Dragon Gods Reign

Chapter 166: Allaire’s night

Smut chapter

[Dragon peaks]

Watching Allaire and Yldra press their palms against each other as they tried to push the other back in a contest of strength, Darganth sat on an armchair with Jennia in his lap and cheered both on with an amused smile. Interrupting his words of encouragement from time to time to chug from the mug of mead he held in his left hand or to make out with Jennia, he fully enjoyed himself.

To his left, Neandra and Serania leaned against a knee-high cushion, talking and sharing drinks as they too watched Allaire and Yldra.

Only a few minutes before that, Alicia, Vika, and Sonita had also been there. However, as their small party continued on, it started to show that the beer and other drinks were brewed specifically for consumption by mana users. So despite all three having an extremely high resilience toward poisons even when compared to higher ranked individuals, they had been quite intoxicated when they left for their respective rooms one after another.

By then, the others were also starting to be affected, with Darganth and Jennia getting increasingly frisky with each other until her hand found its way into his pants.

Noticing this from the corner of her eyes, Allaire grinned as an idea flashed through her mind. Activating her aura all of a sudden and sweeping Yldra's legs out from underneath her, she caught the dragoness and held her facing toward Darganth and Jennia.

"Let's just keep it as a draw." Allaire whispered into Yldra's ear.


Smiling and giving Yldra a kiss on the cheek at the answer, Allaire helped her back up before the two started walking over toward Darganth and Jennia. Sneaking up on the latter unnoticed, Allaire surprised her by wrapping her arms around her hips.

"Trying to hog all the fun, are you?" Allaire asked in a sultry tone.

"As if I could." Jennia said.

Chuckling at what he assumed was a compliment for him, Darganth caressed the back of Jennia's head as he started speaking.

"So a draw, huh?" He said.

"Well, this is far more fun." Yldra said and reached for Darganth's drink.

Letting her take it, he watched her drink it in one go before throwing the empty mug aside and leaning down to him for a kiss.

"Let's take this to somewhere with a bit more space." Darganth suggested a few seconds into their kiss.

Instead of answering, Yldra waved her hand and telekinetically catapulted the chair away from beneath them, causing all four to fall through the portal she had conjured up below.

Landing softly on a large couch he was sure hadn't been in the room long, Darganth's pleasant landing was immediately followed by Yldra crashing down on top of him.

"Oof." Exhaling harshly, he jerked up as the impact drove the air out of his lungs.

As he regained his bearing, the first thing he noticed was Jennia's bare skin. Simultaneously he heard Jennia and Allaire groaning to his right after having landed next to him. Meeting their eyes for just a moment, he grinned as they silently came to an understanding.

Looking up at Yldra right as she fully pulled her shirt over her head and threw it to the side, he met her lips with his as she leaned down toward him. Leaning back with her as they engaged in a passionate kiss, Darganth let his hands slowly roam her body.

Slowly picking up the pace until Yldra was fully lost in the moment, Darganth suddenly grabbed her by the hip. Ignoring the muffled yelp she let out, he spun her around and onto the padding below.

Holding her down, Darganth leaned closer to whisper in her ear.

"You didn't catch yourself on purpose, didn't you?" He asked.

Nodding in response, Yldra flashed him a provocative grin.

"Then some punishment is in order." Darganth said.

Responding with an excited nod, Yldra felt a pair of hands grab both her wrists just a moment later. Looking up, she saw Jennia looming over her with a wide grin.

"Especially considering that this is Allaire's big day and you tried to get ahead of her. But don't worry, I have just the right idea for you to make up for it." Jennia told her.

Raising an eyebrow in interest, Yldra wordlessly asked her to continue. But instead of doing so, Jennia responded by letting go of her arms and moving back, with Darganth also stopping to hold her down a moment later.

Slowly lifting herself up in confusion, Yldra looked around in suspicion. Surprised to find nothing amiss, she turned to Darganth and Allaire to find them looking at her with wide grins.

"Look at your hands." Jennia whispered into her ear from behind her.

Doing as she was told, Yldra finally noticed the two leather bands wrapped around her wrists. Looking back up to Allaire, she only saw her swipe her hands through the air in a small motion before both of her arms were forced to the side.

Two more swift motions from Allaire later, Yldra was lying on her stomach with her hands crossed behind her back. Her head was meanwhile facing forward, allowing her to watch as Darganth and Allaire completely ignored her and instead started making out in a heated kiss while slowly losing more and more of their clothes.

Soon Darganth found himself completely naked and sitting behind Allaire. Pressing his body against her back with only the hole-filled shirt she still wore between them, he held her close as trailed kisses down along the side of her neck.

Slowly sliding one hand down her body, Darganth gently caressed her inner thigh for a moment before tracing his fingers over her pussy.

Moaning lightly and leaning against him as he did so, Allaire slowly reached behind her back with one hand and started stroking it along his shaft.

Humming in response, Darganth didn't intend to fall behind and moved to insert a finger into Allaire's sex. He was then just about to start stimulating her insides when she reached down with her free hand and stopped him.

"I've just got a better idea." Allaire whispered to him.

Turning her gaze to Jennia who was watching them with one hand in her pants, Allaire beckoned her over.

