't know what you're talking about, I didn't do anything,” I laughed.

“You know exactly what!” She huffed, though the look in her eye was more excited than upset as she moved closer again to collect Max to walk ahead with him. Our mage had a cute, playful glint in his eye as he happily followed along.

“...King Koopa…?” Rei murmured softly, cautiously watching the pair for a moment before looking away from them with a flustered hiss. “Goddess… him too…?”

“Just another title for who I'm dressed as…” I shrugged, ignoring her comment in draconic for her sake. I gently put a hand on the side of her neck. “You ok?”

“Y-yes, I am fine,” she shuddered a little and shook her head before she glanced at me. “You wanted to talk…?”

“Just something I have to ask…” I took a few steps after my partners, goading the other dragoness to follow along. “So… I got an alert that my heat ended an hour or so ago…” She perked up slightly and bounded over to the spot next to me.

“That is good… I believe mine ended yesterday… It's… odd finally being able to think clearly next to you…” she paused and gave me a worried look as she looked like she was trying to figure out how to ask something.

“Same but now I'm sure everything wasn't just heat,” I gave her a smile. “I still want my first flight with you.” 

“As in… courting?” Her eyes lit up.

“I'll try my best… don't expect me to kn-” she suddenly pressed her mouth against my lips and her tongue filled my mouth. Heat and pressure quickly returned in my groin as my body apparently interpreted the gesture as the time for action finally coming. ‘She's kissing me in dragon form again. This should be weird… but…’

“M-max!” Kat gasped ahead of us and Rei quickly pulled back, lewdly retracting her tongue from my mouth. I glanced to my partners once I was free to find my blushing girlfriend cupping my boyfriend's chin as a spectral hand dissolved by her ear. His tail was wagging lazily even as she got onto him. “J-just cuz Alex's plan didn't work i-it doesn't mean you try something!”

“S-sorry… n-not sure what came over me…” The dragoness walking next to me murmured, capturing my attention again as she regained her composure while pointedly looking away from me. “... I would love to k-keep courting you… but u-um… you said you wanted t-to ask something…?”

“U-um yeah…” I sighed. “In the alert… it… also said I was gravid… um unfertilized, though, but there is an egg”

“... that ability tells you that…? ... maybe I should learn it…” she cocked her head in thought, unphased by news of the egg.

“Gotta ask Kat for that… we only were able  to give Max it by showing him it through her Mind Link spell…” she shuddered a bit.

“I… I'm not sure if I want her in my mind yet…”

“Understandable” I laughed softly. “So… the egg… it's normal right…?”

“Hmm? Oh… yes… I nearly forgot it's your first heat… I only had one for my first… I hope I don't have three again like last year”

“I'm not worried about the amount, I'm worried about having an egg…”

“They are normal,” she assured me softly. “It shouldn't cause you any problems for a few weeks…” she paused. “I am normally stuck in this form when I'm that far along… I'm…not sure how it will be with you…”

“Yay… another unknown…”I groaned then an embarrassing thought occurred to me. “Um… how big are they…?”

“Hmm…” she thought for a moment. “A house cat could fit in the shell if it curled up, it would be tight but it's just enough room for a hatchling to use their egg horn to get out…” A sense of dread came over me as my hand instinctively went to my stomach. The feeling of Rei's tail intertwining with mine snapped me out of it a moment later. “S-since you are so clueless about us still, I suppose I would have to help you with this too when the time comes. You know… i-it's not wise to get so indebted to a dragon…”

“I think there's a few ways I can make it up to you,” I sighed, actually enjoying the feeling of her tail around mine. 

“T-tonight doesn't count towards it!” I smiled a little and patted the wing she wasn't using to walk. 

“Fine,” I laughed. “But we'd get to it sooner if you flew us back to your den,” she gave me a look.

“You're too heavy to just carry with them… but I think if you hold onto my tail and put my training to use…”

“Kat will kill us if we tear this up before we do anything.”

“You're better at landing now… a-and it won't count as our first flight until you can do it on your own anyways”

“Fine but you're answering to her if it doesn't go well” I teased.

“I will keep that in mind…”



“A-alex…” Max gasped, squirming on my lap as I nipped at his neck while cuddling him on Rei's ‘bed’. Kat had insisted on not letting us see the dragoness get dressed up just outside and instead left the two of us to our own devices while we waited. It was nice at first but my instincts quickly grew impatient and drove me to want to toy with him, and I knew he didn't mind whatsoever with how he tilted his head over for me. 

