Dragon Gods Reign

Chapter 137: Bator

[Crimson Scale Clan]

Landing in front of the mansion situated near the top of the mountain that Bator calls his home, Darganth let his gaze sweep across the small plateau that protruded from the mountain. Whenever it passed by one of the hundreds of draconians and other draconic beings that stood frozen in place, the individual in question would tense up further.

Reigning in his presence that he had used to notify Bator of his arrival, Darganth watched as some of the weaker individuals sank to the ground as their legs gave out beneath them. Scoffing in disappointment over the mythical ranks among this group, he momentarily thought about using his dragon's fear to teach them a lesson before quickly deciding that he couldn't be bothered with it.

At the same time, the trio of Jennia, Allaire, and Serania landed next to him. In contrast to the former two who barely reacted to the scene that unfurled before them, Serania had to do a double take as she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

“What the-” She started, startled by the sight.

“That wasn't intended but it shouldn't have had such an impact.” Darganth said into the pause that followed her abrupt silence.

“Yes, it seems like some of them got soft over the years.” A new voice answered him.

A moment later the owner of this voice appeared from the mansion before them. Walking out through the doorway directly after the two doors swung open seemingly on their own, he let his gaze wander over the individuals in question as he approached Darganth's group.

As he did this, most of those that his attention wandered to slightly lowered their head in shame. Among those that didn't, there were two main reactions, with a majority opening trying to speak up in protest but being quickly shut down with a glare from Bator. Thus, by the time his gaze had wandered over half of them, the message had gotten through and they just accepted his judging look.

Most of the other ones were meanwhile reacting with determination, meeting Bator's gaze with a steadfast nod of acknowledgment. In return, his demeanor became noticeably friendlier towards these individuals, even smiling slightly as their numbers grew.

“Good, at least some of you realized it. And for the rest, you're my descendants and you can enjoy the benefits that status gives, but don't solely rely on it or squander it.” Bator said to them.

Following his harsh words up with a glare into the round that made even those who didn't falter from Darganth's presence uncomfortable, he managed to convey his message. Within seconds the immediate area around Bator's mansion cleared out, leaving him and Darganth's group alone.

Having waited patiently until the area had fully cleared out, Bator walked towards Darganth as soon as it did.

“Lord of dragons, I'm honored to finally meet you.” He said to Darganth.

“So you really already knew beforehand.” Serania said when she noticed Bator's calm greetings.

“Yes, but I wasn't sure whether I should tell you.”

Even though she frowned slightly, Serania nonetheless nodded in acceptance at his words. Simultaneously going through her memories, she quickly realized that it hadn't even been very hidden.

“It was when the void opened, wasn't it?” She asked.

“Correct. Back when it opened I noticed the similarities between the remainder of his energy you carry and the opening.”

Taken aback by Bator's words, Darganth needed a moment before he processed it. At the same time, Jennia and Allaire turned to him with their eyebrows raised in intrigue.

“Wait, what energy?” Darganth asked.

At his words, Bator and Serania both turned to him with looks of confusion while Jennia and Allaire's gaze only intensified.

“Well, it has the same signature as your mana so I assumed you would know. But if not then you should definitely take a look.” Bator said with urgency.

Turning to Serania with his dragon eyes fully activated, Darganth could only smile apologetically as she reacted with the usual discomfort one would experience in her situation. Because under his gaze, not just her physical existence became fully unraveled for him but also every detail of her mana, life force, and bloodline, with him even getting some glimpses into her soul, past, and future.

Initially directing most of his focus onto her soul, he made sure that at least it wasn't negatively affected. Sighing in relief once he made sure that this was the case, he focused on the rest.

Shifting his focus to the relevant ones among the tens of different filters through which he saw the world, he went even a step further and separated them fully. Now, instead of some still being layered over each other, each of these appeared as a different picture in his mind, akin to ten or so screens next to each other that each showed a different scene.

Ignoring the slight headache this brought him, Darganth went even a step further and used an application of the dragon eyes unique to him and the Tempust clan. In an instant, the scenes that he saw split in three, with one slowly reversing to follow Serania into the past, one remaining in the present, and one speeding up along the most likely future for her.

Watching years into the past and future at the same time, Darganth reached his first encounter with Serania in just a couple of seconds. Attentively watching it through all the same filters he was using in the present, his worries calmed down significantly after it. Nonetheless switching most of his attention to the future sight, he followed it until his mana abruptly fell and his vision jumped back to be fully in the present.