"But before we get to that, someone deserves a reward for capturing Yldra." Allaire said as Jennia arrived before them a moment later.

Moving closer before the latter could answer, she ran her along the side of Jennia's head. Swiping back her hair, she pulled her closer for a kiss.

During it, she started invading her mouth with her tongue, causing a string of saliva to connect their mouths when she pulled back after a few seconds.

"You know what to do." Allaire said.

Letting Allaire pull her head toward Darganth's crotch, Jennia didn't immediately open her mouth. Instead grabbing a hold of his member with her hand and gently stroking it, she stuck out her tongue to trace it along its length.

Humming in pleasure at her skillful motions, Darganth leaned his head back in bliss. At the same time, he reached out for the back of Jennia's head, guiding her motions up and down his shaft together with Allaire.

"Don't think I would forget you." Allaire suddenly said to Yldra a few seconds later.

Looking over to the two, Darganth watched as Yldra crawled closer. Grabbing her by the hair as soon as she could reach her, Allaire lowered her head between her legs.

Shifting his balance a bit as Allaire moved closer to lean against his side, Darganth wrapped one arm around her and turned to face her. Planting a kiss on Allaire's lips as she forced Yldra's mouth against her pussy, he basked in the feeling of her lips.

Noticing Jennia taking the initiative, he let go of her head without taking his focus away from Allaire. Feeling her lips closing around the tip of his dick a moment later, he let out a long sigh of delight as she took more and more of his shaft into her mouth.

Slowly she started to move her head up and down, making him groan a pleasure as her warm lips moved up and down his length.

Not forgetting about her in his bliss, Darganth pulled Allaire's shirt up. Reaching for her chest with his now free hand, he started kneading one of her breasts.

Enjoying the light moans and shudders his actions elicited from Allaire, he continued until he felt himself nearing a climax.

Letting go of Allaire's breast, he reached down toward Jennia to gently push her away from his cock. Lifting her head by the chin, he let her take his thumb into her mouth as he guided her closer.

"You'll get your fun later my love." He said before giving Jennia a kiss on the forehead.

Having no problem with this arrangement, Jennia nodded.

"If you want, you can play with Yldra until then." Darganth added, making Jennia perk up enthusiastically.

Overhearing their words, Allaire turned her head toward them.

"Good job." She praised Jennia and gave her a kiss on the cheeks.

"Thank you, mistress." Jennia answered her, fully in character.

"Now then-" Allaire started as Jennia turned toward Yldra, only to be cut off as Darganth sealed her mouth with his lips.

Holding her with his arms around her back as he leaned forward, he soon was lying on top of her.

Shaking off her surprise quickly, Allaire reciprocated his kiss a second later. At the same time, she wound her legs around his hips, pulling her lower body up in a way that made the length of his dick slide over her sex.

Feeling her teasing, Darganth started roaming Allaire's chest with his hands, stroking and massaging her breasts and the rest of her torso.

Working each other up further like this, both Darganth and Allaire decided to move to the next step simultaneously. Loosening her hold around his hips slightly, she waited as he aligned his member with her entrance before thrusting her own hips upward and impaling herself on it.

Arching backward as he plunged into her depths, Allaire shuddered already from only the first thrust.

Groaning as her insides pressed down around his cock with impressive strength, Darganth started moving his hips. Thrusting into her depths, he felt Allaire clench up under him.

Wildly kissing each other as he slid in and out of her depths, Darganth and Allaire completely lost themselves in the woes of passion. From throwing back her head as he lightly bit into her neck, digging her fingers into his back as she shuddered in pleasure, and nibbling on his earlobe, Allaire followed her every whim.

Twitching as Darganth gave her right breast a firm slap, she moaned as he roughly played with it. As he did, her eyes rolled back, leading him to give her another firm slap that elicited a high-pitched yelp from her.

"Yeeess~" Moaning as Darganth gave her another one, Allaire tensed up as a shiver ran down her back.

Tightening the grip her legs and arms had around Darganth, she pulled herself closer as she felt herself approaching a climax. Leaning into the side of his neck and breathing against his skin, her fingers dug into his back and drew blood as he brought her over the edge by tracing his fingers down her back.

"Ahhh~" Moaning loudly as her eyes rolled back, Allaire tried to pull herself even closer only to lose strength in her limbs and fall onto the mattress barely conscious.

Only vaguely feeling Darganth cumming a short moment after her, Allaire looked up with a dreamy smile as he placed a loving kiss on her cheek.

Lying like this for over a minute as she caught her breath, Allaire only slowly regained awareness of her surroundings. Feeling Darganth still lying on top of her, she started gently caressing his back.

"I love you." She said softly and gave him a kiss.

"I love you too." Darganth answered her.

Cuddling herself against him, Allaire basked in his warmth.

"Do you want to stay like this for a moment?" Darganth asked her.

"No need, my enhanced senses just overwhelmed me a bit." Allaire said.

"Alright." Darganth said and pulled her with him as he sat up.

"Then what should we do with our spectators." He asked and turned to his right.

Following his gaze, Allaire finally noticed Serania and Neandra sitting on the couch close by.

"Is there still space in round two Your Highness?" Neandra asked with a teasing grin.

Chuckling softly at her words, Allaire invited them over with a nod.

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