“Your idea to sit on me,” I huffed a reminder against his skin before I nipped him again. His soft butt against me inflicted even more pressure in my groin and I could feel the tip of my member strain the elastic fabric above the slit. There was no doubt that the mage could feel it prod against him as he was keeping it mostly trapped in me. The scent of him getting excited certainly didn't help me either. At least with heat gone I wasn't being driven towards making me submit to him from it. “Did Kat put you up to this?”

“N-no, I wanted t-to be clo-a-ah!” His voice hitched a little as I lightly traced over the imprint of his manhood in his tight shorts with my tail. It was satisfying knowing that all it took was leaving a few marks with my fangs and lips along his neck to get him to full mast but just as stuck as I was.

“What was that, pup?” I purred.

“I w-wanted to be close…”

“And you are~ I can stop if you want.” No response until I moved my tail away from him.

“W-wait… it… It's ok…” I smirked a little against him and returned it right back where it was.

“Oh yeah?” A cute little nod and I playfully but lightly bit right on top of the scar I left on his shoulder. I immediately could feel his heart flutter a bit against my arm across his chest and he twitched a little against my tail. 

“Starting without us?” Kat's voice accused. I smiled against my boyfriend for a moment before moving my head to rest on top of his, his ears twitching and tickling my cheeks a little. She was standing just inside the entrance of the den with a smug grin.

“Just playing with him a bit.” I replied then some movement behind her caught my eye.

 If it wasn't for knowing Kat's plan, and Rei's panther-like gold eyes I would've had to do a double take as I spotted a bashful Raven peeking in with her blue hood cutely pulled up. Her skin wasn't quite as stereotypical goth pale but she still looked really good with the dark lipstick and eye makeup.

My girlfriend followed my gaze then she grinned even more and quickly retrieved Rei from her hiding spot. It wasn't quite the Raven outfit I was familiar with, including black thigh-high boots and witch-y elbow length gloves that left the fingers exposed and  triangular strips of fabric that anchored around the middle fingers. It still had the shiny brass and red glass adornments around her hips and as the clasp of the cloak and the main part of the outfit was a black leotard with exposed shoulders. Unfortunately with a leotard, it put her male anatomy on full display as an obvious imprint at her groin and she was definitely getting excited despite her shy expression.

“Pretty…” Max observed, unabashedly honest as I felt him twitch against my tail again. 

“I-I look ridiculous… I can't believe I let you talk me into this…” she mumbled as a blush brought more color to her face and she unknowingly wrapped the cloak around herself very much like who she's dressed as. 

“Come on, you look great~” Kat giggled, snagging Rei's hand from under the cloak, dragging her over towards the bed and even pulling her down to sit with Max and me.

“It suits you,” I agreed with a smile then smirked a bit at Kat, not wanting to overwhelm the dragoness with compliments with how red her face was. “So~ anything you wanna tell us? She and I have pretty similar outfits if I ditch this skirt.”

“What about it?” 

“You have a thing for thighs and legs,” I teased.

“Look, both of you have thick enough thighs it would be criminal to not pick something that would show it off”  

“Uh-huh, doesn't sound like you're denying it” I laughed, playfully leaning over and capturing her lips in a quick kiss. As I pulled back, I barely noticed Rei watching on with a jealous look.

“W-what about the rest of it? I d-don't really see the appeal of it… It's… it's tight, a-and doesn't hide anything,” Rei huffed incredulously, averting her gaze and wrapping the cloak around her more.

“Sorry about that…” Kat apologized. “I tried to give you some extra room down there but I didn't realize you'd… um like my help that mu-”

“I-I didn't!”

‘I would love to double check that personally~’

 One of the instincts that drove me to toy with Max urged at the back of my mind and incited even more pressure in my groin. I knew I shouldn't give in this early but it was a particularly enticing idea. My boyfriend seemed to sense something, his ear twitching a little against my cheek, and he glanced back at me. I smiled a little and playfully nipped at his ear, earning a soft surprised gasp.

“Let's show her how appealing it is to us and try to change her mind a little~” I purred softly as Kat occupied her attention. He gave an eager little nod with his tail struggling to wag against my stomach.

“L-lead the way…” he whispered back and crawled off my lap. I immediately wriggled out of the skirt then scooted over to Rei, bumping my hip against hers. This got her attention and a surprised squeak escaped her.

