Dragon Gods Reign

Chapter 135: Serania

[Crimson Scale Clan]

As the chief had predicted, Darganth, Jennia, and Allaire stood before his office building just a couple of hours later.

Waiting for them there stood the guard that they had encountered at the gate, his eyes darting around nervously as they approached.

“The chief already awaits you.” He said with a shaky voice.

Noticing the fear he held towards them, Jennia's lips curled into a grin. Just as she was about to vex him further, Allaire pinched her and threw her a glare. Accepting her request with a pout, her smile quickly became friendlier.

“Alright. And don't fret, I won't try and get back at you or your colleague for the incident.” Jennia said.

Seeing her reassuring words not having the intended effect, she just shook her head in disappointment before shrugging and following Darganth and Allaire into the building.

Walking through the corridor and two open doors together, they followed what they assumed to be the path that was prepared for them until they arrived at the magically expanded room on the other side of the building.

“Ah, finally. As chief of the Crimson Scale Clan and chosen of the solar dragon Bator I, Maurus, greet you, esteemed guest.”

Rising from the small stone formation he had sat upon during these words, the chief bowed in Darganth's direction. A moment later the avian beastwoman followed his example, turning away from her conversation with him and performing a short bow towards Darganth.

“Hm, unexpected.” Darganth commented when he saw the chief's wings.

“An awakened one, right?” Allaire asked for confirmation.

“Yes.” Confirming her speculation, Darganth paused for a moment before adding, “A natural one even.”

At his words, Allaire and Jennia's eyes widened while Maurus grinned proudly. None of this surprised Darganth as awakened draconians were already extremely rare, natural ones even more so.

To become an awakened draconian required both talent and dedication, with an abundance of the former lowering the requirements for the latter. So even though it was technically possible for any draconian to awaken, most would need so long that their lifespan would run out before that.

This makes the alternative extremely enticing, with few rejecting the offer if they get it. In turn for becoming a bound subordinate of a specific dragon, giving said dragon increased authority over the draconian, the dragon would directly awaken the draconian.

As a result, naturally awakened draconians were highly respected amongst their kind and, like Maurus, often became leaders or at least high ranking individuals.

“And the only one in the entire clan, at least technically. The others are all some of Bator's women and while we respect and value them, they aren't directly part of our clan, just like he isn't.” Maurus said.

Letting the silence that followed his words hang in the air for a couple of seconds, Maurus realized quickly that neither of the three seemed to care much about it.

“Anyways, with what can I help you?” He asked after a few seconds.

“We've heard that a small tribe named the Red Lion Tribe recently came to your camp, are they still here?” Darganth asked.

“Yes, why?” Maurus responded slightly confused.

At the same time, the beastwoman next to him tensed up in response to the question, clearly cautious over their interest in the tribe.

“Then Serania is also still here, or?” Darganth continued with a slight smile.

Nodding in affirmation in response, Maurus's answer caused the woman to furrow her brows in irritation, though she nonetheless kept quiet for now.

“Currently she's probably out in the vicinity and hunting, but yes. If you want to, I can tell the guards to ask her to come here when she comes back.” Maurus offered.

“No need, we'll wait for her at her house, we just need to know where that is.” Darganth said.

“Works too, I'll show you.” Maurus said.

Saying a few words to the beastwoman, he motioned the three of them to follow him as he walked towards the exit soon after. The beastwoman was the only one of the five who stayed behind, relaxing noticeably as soon as Darganth left the room.

Maurus was meanwhile leading Darganth, Jennia, and Allaire through the city. During this, he shared stories and explanations about the clan's history.

Reaching the outer edge where the Red Lion Tribe was expanding upon the original city after about half an hour, they found a massive crowd swarming around their destination.

“What's going on here?” Allaire asked as they came to a stop next to the crowd.

“No idea.” Maurus answered confused.

Internally debating how to clear out or get through the crowd, he hadn't yet reached a decision when one of the beastmen at the edge of the crowd noticed him.

“Oh, the chief is here.”

Following the initial words, the announcement of his presence rapidly spread through the crowd. And not even a minute later, a woman pushed herself through the gathered mass and towards their location.

“*gasp* What brings you here chief?” She asked exhausted.

“Take a breather Kalia, I have time. What I'm more interested in is what the occasion is?” Maurus asked, motioning towards the festive atmosphere before them.

Following his advice, Kalia took a few moments to calm down before answering.

“Serania managed to advance again so the entire tribe has been celebrating for a couple of hours.” She finally said once she caught her breath.

