Dragon Gods Reign

Chapter 106: Otherworldly potential

[Deep within the humanoid territory]

After spending the first week after being summoned to this new world just with adjusting herself to it, Alicia finally felt ready to meet the so-called seats. From her conversations with the knight that had been tasked with her protection, whose name she learned to be Kaiden, they were the highest authority among the humanoid races.

Humans, elves, dwarfs, and beastmen all were represented, with the numerically smaller races often having only advisory positions. Though considering that there were only ten seats and multiple dozen species it made some sense.

And it wasn't as if a member of their kind never held a seat. But as their lower numbers made powerhouses from these groups rare they also rarely received the position of seat as it was reserved for the ten persons that had not just the purest phoenix bloodline, whether from birth or through purifying it, but could also use the most of its power.

The reason for this was the importance it held as the only thing allowing all their races to hold out against the constant onslaught. Thus it was paramount that it would never be lost, something that could happen easily as it would always degrade in purity with every subsequent generation.

Only by either regularly reintroducing its source into the family line, meaning to have a child with a member of the species the bloodline comes from, or by purifying the bloodline could it be prevented from degrading to the point of nonexistence. And with there being no true phoenixes in the entire miniature realm, the latter was the only option.

This monopole gave those talented in using the sun's power to purify their bloodline a near-total level of power. Over the years this power gave rise to the seats as the highest authority, though it also came with the responsibility of protecting the rest of the population.

“You don't have anything to worry about. The seats, just like the rest of us, have a vested interest in your safety.” Kaiden said when he noticed her nervousness.

“I know, you've said it dozens of times. But they are still the rulers of half this world, I've never met someone that powerful. Not to mention that they will preside over the evaluation of my potential and with it my whole future.”

Leaving Kaiden, who was stunned by the grimness of her tone, behind, Alicia walked into the room before them with low expectations for the result. Despite having somewhat come to terms with her new situation, she still didn't have particularly good feelings for her summoners.

In her mind, even if they didn't drag her away from her world, their contribution encourages whoever did to continue doing so.

But in her current situation, these thoughts would bring her only trouble and she didn't dare voice them out loud, thus she did her best to hide them again before she arrived at her destination.

Stopping before the group of ten men and women that sat opposite of her, she looked up at the gathered seats. Pretending to ignore the judging stares, she performed a small bow despite her opinion of them.

“Young Alicia, it is good to finally see you.” One of the women in the group spoke with a slightly sarcastic tone.

“I needed some time.”

“And we understand that, which is why we allowed you to take it.” Isaiah answered, momentarily glancing toward the woman who had previously spoken.

Understanding his silent message, she leaned back against her chair and kept silent. This made Isaiah smile in satisfaction before he continued with Alicia.

“So now that you've grown used to this change, at least I hope that you did, it is time to test for your talent.” He said.

'And finally learn whether you're a complete failure or not.' He thought, not speaking this part of the sentence out loud.

Motioning for one of the servants that stood to the side, they waited for the man to return with a small disc in his hands. Holding it out for Alicia to take, its inscription momentarily flashed with blinding light when she touched it.

As soon as it did, the disc shot into Isaiah's hand outstretched hand. For a short moment, he closed his eyes and focused on the information contained in it before reopening his eyes.

Looking at Alicia rather shocked, he said, “That … You surpass everything we thought possible.”

Despite speaking shakily, or maybe because of it, his words blew away the nervousness of the other seats. Turning towards him with excitement written on their faces, they wordlessly prompted him to show it to them.

Passing the small disc around, Isaiah left them with it while already turning his attention back to Alicia.

“What is the result now?” She asked him impatiently.

“You have the highest collective affinity for the elements that was ever recorded. And not just that, your aptitude for both space and time is unheard of, just like your body's connection with mana. I would even go as far to say that you are loved by it, that in tune you are with it.”

Ignoring her surprised look and motioning her to follow him, Isaiah led her toward the windows of the audience room. Following him and looking down in the same direction he was, Alicia saw a training field with about a hundred aura users on it.

“Imposing, isn't it?” He asked her.

Seeing the men and women down below perform feats far above what was possible for normal humans, she nodded.

“Depending on the path you choose, you could one day stand down there among them. Though for someone with your talents, I wouldn't recommend it.” He said.

'Or someone that is as meek as you are.' He thought.

“Then why show me this?” Alicia asked.

Expecting this question, Isaiah waved her along. Walking towards the windows that faced in a different direction, he pointed her toward the area visible through them.

“Because we want you to know all alternatives and choose yourself. And in the first instance, these are the choice between aura and magic. Sadly, most of your predecessors chose the former, and while most didn't regret it and lived long lives, those that did so in spite of my predecessor's advice rarely had the same fortune.” Isaiah explained.

“And I can't entirely fault them, mages don't have the flashiest of roles in our society. With aura users holding the front and bloodline sorcerers providing both offensive power and healing, they are often relegated to support these two groups. But despite often taking a backseat, it is a vital role that can prove to be the deciding factor, especially if filled by someone of your capabilities.”

Finishing his words, he left Alicia contemplating the two options. Though internally he was already sure which one she would pick as he had made slight changes to the knowledge taught to her in the attempt to steer her to the latter option. Whether or not she would have had any talent as a mage, it was the role where he believed she had more use.

