Dragon Gods Reign

Chapter 101: New World


Suddenly finding myself floating in an endless dark expanse after having sat peacefully in my flat, I panicked and held my breath to not suffocate. Not daring to test if this was necessary even one second before it became necessary, I prayed to be saved.

And as luck would have it I suddenly became blinded by a bright light only to find there to be stable ground beneath my feet once more. A moment later I collapsed from the suddenness of it. Gasping for air, my relief was only short-lived as started noticing my surroundings.

Slowly rising back to my feet, I let my gaze wander around in the massive hall I had found myself in. Massive pillars kept the over ten meter tall ceiling from falling down, with wooden beams that were stuck in between them holding up large metal chandeliers. The dim light they cast down to the ground was the only thing allowing me to see anything.

Nervously looking around for any signs of other people, I didn't dare to shout and instead slowly walked forward. Taking a moment to decide whether to get close to the pillars or not, I decided against it as they would not just hide me but also limit my view. In the open areas, I would at least have a few moments to react and try to defend myself.

Walking forward with silent steps, I constantly turned my head in another direction without leaving one out. But this soon came to a halt when I walked straight into what seemed to be an invisible wall.

Recoiling before quickly shaking off my surprise, I saw a wave-like ripple spreading out from where I had hit it. Using the small moment when a part of the wall became visible to estimate its shape, I found it to be stretching at least from pillar to pillar and from the ground to the wooden beam.

“Young miss, please don't get frightened.” A voice suddenly said.

Jumping up in fright, I spun around only to be met with a man that looked to be in his sixties. Noticing his white robes that were decorated with golden patterns, as well as the jewelry from gold and gems in the form of symbols, I instantly connected his appearance to that of a religious leader.

Nervously looking around, already fearing that I have been kidnapped by a crazy cult of some sort, I slowly backed away from him until my back pressed against the barrier.

“Please, I don't mean you harm. I know this situation must be confusing for you but if you calm down I can explain.” The man said.

Not trusting his words, I first turned my head to the left before looking toward the right. Taking a step in that direction, I pretended to prepare to escape that way only to spin around and sprint into the exact opposite direction.

Already smiling over my success, my plan suddenly collapsed as I perceived a blur that became replaced by a man blocking my path a moment later. Seeing a person wearing full metal armor and with a sword on his waist appearing this suddenly and unexplainable, my mind just froze.

Realizing far too late that I was still running towards him as fast as I could, I barely shook off my shock for long enough to bring my arms in front of my face.

But despite having been sure that we would collide, the dreaded moment didn't come. Instead, I felt my entire body being locked in place, with me not even being able to move a single finger.

As soon as the realization of that sat in, the entire situation became too absurd for me to fully comprehend. As I struggled in an attempt to try and free myself, I soon noticed the man that had initially confronted me appearing in my vision.

“I hope you won't hold this against me, it is for your own good.” He said as he stretched his hand forward to point his palm at my forehead.

Momentarily seeing a slight shimmer with a weak violet tint forming around the hand, I noticed his confusion as he drew it back. Alternating his gaze between my still struggling form and his hand, he murmured something about not understanding why something didn't work.

But instead of it being gibberish as I just assumed, the man dressed up as a knight seemed to understand the words. Walking towards the older man's side, he stopped the latter's muttering by placing his hand on his shoulder.

“She's a summoned one, she is the unpredictable variable here. Especially considering that your magic practically never fails to achieve its purpose so she likely has a way to protect her mind.”

Furrowing my brows at the mention of my mind being protected, it took a few seconds for the realization of what this meant to set in. With my eyes widening even further, I again intensified my struggle to free myself.

“Nonono, not like you think. He just tried to calm your mind, nothing else.” The knight hastily said to me.

“Then free me!” I shouted back, surprised to find my jaw still having some freedom when speaking.

Watching the two of them exchange helpless looks, I momentarily stopped resisting as they seemed to come to a decision.

“I'll drop my spell, but please, don't run, and let us explain. We aren't your enemy and we aren't responsible for your situation, at least not mainly.” The older man pleaded with me.

“Fine, but both of you will stay four meters from me just in case.” I answered him.

Looking at the knight and seeing him shrug, the prison holding me disappeared with a wave of the man's hand. Suppressing the urge to again run away as I didn't think the four meters will help me in any way, I took a few seconds to calm my racing heart.

Leaving me this time, the two of them waited for me to again open my eyes before starting.

“Now we can finally start, thank you. The first and most important thing, no we weren't the ones to take you from wherever you were before. We don't even know how it happens, just that it does and how to take advantage of it.

What we are instead responsible for is bringing you here, otherwise you would have stayed in whatever interim place you otherworldler are until someone else does it. But fate decided that you are to be the one to answer our call so it is futile to dwell on what could have happened or where you would have arrived.”

“Maybe in a place where I would be imprisoned in a creepy dark hall?” I asked sarcastically, trying my best to hide my still racing heart.

Laughing nervously in response to my complaint, the knight avoided eye contact with me while the older man seemed completely unfazed.