“You know~” I started, tentatively putting a hand on her leg. Instincts weren't happy about staying slow but it felt necessary to keep her comfortable. “It being tight and showing a lot is kinda why we're into it~”

“H-huh?” She stuttered. Kat smirked a little as she watched.

“You can relax a bit, ok? We like you-all of you- We saw it before anyways so you don't have to worry about everything showing.”  She still looked unsure, so I gently cupped her cheek and tilted her head up a little. Her breathing picked up a bit at the touch. “I'm willing to prove it and I'm sure my mates are too~” I glanced at my girlfriend for assistance.

“Oh definitely~” she giggled and pressed up against the other side of the shy dragon.

“U-um…” She continued to stare up at me and squirmed a bit, wanting something.

“You kissed me earlier, why are you being shy now?” I teased softly, leaning in more but stopping just before our lips touched. She gave an impatient whine then finally took what she wanted and kissed me. I purred even more as I immediately took charge by pushing my tongue past her lips. 

“Hehe, are we pampering her this time?” Kat joked softly right before Rei gave a cute gasp into our kiss, followed by a soft moan. One of her hands landed on one of my thighs and squeezed needily. I smiled more and pressed my chest against hers. Rei eventually broke the kiss with heavy breaths as I slowly pulled my tongue out of her mouth.

“Mmm could be,” I growled playfully to finally answer my girlfriend's question before briefly kissing her as well. “Not sure what I want to do yet~ fucking you into these furs as I play with your ears sounds like fun too”

“W-what?” She faltered a bit.

“You heard me~” I turned my attention back to Rei, pushing her hood back to nuzzle into her neck. “I want to have some fun with you first though if you want it~”

“Please…” her voice came out as a soft whimper. I let out another purr and nipped at her neck, earning more cute noises from her, before I delicately pried her cloak open. As I moved down to her chest, I wrapped my tail around Max's wrist and guided him to put it on her hip, close to where I wanted him to give her attention. He got the hint and a little gasp escaped her right before I could try nipping at one of her breasts through the leotard. A quick glance confirmed it, he was already between her legs with her dick freed from her outfit but the tip was already trapped in his eager mouth.

“Good boy~” I praised, snaking my tail underneath him again. He gave a muffled yip and happily just took her the rest of the way with no issue. ‘So cute, hope you don't mind me helping in a bit~’

“A-ah!” Rei gasped and her thighs clamped close around the dog boy’s head. He didn't mind, in fact, I felt his member twitch with further arousal against my tail. “G-goddess… w-what did I do t-to deserve this…”

“I'd say… confessing to the right person with open minded ‘mates’.” Kat teased softly as she pressed up against the dragoness more and brought a clawed finger up under her chin. “Is Alex the only one who can kiss you? Or can I try?”

“O-oh… um” she hesitated, clearly wanting it. “I-I will allow it…”

‘Gonna be awhile before she actually asks for it, huh?’ I thought, watching my girlfriend pull her into a kiss before I nuzzled into the side of one of the smaller girl's boobs and lightly nipped it. The muffled moan above me from that action was absolutely adorable and I happily continued playing with her. I even had to help hold her up in a sitting position after a couple minutes, right when I honed in on her nipple showing through the fabric of her outfit and lightly pinched it between a pair of fangs. Kat was also helping me a bit by playing with the girl's other boob all throughout their kiss. ‘

‘Might not be able to make you my mate yet but I can definitely mark you as mine~’ A rogue instinct echoed at the back of my mind when I eventually moved on with leaving a trail of kisses and bites down her chest, side and stomach, all the way down to her enticing exposed thigh. I gave a few experimental zaps with subsequent nips there and to my delight, it sent the other dragoness squirming and moaning against Kat while she bucked into Max's mouth. He loved the treatment, twitching even more against my tail and even some wetness making its way through his shorts by his tip.

“Hey, pup, want me to help a bit?” I purred in his ear and he opened an eye to look up at me. He gave a muffled yip around his ‘treat’ but couldn't seem to free himself from her legs. A giggle escaped me and I patted the thigh I marked up. “Rei, open your legs, sweetie ~”

“Mmph…?” She whined into her kiss but ultimately listened and she released Max's head. He pulled off of her cock with a lewd pop and left her twitching in the air and leaking like a faucet.

“Aww… were you close?” I lightly teased before leaning in and running my long tongue from base to tip. The scent it back into my mouth made my instincts buzz in the back of my mind and my dick strain even more to escape its confines. At the same time Rei shuddered and I heard her kiss break with a sharp breath in.

