Dragon Gods Reign

Chapter 127: Vika

[High order territory]

Squeezing through the hole she had made in the castle's wall, Alicia walked along the rows of terrified civilians that lined the sides of the hall. Slowly transforming into her human form during this, she came to a stop a few meters before Vika.

“To think that my greatest victory would happen at the same place where I got summoned, a place I despised as the symbol of my new situation. Quite ironic I must say.” Alicia said.

Internally she added, 'Well, least the greatest victory I will publicly claim, boasting with having killed the seats doesn't seem like a great idea.'

Those words rattled Vika out of her stunned state. Lifting her arm towards a random group of civilians, she exerted minimal control over the blood flowing in their bodies. As soon as she did, those affected by it felt a piercing pain and clutched their chests in agony.

“I don't think so, but I'm happy to compromise. My interest lies in the treasury, not some civilians.” Vika said, confident that Alicia would agree.

But what she got instead was a look of amusement. And before she could react to it and reaffirm her threat, the world around her momentarily turned into a blur and she found herself embedded into a nearby stone pillar.

A moment later Alicia followed after her, appearing right in front of Vika and delivering a merciless blow to her stomach. Grabbing her by the throat to keep her pressed against the wall, she deliberately let her claws pierce slightly into her neck as she leaned closer.

“Let this be a warning for trying to blackmail me.” Alicia whispered to her.

Taking a step back, she let Vika sink to the ground. Watching as she gasped for air, she let her recover with a calm smile. Not even when Vika slowly got back on her feet did she act, confusing the vampire greatly.

Seeing the caution she showed, Alicia let out a hearty laugh.

“Don't be this distrusting, this isn't a trap. ” She said after a moment.

“As if I would believe you.”

“As if I need such methods against you, but think what you want.” Alicia replied, shrugging her shoulders as she did.

Following her words, their standoff was filled with total silence as neither one wanted to strike first.

Using the opportunity to weigh her options, Vika grew increasingly nervous. Their short exchange had demonstrated to her quite clearly that she wasn't Alicia's match and that the hostages were the only thing keeping her alive.

In contrast to this, Alicia was extremely calm, knowing fully that she held the advantage in their negotiation.

Deciding that she had to do something to change the situation, Vika asked, “OK, let's say I believe you, what comes next.”

At her words, a small smile formed on Alicia's lips.

Answering after a short pause, she said, “Great, then we'll start with a change of scenery.”

Before Vika could realize the meaning of those words, Alicia snapped her fingers and activated the spell she had prepared.

As soon as she did, the world around them became dark. With it, Vika felt the link she had to the blood under her control shatter, making her face go white in fear.

But instead of attacking her, Alicia conjured up tens of spheres of light that spread throughout their vicinity.

“Welcome to the lowest level of the building, a place that is nearly completely cut off from the rest of the world. No spell cast inside here can reach the outside and no spell cast outside can reach in here, how do you like it?” She asked with a chuckle.

“Then how-”

“Well, there is a small exception.” Alicia said, holding up a plain necklace with a small disc strung to it, “Or how do you think Isaiah managed to get here, I at least don't see any stairs.”

Hearing the explanation and seeing the necklace simply dangling down from Alicia's fingers, Vika had to suppress the urge to jump forward and grab it. Refocusing her thoughts to get these thoughts out of her head, she smiled as she remembered Alicia's boasting words.

“So you did need a trap, why did I expect anything else.” She said mockingly.

“This is no trap, you were just incapable of noticing me constructing three full spells around you. A fight would have probably made it even easier as it seems like you just can't detect the portals this thing creates.” Alicia said, motioning towards the necklace.

“Besides, I'll now beat you in an open fight, I just needed to deprive you of your hostages.” She added and flared her mana.

Panicking, Vika scuttled back in fear as Alicia charged at her. Seeing no other alternative, she hastily turned her body into a mass of blood just as the approaching fist was about to hit her. As a result, Alicia was carried through the blood by her momentum without directly hitting her.

