Dragon Gods Reign

Chapter 49: King of the hill

[Hill camp]

Landing back on the hill as obvious as possible, Darganth found Jennia and Allaire already waiting for him in front of the small hut he had created with magic. Seeing that they were fine apart from their mana pool not being full, he calmly walked towards them.

“How did it go?” He asked once he got closer.

“Could have been better, in the beginning I had some trouble finding opponents. Though I am quite sure that I improved.”

“For me it just ended too quickly but I had my fun.”

Hearing their answers he smiled. Catching the small bag that Allaire threw him a second later, he transferred the contents in its pocked space into his own. Compared to one that was tethered to an object this was safer as only its owner or a vastly superior space mage could access it.

Also throwing him her bag, Jennia asked, “How long do you think it will take for the first ones to arrive?”

“No idea, but it shouldn't be too long. By the time I flew back here most adventurers that wasn't in direct contact with their enemies seemed rather relaxed, probably thinking that more beast had already died than it is the case.”

“So they are overconfident? That makes it even more fun when they realize that they have walked into a trap.” Seeing Jennia's sadistic smile while saying this, Allaire felt a tinge of pity for those that would walk into their trap.

“Anything you two still want to do while we wait?” Darganth asked after some time.

“Nah, lets just relax a bit.”

“I have to agree with Jennia, especially as we don't know how long we have till they arrive.”

Indicating with a shrug that he had nothing against the idea, Darganth sat down at the slope of the hill. With Allaire and Jennia sitting down next to him, they simply waited.

After a few dozen minutes Jennia suddenly said, “Fine if I take that group?”

Darganth just nodded to her question, while Allaire first took a few moments to find who she spoke about before doing the same.

Smiling at their answers, Jennia jumped up and leisurely made her way down the mountain. As soon as she had walked a few meters, Allaire leaned over to Darganth and gave him a deep kiss. Leaning into it, he lifted her onto his lap with a grin.

After a few seconds of kissing, Allaire suddenly felt an electric shock on her back which made jolt back. Seeing Darganth's grin she started pouting, before turning around and seeing Jennia with a similar expression.

“Did you have to tell her?” She complained while turning back to Darganth.

“No, but this is way more fun. Besides, you can't tell me that annoying her wasn't the initial purpose of the kiss.”

“Count yourself lucky that I can't get my revenge now. But tonight is another matter, so prepared yourself.” She said with a teasing smile.

“Oh, now you gave me something to look for.”

Chuckling at his answer she gave him another short kiss before glancing behind her and standing back up with a slight frown. Grabbing her bow that lay next to her initial spot, she turned to face the downwards slope.

“Seems like we have to end it here.” Darganth said, following her gaze.

“Do you want to fight them? Then I would take the next group as I don't particularly care whether there are third ranks among them.”

“Sound good.”

With those words he gave Allaire another deep kiss before slowly walking towards a spot at the bottom of the hill slightly away from Jennia. After another few minutes Allaire also made her way down, activating a part of the formations before doing so.

Standing at the foot of the hill she waited for a few minutes until a group of beastmen could be seen walking out of the forest. When the first few saw her they initially relaxed, thinking her to be an ally, but when they noticed her not reacting similarly doubts started to emerge.

“What is happening here?” Asked one beastmen while stepping out of the dense foliage.

“We aren't sure my prince, we haven't had the chance to evaluate the situation yet.” Someone who had been standing there for a few minutes already said.

“How can you not be sure? Just ask her.”

“But we aren't sure whether she is an ally or not.”

“Why wouldn't she? Or did you forget that only mythical rank beasts can transform. So of course she is an ally, all beastmen in my fathers kingdom are.”

After overhearing this part of their conversation, Allaire scoffed in disdain. This drew every gaze towards her, with the prince being visibly angered.

“What was that? It seems that you don't understand your place women so let me enlighten you.” At those words Kivar motioned one of his guard forward.

“Capture her so that I can teach her a lesson. Oh, and get me the location of that dragon from her, it was seen landing near here.”