“Y-yes…” she whimpered.

“Hmm… might be mean to make you wait to put it in one of us,” I mused with another lap. Max eagerly took up the other side of her with his tongue, meeting me at her tip and stealing a kiss around her. 


“God, this is hot…” Kat cooed admiringly. I smiled a little and happily kept working with Max to help the dragoness feel good. For two people, especially with my current size, there wasn't a lot of space to work in, and a rogue thought brought up a fantasy of us trying to service her like this in her other form and sent a shudder through me. She definitely loved the attention, though, and was quickly brought to a state of rapid twitching and leaking.

 At the last time of reaching her tip, I gently took over and pulled her entire length into my mouth as I cupped  the rest of her manhood hanging underneath. The back of them were absolutely soaked with her feminine excitement through the fabric still covering her other sex. I knew I wasn't much better off, I could feel my own excitement starting to run down my legs. She was on such a hair trigger at this point, however, that all it took was tracing a finger up the soaked fabric to set her off. She grabbed my horn possessively and bucked hard into my mouth. She might've been a little smaller than Max, but she was a lot more… productive compared to the one time I brought him to completion in my mouth at the height of my heat. I shouldn't have been surprised, she made a huge mess when I fucked her the previous time. Wanting to make her happy, not that her death grip on my horn would let me otherwise, I let her empty herself down my throat despite not caring for the bitter taste.

“So much…” I purred once I was finally released and smiled a bit as I noticed the lipstick Kat inflicted me with further marked our monk as mine with red imprints across her member. Its owner was a panting mess, however, and was laying dazed on her bed.

“Good show~” Kat giggled as she pet Rei's hair and I sat back up. “Ooh and even better one now~”

“Huh?” I cocked my head at first then I became very aware of the soft fabric pinning my dick against my stomach. Sometime throughout all of that, the outfit stretched just enough to let it finally escape and relieve the pressure. 

“You're definitely ready to go~ and after that~ god this outfit is not great to get horny in,” she sighed, unzipping her suit and revealing more of a side view of her breasts and her belly. The large claw scar across her stomach from the Orca King only made the whole outfit look even hotter somehow. “So… how are we doing this? I don't wanna wait much longer Maxie doesn't look like he can hold out either.”

“U-um not really…” he admitted softly with a whine.

“Let's let Rei recover a bit, see who she wants to stuff before we deci-”

“Y-you…” the dragoness interrupted breathlessly “I-I want my other first w-with you… i-if not this time… S-some other…?”

“I-I think we can work that out when you recover~” I replied 

“Wow, Alex, never expected you to be taking so many virginities~” Kat taunted. I smirked a bit and playfully crawled closer to her.

“I can take your cute little butt's too at the same time~” I purred. 

“Y-you at this s-size? Hell n-no!” she yelped.

“Ok then~ another time~ unless you want Max and I to DP you now.”

“I-I still want you smaller for that!” 

“U-um… Rei… I know you like Alex more… “ Max started asking softly. “But um… can you and I…?”

“... y-you want t-to…” she stammered immediately, still trying to recover as her voice sounded both incredulous again and slightly flattered. “F-fine! O-only because you used your m-mouth on me. I-I'm in c-charge though!”

“Our knots might make this difficult if we try to do this in a line,” I pointed out. 

“U-um I suppose I-I will have to wait for you to take my other first t-then…” Rei replied nervously. “C-come here, Max… …please?”

 “O-ok!” my boyfriend yipped, his tail wagging a bit as he obeyed.

“I get you to myself then~” I purred to Kat.

“Lucky me~” she giggled and sent a shiver of pleasure up my spine by tracing a fingertip up my shaft. 

“Mhmm, really lucky,” I gave a playful growl and pressed my tits against hers as I gave her a tongue-filled kiss.

‘Wow… kissing me when you taste like another girl's cum,’ her voice echoed in my mind tauntingly.

‘That didn't really sound like a complaint’ I gave another growl and pressed more. 

‘Nngh… it isn't, fuck this got you in a mood~’

‘Been pent up for days in heat and I can finally do something about it without someone actually getting pregnant, of course I'm in a mood,’ I kissed along her cheek to her jaw.

‘Too bad though, I'd love to put an egg in you too~’ a rogue instinct piped up and made me falter a bit as Kat heard it and was sent into a giggling fit.