“Would it help if we were to bring you to the room that has been prepared for you? There you take your time and we'll go through this at your pace.” The knight offered.

As soon as he made this offer, I hastily agreed. Anything would be better than this place so I didn't hesitate to follow the knight while the older man remained behind.


[Humanoid territory]

Watching the soldier that had accompanied him guide Alicia one away, Isaiah kept his frown back only for so long as they could still see each other. Turning towards another direction with aggressive movements, he walked towards another exit with heavy steps.

After dispelling the barrier along the way with a wave of his hand, he snapped his fingers. A moment later a man in a similar but slightly less extravagant robe appeared next to him.

“My lord, how did it go with the summoned one?” The man that appeared asked.

“Do you see her with me? No, so take your guess.” Isaiah replied angrily.

At this, the other man's steps stalled for a brief moment before he rushed to catch up.

“So she's-” He started but was abruptly cut off.

“With that lousy knight, the resources we invested are too great not to get at least some use of her.” Isaiah said.

Nodding in acknowledgment, the other man kept following him in silence for a while. Only when they started coming close to the exit did he ask the questions on his mind.

“If I may ask, how do you know already that she's a failure and how do we get the investments back?”

“Because just being here made her shake out of fear. Even if her power is the greatest in all of existence, what effect does it have if she won't use it? The best we can hope for is that it is one specializing in supporting others, if not we need to think of something else to get use out of her.”

After a short pause, Isaiah added, “You know what, gather the other seats. This decision is too great for me or us to make it and I don't want them to kick up a fuss over our treatment of the weapon.”

Acknowledging the order with a bow, the man left parting words before splitting off from Isaiah.

“Will be done.” He said before disappearing into the distance.

Sometime after this discussion about her, Alicia had arrived at her room. Opening the door for her and leading her inside, the knight remained there while she took a look around the room.

As soon as she did, she froze in shock at its luxury and size. Colorful, highly decorated walls encased a room that was filled with equally luxurious furniture. And their variety and quantity also left little to desire, with tens of different pieces of all kinds and for all occasions being spread throughout the room.

“This- Are you sure this is my room?” She asked, being somewhat overwhelmed by its grandeur.

“Yes miss.”

Despite hearing his confirmation, Alicia still didn't believe it fully. Taking another look at the room to maybe find something that would reduce its apparent worth, she still found nothing and thus decided to ask the knight.

“But why? I was just an ordinary student back home, I have nothing to offer that would make this proportionate.” She said.

“You're an otherworldler, your existence alone reserves you special treatment.”

“Right, I'm an otherworlder. Because I know what's so special with me due to that.” Alicia said with an ironic tone.

“That's an easy fix, it's power. Being an otherworlder means that you have the potential for power beyond that of anyone in this world.” The knight answered her.

Hearing his words, Alicia just stared at him in confusion as she wasn't special in any way nor was she suddenly feeling stronger or so after waking up.

Seeing this the knight motioned her to follow him as he walked towards one of the room's windows. Stopping before it, Alicia followed his arms trajectory with her gaze, soon locking up into the sky in shock.

Hanging there amidst the night sky were four objects that could only be moons despite their creepy appearances. Instead of being spherical masses of stone, they seemed to be made from flesh.

Covered in different occult symbols and circles each, with an eyeball being the center of them for each, they looked closer to eldritch horrors and less like celestial bodies.

“What you see here in the sky is half of the threat we are facing since time immemorial. The humanoid races, to which humanity belongs, are beset by a constant wave of creatures spawned by these four great evils.

One brings the undead, one brings monstrosities beyond comprehension, and one turns the world against us. But these four pale against the last one, with it spawning beings of near limitless power that always leave massive amounts of destruction in its wake. But as luck would have it it does so only rarely, leaving at least some hope for us.

Another beacon of hope for us is the sunlight. We all carry the bloodline of the phoenix, a creature that has the favor of a thousand suns, which grants us its boons. During the day we grow stronger, strong enough to fight even the mightiest beings in the enemy hordes. But this bloodline also offers a drawback, with the four great evils being able to suppress us greatly as while they stand in the sky.

You on the other hand won't benefit from either while also having the potential of an otherworlder. Not just do they have higher affinities for the elements than others, but they nearly always will awaken a unique power or ability, something that is exceedingly rare to have normally.

Yes, now you don't feel different, but once you start training it will become clear how much weaker others are in comparison. Even elves will likely be weaker than you, even with all their advantages over humans.”

Listening to this explanation, Alicia was left frozen in disbelief at its end. Barely getting over the existence of elves, she slowly started realizing that his words meant that they wanted her to fight.

“I need some time alone.” She said.

Nodding, the knight did as she asked and left the room. And as soon as she heard the door closing behind him, Alicia stopped holding her emotions in. Breaking down in despair as she realized that she was now stranded in a different world while her family is left behind, she began to cry.

“I'm sorry brother, I don't think we'll ever meet again.” She said amidst this.

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