'A powerful time mage, seems like my previous worries due to her cowardice were unfounded. Sitting in the safety of a city and reading the future doesn't require any courage.' He thought.

“I'll do it.” Alicia said after a minute of deliberation.

Smiling at her answer, Isaiah said, “That is good to hear. Then, if you're ready, I would introduce you to your future teacher.”

Agreeing to his suggestion, Alicia followed after him as he lead her out of the room. Taking the staircase down towards the training field, they made their way through the largely empty building.

When they arrived at their destination, she was directly greeted by the judging stare of a man in his forties. Wearing a largely undecorated but well-kept red robe, he looked like the stereotypical image of a mage. With his wooden staff, long beard and hair, and a series of simple metal rings on all fingers, he entirely looked the part.

Sizing her up, he seemed thoroughly unimpressed but voiced no critique. Instead, he turned to Isaiah with an annoyed look.

“For whom am I supposed to interrupt training my disciples now?” He asked in a rough tone.

“Miss Alicia, our new summoned champion.”

The answer visibly surprised the man and made him spare another glance at her. Seemingly still coming to the same conclusion, he huffed in disappointment.

“I heard of your arrival, who could have guessed that I would have to deal with you.” He said to her.

“Please don't mind him, Alorick here is a bit difficult sometimes.” Isaiah added directly after.

“I just don't kiss everyone's ass, like you do.” Alorick said, “Now then girl, show me whether you are worth my time.”

With those words, he pointed her toward one of the targets standing on the field. Unsure what he meant by that, she looked towards the other targets only to see men and women of different ages trying to hit them with different spells. From elemental rays to small projectiles, all kinds of attacks flew through the air.

“I don't know how.” She said meekly, overwhelmed by the suddenness of the request.

“Did you bunch teach her nothing?” Alorick asked.

“We found it prudent to first let her settle in.” Isaiah answered him.

“Useless bunch, everything I've to do yourself.” Alorick muttered.

Waving Alicia to follow him, he turned around and walked towards the training field. Leaving Isaiah who was forcing himself to keep calm at Alorick's treatment before simply leaving, she quickly followed him.

“Step one, learn to feel your mana. Awakening as a mana user is already an easy thing for our natives, for otherworldler like you it is practically as easy as breathing. Well, if one knows what to do, but that is true for most things.”

Holding out his hand, Alorick let out a constant stream of mana from his palm. As soon as Alicia came into contact with it, she felt a sense she didn't know she had calling to her. And with it roused from her subconsciousness, she became able to sense the mana all around her.

“Great, but that was only the beginning. Now, focus on yourself and try to feel your mana pool. As soon as you've done so, take control of the mana inside and push it out.”

Nodding, she did as instructed. Closing her eyes and blending out her surroundings, she felt for the mana in her body. Quickly she started noticing this to be harder than expected as her entire body had slight amounts of mana. But after trying and failing to control them, she realized that these were just from the surrounding mana that was flowing through her.

Slowly she lost track of the time as she scanned her whole body for her mana pool. Despite knowing that it was supposed to be situated in her heart, she initially couldn't use this knowledge as the constantly moving mana made it so that she couldn't sync her mana sense to her physical senses. Instead, she felt as if moving through an endless nothingness, with no sense of direction or position.

After what felt like an eternity to her, she started noticing her new sense for mana losing in strength and panicked. This feeling only increased as the streams of mana flowing through her body dimmed one after another, her fear of failure rising with each one.

But amidst these dimming stands of mana, she suddenly noticed one still shining brightly. Focusing on it and moving the focus of her awareness towards it, she felt everything click into place as soon as she reached it.

With her mana sense and physical senses now lining up, she realized that she had found her mana pool and clung to it with her awareness. Spurred on by the still steadily weakening of her mana sense, she tried to feel her mana.

This time it came to her easily, with her mana pool and its content feeling like a new limb but nonetheless being controlled easily. From then it only took her a moment before her mana pushed through the small, pore-like holes that served as entrances and exits to her mana pool.

Exploding outward with a wave that even pushed Alorick back slightly, her previously completely still mana quickly returned to her core with new-found energy. Constantly moving and swirling around it, she felt a strange relaxation.

“Congratulations, I slowly doubted whether you would awaken on the first try.” Alorick said.

Opening her eyes again and smiling in satisfaction, Alicia recoiled slightly when she saw the night sky above.

“How much time has passed?” She asked in disbelief.

“Eleven hours, never heard of someone's attempt lasting this long.”

At his words, Alicia's smile faltered as her confidence from this achievement was crushed.

“Don't misunderstand, that's quite good. The time you can keep your mana sense active while still not having awoken as a mana user is directly related to your affinity with mana. And not just did you only need to awaken this sense just ones, but you've also only needed one attempt to release your mana.”

Smiling brightly at his words, she couldn't help but laugh in relief.

“But don't let that get to your head. You may not be useless, but if you don't prove to have to drive necessary then I'll kick you out before you can even realize what happened, understood?”

“Yes, understood!” Alicia answered, hastily standing back up.

“Good. Tomorrow morning, here. Till then you are free to do what you want.” With those words, Alorick turned around and left the courtyard for the city.

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