Glad t-to hear you wanna knock me up~”

“Shut up,” I growled and bit her neck, earning a moan out of her. Even more giggles as I felt her feel me up a bit and adjust my outfit to get at my dick. Even more pleasure spread out as the fabric between my legs got pulled up against me and rubbed just the right way that made me wish Max or Rei were also going to fulfill me in that way too. “F-fuck, Kat…”

“What~?” She gave a smug look as she gave me a few experimental strokes. “Fuck you're as ready as me~ leaking so much~”

‘Not going to turn this around on me~ gonna plow you into this bed~’  

“I'm really getting them mouthy, huh?”

“Yes, and impatient.” I playfully switched targets and nipped at her ear. That got an even bigger reaction than her neck, arching up against me with a louder moan than before.

“A-alex…” She whined, swatting at me. I grinned and did it again. She reacted the same but dragged her claws down my sides . “D-dammit, j-just fuck me already!”

“You're impatient too~” I purred. Not wanting to waste more time, I hooked a claw at the bottom of the zipper of her suit and used it to cut  through both it and her underwear to gain access to her pussy. She was just as soaked as Rei and I at this point and heat just radiated off of her for once. I sat up and gripped her hips as I used my tail to line my tip up with her entrance then slowly pushed in. She was still pleasantly tight as ever and concern for not actually personally getting her ready crossed my mind but she accepted me up to the knot a lot easier than Rei did last time.

“Nngh… fuck,” my girlfriend moaned happily, thankfully with no signs of discomfort as she ran a hand over the bump I was creating on her stomach. I shivered a bit at the pleasant touch and leaned over her again with my tail thrashing behind me. “Good girl~” 

“I should be saying the same to you,” I purred, smiling a bit as I heard Max and Rei's soft moans off to the side. “You aren't gonna flip this on me, you turned me into a puddle a couple times now, it's your turn.”

“H-hehe…” my mischievous elf's face flushed as she gave a nervous giggle but I could feel her tense up excitedly around me. I gave another growl as I slowly pulled my hips back.  Her hands trembled adorably as she grasped onto my studded armlets as most of my length vacated her. A little gasp was pushed out when I filled her right back up to the knot and she tugged on the jewelry a bit. This repeated as I went tauntingly slow, doing my best to warm her up more against the desires of the cacophony of instincts pushing to breed her now.

“Such a good girl,” I praised as I leaned down in her ear while grinding my knot into her a bit after bucking in the fifth time or so. She was breathing heavily already but still had a slightly smug look.

“F-feels like Y-you're just teasin me…”

“Telling the truth~ such a good girl for taking a full foot of dragon dick so easy~” I flicked my tongue out to graze the tip of her ear. Another gasp and her whole body trembled. I smirked and turned up the pressure with a nip right on the edge. That had a lot bigger effect: she arched and I could feel her walls clamp down on my dick.

“F-fuck!” She yelped and clung to me, rocking her hips on my knot and subjecting me to even more pleasure. Rei evidently took it as an invitation and started getting more vocal with her moans from whatever our boyfriend was treating her to. “A-alex… s-stop playing with m-me and just fuck me…

“Gonna do both,” I promised before giving her ear another nip.

“Nngh… A-alex…” she whined.

 I giggled a bit and nuzzled into her neck as I started back up in my slow pace. At first. Every thrust back in happened sooner than the last and Kat clung to me more and more with every one. Every now and then I nipped a different spot along her ear that sent her trembling against me. One eventually sent her over the edge when I got her just as I barely managed to get my knot half in. I would've stopped there to give her a break, despite being close myself, if it weren't for her whimpering begging to be bred. My instincts didn't leave me in a position to decline that request.

With a growl, I pulled out and with the last bit of control I wanted to keep, gently turned her over so that she was chest-down and ass-up on the bed and pushed myself right back into her. I couldn't reach her ears comfortably to keep going as I was but the moaning mess my girlfriend was reduced to seemed to be even more turned on by being taken from behind. I couldn't hold on for much longer with how much her body tensed up with every thrust and when my knot finally made it into her, I made her belly swell slightly with all of the pent up arousal I had before collapsing to the side with her.

“I-I love you…” she sighed half-coherently as she hugged my arm to her chest.

“I love you too, Kat…” Much of the following time awaiting to come untied was filled with lots of cuddling and kisses as I tried to figure out what she did to take care of me when she got me to the same state and tried to stave off the exhaustion to make sure she was ok.

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