Coming to a stop, she turned around with an annoyed roll of her eyes. Already tensing her muscles to strike again, she suddenly furrowed her brows when she saw Vika kneeling before her.

“I surrender.” Vika said, much to Alicia's surprise.

Hesitating for a moment, Alicia slowly lowered her hand.

“Why?” She asked.

“Because I can see how a fight would end. I can barely hurt you while in this form, I have no delusions of my chances once you transform. Even if you can't negate my regeneration, I can't hope to kill you unlike previously with the defenders so why bother.

Besides, it benefits us both. I get to skip the part where I get repeatedly hit by your attacks until I lack the energy to regenerate and you get my cooperation and a quicker end to this.” Vika said.

Thinking about it for a moment, Alicia was just about to dismiss her offer when a thought came to her. Pursuing it further, she soon started to grin in excitement, much to Vika's unease.

“Fine, but I have a condition.” She said.

Momentarily going through a tumult of emotions, it didn't take more than a few seconds for Vika to close her eyes and sigh in resignation.

“What is it?” She asked depressed.

“Serve me.”

Hearing Alicia's words, Vika jumped up in shock and outrage only to be silenced by a glare before she could even speak up.

“That's my offer, take it or leave it.” Alicia said.

Though she nodded in acceptance, Vika's gaze betrayed her frustration. Considering the offer for a few moments, she seemed hesitant to voice her thoughts to Alicia who watched this conflict with interest.

“Why do you even want me as your subordinate, I have nothing to offer that you or any other dragon couldn't also do.” Vika asked in the hopes of not having to make the decision.

In response, Alicia chuckled in amusement.

“Don't kid me, I know very well what you are. A vampire of a subspecies with such potential and still untouched by the eldritch corruption, of course I have uses for you. Especially considering that I don't want to eternally rely on my brother, so having dragons as subordinates is something I would like to avoid.”

“Still, why do you even want subordinates?” Vika asked in desperation.

“Why wouldn't I? Besides, it's not like you won't profit one bit from it. You get stronger from blood and can even gain some of the species's traits from it, so what would you say if I offered a few drops of mine?” Alicia asked.

As soon as she heard the offer, Vika's eyes lit up in excitement. Without hesitation, she fell back on her keens with a lowered head.

“Then I'll serve.” She said without hesitation.

Smiling softly, Alicia nodded in satisfaction over this outcome. Enjoying the moment for a bit, she suddenly turned to the side when she felt Darganth's arrival.

“Not what I expected.” He commented when he noticed Vika's kneeling form.

“I saw an opportunity and took it.”

Nodding with a proud smile, Darganth suddenly cast a spell that caused his surroundings to completely freeze in time. Even Alicia, Jennia, and Allaire were affected by it, with only him and Vika still moving.

Arriving before her in the blink of an eye, he turned his hand into a claw and thrust it forward. Stopping only right before it pierced Vika's skin, he looked down at her with a menacing stare.

“I know of your kind obsession with the blood of certain species and the addiction-like state it can cause, but I am not willing to have my sister's well-being rely on it. So let this be your warning that if you let something happen to her, I'll find you.” He said with a threatening calmness while simultaneously pressuring her with his presence.

Feeling the oppressive pressure bearing down on her, Vika felt more insignificant than she had ever felt before. And in the face of this destructive presence he radiated, she could only lower her head and nod obediently.

Letting the terror sink in for a second longer, Darganth pulled back his claw and returned to his initial spot between Allaire and Jennia just as fast as he had disappeared from it.

Giving her a quick stare that conveyed his intention for her to keep silent, he waited for another second until she returned to her previous posture before stopping his spell.

Hiding the burst of exhaustion from having sped up time on the two of them to such a massive degree, he continued as if nothing had happened.

“Well then, let's look at the main reason as to why we're here.” Allaire said, turning towards the stairway that led further down.

“Yup, let's say what that flaming chicken has to say. Maybe it will even thank you for getting rid of Isaiah” Jennia joked.

“Maybe.” Alicia said, walking towards the stairway.

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