Breathing heavily but smiling in relief, Darganth took a couple of seconds to recover before continuing.

“The good news is that I know how it happened and that it isn't dangerous.” He said, causing four breaths of relief to sound out.

“But what exactly is 'it'?” Serania asked a moment later.

“Bloodline filling.” Darganth said.

Nodding in retaliation in response to his words, Bator was the only one apart from Darganth who understood what he meant. Allaire, Jennia, and Serania were instead looking at him in confusion.

“It's a bit more complicated, but fundamentally it is when conflicting bloodlines create enough of a disturbance that a new one essentially fills the gaps. And while not exactly common, some families are affected by it, with it being the most common among beastmen. But as it isn't as easy as it sounds to introduce that new bloodline, few will ever notice it.” Darganth explained.

“Learning something new every day.” Jennia said as she and Serania nodded in understanding.

“Wait, so her entire tribe is affected by it?” Allaire asked a moment later, sending a jolt of realization through Serania.

Turning to Darganth and seeing him nod in confirmation, her eyes darted toward the city visibly below.

“Before you worry, they aren't in any danger due to it.” Darganth said.

“Rather, practically nobody that has it is in danger due to it.” Bator added.

“Practically nobody is just mostly reassuring so could you please explain?” Serania asked.

Sighing at Bator's unnecessary clarification, Darganth nodded.

“What he means is that unless a person has only two bloodlines that are wholly opposite to one another and roughly equal in strength, meaning purity and all that, it isn't dangerous. The most that can happen in other cases is that the two bloodlines limit each other somewhat, reducing their effectiveness, but even that is automatically fixed when transitioning to a mythical rank being.” Darganth said.

“And I take that that isn't the case with me or them.” Serania said.

“Exactly. For one, among the well-known species, this rejection only happens between angels and demons, as well as in some pairings of elementals. Secondly, your humanoid ancestry, just like it's the case with nearly all beastmen, is mostly human and the human species has nearly no incompatible bloodlines and certainly none with species that are even remotely common.

The reason why your tribe is still affected by it is that you seem to have closer elven ancestry than most beastmen. And in contrast to humans, most elven bloodlines don't mix all that well with other bloodlines, with humans being the best-known exception. Besides, in most combinations elven blood isn't as extreme as the angel and demon example, so even if you would just have your beast and elven bloodlines, it wouldn't pose a danger.”

Having listened attentively to his explanation, Serania took a moment to think as soon as Darganth had finished. Grinning slightly at the idea that emerged from this, she shared it with Darganth.

“Even if it isn't dangerous, couldn't we still implant a bloodline into my people just to strengthen them?” She asked.

Shaking his head, Darganth quickly shot down her idea.

“It's impossible. Apart from the fact that we would have to even find another compatible bloodline as I don't intend to volunteer mine, each person requires a different set of additional influences for it to be absorbed. In general, apart from a lucky few like you, most only benefit from this condition when reaching the mythical ranks as an aura user as it makes it easier to augment yourself with other species.” He said.

“And all of that is without even considering how difficult it is to even find out whether a person is affected by it. You are in the process of his fusion and even with that Bator couldn't find out the specifics of what was happening while I managed to do so barely.” Darganth added.

“Alright. Considering that I never heard of it being attempted I could have guessed that there would be a problem with my idea.” Serania said somewhat disappointed.

“To be fair, it's not that nobody is trying it. While I don't see a reason to bother with it, I know of at least one beast that does something like it, and even with some success. Still, I don't think he would manage or even try it with your people as he is using it solely to enhance his own descendants.” Bator said.

Seeing the look Serania was giving him following those words, he added, “But if you want I can let Maurus call him here, he is one of the few beasts that are invited to the supreme clan meeting.”

“Or we wait just a bit longer, if we follow my plans for this continent there will be an even better opportunity.” Darganth said.

Seeing the slight smiles that formed on Jennia and Allaire's lips at those words, Bator looked at Darganth with a raised eyebrow.

“I'll explain. But just to get your full interest, Serania mentioned your hope to stay here, and let me tell you, my plan offers you just that but also so much more.” Darganth said.

At his words, Bator's lips slowly curled into a grin.

“I'm all ears.” He said.

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