After receiving those orders the man just nodded and made his way towards Allaire. He didn't even consider her a threat, calmly walking towards her while looking at her in disdain. He didn't even use aura, but Allaire simply let him come closer.

“Let this teach you not to go against the king.” He said with a sneer, punching towards her face.

As soon as his swing started Allaire flared her aura, using the light element in combination with lightning to boost her speed to extreme heights. With one swift motion she diverted the punch away from her before following it up with a hit to the face.

“And you weaklings want to bother my husband? One would expect that those who aim to be dragon slayers would be at least worth something.”

Saying those words, she completely disregarded the man who sank to the ground after he punch. Having not activated his own aura, she managed to snap his head back with enough force to instantly break his neck.

These actions caused the rest to look at her in shock. Both due to the ease with which she dealt with a peak second rank and the fact that she called the dragon they were after her husband. Seeing these stares she chuckled in amusement.

“I know that I am breathtaking, but that doesn't give you the right to stare.” She said, not taking them seriously.

And how could she? There was not a single third rank in their group, with even the princes guards only being lower ranked ones. The others were all needed to hold back the high ranking beasts, though from Darganth's words she could expect how unsuccessful they likely are.

Her dismissive words made some snap back to reality, their shock being replaced with horror. The only one who reacted differently was Kivar, who still kept looking at her as she was inferior.

“That dragons wive? I didn't expect this to get even easier.”

After saying this he turned to his remaining guards before ordering, “Capture her, then we'll use her as hostage.”

His words caused the rest to start sweating rivers, especially the guards. While the adventurers hoped to just run as they only met up with the prince on their way here, the guards were stuck between two walls.

Not knowing how to react, one tried to argue with Kivar, “S-She just disposed of Maron this easily, should we run?”

Instead of answering the prince just swung his sword towards the man. While he he was able to dodge by jumping back, he didn't dare to counterattack.

“Run? She is alone, I won't loose my guarantee to become king because of cowards. So if either of you still want to stay back, I dare him to follow through with it!” He shouted while lifting his left hand up, showing them a slightly glowing marble he was holding.

When they saw it the adventurers started to curse. They knew that the prince carried a communication artifact to allow the royal family to hunt anyone who attacked him.

Conflicted, they all stood still for a few seconds while Allaire observed what was happening in interest. Suddenly the first beastmen made his decision, drawing his sword and jumping at Allaire.

Of course she quickly stopped this attempt, shooting an arrow into his head before he even made it half way towards her. But before his body even hit the ground the group broke out into pure chaos.

While about a third of them chose to attack her, the rest tried the opposite and ran away. Turning around, they ran back towards the forest only for a series of wooden bar's to grow from tree to tree, forming a makeshift fence.

While they initially scoffed at this, when the first reached them and tried to climb over he was promptly hit by an arrow in the back. This caused the rest to turn around, only to see Allaire calmly weaving through the mass of people that were attacking her while occasionally letting loose an arrow towards one of them.

When after a few seconds the direct line between them and her was obstructed again, another two tried to get over the fence. Unluckily for them, they found themselves grabbed by the roots of the nearby trees that shot out of the ground.

Before anyone could react the roots started to return back under ground while still wrapping around the two men. As soon as they were pressed fully on the ground, the grass around them started to grow larger and more stable.

While they were initially unconcerned by this, when the first blade of grass pierced through their skin they switched their focus from freeing themselves from the roots. Though no matter what they tried, it didn't hold any effect and soon they were impaled by thousands of small grass blades.

While this was happening the rest that had tried to flee had already given up on that route. Choosing to instead run towards her left along the treeline, they hoped to reach the end of the fence. Looking after them with a slight smirk, Allaire ignored them and focused on the group surrounding her.

Ducking bellow another sword strike, she let an aura blade spring to life in her hand and returned the strike. With another one of her attackers dead, she focused on the remaining three.

“You dare attack me!” Kivar shouted after she send an arrow towards him.

Initially surprised that he survived that, she quickly noticed the artifact armor he was carrying. The other two that had stayed back were meanwhile slowly backing away, hoping to use the distraction the prince accidentally provided to get away.