“Already in the second order, it's been barely a few months since she made it to the fourth rank.” Maurus said in surprise.

In contrast to his mild surprise, his words utterly shocked Allaire. Staring at the chief with wide eyes, her disbelief was written on her face.

“I must have misheard, did you say fourth rank?” She asked.

“Yes. While somewhat rare, it's not that shocking.” Maurus answered her.

Turning towards Darganth in the hopes of not standing alone with her shock, Allaire found him nodding impressed by Serania's progress but otherwise rather calm.

“What's so shocking with that, we are both fourth ranks too.” Jennia told her.

“I know, but we spent most of the past years on the central continent.”

“You just don't want to believe that she overtook you with what you assume to be worse conditions?” Darganth asked.

Reluctantly nodding in response, Allaire felt Darganth taking her into his arms.

“As I said, you assumed worse conditions. While I can't say it definitively, I would guess that what Serania lacked in surrounding mana density she substituted with potions and treasures so don't let it get you down.” He said reassuringly.

Sighing, Allaire was still left slightly disappointed in herself but nonetheless managed to get her mind back on track.

“Maybe. And don't worry, I won't lose my motivation, the opposite rather. I want to stand by your side out of my own power, having someone in a similar position with whom I can exchange pointers can only help.”

Smiling in response to her words, Darganth gently rubbed her back. Just as he was about to continue the conversation with Maurus, Kalia spoke up.

“Wait, you are from that White Fang Clan, aren't you?” She asked Allaire.

“Hm, yes. Well, was, but that counts.”

“So your people reached the central continent, then why did you return?” She asked.

“It's a long story.” Allaire said with a laugh, “But right now we are here to meet with Serania, from your earlier explanation I take it that she is here?”

Nodding, Kalia turned to Maurus with a questioning look.

“You too?” She asked.


“Then follow me, we'll just push through the crowd.” Kalia said.

Following her lead, their group did as she suggested and pushed through the crowd. Fortunately for them, Maurus's presence among them caused a path to open for them as soon as it spread, allowing them to reach their destination after just a minute or so.

Following her into the building she led them to, Maurus just stepped inside when Serania noticed their entrance.

“Maurus, if it is again because of the council then you could have picked a better-” She said annoyed but froze mid sentence when she saw Darganth follow after him.

Staring at him in surprise for a second, her previous annoyance instantly vanished and was replaced by a wide smile. Disappearing abruptly, she teleported in front of him and threw her arms around his neck, pulling him into a kiss.

“You're back.” She whispered as soon as their lips separated again.

“I am.”

“This is the best celebration I could hope for, I was prepared to have to wait so much longer to see you again. Still, every day would have been worth it.” Serania said.

Smiling in response to this, Darganth just pulled her into his embrace without saying anything. Gently caressing her back, he let her lean against him.

“I missed you too.”

Remaining in each other's arms for some time, Serania only pulled away from him when she noticed the awkwardness with which Maurus looked around the room.

“We'll continue this later.” Darganth said as she did so.


Turning around with those words, Serania looked towards Maurus.

“You seem to have something on your mind?” She asked him.

“Well, I originally came here only to show them the path, but now I can't help but ask what your plans for the future are, for both yourself and your tribe. By now you and your people are already integrated in the clan so I would appreciate a forewarning if you were to leave.” Maurus asked.

Thinking about it for a moment, Serania shook her head.

“I'll follow Darganth, but the others will probably stay.”

Interrupting before Maurus could respond to this, Darganth said, “But I'll give you a heads up, my plans for this continent will surely shake it up quite a bit so don't plan with it that the current status quo holds for much longer.”

“In what sense?” Maurus asked uneasily.

“That I haven't fully planned yet. I plan to meet with at least most dragons that currently live on this continent and get an idea of what could work, after that I can give you at least an overview.” Darganth said.

“Then I'll wait for that and let you enjoy your reunion.” Maurus answered before turning to leave.

Watching him leave the building with quick steps, Serania glanced at Kalia which prompted her to also leave. Nodding to her with a thankful smile, she waited for the door to close behind her before turning to Jennia and Allaire.

“Darganth was busy I see.” Serania said with a smile.

“What can I say but welcome to the club.” Allaire answered her with a warm smile.

“I second that.” Jennia added.

“And I'm glad for the warm welcome.” Serania said.

“How about we shift this to a more comfortable room and get to know each other.” Allaire proposed.

“Why not, I'm also interested in what you did since I left.” Darganth said.

“The same is true for me, so follow me.” Serania said before walking towards the staircase leading to her private rooms.

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