Noticing this, she let their hope grow before crushing it after a few seconds. Just when they turned around and broke out into a full run, she grabbed two arrows from her quiver and stopped both from running by aiming at their knees.

“I must say, Jennia was right. It is fun to destroy peoples hopes at the last moment.” She said amused.

“Please let us go, you will never see us again.” One of the two pleaded.

“Besides, its all the princes fault. We didn't even want to be here, he pressed us into it.” The other quickly added, drawing hope in Allaire's short pause after the first sentence.

These words caused her to raise her eyebrows slightly. While this initially made their hopes grow, her following words quickly dashed it.

“Do you think I can't see through lies? Had your words been true I would have considered it, but you wanted to hunt my husband. So be happy that I at least grant you a quick end.”

As soon as she finished those words she let go of her bowstring that had already two new arrows on it. Before the two could fully realize the meaning of her words her arrows had already reached their heads.

No letting her thoughts linger on them for a bit, she looked around while wondering out loud, “So, where has that prince gone.”

A moment later she found him, running after the previous group that tried to escape. Knowing that they are running directly towards Darganth, she wasn't in a hurry to follow them.

Leisurely walking the couple hundred meters back to the top of the hill, she was suddenly hit with another electric shock.

Quickly spinning to the side, she faced Jennia with an annoyed expression.

“The first I could understand, but for what was that.”

“Because I overheard you plan for later and am annoyed.” She said with a pleading look.

Knowing what she wanted, Allaire sighed before thinking about it for a bit. Seeing Jennia's smile growing along with her expectations, she soon came to a decision.

“Fine you can join us.” She said, causing Jennia to look at her in thanks.

“And I have to say, you are really growing more and more shameless every day. I still remember you blushing when I brought up the topic once.”

“Learned from you.” She answered with a shrug.

Slowly making their way towards the top, Allaire gave her a quick rundown of what happened on her part. When she finished she noticed the look that said 'told you so' from Jennia, causing her to quickly change the topic.

“So what did you do?”

Her question made Jennia explain while pouting, “I still was annoyed which ruined much of my fun. Especially as I overestimated the third rank in my group, leading to me using too much power against him.”

“And the rest?”

“I used gravity magic to make the area to a zero gravity one, but I hadn't expected them to be using internal aura. It was fun watching them flying towards the sky helplessly, though that made their ascend rather quick.”

Hearing this Allaire chuckled slightly, imagining the sight.

After a moment she added, “Oh, hopefully you cleared it up. Don't want to have it raining bodies down.”

“Of course.”

“Then the only remaining problem is one that we will solve in a bit.” Allaire said, with Jennia nodding in agreement.

Continuing their way for a bit, they could soon see Darganth and the group he had intercepted. In addition to that there were also the remain that Allaire had let go, though it didn't better the beastmen's situation.

The third rank that they had sensed was already missing, likely dead, while the remained of the rest had either followed that fate or was cowering in fear a few meters away from him. Even the prince seemed to have gained some semblance of reason, having dropped his arrogant demeanor.

“It seems that things here are also coming to an end.” Allaire said while observing the happening.

“Seems so.”

After a moment Jennia added, “What would you say to speeding this up?”

Seeing the mischievous smile on her face, Allaire understood her intentions. Giving her a quick nod, she watched as Jennia teleported next to Darganth.

Arriving there in her true form, she watched with a laugh as the remaining beastmen froze in fear. Just like the vampires before, they directly associated her seven heads with her being a mythical rank.

While this was happening, Allaire quickly arrived behind Darganth. Putting her arms over his shoulders, she pulled him closer and whispered in his ear.

“Stop playing with your prey, we something much more interesting planned.”

While he was slightly surprised by the we, he quickly understood the meaning and glanced to Jennia. Seeing her bright smile that was clearly noticeable despite being in her true form made hurry.

Waving his hand, he caused the remainder of their attackers to be swallowed by a wave of flames. With them taking care of, he turned in Allaire's embrace before picking her up in a princess carry. Without further words he teleported them into their hut, with Jennia quickly following back in human form.

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